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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/13 in all areas

  1. 3 points


    Further development on this story, they seem to have been turned into zombies. They continue to mumble the phrase "League is love... League is life..." You may want to start looking into new "Higher-ups" right about now.
  2. 2 points

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

  3. 2 points


    Found Darkwolf, more like DEADwolf HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE @@DarkWolf6052 Found Gkoo, RIP @@Gkoo Here's Jesus like the slut he is @@Hidingmaster
  4. 2 points

    ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source

    ban all was used dozens of times during Late night JB... noone ever got punished for it then even tho it was "strictly forbidden" and "'NEVER' should be used" He shouldn't get punished for doing something that made one round interesting after doing a vote, at least not any more than someone doing a vote to do something that affects the rest of the map, it's kinda common sense there... ^ Fixed
  5. 2 points

    Hex - Counter-Strike: Source

    This thread is full of disrespect. If you're going to ban hex for disrespect, it only makes sense to ban 85% of this thread as well. Grow some balls and use the local mute function. Nothing said here was terrible, Silence is a jew, he was stating a fact. Nothing in the chat logs warrants a removal from the server, if he was being that egregious then just gag him. From what it looks like you just jumped straight to ban? (I could be wrong i didnt really look that hard) But regardless, nothing too serious here other than someone being a general nuisance.
  6. 1 point

    Goodbye xG...

    This if from a ban request that I'm not able to fight... And I just want to say goodbye... Oh look! That's me! I'm fucked aren't I? I've been in this clan for about 2 years now... It's kind of disappointing how bad this clan has gotten over the years... The mods are blind, don't ban anyone... And the biggest problem of all... *Drum roll*... SILENCE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT CS:S ANYWAY! Who knew!? This post is probably going to get rated Shitpost x2, African x3, etc... But I'm glad I got to experience you're clan... It was good at the start, I made some great online friends that I really don't want to leave... But I'm sorry for disrespecting a clan leader that doesn't give two shits about the division I play in... Goodbye xG! :( Farewell... So that was from my ban request... I really hope this clan does good for it's self, and silence, get you're act together, CS:S is struggling, and I'm sure that some people are going to be leaving too... So I just want to say goodbye to what this clan use to be, a great clan, where I could hangout with IRL friends and online friends... So if ur reading this, I hope you enjoy xG, cause it's struggling... Good bye XenoGamers :( -Hex
  7. 1 point

    Goodbye xG...

    On the path CSGO is going right now, that's not true.
  8. 1 point


    His name is HidingMaster Forest, think with your brain and you'll figure it out.
  9. 1 point

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

  12. 1 point

    Warday Rule Change

    my blood lust has been satisfied. back to calling people faggots.
  13. 1 point

    Hex - Counter-Strike: Source

    If this whole situation was loosely based around jokes among friends (with the exclusion of kona) then I don't see the need to raise the ban time. Silence did not take offence either, so if what I've gathered is correct, it's that kona was the only one to take offence. With that being the case, if the attitude from @@Hex2 continues, then further punishment will be dealt. However; at this point I honestly don't see why his ban time should be increased. @@kona309 if he continues to harass you or disrespect you, then let me know or post a thread regarding it. This will be his one and only warning. On another unrelated note, I'm hoping our CS:S Division picks up on their activity, because this is starting to get annoying. ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  14. 1 point

    Hex - Counter-Strike: Source

    ya i was joking with shadow cause i said something around the lines of god shadow is such a bad mod when i joined the server, mainly as a joke nothing more than that
  15. 1 point

    See yah, xG.

    Hail Satan, my friend. I shall lead you to the light. A subclan, not an actual clan.
  16. 1 point

    Warday Rule Change

    Wait.... people yell at you for calling those who don't understand the rules "faggots" even though they have been explained how the rule works more than a dozen times? There is seriously an issue here...
  17. 1 point

    Need Anime Suggestions!

    supposedly, it is fucking awesome
  18. 1 point

    See yah, xG.

    May our Lord Satan guide you toward your goals.
  19. 1 point

    Need Anime Suggestions!

    Trigun, Attack on Titan, Nabari No Ou, Hunter x Hunter, Gurren Lagann, Requiem for Phantom. All of these are good, good plot and an interesting watch. I can keep going, but better to choose 1 simply rather than having too many and become indecisive. I would probably start off with Trigun or Hunter x Hunter, heck might as well all of them,they're just simply too good.
  20. 1 point

    Goodbye xG...

    2 years but you joined september of 2012? shit i must be bad at math
  21. 1 point

    Secret mods

    take off your tags when joining. stay on for a few minutes without it on. if nothing bad happens, put tag on. +1 (only if there isn't any other mods/admins on)
  22. 1 point

    See yah, xG.

    why dont u just go inactive instead of leaving, so if you join back you dont have to reapply
  23. 1 point
    -1 Sure they disrespect, but all of you disrespect -.- I don't see why they get pulled out of this shit for it. I disrespect to, and I'm gonna do it now because its just getting way out of hand. Kona - You're a terrible mod, you don't do anything except for agreeing with people. You can't do anything yourself and you're barely active anyways and when you're on you don't really do anything. I do agree with the cock sucking stuff going kind of a tad bit far but again, all of you do it so it shouldn't really matter. All of our shit mods (90% of our mods are shit) all you do is abuse all chat, abuse unmuting and muting yourself, gag yourself which kinda spams the chat. You guys do it way to much. Then when something in game happens none of you do your job and actually fix the problem. Instead all you do to avoid the situation is "I didn't see it." If you're dead mod, admin, staff... You should be watching the players at all times (It's your fucking job) and if you don't necessarily "see it" that's because 1. You're not doing your job as a staff. 2. You don't really care what happens as long as your staff. 3. You're tabbed out because you don't wanna get involved in what's happening in the game. If any of the above three reasons is what is happening; (90% of the staff I was mentioning about) (Don't wanna give names to the public, only for Darkwolf because then all of you will be immature about it) then please get off rankings and let people who actually care do it. Yes it's just a game but it's not fun when you're abusing and not doing your job. Now what does all this have to do with the situation? Again all I'm saying is that all of you members, and you staff disrespect so why is it bad for them doing it. Case Closed.
  24. 1 point

    Hex - Counter-Strike: Source

    I have a complete website to manage, TF2, MC, the entire backends for each server as well as the monster MySQL server we are using. I was under the impression that our CS:S division leaders were managing it extremely well! Honestly I don't care that you insulted me, although it's extremely childish that it wasn't constructive whatsoever. I can't speak for anyone else you insulted though, so the people that you insulted should have a say.
  25. 1 point

    Hex - Counter-Strike: Source

    Oh look! That's me! I'm fucked aren't I? I've been in this clan for about 2 years now... It's kind of disappointing how bad this clan has gotten over the years... The mods are blind, don't ban anyone... And the biggest problem of all... *Drum roll*... SILENCE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT CS:S ANYWAY! Who knew!? This post is probably going to get rated Shitpost x2, African x3, etc... But I'm glad I got to experience you're clan... It was good at the start, I made some great online friends that I really don't want to leave... But I'm sorry for disrespecting a clan leader that doesn't give two shits about the division I play in... Goodbye xG! Farewell... -Hex
  26. 1 point

    Hex - Counter-Strike: Source

    i was joking with shadow cause we're friends btw and kona i do admit to disrespecting you and silence
  27. 1 point

    Hex - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1. To be honest, I have more of a problem with alice's constant disrespect and attitude. As of recently it's become more and more of a problem. Practically every time I get on the Jailbreak server he's complaining about how we don't have hub yet and how apparently the CS:S Div and xG are dying. Whenever he gets annoyed at something he seems to just go on an angered rant and complain. While I don't think Alice should be banned, he definitely needs to shape up with the attitude Just kidding, Alice on this thread alone has provided enough reason to ban him. On the other hand, I don't know why hex hasn't been banned yet. First we have his constant spam in his previous ban request thread (which is still pending a final decision) and now we have some good old fashioned disrespect. Here are both of their chat logs, to anyone who may be interested: Haruhi/Alice's: Rankings | Xeno Gamers Hex's: Xeno Gamers - Search
  28. 1 point

    My dog died

    So I started eating it... But it wasnt KFC... IT WAS A DOG! A DOG!
  29. 1 point


    You need 2 more if @@Priggles is valid..
  30. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    So today we found a person who was bhop scripts on jailbreak today, @@xShadowSpyx @@GanjaMonster @@speedlimit56 we realized that we cant do perm bans @@DarkWolf6052 Why take away perm bans and only let admins perm. Cause the mods are more active than the admins. Also, we have less admin than mods. So the point is give mods back perm.
  31. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    You're all winners, just remember that. hue
  32. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    -1 no one likes mods :singing:
  33. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    l never understood why this was taken away. Like, it wasn't a problem at all that moderators had perm-ban powers.
  34. 1 point

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    I think this thread should just be closed on the amount of -1s. Here are some things to help you get +1s for the future (Including from me): 1) Never use your mic again 2) Stop being immature/annoying (spamming chat/admin chat, etc.) 3) Stop putting on tags to try to "loophole" yourself into xG or what other people are saying "joining another clan." I honestly don't care about the "in another clan" or "trying to put on xG tags" excuses but it just annoys me. I think most vouches were valid, though. Saying "annoying, troll, etc" is a valid enough reason to -1 somebody in my opinion. Just adding "wore xg tags" or "in another clan" doesn't really count those first reasons out, the tag reasons were just invalid, but others were valid.
  35. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    If we don't want PM's perming people then DON'T GIVE THEM ACCESS, If someone got full mod they got it for a reason as @@diabeetus said, either they worked hard for it and did an application or were promoted because higher-ups thought they were ready
  36. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    Then restrict perma-banning from people who pay for staff membership until they prove that they can handle the responsibility and maturity that it takes to be a full mod/admin. Seriously, the people who got mod (not PM, full mod) earned it through some way or another, whether it was through hard work and an application, or whether they showed the proper qualities and were promoted by higher-ups. It almost seems like you think that people are just promoted willy-nilly with no real good reason as to why they were promoted. They got their position for a reason, not just because someone said "You know what'd be funny, let's give this random dude mod." You are basically telling every mod out there that if a serious problem arises that they have to go to someone else and ask them for help instead of proving themselves worthy of even having a staff position and handling the problem himself. I'm also glad that a major change like this happened without the CS:S community being notified whatsoever.
  37. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    +1 Perms are nice to be able to use, as long as people don't caboose with them. 2,147,483,647 is the max number in a 32 bit system, so if you exceed that, it breaks things.
  38. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    +1 I don't see a real good reason to not let them have it. Didn't know about that "Ban disconnected players" trick either. :o Just let them do it and we're all good, everything will be easier (sort of) for everyone then. :afro::afro::afro::afro:
  39. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    +1. Even if there were more admins than mods, and the admins were much more active than the mods, it still makes no sense to take away a mod's ability to perm ban someone if necessary. I don't understand how anyone thought that this was a good idea.
  40. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    +1 taking away perm from mods is like cutting off the wings to a bird. It's plain dumb to do such thing and i think we should get it back.
  41. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    +1, mods are more active than admins, removing perms for us is just plain dumb when it's something we need to use.
  42. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    Why this was taken away from us is beyond me. Why differentiate us from that? If you wanna make admins & mods have big power differences, take away PM or @@@ from mods or something. Don't take away a necessary function that we have to use in certain situations! +1
  43. 0 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Minecrack Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41345874 Rules Broken: Intentional Freekilling/Trolling/Lying to staff Evidence: I keep seeing him come on to CSS JB and trolling, breaking rules and then pretending like he didnt or lying about it. Today he intentionally freekilled Purple in game then said in toadmin chat that is was justified, because it's Purple... when i asked why he killed him he then said that it was because he jumped and jumping was restricted. Reviewing my demo I found that Purple in fact never jumped and it was a freekill so i ctbanned minecrack for a day. After this he says that he doesn't care and that the ban doesn't even phase him. I am requesting the ban be extended Proof: Demo of this incident: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_y84B1b2e4 (might still be processing) Justified because it's purple: Doesn't care: link to his ctbans... 27 in total: Xeno Gamers
  44. 0 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    dont phase him
  45. 0 points


    They forgot to check themselves before they shreked themselves. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)cancer( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  46. 0 points

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

    So mean, that hurt me as well :c
  47. 0 points
  48. 0 points

    Hex - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 Oh and about the thread, All this started because hex said something kona deemed disrespectful to me, was something like "shit admin" blah blah, Me n Hex are friends so I took no offence to it, basically all this happened because after kona warned hex for what he said to me, it was a back n forth arguement that escalated (I dont even know how silence got involved in that though), also anything alice said to me was just joking around anyway, and even if he wasn't joking I wouldnt really care because I dont get pissed off at stuff like that.
  49. 0 points

    Hex - Counter-Strike: Source

    How the fuck does this even relate to the thread? If your gonna shitpost, do it elsewhere.
  50. 0 points

    Give us back PermBans

    Nah. Rank up. A moderator is just an admin in learning. If you haven't been promoted yet, you doing a shitty job. lol
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