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Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2

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This is a mod app guys, not a debate about drugs. What really matters is how Logic acts while he is high on the server. Like Goblins said weed affects everyone differently, so how do we know if his behavior on drugs is good or bad? I would want an opinion from @Mr.LogicToast himself so it could be even clearer on how fit he is for the position.

Me and Supreme have already said that he acts pretty poorly and breaks server rules when he does get high. Otherwise he's alright.

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He is fairly mature and an active player. I am all for him getting the position (probationary mod)... but my one and ONLY concern was/is if it will affect his ability to moderate properly, nothing more or less. He does act off when he's on it and does get a little careless... other than that I really have no issue with him becoming staff. Also, I don't care at all if he smokes weed, thats his choice.


Update : Neutral


Just a heads up, @Supreme does not tag me.

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Okay I'm going to stay neutral on full moderator, Logic does handle rule-breakers okay but he acts really immature in our servers. I'd +1 for the idea of probationary mod, for now.

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I'm gonna +1 because he's pretty chill, I see him on the surf server pretty frequently and he tends to enforce rules pretty well even though he isn't a mod yet. He makes time on the server a bit better.

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Haven't player much with Logic so I can't really give my opinion.


On a completely different note, "gateway drug" theories are irrelevant as the argument is circular. Being exposed to harder drugs isn't a direct side effect of the gateway drug in question, merely the result of the drug being labeled "gateway". In this way the issue is with the law and not the "gateway" drug. Put another way, if weed is illegal, it is poor reasoning to keep it illegal solely because in its current illegal state pursuing the purchase of it may expose one to the purchase of other more dangerous illegal drugs. The same hypothetical negative effect would be seen if hamburger "users" were forced to buy their patties in back allies and street corners.


(There are legitimate negative effects to use of marijuana, as just by its own nature it leads to temporarily impaired rational thought and awareness of surroundings, while possible more permanent risks may be, inhaling carcinogens and contracting bronchitis.)


I really don't give a crap about anyone's opinion on weed though, it's almost completely irrelevant, just want to address a logical fallacy.

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You guys are hilarious.


If you're gonna -1 him over a status from april, then I have no words for this, lol. Please look through my statuses, I can guarantee that there is stuff that is 10 times stupider than this.


This is pathetic, Kypari.

Let me sidetrack you guys for a bit.

Back when I was around the age of 15/16 my friends and I would occasionally meet up to get drunk. It was hilarious and everyone had a good time.

Some people drink alcohol, some people smoke weed. Especially when you're at a younger age, you wanna try new things and if he decides to smoke weed every now and then, then I think that's fine.

Saying weed is a gateway drug is really sad and you should probably re-educate yourself if thats what you truly think.


President Obama smoked weed too when he was younger and so did Bill Clinton. I don't think either of those became a heroine addict and both became really successful in life.

That being said, if anyone wants to debate whether weed should be legalized not, cash me on discord and we'll do it over voice chat.

I don't think Logix is suitable for staff, as hes a bit immature. I feel like he sometimes doesn't know when to stop talking if you get me.

I'm however not gonna -1 either, since I think he's a chill and friendly person whom you can have some good fun with.

I have never seen him high on the servers. I know some people that really can't behave themselves properly when they're high and if he is one of these candidates, then he shouldn't be promoted.

But -1ing someone for smoking weed doesnt make a lot of sense IMO.


I wasn't entirely clear earlier, allow me to rephrase.

I'm well aware that weed doesn't cause a chemical addiction, doesn't have harmful effects, and is far less 'potent' then alcohol in general.

I don't care if he smokes weed or not, I think that's perfectly OK.

My problem is if he would moderate a xG server while high, and until I read the posts of the past week (a reminder; I've been camping on work during weekdays), I was convinced from multiple members saying he was frequently high on servers.

That's my fault, I see now that I made my comments before I did enough research to make a proper judgement. Sorry. :unsure: :S

I'm withdrawing my -1 and remaining neutral for now.


Regardless, I stand by my point: high, drunk, or whatever; I don't think you should be online moderating a server while your mind and judgement is being manipulated by an outside source.

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I wasn't entirely clear earlier, allow me to rephrase.

I'm well aware that weed doesn't cause a chemical addiction, doesn't have harmful effects, and is far less 'potent' then alcohol in general.

I don't care if he smokes weed or not, I think that's perfectly OK.

My problem is if he would moderate a xG server while high, and until I read the posts of the past week (a reminder; I've been camping on work during weekdays), I was convinced from multiple members saying he was frequently high on servers.

That's my fault, I see now that I made my comments before I did enough research to make a proper judgement. Sorry. :unsure: :S

I'm withdrawing my -1 and remaining neutral for now.


Regardless, I stand by my point: high, drunk, or whatever; I don't think you should be online moderating a server while your mind and judgement is being manipulated by an outside source.

Im keeping my +1 for probationary but I will say being able to moderate drunk/high is person to person. Moderation is part of responsibility. If someone abuses a substance to excess that shows immaturity as a person, not the drugs fault. A mature person taking a shot or two or a bowl or two I doubt anyone would notice a difference.

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Im keeping my +1 for probationary but I will say being able to moderate drunk/high is person to person. Moderation is part of responsibility. If someone abuses a substance to excess that shows immaturity as a person, not the drugs fault. A mature person taking a shot or two or a bowl or two I doubt anyone would notice a difference.


Ey, so long as you can maintain your fair judgement, right?

That's just something I wouldn't normally expect from someone who's on a high/drunk. :thinking:

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Ey, so long as you can maintain your fair judgement, right?

That's just something I wouldn't normally expect from someone who's on a high/drunk. :thinking:

Being shitfaced hasn't stopped me, it is all dependent on the person.

Saying this, I will alter my original decision of neutrality in favor of giving a +1 to Logic for probationary mod.

This sort of uncertainty on whether he can perform the job or not is exactly what the position "Probationary Moderator" was made for.

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The higher ups must have that GOOD kush

I cant edit so I'll say this isn't an attack, just pointing out the irony that a thread where the main issue was whether someone was cognizant enough to do their job was forgotten about.

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