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PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items

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Going to be hard to crack down on players that have inappropriate names on their weapons/items.

Especially Bello with his "Gaming.Dylan Blaster" :(

To clarify, we don't expect our staff to literally check all items/avatars at all times, but if staff happens to see an inappropriate avatar/item name/objector or is told that a certain person has an item that's breaking our rules, they should take action.

Also, you're still Gaming.Dylan! :rage:!

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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To do quick checks of someone with a sign or decal applicable item.


Do a steam report by pressing F7 and choose the players name, reason for report : Item Decal. You can scroll through all equipped decals the player has. If you find something then let them know to change it.


I've used this technique multiple times.

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Gonna bring up a few thoughts then. Firstly, what is considered acceptable or not acceptable in terms of nudity now? Bare butt checks? A bare male chest? Any showing skin? Would a super skimpy bikini be acceptable since it's technically nudity? How about covered butt checks, or butt checks in a thong? Also, I don't mean to assume but I take it "hate symbols" very much would exclude swastika's from being allowed to be displayed? If so, then what about the very clear image of Hitler and a swastika in the cells of casuarina on jailbreak or the Hitler boss of FF2 that displays them on the model? Are these just fine, yet players can't flaunt around with these images themselves?

I REALLY don't mean to whine or be petty with this, but my biggest point about this is I felt there was a fairly clear understanding about images beforehand and didn't notice a significant amount of confusion over such (in short genitalia or anything that broke other rules was unacceptable and where the line generally drawn). The rule about imagery certainly needed to be updated and worded better, but now to me it seems as if it's only created further confusion and conflict over what does and doesn't fall within the new ruling and what, if anything (beyond the inclusion about minors), has changed. I just want to know if i'm alone on this confusion, and the last few messages to this thread have lead me to believe otherwise.

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Gonna bring up a few thoughts then. Firstly, what is considered acceptable or not acceptable in terms of nudity now? Bare butt checks? A bare male chest? Any showing skin? Would a super skimpy bikini be acceptable since it's technically nudity? How about covered butt checks, or butt checks in a thong? Also, I don't mean to assume but I take it "hate symbols" very much would exclude swastika's from being allowed to be displayed? If so, then what about the very clear image of Hitler and a swastika in the cells of casuarina on jailbreak or the Hitler boss of FF2 that displays them on the model? Are these just fine, yet players can't flaunt around with these images themselves?

I REALLY don't mean to whine or be petty with this, but my biggest point about this is I felt there was a fairly clear understanding about images beforehand and didn't notice a significant amount of confusion over such (in short genitalia or anything that broke other rules was unacceptable and where the line generally drawn). The rule about imagery certainly needed to be updated and worded better, but now to me it seems as if it's only created further confusion and conflict over what does and doesn't fall within the new ruling and what, if anything (beyond the inclusion about minors), has changed. I just want to know if i'm alone on this confusion, and the last few messages to this thread have lead me to believe otherwise.


Agreed. Hell, even earlier today other staff members were saying "Well, ____ Staff Member said that ____ is allowed but ____ isn't". I don't care what ____ Staff Member said while in TS/Discord with 2 other people when the Higher-ups make the rules. Not saying we need any hard black/white rules here, just something we can use as a guideline when judging if a spray is appropriate or not. Especially since so many staff feel differently about certain subjects, having guidelines would keep players from getting misinformed on the rules because "Well, ____ said this was ok last night on the server".

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Agreed. Hell, even earlier today other staff members were saying "Well, ____ Staff Member said that ____ is allowed but ____ isn't". I don't care what ____ Staff Member said while in TS/Discord with 2 other people when the Higher-ups make the rules. Not saying we need any hard black/white rules here, just something we can use as a guideline when judging if a spray is appropriate or not. Especially since so many staff feel differently about certain subjects, having guidelines would keep players from getting misinformed on the rules because "Well, ____ said this was ok last night on the server".

I did originally ask for clarification and an explanation of what is allowed and what isn't since it was all coming down to which staff member wasn't on, similarly to the slur rule. I remember talking to Vexx and he said that things like butts and nipples (as long as not exposed or visible with see-through clothing) are allowed now. I also had to talk to Nutty to clarify what was classified as gore since it doesn't explain that well enough either.

Though it does mostly come down to common sense, this common sense is more opinion-based than actual common sense.

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