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Xg - Active Management And Dead Divs

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So, I was honestly shocked to find out that xG still has servers for some divisions that are nearly always empty. I think it is time to trim the fat of the community and get rid of some of these dead divisions to free up funds for new things that will bring in members and give current members access to newer games.


I was looking at the only statistics I could find on the CS:GO div server and from what I can tell it is almost always empty or at most has 2-4 players for like an hour once a week... The staff don't even seem to actively play in the div.


Another thing I have found is that it seems a lot of the "higher ups" like CLs and DLs don't seem to be very active in ANY div that the clan has and I feel like the higher ups that are in charge of some important decisions regarding the future of this clan should play a more active role, and play on the servers to get to know more of the members.


I would like to hear other peoples' thoughts and opinions on this. :)

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The CS:GO servers were still under construction under very recently. I believe the official opening of CS:GO jailbreak is tomorrow. I wouldn't say that a division under construction is a "dead division".

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Free up funds for something like, a #FistfulofFragsdiv maybe?


I do see matsi's point, and it would probably make the clan better if CL's played on the servers, but it's important to note that they don't claim to speak for divisions they don't play in, and unless there is disagreement among dms and dls they leave decisions that affect a division to the higher ups of the division. It's not a perfect system we have, and it's clunky, but it isn't broken (not yet at least).


We do have a lot of dead divisions though, and it seems like some people from those divisions have forum powers for no reason, and that isn't really what we need. We should give them CL or demote them, we don't need unnecessary DLs and DMs. I'd say that's a bigger issue than CLs not playing on servers. And those dead servers could be converted into new games, so xG can grow. because right now xG is stagnant to dying, because higher ups seem scared of trying new things and growing the clan. Fear of failure is valid, but it's better to try and fail then to not try so we can die slowly. Because tf2 being popular is going to end some day, and when it does xG isn't going to survive without populating other games.


Just my two cents

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We've had instances lately of higher ups in divisions leaving the CLs out of things. And while part of that is on the DMs and DLs for not including them, I do feel like people don't think to include CLs because they don't see the CLs as an effective authority when they don't play on the servers. I don't see this trend changing anytime soon unless the CLs atleast make an effort to be more active, and staff of divisions work to keep them well informed. They can't do their jobs at all with no information, we need to work on that. The clan runs alot better when everyone is on the same page, and that simply just isn't happening right now, and that's on everyone

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CL's are supposed to be highest up right? The why the hell do they hold that power and basically just do 1 thing. The only thing i see them do is moderate forums. Not looking into community needs or wants, they just close threads before shitstorms and don't get back to us. Many people have said this before but Hiding seems to be the only non-biased CL. You guys have made some pretty biased decisions. Lets just use Rabids perm forum ban not too long ago as an example. Rabid was on his very last warning and when him and kypari got into a fight he was permed. The diabeetus, lee, and penguin disagreed with the perm ban saying it was kypari's fault and rabid retaliated, which he did do. But if you guys remember, kittylicious was demoted for retaliating and then eventually permed even though she was given 1 warning and not a single temp forum ban. I agreed with her ban, the problem i have is that when it comes to an old fag the CL's tend to say "it should have been a day, that was unfair." Don't do a ban this person perm for this but this guy gets a day ban for same thing. That is very biased and unfair, stick with one decision for all and they can appeal later.


Laziness: I have seen a lot of laziness in the way things are done for CL's. If you need an example look no further then the much neglected Staff Roster, Helpful Notes, Rules And Other Things . You guys updated it once or twice and never updated it again. All it is is adding and getting rid of 2 or 3 names every 2 weeks. I know you are making something similar now but this should have been updated months ago. Another thing is a situation me and @Rejects brought up to diabeetus. Ace thought that a ban on @Xerses should have been perm since at the time saying kill yourself was a permanent ban. He requested to speak with diabeetus as an appeal court but this time to extend a ban. He handed the evidence needed to diabeetus and it was about 15 minutes long. Guess what? Never heard from him again and he told us that he will talk to ALL tf2 higher ups about this. 2 weeks go by and rejects states that he never got a message from diabeetus about the ban. This ended up hurting us as the person who reported it ended up being disappointed in us and left completely saying he had given up on xG. Why would you offer to look into a ban and PROMISE to get back with him and never do another thing with it after words. Or how about when iggy was still permed from everything 2 weeks after vector was unbanned. Makes all of the CL's look horribly lazy in my eyes.


Poor behavior: Remember the british humor thread that was created new years day? Remember that was labeled the biggest shitstorm and most cancerous of threads. It got really bad almost as soon as it started. It was a massive shitpost with both sides literally shitposting. Usually it is closed/deleted as it hurts the image of xG. But what happens? Lee posts mid thread and it was not like a calm down, it was

These dank maymays are making me thirsty.
. As a community leader, how can you just allow a shitstorm to occur with full knowledge of it. Then it was not even deleted, with all of the shit and stuff that hurts our image, it was undeleted because old fags wanted it to be. Also why did Bleed have to close it and not lee who already commented on it? Remember when penguin posted promo demos. That is one thread that should be taken seriously, but what happened? Penguin decided to half ass it put bullshit in with the actual promo's. Like kbraszzz to kbraszz. CL's should take the job seriously and not do shit like that.


CL's do hold the highest power in the clan currently. But all they say they need to do is watch forums and teamspeak. Teamspeak is not hard to monitor at all and forums have multiple staff that can monitor it. Excuses do not help, you are community leaders. You hold a position and make decisions that effects EVERYONE in the community. You are not just teamspeak mods nor forum admins, you are leaders of the community and you should know ALL of the community before you make decisions impacting it. Realize you guys have not played on our servers at peak hours in months. The only time we see you is once every 4-5 months at the least. You guys did say you would get more active in tf2 but still have not seen that. Why keep people in power when they do minimal work.



Not disrespecting CL's in anyways but there are lots of concerns i needed to bring up.

just my 2 cents

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why keep a division that is dead server wise and let the DL's and DM's keep their forum powers?


The group is mostly Tf2 and MOBA.


Pulling the plug on CS:GO would open up more resources for new divisions and other things, like moosty said.

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Since nobody's done it yet

[uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] (sorry for the pointless notification diabeetus)

[uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP]

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Minecraft has been getting populated. Late nights have no population but in the day i see 3 people tops. It is hard to advertise for free and there is no server browser. You have to find or hear about them to be populated and not random click a server browsers list. I am redoing the factions to have a twist so it is more fun.

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Idk if any of this is relevant to the topic at hand but that's just the response I gave literately did not read one thing in this thread other than the comments on my post


Based off of the Tl;Dr responses I got i'll respond accordingly.

The reason I'm not permed is just like any other reason really, People feel remorse especially when somebody apologize's in a sincere fashion. I've been in the clan for nearly 5 years, and have told people this is my Internet home away from home (Our team speak we all use) Like I said in my apology thread (the most recent) I was in xG at a much different time when it wasn't all just about following strict rules (that are let lenient by people you become friends with) I've been staff countless times and I know how to talk my way through issues as well all these things help with how i'm not banned, and how some others are not banned that should be permed. (also remember i still have my get out of jail free card the mona pizza challenge) Kappa


Secondly on the population issue and why people are not joining and staying in the clan is simple, Nothing is appealing We've tried before with csgo jailbreak and bringing back css jailbreak with the #populate events but nothing stays the same forever, people get bored. and when it came to csgo jailbreak, what made us better than any other jailbreak? nothing. If anything we were just another server that used basic plugins and didn't code/map anything our selves. So if you want to populate the clan more and more take initiative learn coding, or do something productive towards the clan in a recruiting / populating way.

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It's a clan. I have only started learning about the intricacies of xG's structure recently so forgive me. A clan can only do so much. Even people who have great skill in coding (ie @Nomulous ) can only do so much with source. You can't host a server for every major multiplayer game. They all have periods of time where they are popular and times where they are not popular. Much of the hype has gone down about minecraft since 2009. Communities that are Minecraft SPECIFIC are well established and vibrant. Friendly Fire and Vatican City are 2 prime examples of tf2 SPECIFIC clans. xG need's to find its niche in gaming and people will realize how it can be a great place to be part of. Not necessarily a clan centered around 1 game, but something related to gaming should unite xG as it is....*surprise* a gaming clan. Everyone has a role and if you abuse, or neglect your position you should be prepared for the consequences of your actions. People who have been here a long time like xG a lot and I'd imagine they don't want to see people BM'ing each other of conflicts on the internet. xG has potential to be awesome clan (not that it isn't), but all these shitstorms and petty squabbles isn't going to help. This isn't 4chan ya know. People aren't going to like you for being a lazy jackass.

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I've had about 100 hours or so in our TF2 Servers over the course of a year or so. I wouldn't call myself active in that division, but it is a decent amount time spent in it for a game I do (generally) dislike. I spend my fair amount of time in our scrim servers (Csgo) and our overall teamspeak.

CL's do hold the highest power in the clan currently.

What makes you say this? Co-leader may have held such a power, but community leaders do not. Community leaders are supposed to moderate the forums, handle certain situations such as abuse/higher up problems, and teamspeak issues. CL's have their bounds as do DL's, DM's, ect. Or this was how it was operated before the leader position was removed, now I have no idea.



But I do agree when the CL interaction with the TF2 is minimal, for one reason or another. I feel if the TF2 community held more events I'd interact quite a bit more. I've joined whenever I knew the TF2 members just created the Slender server and needed people, but I've never been the type to hang out. Maybe that's my own fault. :(

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What makes you say this? Co-leader may have held such a power, but community leaders do not.


vvvvv This vvvvv


Community Leaders have the final say in anything

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I've always said that community leaders are a pointless position. They were used to make xG seem more democratic(At least that's what it seemed like when it was started). The jobs CLs have now are the same as Co Leaders now that the leader rank is gone, except now they handle some of the old DL stuff too. CLs were supposed to allow there to be an opinion coming from every division. Right now THREE are from a dead division(CS:S), one from csgo, and then Nom and Silence. TF2 is the most popular division we have, so why do they basically have 1(2 including silence if he's still active with it) CL(s) to begin with? If the other CLs don't want to be active on TF2, make an active tf2 member a CL. That's the option that makes the most sense.

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