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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/13 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Xg Member Gallery

    hey cristo
  2. 2 points

    Teamspeak 3

    you're fat and ugly
  3. 2 points

    Staff Activity

    Any of the older staff who say they enjoy jailbreak are lying through their teeth. It's so dull and boring at this point, I only find it enjoyable when friends are on. With all the little kids, furries, and bronies who play now give jailbreak a daycare atmosphere(which makes it so much harder to even be on the server).
  4. 2 points
    so forest is like, 90% of turdwig's vouches are invalid and wack so maturity; 90/101 activity: 82/124 he knows the rules? yep he respects other people? yep he's the best around, nothing's ever gonna bring him down.
  5. 2 points

    darehowl - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 for Server ban and Forum IP ban
  6. 2 points

    The Truth about Chrono

    i honestly hate every single one of you.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point

    xG|M Docterlat - Team Fortress 2

    Did I fucking stutter? I said it was my fault do to a mis-communication. Jesus its like talking to voice command on an ipod.
  9. 1 point

    We're at a stalemate

    We are tied.. until we meet again @@Forest
  10. 1 point

    xG|M Docterlat - Team Fortress 2

    0- give docter a slap on the back of the head and a warning. Stupid reason to teleport but nothing big.
  11. 1 point

    lifeline - Counter-Strike: Source

    I mainly blame my self for how Anthony acted, I brought him into the server and I acted inappropriate which set a bad example.
  12. 1 point

    Oh boy...

    He MADE?!?!?! You know something that we don't? Anyways good luck. I hope this get's resolved!
  13. 1 point

    Oh boy...

    later! Edit: Just read. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  14. 1 point


    Better skins + colored text for donators + tag for donators.
  15. 1 point

    Xg Member Gallery

    i am a literal dirty mexican
  16. 1 point

    Staff Activity

    you know minigames, surf, and all the other CSS servers are apart of the CSS division right? Granted JB is the most populated and has the most rule breakers, being on other xG CSS servers doesn't mean we aren't active. and what minecrack and gawd said, JB has become so stale and boring that it demotivates staff to go on. a lot of people have ventured to other divisions, for example i have been playing more TF2 and Gmod. When silence gives poncher powers and actually listens to us then maybe we can get things going again. but, with the things are looking like right now i doubt it.
  17. 1 point

    Narukami - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 gave great anal.
  18. 1 point

    Teamspeak 3

    Happens a lot to me. Causes: Your internet is shit. It needs to be in the toilet.
  19. 1 point

    Staff Activity

    I do my best to spend at the very least 30 to 90 mins admining on the days that I am on. Most of the time I'm on there are usually at the very least 1-3 other mods or admins on. So, I feel as if though there are isolated instances most of the time we do always have at least several moderators or higher on. Now to be honest, after 2+ years of playing on jailbreak and over 1.5 years of moderating/admining it has become pretty stale. What's even worse is that it's hard to enjoy playing when everyones messaging you about rule breakers. Now obviously these are things admins need to deal with, it's the reason we are admins. The reason I am saying it is because many admins and moderators have become inactive because it truly has become more of a chore. As with anything there are periods of time where we simply get bored, and also periods of time where we get back into things. As staff members, hopefully we can try our best to at least put a bit of effort to spend a portion of our time online helping out the server, even if we are bored. (Especially since some of you are on for 8+ hours every day xd) My personal opinion is that though staff should be encouraged to be active, they shouldn't necessarily be outright demoted for slight inactivity, especially those who have spent such a large portion of their time in the past helping the server with little personal gain for themselves. Obviously there are extreme cases where people haven't been on in ages, and those can be dealt with as they have already been in recent/previous demotions. I will try my best to be on, but especially with work and school coming up I'm not gonna be able to pull off incredible 3 hour shifts lel.
  20. 1 point

    Not leaving, just stepping down.

    In TF2 we have 6 and a half year olds. Come to the abortion clinic they ain't even born yet! Come to the pharmacy, they ain't even a fetus yet.
  21. 1 point

    Not leaving, just stepping down.

    Only Chrono=CS:GO is fucked
  22. 1 point

    Not leaving, just stepping down.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4mHPeMGTJM In my eyes you were the best staff member I've seen in xG, sad to see you leave a staff position :(
  23. 1 point
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54009319 Ban list: Xeno Gamers @@Nub1234 Alright, I generally don't mind letting people back on the servers after they mass.. assuming it has been a sufficient amount of time and they seem sincere in their apology. The issue I have is that you constantly trolled with michael on the server, I got numerous complaints about both of you being immature and rude to members and staff. Now, after our discussion I honestly believe that you mean good by submitting this and will be a lot better person. Being dedicated to the servers it helps everyone to have people like you populate our servers. I think the big problem you have is that your name is always associated with michael, so people think you troll just as bad. You got to either separate yourself from each other for a while or realize that trolling is highly frowned upon. You were server banned for leaving after mass freekilling, but I think due to the circumstances a reduction to a perm CT would be a good idea. Give him a chance to show that he is respectful, and then maybe in the future remove/reduce the CT ban. +1 for reduction to perm CT ban.
  24. 1 point
    +1 big dick edit lol jk real reason is because I think he is a good played. He did have his moment where in intentionally massed but it is the only blemish in his rep.
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Snails? Whatevz, I got a cleaver. (]===[________/
  27. 0 points

    Staff Activity

    cs:s is headed right where cs:go is at this point
  28. 0 points

    Staff Activity

    Off for 3 days Staff Inactive One on most of the day<-- Coincidence.
  29. 0 points

    We're at a stalemate

    Sorry m8. BC Lions gonna dominate.
  30. 0 points
  31. 0 points


    Alright, after discussing recent events as well as attitude problems with Purple, it has been decided that he will remain a Member of xG. This is the first Member Protest I've seen regarding this player, and as such it will be an eye-opener. It has been made apparent that Purple is constantly harassed both in forums and ingame, which is without a doubt a contributing factor in his attitude. However; given that it is something that can be dealt with in a calm manner (either ignoring or notifying a Higher-Up), it is not a tolerable means of lashing out on forums or threatening to leave xG. Should another occurrence of this happen, expulsion from XenoGamers will be considered and more than likely dealt. I will also note that harassing members of the community is not something that should be practised. If you don't like someone, there is no reason you cannot just avoid them or simply ignore them. Should I hear that anyone is consistently harassing Purple (and vice-versa) again, consequences will be dealt, possibly to both parties. Grow up people, we expect more from our Members, and especially our Staff Members. If you are being harassed or disrespected by someone, notify a Higher-Up. There is no reason to further escalate it by stooping to the offender's level. Doing that will only result in a shit-storm that won't benefit anyone such as this. Contact me if Purple's attitude has gone out of check, and @@Cloud , fix that attitude. I don't want to see you griefing the hell out of people in such a hostile manner for stating their opinion. ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  32. 0 points


    I feel like the maps change too soon.
  33. 0 points

    Xg Member Gallery

    alright guys, time to boost clan morale, whas goood niggaah?
  34. -1 points


  35. -1 points


    Points. Like you get points for being on the server and from killing people. With those points you can special titles in chat or like a text color.
  36. -1 points
    Halfbaked, many people have wittnessed you harrass me every time I hold my mic down. When I get a kill I may say "Get raped." You have verbaly abused me multiple times. Please stop being a hypocrite. I'm god.
  37. -1 points

    Staff Inactivity

    I think adding a Votekick or Voteban system would really help for when admins and mods aren't online. And any abuse of the system can warrant an immediate loss of privileges.
  38. -1 points

    Tarik_ - Garry's Mod

    Wow. Once. Thats a lot!
  39. -1 points

    Superkiller67 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Warrior this is a member Submission.
  40. -1 points

    lifeline - Counter-Strike: Source

    As the person that banned lifeline/anthony, i think it should be a +1 for a shortened banned, i would say... next time, just take the punishment instead of trying to d/c and try to get away with it.
  41. -1 points

    Staff Activity

    *Point to add, if you are in the server and you are the only mod/admin on, don't be on a team, go to spec. It helps you to watch the overall perspective of the game instead of just what you hear/what you see.
  42. -1 points

    We're at a stalemate

    Is it American Football then? :3
  43. -1 points

    Not leaving, just stepping down.

    All right bois, the scumbag is finally gone. we can work in peace, let's revive the server this weekend. we will be the best.
  44. -1 points

    We're at a stalemate

    What sport is this -.-?
  45. -1 points

    lifeline - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 Annoying
  46. -1 points

    Oh boy...

    im making this now encase i forget. to start... i loved being in this clan. there is to much for me to say and not enough room for me to fit it on this thread. a few people i want to mention are @@tree : keep up the blunts @@Forest : keep up the great work. you made xG a great place to be. @@Gkoo : u smell @@Cristo : get the OMGpop div up and running @@MineCrack : i wish you got me than ashe skin @@serbiansnaga : dont step down or anything shitty like that. @everyone else. these were the names i could think of atm. if i didnt mention your name that dosent mean you are a shitty it just means that i am to high to understand who you ar. a few of you know what happened already today to me. for thoes who dont here is the rundown. friend died today. she was shot and killed. im mad. shit is going to go down. you guys probably know the rest. anyways xG, it was fun while it lasted forgot to mention, this is here only if shit dosent go to plan. if things work out i will live to game another day with xG
  47. -2 points
    Can we stop doing this over a member protest?...
  48. -3 points
    Submission* >_>
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