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Nigga is not a slur.

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So if I may chime in for a hot second


@Jacklyn I totally respect your opinion on the word and have every right to argue to rule against it, but you gotta understand. There are people that get offended by it. It is most likely someone who is black is going to be offended, "Hard R" or not. The word itself, no matter what iteration of it has been used as a derogatory term for ages much like "Faggot", "Chink", and "Zipperhead".


Now like I said before, I respect your opinion and have the right to an opinion, but the reality of it is, no matter how many years, however many times the word is used "Hard R" or not, it will always be offencive on some level to somebody and you will never know who it is.

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I wanted to say something, but it seems everyone else has already done that for me... Darn.

I will address a few things though...


When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just

say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them

more notoriety for absolutely no reason

all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW

pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur


I uhh... This is a server for a video game... How much influence do you think we have on society?


This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time

on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?

No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens


Actually, you could totally go to the Admins about that. There's a rule that states (and it's different on every server... no idea why...) : Respect all players.

If someone is deliberately being a dingus to you because you're a girl, then that's player disrespect which is actually against the rules. Sounds to me like whoever you play with don't do their job in that regard...



xG claims to be a "safe space"


Oh God... Oh God no... I really hope other people don't actually feel like that and that it's just a meme. This is a video game server. Where people go to have a bit of fun after a crappy day of work/school or whatever. The rules are just in place so people can play a game without someone calling them racially based insults or subject them to pictures of gore porn.


people like Rub1dium get hunted down

through facebook by an absolute creep


Wait, what?...


Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies


+1 for just this part. This part is true. Higher-ups are currently working on this, and we'll hopefully see a change soon.


Other than that -1. It's considered a slur by uhh... a large majority of society... and therefore it's against the rules.

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I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.


Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally

NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be

a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just

say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them

more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga

is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.


This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time

on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?

That's kinda completely your fault though. If there's no staff online when you're being bothered and you're not trying to do anything about it because you don't want to, you can't be helped and have no right to complain.

The rest has already been stated by the other higher ups.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I'm sorry that I'm not contributing anything in this reply, but I feel as if it's not needed.


I will say that you're stupid as hell for thinking the term "nigga" is not a slur or slang. Use your damn head before you make threads like this.

Plus it doesn't matter if someone uses it as a "term for endearment"; It's still a slur/slang in the long run.


I find this to be

a breach of free speech.


You have no idea what "Free Speech" actually is. Just stop.


This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time

on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?

No. Because I'm not a fricking taco butt birch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.


This is because you act as if this a joke. If staff can see that it's fine, then they won't do anything. Plus this is completely different than using a slur.

Stereotyping someone won't really get you in trouble unless it's going too far or the person doesn't like how they're being treated because of it.


because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW

pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.


Because no matter what, the word will have power. You can't just take that away from literally everyone who comes across the servers.

Go use the word in a public setting. See how many people look at you like you're out of your mind. The word may be banned here in xG, but in society it's almost just as banned. It's very frowned upon.


So please, use your head and think a lot more. They say there is no such thing as stupid questions, but this thread proves that wrong.

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Why did you bring up the situation with rubidium

and people like Rub1dium get hunted down

through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????

What does that situation have anything to do with xG at all? That guy starting to harrass her through facebook was a mistake on rubi's part because she gave him her real name.

And we couldnt have possibly known about the situation because she only brought it to my attention like 2 days ago which I shared with @Vector who im sure will take any action neceasary towards the guy next time he sees him do anything of the sort on our servers again.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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That's just unnecessary, if you're not here to vouch an actual reason don't post at all. simple as that

Actually fuck off for that comment, people are in fact allowed to joke in this clan.

If you cant take it then contact a higher up and they will remove the post if necessary.




Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Nigga is used mainly among African Americans, but also among other minorities and ethnicities, in a neutral or familiar way and as a friendly term of address. It is also common in rap music. However, nigga is taken to be extremely offensive when used by outsiders. Many people consider this word to be equally as offensive as nigger. The words nigger and nigga are pronounced alike in certain dialects, and so it has been claimed that they are one and the same word.



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It's really not all about that, it's secondary to the points I made after and I used it as an example of hypocrisy.

As much as I hate to say it, hypocrisy does run rampant around the Servers. However, it is also something that is nearly impossible to mediate since it's most commonly associated with some sort of bias in the Player/Staff. It will always be present, but that does not mean we expect our Players to sit idly by while it happens. If our Players can actively make a difference by voicing their concerns in the form of a thread (case-in-point this thread), then everyone can grow and learn from it. Regardless of what anyone says, I still implore you that you voice anything and everything, as this is what is needed for positive growth, however frivolous or trivial it may seem to others.


With that said, please keep in mind that our rules and guidelines were not put in place with the intention to oppress race, ethnicity, gender or anything of the sort. Xeno Gamers, as a community, strives to foster a healthy gaming environment that everyone can enjoy. This means trying our best to eliminate any sort of hate speech, derogatory language, or other content that may be offensive. While that may seem like an impossible task [given the amount of bias and hypocrisy] we still make it a point to demonstrate to our Players that we are trying.


If you ever feel that Staff are stepping over-the-line in terms of breaking our own rules, then please do not hesitate to report them to a Higher-Up or post a 'Report Abuse' or 'Member Protest' thread with adequate and supporting evidence.


Improvement starts when we take action on what the community wants; without that we won't go anywhere.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Actually frick off for that comment, people are in fact allowed to joke in this clan.

If you cant take it then contact a higher up and they will remove the post if necessary.




the irony of this thread and your comment and the fact you rating bombed me proves youre not taking jokes lightly xd



I'm not defending Jackie or anything but she should be allowed the human decency of a semi professional response without being heckled by passive aggressive comments. you dummy

Edited by Blizzard (see edit history)

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the irony of this thread and your comment and the fact you rating bombed me proves youre not taking jokes lightly xd

How do you expect me to think this thread is ironic/a joke in the slightest when i dont know the person who made it?


In what way was your rating a "joke"?

I'm not defending Jackie or anything but she should be allowed the human decency of a semi professional response without being heckled by passive aggressive comments. you dummy

How was that passive aggressive in any way??? Lmao jfc @grap_grop is not her parent why would he actually be mad about her not going outside


Holy shit you're dumb as a brick


PS. You're in no place to tell anyone what they can and cant post in the first place, most you should do is ask a higher up if its an alright post and like i said if its not they'll take care of it

Edited by Egossi (see edit history)

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the irony of this thread and your comment and the fact you rating bombed me proves youre not taking jokes lightly xd



I'm not defending Jackie or anything but she should be allowed the human decency of a semi professional response without being heckled by passive aggressive comments. you dummy

Jackie's whole fucking post was passive aggressive.

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I'm not sure why you should be rude back. Especially as a staff member. You can be the more mature person instead of acting like an absolute child

I'm not saying you should, I just think it's odd that people are scratching their heads wondering why people are reacting with hostility to a post that was incredibly hostile.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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