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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/13 in all areas

  1. 7 points

    Great Job

    Not only did you manage to piss off one of the largest map/model makers in TF2, but now you're in even deeper shit, because he has a ton of connections. You have no respect for anybody anymore. I already blacklisted all xG servers. http://www.8bitsandwich.com/content/avoid-clan-xenogamers Congrats. Now we'll never see another ported map from TF2, and you'll be on a lot of people's shitlist. Including mine.
  2. 4 points
    FINE I'll restart programming for it this tuesday (finished a large portion of bug fixes for tf2 jb) now leave me alone :C
  3. 3 points

    Great Job

    Alright, this is along the same issue with the HG map in jailbreak. First, if it's uploaded anyone can use it, VALVe's ToS states that any map online is fair-game for use. It's only a copyright violation if I were to decompile it and release an edited version (which I have not done). Secondly, he compared me to PBFortress owner 'Playboy', claiming I did the exact same thing he did. However, if you were to read over this conversation, you would realize that that his statement is false. 'Playboy' was going to pay someone $300-$800 dollars to edit the map, which is against VALVe's ToS (since he didn't have permission from the author) and illegal since he doesn't own the textures/models ripped from SM64. I have not asked anyone to edit the map, nor have edited it myself. I simply filtered out the map protection so I could use it on our server. This is not violating VALVe's ToS so I see no wrong. Also with mabevillage, I simply renamed it to trade_mabevillage and threw it on the server. It loaded but there were graphical issues. I did not convert it nor decompile it so accusing me of doing so is an extremely rash decision. Now, the fact that he is acting extremely immature about the whole situation, blocking any xG members, and posting my IPs on that post he made shows his maturity and how underdeveloped the person we are dealing with is. If you were to look through his posts, he has had issues with many other people in the past. He trashes other map creators on his blog, and complains that nobody plays his maps. I'm not saying his maps are bad (they are amazing) but he was using GameServers as his GSP and complained about them on his blog, citing constant downtime and whatnot. Because of the lack of donations and server downtime, he recently cancelled the server and announced he was done with the Source engine and would not be releasing any content. I contacted him about it and asked if he would be willing to upload the maps, which he refused. I then expressed my condolences and offered him a server to continue his work on, with zero strings attached and no references to xG (I tend to support dev's with servers ranging from time periods of 3-6 months, I like to support the Source community. I've supported maybe 10 projects since the creation of xG) but he humbly declined. I did infact lie that I wouldn't use the maps (I'm Jewish, sue me) and that is the only accusation that is true. The rest are 100% false. Some of statements are a bit shocking and tell me the type of person I ticked off. He claims that people take advantage of him, even though he is posting something that is deemed for public use if someone get's the map, and insists that the content he posted for a community (TF2) that is largely based around the Steam Workshop for thousands of custom work is not for other people's use. That's fine, however as soon as he uploaded his files to a public place, according to VALVe's ToS, it is deemed public and no restrictions for standard usage can be placed on it. He claims that you need his permission for standard usage, but that is stated otherwise in VALVe's ToS. The fact that he stated this: tells me he simply will not accept this fact and anyone who uses his content is taking advantage of him, which is downright false. Most people would fine comfort in a large amount of people using their creations, and the more people who use it, the more feedback the author will get and recognition. However, with him, it is the exact opposite and he doesn't want his work spread around, nor recognition from the TF2 community, which is completely fine! But inhibiting me for using the content that you uploaded to the internet is crazy, especially since my usage of it is completely legal. Finally, although what I did might be frowned upon, I have done nothing illegal or violated VALVe's ToS. The main reason for going out of my to add the map was that I want the best experience for our players, and will achieve it without breaking the law. I have not done that, so I see zero reason to remove the map, other then from the author's moral standpoint and not my own. The only thing I have done was lie, and I apologize for it.
  4. 3 points

    Great Job

    we permed some1 from our community and servers for aimbotting in css offline in a BOT match with xG tags on, then posting some video on youtube or some shit "didnt want xG represented this way" was the reason Now we're stealing maps?
  5. 2 points

    Wheres John?

    He probably realized how much he abuseda s a DM and personally banned himself.
  6. 2 points

    Great Job

    Gah, who cares that this guy has his jimmies all rustled. If you don't want something to be publicly accessible, then don't upload it, simple as that. Sure, it was indecent for Silence to do it anyways when told not to, but it's not like he did it to specifically spite the guy so much as he did it to attract more players to the TF2 Division. I will admit that it's a shame that the guy branded Every xG member as indecent or a liar, because like Jake so perfectly said: You can't expect to create or make something amazing and expect that Everyone who has access to it is going to be decent (especially when dealing with it Online, where it's so much easier to get away with). That's just ignorant and naive. There will be people to take it regardless, people who edit it to their liking and etc because they Enjoy the creator's product/map/whatever. If what Silence said is true, he broke no ToS and that guy shouldn't have such high expectations when dealing with these sort of things. Honestly, the fact that Silence tried so hard to obtain the map should be treated like this from this guy; A. He took it without permission, I should be upset. BUT B. He went through all that effort just to get one of my maps, I really should take that as a compliment. If people weren't so one-sided and weighed in both sides, they wouldn't jump to drastic measures so damn quickly. Just my 2 cents on all this. - Dat guy, Forest
  7. 2 points

    Great Job

    Well xG deserved it, that's what we get for being retards. Glad I left I wish someone can just ban you.
  8. 2 points

    Great Job

    Silence might be a scumbag, but the owner of that website is an asshat. Trying to claim all of us are thieves is like trying to claim every black guy is a thug just because one of them stole my bike when I was little.
  9. 2 points

    Great Job

    I thought you left? But how can you judge a whole community based on a flawed leader no one in the community sees or agrees with? lol #Iran #Iraq #MiddleEast #Muslims
  10. 2 points


    I see abuse all the time with admins too, as you stated, they do not care about the clan. If we had people who knew how to code, how to get the word of xG out there, and who did it for free because they care about the clan, we would be thriving.
  11. 2 points


    Without CS:S, xG would crumble. xG will continue to die as long as you promote staff that are not as interested in the clan. They're just interested in their rank. That and along with Silence not trusting anyone enough to allow them to actually run a division and have full access. Nothing will get done with Silence attempting to do everything. You need leaders and you have none. No one even cares about the clan anymore. CS:S will be, and continue to be, the main contributing division if you actually have someone to run its entirety. Edit: And will continue to crumble when you promote people solely on activity instead of their contributions and what they can bring to the clan. Division Leaders should actually be able to lead their divisions and run them. Teach them if its needed.
  12. 2 points


    Without CS:S, xG would still run, but with CS GO and TF2 picking up, CS:S wont always be the "main" division anymore. Though i do hope things get better for xG, i dont see it happening soon.
  13. 2 points

    PoopyDoop - Counter-Strike: Source

    I'm sorry Duckii, I am going to have to -1. It's not anything personal but it's on more of an xG scale and I will try to share my complete unbiased opinion. There are basically two things that makes me want to -1. The first is the issue of liability. We've tried to help you in the past with your real life problems, obviously they aren't a joke. You say they have gotten better and you have learned to cope more or less, and I hope they did. But, if god forbid something did happen then xG could be held liable and the people affiliated with it could be facing serious shit. The second is more of the issue of drama. An internet clan by it's nature is somewhere were people go to chill and have fun, kinda an outlet from the stresses of RL. Having to deal with with drama caused by your personal problems and by these regular ban protests is really against what the clan is for. And as said earlier, you sometimes tend to target people ingame and on the forums because they share a different opinion and make the issue quiet public.
  14. 2 points
    +0 bla bla bla bla bla
  15. 1 point

    PuppyLuv - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: ♡❤PuppyLuv❤♡ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:44613559 Information: I am sorry for mass free killing. I thought it was an invalid free day, and I shot those who shot guns and where knifing people. I would like a shortened ban because I wasn't listening to Wardens orders. I know what I did was wrong because I didn't mean to kill all those T's.
  16. 1 point

    PoopyDoop - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: DuckiiJr. Steam ID: It's a FORUM ban Information: It's been almost 4 month since I was permanently from the forums. Forums. Forums. Forums. <-------------- JUST BEING CLEAR THAT IT'S A FORUM BAN YA KNOW XD. I'm hoping that you people will forgive and forget, even though I didn't do anything wrong. I would also like to point out: At the time of my forum ban I was perfectly FINE. But someone had to ruin it by starting a rumor. Yes. A rumor. I am sick of getting all this shit from people here. What you guys made up is sickening, especially when you guys know I've had trouble with depression and shit through the past couple years. But I have found people. People who make me actually feel somewhat cared about. People who make me happier. Yes I'm still often depressed, but I have tried my best to try and hide it from the public. I talk to trusted friends and they help me and make me feel better. I myself believe I've done a pretty good job of keeping my shit together away from the community as a whole. I used to be the most active member on forums, and to this day have the most posts. You would think I leave xG by now, but I haven't despite all the shit I get and being perm banned. I really care about xG, and I've been around since the beginning to middleish of Operation Paperclip (and yes I know you do not give a flying fuck, but I'm just telling you how long I've stuck with this). And also, if you're going to ban someone who is considering suicide and all the depressed (which I fucking wasn't) I just wanted to say that's one of the dumbest ideas you could choose to do. That only makes the person feel worse about themself (which yes it made me feel kind of bad especially since I have an emotional past, but this time was ok at the time). Not very helpful, and if someone were to do something to themself and mention xG, it would be fucked, banned or not, or they might not care idk but whatever. I am honestly a super nice and kind-hearted person. Yes I get emotional. Yes I can get pretty annoying. Yes I CAN be a dickhole, but I try to look past the people that I find to be assholes. I would like to apologize to @@MuffinMonster. I have offered to be friends again, but you refuse. I completely understand. You were always a cool kid and fun to play with. I know you'll most likely -1 as usual because I probably still haven't been making a good impression for you, but no matter what I truly am sorry. And if you want a apology in voice so be it I would be perfectly fine. I have to wrap this up. But I may finish on my phone. For now, I appreciate the opinions, and I hope you guys will hear me out this once. And to Silence, please actually look at this instead of instantly denying and closing just because I'm dickii jr. [attach]5029[/ATTACH]
  17. 1 point

    Great Job

    Alright, this thread has gone on for long enough, I am currently talking to 8bit and I will try to sort things out. Stop directing hate towards him. -Closed
  18. 1 point

    Great Job

    INB4 bunch of noob leave xG #Matsi4C2013 You're a fag.
  19. 1 point

    Great Job

    chrono broke it. that is all
  20. 1 point
    lol I see XD I haven't been on the past 2 days bc im visiting family tho :P
  21. 1 point

    Great Job

    Long story short, A guy called 8bit got pissed at Silence for taking his TF2 map without his consent. So he makes a blog post about it saying how everybody on XG is a liar and a thief. Silence then addresses the issue saying that 8bit posted the map online for people to use and it's under Valve's ToS so he wasn't doing anything bad. The part that pisses off 8bit is because they talked about it before and he still said no but silence went behind his back and took it anyway but it was still under Steam ToS so, once again, he wasn't doing anything wrong since the map was public for people to use. Hail Satan.
  22. 1 point

    Great Job

    *cough* no one answers gkoo
  23. 1 point

    Great Job

    Yeah, I do agree that the guy was a complete faggot about the issue and should've kept his panties on. What cannot be overlooked is that silence frequently pisses people off and this fucks a lot of things up.
  24. 1 point

    Wheres John?

    Died probs.
  25. 1 point


    I Know. From what I've read from other threads concerning coding, he's offered to pay them as well.
  26. 1 point

    Great Job

    I want to see what he thinks about this. @@JayBreezy
  27. 1 point

    Great Job

    I did not choose the thug life. The thug life chose me. You really fucked up this time Silence.
  28. 1 point

    Great Job

    EDIT: Dumb thing to say, I say dumb things when I am eager.
  29. 1 point

    Great Job

    oh god. top lel @@Rhododendron how could you possibly fuck up this hard? like. i mean really, is there really nothing you can't make and then break? jesus fucking christ.. Not only that, but you FUCKED anybody who is in xG. He is literally branding EVERYONE as being a theft and dishonest. this is just ridiculous, i'm not even apart of the TF2 div but this still affects EVERYONE. how in the holy hell are you going to fix this?
  30. 1 point


    Bby i missed u so much
  31. 1 point

    so this was gonna come up eventually.

    Xbone = TV (Netflix) PS4 = Games Even the U seems more pleasing to me than the Xbone.
  32. 1 point

    PoopyDoop - Counter-Strike: Source

    It's been like 3 months. Maybe less, since I was unbanned in march. (towards the end too) No decision as of right now.
  33. 1 point


    Post about making ------> xG <-------- better, not CS:S better, yet you all respond with CS:S :/ . xG does not revolve around CS:S, sooner or later CS:S is going to die down, no matter what. CS:GO is going to pick up a majority of Counter Strike players moving to the next, newer game. Anyways, xG itself i don't see getting better unless we pick up some better people from the summer, or some of those people who favoritize/don't do their jobs/ don't deserve admin/ jerk off when we need something important done. When xG was good, it was because of the people in it, not the servers itself, we had fun people around the servers all the time back then, we had (in my opinion) better staff, and less xG drama which happens WAY TOO OFTEN and causes problems/people to leave xG. To make CS:S better, you need fun people on the servers, and stuff to catch someones attention and bring people back after playing (something like hub). TL;DR - This is a post about xG being better not just CS:S, we need fun people and better staff to improve xG, and to improve CS:S fun people and stuff to catch their attention (like hub).
  34. 1 point

    Custom Join messages

    guys mtown knows www. give him rcon
  35. 1 point

    PoopyDoop - Counter-Strike: Source

    i know from own experiance, people who are serieus about commiting suicide, will never make this public, because it could ruin there attempt, people who survived an attempt, shall never brag about it, because the shame is to big, i know people who are saying they wanna commit suicide mostly don't have the courage to do so, but are trying to get attention to a surtain problem, ignoring the problem or disgracing the person, could furder encourage this person to do so. i know Duckii haz problems and that he's trying to get attention to, and i must admit, dropping the problem at xG's feet was a stupid thing to do, because you guys know shit about what 's happening in real life that's why you're all reacting to ignore the problem, to replace it back at duckii and judging for it and not taking his attemt to talk and explain about it serieus. so i'm asking you all, right now, could you live with the fact, that you could have save some one's life by just listening to him/her or could have heplt this person to see other things in life then only his/her problems here's what i wrote Duckii earlier this night: 03:18 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: I've lost way to many people 03:18 - FirstblooD: if not, get rid of her 03:18 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: Because everyone always ends up leaving me 03:18 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: and giving up 03:19 - FirstblooD: and you will lose more in the future, it's a part of life 03:19 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: I'm not worth anything to anyone 03:19 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: What is the point to go on 03:19 - FirstblooD: learning 03:19 - FirstblooD: growing stronger 03:20 - FirstblooD: sharping your view 03:20 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: i only grow weaker 03:20 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: and more sad 03:21 - FirstblooD: and that is a choise you make 03:21 - FirstblooD: by diving deeper into your feelings 03:22 - FirstblooD: learn to love your self before loving another 03:23 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: other people make it hard to think good upon myself 03:23 - FirstblooD: why botherr? 03:23 - FirstblooD: thats there problem not yours 03:26 - FirstblooD: i really do not care about what people think of say bout me, i see it as publisity, and there's no bad publisity, but no publisity, get it? 03:37 - FirstblooD: after my first relation i got depressed, hoocked and also lost the will to live, took way to many pills, they found my and emptied my stomake, if i had died back then, i would had never met Misss and you wouln never had the chance to learn from me beleave me, i've been trough a lot in life and ain'nt proud to share this with you asshole's, i just think you all need to take some more time to look into the mirror and ask yourselfs : "are you doing so much better?"
  36. 1 point


    Amen to Jay's post prior to the 2 talking about daddio.
  37. 1 point


  38. 1 point
    -1 This is a gaming clan. I'm going to state this right fucking now. I do not like having drama within said gaming clan. You are the cause of a massive amount of drama. I came into this clan for two reasons, have fun and make friends along the way. Sure you we were kinda, sorta friends at the beginning, but we only talked about 3-5 times. I usually keep the people I add on my friends list until they become inactive on steam, they take me off or I have a sudden problem with them. After seeing all the shit you decide to pull as of recently, I decided to take you off. To add your question, no, you have not made a good impression on me and you likely will never do it again. I don't want an apology because I don't like talking to you. Simple as that. You ruined it for me the day you started to yell at me while playing CS:S jailbreak, in front of at least 20 people. Not only do you decide to hate on me because I have an opinion against you, but you like to take the argument public as well. I lost all respect for you that day. To be honest, I don't know what you see in me. Why did you take a portion of your ban protest to "apologize" to me? I may never know why, but get over it. We never talked much in the first place to really be friends. EDIT: Changed to a -1
  39. 1 point


    listen daddio, i like you and all but over the past few weeks youve been saying youre gonna learn various coding algorithms. either learn them and put them to use, or stop talking out of your ass
  40. 1 point

    Stepping down for DM

    Kind of wish this was punishable. Oh wait, it is. Do not post any more rude comments. Is that in the rules Warriors? Since when is rude the truth? Rude? u know the truth and u kept saying the excuse that ur brother was in ur account. U abused I did my job end of story. And can u please kindly get out of my thread?
  41. 1 point


    So in order to solve our problems (one of the largest being adequate finances) we should go and spend even more money on another Division? No thank you. We should focus on improving our already successful divisions, not trying to just churn out as many as possible. Focusing on bringing back hub or coming up with new games for servers like Jaibreak would probably be a better idea. We need to break away from the mold that we've created with our wardens on Jailbreak and try to be more creative and spontaneous. Just playing the same map games and First Reaction; Last Reaction all day gets real boring.
  42. 1 point

    Custom Join messages

    You broke everything...
  43. 1 point

    Custom Join messages

    -1 We should get it for free.
  44. 1 point

    ShadowSpy - Counter-Strike: Source

    ok everyone holup holup holup First i beileve shadowspy over you matsi for a ton of reasons 1. you complain and act immature all the time and its stupid. you complain complain complain. 2. shadowspy has been here forever. i think he knows what disrespect is when he sees it. he also knows the rules, and how to be an admin. i think he would have warned/gag/kick/ban. 3. you dramatise every thing. and when i mean every thing i mean EVERY thing. 4. you make a big deal over everything 5. every time you complain you are wrong, like every single time
  45. 1 point

    so this was gonna come up eventually.

    Don't even think they're trying to cater to "US ARMY customers" rather just casuals or developers. I personally think their model is fine. Obviously you can't impress everyone. I think the market for us army customers is a margin compared to casuals. I mean theyre a business so I'm pretty sure they arent dumb enough not to have a business plan right? Think about it like this, DRM is the biggest way to get producers and developers to make games in xbox rather than ps. More developers and producers means more games that could only be exclusive to the xboxone hence the demand for it to suffice in the market. I think its an overall gamble and we'll just see how it works out. I advise everyone to wait out the storm before getting either system. I also might be overestimating Microsoft as a company and that they've planned everything where as im ENTIRELY wrong, and they're making the crappiest system in the century for no god dam reason I really think Sony has it won... $399, No daily check ins, sharable games!
  46. 1 point

    so this was gonna come up eventually.

    Microsoft spent all their time coming up with ways to make them more money.... they made their console with a bunch of stupid restrictions and then told their marketing team to make these restrictions sound like "cool features" I will not be buying the XBONE any time soon. And the WiiU is just dumb... and noone is making games for it... the PS4 is likely to be the only console I will have this generation... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWSIFh8ICaA
  47. 1 point

    I have an idea for xG

    As Pep already said, we already have a DeathRun server. If Members dedicated their time to a certain server that they themselves enjoy for an extended period of time, then there is a possibility of more players joining. Adding new servers won't solve anything when we have a large number already that are almost always empty. In order for our servers to receive the slightest bit of attention, you need: 1. Members/Players to fill in the slots for it to look appealing. 2. Players who are fun to hang around with and who make the server that much more enjoyable. 3. Finally, the Players/Members need to dedicate a good chunk of their free time to keeping the server populated in order for it to succeed. Normally we can get the first two no problem, but we're lacking members with the capability of sitting on the server nearly all day to ensure population. Hub is merely a Perk that (I admit) will increase the amount of players joining, but it's not a necessity. - Dat guy, Forest
  48. 1 point

    Thanks for the fun.

    So I'm leaving xG. A lot of you haven't seen my face so I decided to make a youtube video about why I'm leaving. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myAAfYXRico
  49. 0 points

    I am demoted lololol

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