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Hello fellow Xeno Gamers, this online foruming community is for SERIOUS discussion only!


So today in my post, I will be discussing the powers of the meme (pronounced meem, for all u sucka plebs out there) in our society.


The meme is a powerful thing. First of all, the meme influences our everyday lives more than you may think.


"But how?", you ask. Well, memes are in your brain. Think about it. When you saw this attempt at a dank meme, what did you first think? Was it that you loved the dashing color scheme in the picture? It definitely wasn't. You thought it was a nice meme.


This was just a preview, but if it intrigued you feel free to purchase my book at www.xDClan.com/MemesAndYou


Stay frosty,



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My discussion will be about the death penalty


What is the purpose of punishment? We take our lead from one major source, our parents—and they no doubt took their lead from their own parents. When your young child emulates what he just saw in a Rambo movie, you give him a stern lecture about what is real and what is not, what is acceptable in real life and what is not. When your child tries some crazy acrobatic move off a piece of furniture and hurts himself, you might spank him to be sure that he remembers never to do it again.


So when the child grows up, breaks into a home, and steals electronics, he gets caught and goes to prison. His time in prison is meant to deprive him of the freedom to go where he wants anywhere in the world, and to do what he wants when he wants. This is the punishment, and most people do learn from it. In general, no one wants to go back. But if that child grows up and murders someone for their wallet or just for fun, and they are in turn put to death, they are taught precisely nothing, because they are no longer alive to learn from it. We cannot rehabilitate a person by killing him or her.

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Interesting discussion topic "SoloMofo"


I want to add to this discussion about other discussions with a discussion about discussions.

Discussion makes others discuss about various discussion topics. The benefits of this is discussing discussions to be discussed.

Furthermore, discussing discussions encourages healthy discussion habits and the joy of discussing. If the discusser is particularly discussative, the discusser will discuss with other discussees about the joy of discussment, thus making discussing a positive discussion on our discussing lives.

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So when the child grows up, breaks into a home, and steals electronics, he gets caught and goes to prison. His time in prison is meant to deprive him of the freedom to go where he wants anywhere in the world, and to do what he wants when he wants. This is the punishment, and most people do learn from it. In general, no one wants to go back. But if that child grows up and murders someone for their wallet or just for fun, and they are in turn put to death, they are taught precisely nothing, because they are no longer alive to learn from it. We cannot rehabilitate a person by killing him or her.

Usually you'll only get put to death if you commits what they call CAPITOL MURDER, which from my understanding is pretty much when you either.... totally overkill... or torture, or I when you PLAN to do it rather than it being some random thing... I believe in most cases while being charged with capitol murder you can plead guilty for a reduced charge.


In the end, the laws/punishments, especially in the US are greatly unbalanced and dumb for example:


If you sell drugs to a child and they die because of it, you get like 5 years in prison, or more likely you get a new identity and living paid for by taxpayer if you turn on your supplier.

If you're 17 yrs old, and you send a picture of your dick to you 17 yr old girlfriend, or you look at a similar picture or even one of a 17yr old in like.. underwear.... you get marked as a sex offender the rest of your life... FOREVER, you can't get a job, state/gov assistance, and can't rent a place to live, most likely you wouldn't be able to get a loan for a home mortgage either or for a car.

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Well lets take a look at the word "Discussion" what does it really mean. The word came from Anglo-french and late Latin origin and holds the suffix "dis" meaning “apart,”“asunder,”“away,”“utterly,”or having appreciative, negative, or reversing force witch can be interpreted in many different ways. The word originally meant to conversation with your fellow man to talk about important things to benefit the the species for further life, like inventing the helicopter or the juice box and the bottle cap. If you would like to talk about this topic more visit www.serioustopics.com

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