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My name comes from an old friend I still play with to this day. I used to play a ton of dodgeball under the name Toast. Long story short, she messed up spelling my name and I use "tatost" now just to mess with her. It's not really special tbh, but it was funny as fudge when it happened. Never really got around to changing it. If I did, my name would probably be my first name, Matthew, with a twist to it.

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Caleb. Caleb of the 956th division of Sand.

The 9 stands for the different legions under my control, each one controlling a different aspect of my kingdom, based on my orders.


The 5 stands for the generation of Sand Leader that we are on, before me there was uneasiness, and no confidence in the order, with me in the throne, we are strong, but only in numbers.


The 6 stands for the number of opposing clans we have vanquished, all of them much greater at one time than the Kingdom of Sand.  We have faith that we would come out victorious, and we prevailed through.



Or maybe the numbers at the end of my name are random..... Iunno.

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My gf did a magic trick for me at my graduation and it was super impressive and ended with her pulling the queen of hearts saying "I was the queen of her heart" Kept it ever since

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when i was 8 i used to like wearing gloves and my cousin who was 15 at the time said "you're like a gloved man" and you can say it fit like a glove. it went through iterations before theoneglove from my friends irl always saying "is that THE oneglove?!"

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I'll go first, basically... my name is Danny (wowie who could've guessed) and my last name is something very similair to Picasso the famous artist (it's not picacho lmao). As far back as I can tell, the name "picacho" came from some kid who either had a speech impediment or bullied my dad for his last name. My dad found it kidna funny or something and his username (on like AOL or something) became somethinpicacho (not gonna tell you, the somethin is replaced by his nickname as a kid). My older brother has the same name as him so when we started playng our first games (club fudgeing penguin) he straight robbed that username from my dad. My dad didn't care and since he made my account for me he just replace the somethin with Danny (wow see where this is going). So I stuck with it.

Don't worry about pronouncing it right (even though it's really not that fudgein hard, literally just picasso like the famous artist you learned about in grade 2 but replace the "ss" with a "ch" sound). Anything you try to come up with has most likely been said before. Pistachio (favourite one and most common), pikachu, pickle, pinocchio, pichacho (most common mistake because ppl don't know how to read), piccolo, etc. Even "Danny picks a chode (I came up with it before anyone else did)".

cool beans ?

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Okay so my name is Precious because I was trying to look for a new name to replace Cieheart8 (my previous name before xG) and my ex used to call me his precious little slutboi, so I just used that.... heh. Even after we broke up, the name just stuck with me, though I ended up eventually just removing the slutboi from my name and just being Precious. :3

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I came up with Nyxll because while it is one of my IRL middle names. That is one of the names that does not really come up much. I know unrealistic. But because of that fact, I chose that as my username.


I do sometimes go by my first name, but it is, sometimes.

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< Guess? 

No but all jokes aside for my in-game name "Bot" I used to play with some friends that had already been playing this game for a while when I first started and so they usually tossed me an AWP and told me to shoot at people. Well, at about 20 hours of play time queued with and against people with 1000-2000 hours (SMFC-GE before rank reset) I stuck out as the potato in the lobby usually racking up 1-6 kills the ENTIRE GAME. Anyway, on to the "Bot" part, one time I was kicked from the game for inactivity in a comp. match because I was helping my dad with something I believe and so a Bot was put in my place. The Bot ended up getting 13 kills that game which was about 2x more than I had ever gotten. So of course I join into the next game and every time I did anything wrong my "friends" said I was worse than a bot. Eventually to be able to roast me more it was just shortened to, "he plays like a Bot", or "Missing shots like a Bot", and other similar things. As I progressed and slowly got better and the ranks reset I was playing with people more around my rank and staying in 1st-3rd on the leader boards with my friends and became pretty good with the AWP. Of course, my friends had no more right to call me a Bot because they were slowly becoming worse than me, (I kinda no lifed this game for a bit) and so one day I came into the lobby with the name Bot and carried the crap out of them for 4 games in a row, and it was at this moment that Bot became a positive thing instead of negative thing. For a few days I played with the name and just never got around to changing it back (used to be Osiris, I know it sounds like a 12 year olds roblox name) and so ever since I have been Bot. 

I officially have way too much time on my hands sorry for this story time. 


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