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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

    +1 free brian
  2. 2 points

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

    Brian is the new @@QuangTang +1 for unban
  3. 1 point

    jailbreak video here!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMyeYtgHRyE just some funny moments from an evening of jailbreak that i whipped up in a couple of minuets. please enjoy!
  4. 1 point

    That League Match

  5. 1 point

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Han Yolo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34560453 Information: I used godmode, since I had originally planned to use it as a donator power. I know this, because I'm the one who meant to set it up as a donator power, and gave it to myself, as well as all of my admins, some wiggle room and test it, which they all know, and had told them several times. Plus, it doesn't protect again airblast or taunt-stuns. So I warned them to stop. They continued. It was really just some donator issues. Plus, I had already been removed from sourcebans, but still had powers somehow. If anything, I'd like the ban to be shorten, since it was a donator abuse of power, not a former Co-Leader abuse of power.
  6. 1 point

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

    +1 Because i have never seen brain abuse powers before. Besides if we are going to talk about people abusing powers......
  7. 1 point

    Unban request

    Did he give two seconds during the process of saying squidward? or did he wait 5 seconds after saying "squidward" and then give a time that was 2 seconds? People can just say "do this by now" after 20 seconds of people asking "BY WHEN YOU HOE#!$%#%#$^"
  8. 1 point

    Peechis_Jr - Garry's Mod

    +1 i liek peechis he's a good guy knows da rulez
  9. 1 point

    It was great when it was happening

    Sorry to see you go, hope you have fun elsewhere though, you're always welcome on our servers and on Teamspeak.
  10. 1 point
    +1 +1 and +1 again. Speed was one of our more prominent members of xG, always enforcing rules and such as an admin and just generally being a great guy to hang out with. You could always count on him to be on the servers when Staff Members were needed, and even as a member of WD, he still continued to be an avid player in the xG servers and showed leader-like qualities (attempting to resolve problems when they arose between WD and xG). Made an excellent addition to xG back then, and will still make an excellent addition now. A: 8/10 - Almost always see him on CS:S Jailbreak as well as other servers like Minigames or Surf. He's on for extended periods of time (longer then myself) nearly every day. All that is lacking is the activity on our TeamSpeak server, which would only make him that much more in terms of being an xG member. Activity is where it should be. M: ★10/10★ - This guy, always for the people. When I say that, I mean he is literally always pointing out when a rule has been broken both in public chat (to let the player be aware) as well as notifying Staff Members to resolve any issues. Back when he was an xG member he did an amazing job as Admin, and always kept a level head when working with problems. He even took the time to attempt to resolve issues between WD and xG, and that's more then enough for me to give a 10/10. Maturity exceeds where it should be. D: +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 . I can tell that you will be rising through the ranks as you did before (probably passing my current position) already. If not, it'll be just like back then man, both of us Moderators and being the only ones on to moderate and keeping everything locked up tighter then a chinese finger trap. - Dat guy, Forest
  11. 1 point

    Xeno Gamers YouTube

    you realize this was taken off the xg youtube channel, right? this is one of the original vids. Uhhhh I don't think so but I'm uploading it now!
  12. 1 point
    +1, great player, fun to be around with, knows the rules, and we all want him back A:8 M:8
  13. 1 point
    +1 for his age, we need a mature person in xG that is over 100 A:8/10 M"10/10 Welcome back ma nikka!
  14. 1 point


    +1 Good guy. Fair. Polite. Follows the rules. Doesn't complain. Doesn't lie.
  15. 1 point


    you're all wrong, as shown in this very thread. he couldn't even last 2 hours.
  16. 1 point


    you were still in the clan?
  17. 1 point


    I don't hate you. You're just fucking annoying. So annoying to the point where I don't hate you, but fiercely dislike you. Oh, and 2 days.
  18. 1 point

    To friends and lovers,

    D; mashta
  19. 1 point

    To friends and lovers,

  20. 1 point

    To friends and lovers,

    mr nicholas
  21. 1 point

    To friends and lovers,

  22. 1 point

    To friends and lovers,

  23. 1 point

    Minigames Revamp?

    first thing's first, HUB! +1
  24. 1 point

    Not Coming Back

    I'll start off by saying this is a formal resignation. I wont be "hanging around" or "stopping by the servers." Im done with the bullshit half this clan puts out on a daily routine. The leader couldnt give 2 fucks about his communities opinion and it gets worse every day, and until today, I didnt know why. I devote basically all my free time to improving and fixing up GMod and what I get in return is nonstop bullshit about how nothing is the way they like it. News fucking flash, I realize that the server is a work in progress, if you want to help, do something instead of bitching. So today I realized it, he doesnt care cause you take all this shit he does for you for granted. The community shits all over him and my guess is hes learned to ignore your constant bitching. Then youve got the fucking pretentious morons who act professional and above everyone when they feel like it, and when they fuck up and face the rules, exceptions are given to them. If theyre liked by anyone with power, they get a fucking free pass. Basically ive realized what xG has become and I'm not looking forward to representing people like this anymore. Remove me from server box, change the rcon, do everything. I'm not coming back, and for the record, im not leaving for GG or any stupid childish bullshit charrax has come up with. I doubt ill even join any clan, because when you get down to it, theyre all the same. Some things I have to say to people. @@Chrono I'd say youre pathetic and a hypocrite for reasons I dont care to put down. @autumn while you may piss me the fuck off, that doesnt change the success you have with xG. No matter what I think of you, youre the one with a huge following and popular servers. Good luck. @@Warriorsfury I dont even have anything to say to you, I have just never liked you. @@Forest @@DMTwired @@Duckii @@DeathGod @@MuffinMonster You guys somehow kept me here. Love to all of you. Dont give a fuck how much I'm ridiculed or if I'm banned or whatever my departure may invoke. I just want nothing to do with this bullshit any longer. Adios, xenogamers.
  25. 1 point

    Bad Mods making up rules.

    You should read up on the thread before you talk out your ass, kid. Why does everyone find it necessary to provide some sort of smart ass comment to other people's replies. Again, wasn't really necessary. Obviously there is no definite answer on this rule, so why don't we all just calm down and figure that out. Being dicks to each other isn't mature. I think we need input from @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Chrono about this "rule". Is it really that hard to let something as simple as a freeslay (which by the way was in no way intentional, it was an ACCIDENT) go, and actually solve the problem?
  26. 0 points

    Unban request

    Why can't servers just record the gameplay and store it on a giant file ;_; jeez
  27. 0 points

    To friends and lovers,

    I'll be counting down. When you get back, we shall drop the bass and party like no other man. :eek:
  28. -1 points

    Xeno Gamers YouTube

  29. -1 points

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

    -1 Faggot leave him banned
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