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Disable AIA on surf pre-round

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As many people on surf may have figured out, at the beginning of every map a plugin called advanced infinite ammo (AIA) is enabled on our surf server. This is normally a fun command however there is an exploit that allows Demo Man to infinitely charge into a supply cabinet/wall and make an exceptionally loud crashing sound/scream over and over again for the thirty seconds. While at first many people laughed and thought this was fun, quickly many people are becoming increasingly frustrated and annoyed by it due to noise and ear rape for lack of better terms. When staff or players ask others to stop this I've noticed people can hardly hear voice over the sound which only makes things worse. I would like to assert that we disable the plugin (sm_aia_waitingforplayers "0") or disable demo weapons that allow for charge (sm_aia_disabledweapons "....") top avoid this exploit

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I don't mind doing this, but it's not surf specific - it happens on all servers. It can be pretty frustrating when you're trying to speak and people are charging infinitely into the walls, though it is very funny otherwise.

+1 to disable aia on pre-round for all servers, but as I said I am mostly indifferent.

Edited by Kypari (see edit history)

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I don't see the need. It's literally only 30 seconds, your conversation can wait. And if it can't then type it in the text channel. And if it's too loud, you can turn down the game volume.


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-1 'Tis a property of the AIA plugin and not a exploit since it does, ya know... give infinite ammo. This problem can easily be fixed by simply walking away from the sound (since its not a server wide sound problem) and if you want to give warnings to people you can also use the chat function as a way to communicate to people if you're really stubborn on not being able to walk away from the demo spam to give a proper warning. 

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-1 because I’m going to correct some things (sorry if formatting turns garbage I’m on my phone) 

1.its not a supply cabinet, it’s just demoman himself

2.its only 20 seconds at best if you connect right away

3.its not even as loud as you’re making it out to be, all you have to do is distance yourself a tiny bit to hear whoever is talking, what you’re saying with not being able to hear anyone is if you’re charging yourself. 

4.its not an exploit because everything else is given infinite ammo, which so happens to include charge.

Honestly the amount of people who are genuinely upset about this is so small compared to the amount of people who don’t care at all. Is it really that hard to simply l, idk, walk 2 steps away from a charging demo. It’s literally only 20 seconds out of a whole 25 minutes on surf. Majority of players don’t even load in at that time. Getting rid of this continues on how nitpicky some people are about the slightest fun.


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+1  even though I find the infinite ammo and charging funny, if it's bothering some users we should just remove it.

Removing it isn't even that big of a deal, nobody is really going to miss it going away.

If it's forcing some people to turn their actual game sound down for a pointless thing at the beginning of rounds it should just get removed.

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-1 I don't think this even needed to be a thread. A brief 30 second period designed to be a short goof-off grace period before everyone loads in isn't the most catastrophic time to have a demoman make a proximity-based noise. I highly doubt that that many people can't stand something so small, when hardly anyone complains about it at all. It's not that deep.

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Shouldn't this be a poll or something?

Still, -1 only since it seems very minor to worry about.

Also, stripping little fun things away eventually adds up over time, making things feel kinda...soulless? Imo anyways.

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6 minutes ago, grap_grop said:

-1 I don't think this even needed to be a thread.


6 minutes ago, grap_grop said:

a proximity-based noise. I highly doubt that that many people can't stand something so small, when hardly anyone complains about it at all. It's not that deep.

On surf, the spawns are almost always right next to each other (linear maps), so it definitely makes more sense to disable aia on just surf only. Despite being a proximity-based noise, the entire server would hear it that have loaded in.


As I said I don't really mind overall, it's a small issue but I have heard a few people getting flustered about it. Now I've thought about it I would just make it surf based only.

Edited by Kypari (see edit history)

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42 minutes ago, NitNat said:

1.its not a supply cabinet, it’s just demoman himself

I didn't realize that, i thought it had to do with location on the map due to where people always go to do so ty for clarifying.

43 minutes ago, NitNat said:

2.its only 20 seconds at best if you connect right away

the time doesn't really matter that much. its like an alarm clock in the morning. the bigger point is that its obnoxious and draws your attention not that it lasts forever.

45 minutes ago, NitNat said:

3.its not even as loud as you’re making it out to be, all you have to do is distance yourself a tiny bit to hear whoever is talking, what you’re saying with not being able to hear anyone is if you’re charging yourself. 

Yes, but when you spawn in you're wasd frozen for a few seconds right next to it which is more than enough to drive a lot of players insane (in my experience)

48 minutes ago, NitNat said:

4.its not an exploit because everything else is given infinite ammo, which so happens to include charge.

its done to exploit the sound and shake the screen. I'm not saying they're exploiting the game or server, they're exploiting the plugin. I'm fairly sure the plugin wasn't written to specifically encourage demo charging into a wall and therefore is an exploit. If that is incorrect, please let me know

3 minutes ago, Sesh said:

Also, stripping little fun things away eventually adds up over time, making things feel kinda...soulless? Imo anyways.

i don't mean to remove fun poop, its just getting on peoples nerves from what i've observed so in my eyes its more just an issue of enabling trolling. 


Once again, its just as viable to disable AIA on certain weapons which doesn't seem like a bad compromise in my opinion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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And just to restate: I am talking only about surf. No other maps or game modes have an issue with this that I am aware of

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2 minutes ago, Johny3Tears said:

Yes, but when you spawn in you're wasd frozen for a few seconds right next to it which is more than enough to drive a lot of players insane (in my experience)

That makes no sense whatsoever. If you're ''wasd frozen'' then how the hell is the demo spam even happening? Everyone is wasd frozen (which means no demo spam atm) so that point is immediately invalid. And with that, you can still simply walk away from the sound and do what ever.

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1 minute ago, YeEternalTuna said:

That makes no sense whatsoever. If you're ''wasd frozen'' then how the hell is the demo spam even happening? Everyone is wasd frozen (which means no demo spam atm) so that point is immediately invalid. And with that, you can still simply walk away from the sound and do what ever.

because other players arrive into the server at different times, which AFAIK is the reason for the allotted time pre-round so you're just sitting there not being able to move forward while other players are. Idk maybe apparently this only affects my game then, and I just wasn't aware. but even if that is local to only my game the sound can be heard from menu screens while selecting class and spawning in regardless.

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1 minute ago, YeEternalTuna said:

That makes no sense whatsoever. If you're ''wasd frozen'' then how the hell is the demo spam even happening? Everyone is wasd frozen (which means no demo spam atm) so that point is immediately invalid. And with that, you can still simply walk away from the sound and do what ever.

If I remember correctly, at the start (very beginning, everyone was frozen) of a round of surf_toast, you and others were doing said exploit, meaning that this is invalid as well.

As for the overall vote, +1 for removal since it is an exploit. This means it is somewhat against rules, and since it is also spam it is more "harmful" than other exploits, meaning it has the potential to be game ruining. Not saying that is the case now, but if it evolves into something worse, there will be worse consequences.

And something strange I see is that people are calling it "fun" to do this. How in any way, shape, or form is being obnoxiously loud in an exploit for the soul purpose of rebelling against server constructs fun?

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I'd like to also bring up that if it really bugs you that much you can manually find the demoknight sound files and lower/edit them. I know the obvious retort to this is that "but that puts me at a disadvantage against enemy demoknights", and my counter to that is lmao dude ur playing on surf a spy can backwards bhop at lightspeed into your face and backstab you, you've already forsaken playing the game in any serious manner. 

Also this happens on each trade server at the beginning of the round and it's never really been that bothersome imo. It's pointless having infinite ammo for the 30 seconds before round, but every kill within those 30 seconds is pointless, so idk, it makes an otherwise pointless time period on the server more interesting I guess? 


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