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  1. Ding!
    jaygoki got a reaction from Hg2CI2 in Clouds   
    clouds isn't really a bad map, people just get annoyed because they don't know how to get people through the portals without t's rebelling (although I will admit it is a bit tedious to do the whole run through the portal and freeze bit). merging cell block and the rest of the map would just be a QoL change rather than fixing a bad map
  2. Furry
    jaygoki got a reaction from Tatost in Favorite thing about xG   
    none of my irl friends are le epic gamers and these people sorta tolerate me and that's enough for me
  3. Winner
    jaygoki reacted to Dannypicacho in Lottamos   
    Easy Fucking -1
    Oh boy. I didn't wanna make a full essay, I didn't feel the need to because I thought it was pretty obvious he is everything but fit to be a moderator and didn't wanna waste my time, but I think this needs to be said. I'm not gonna put a lot of effort into this one like @Sodium's but, hot yikes brother.
    First off, I'm gonna bump Sodium's member app -1 down to my third strongest -1 and put this as probably my second strongest -1, and it is strongly competing with lolisme's ban protest -1. 
    Goldfish, AKA lot_of_mos, might possibly be the worst possible moderator we could have. His lack of common sense and inability to reason are just a few of the problems I have with him. Him with powers would be an awful mess of him not even thinking "hey, maybe I was wrong" before straight up slaying or even banning. He would gag anybody who is even remotely disrespectful, ironically or not, and worst of all he would be extremely biased.
    First off, goldfish has problems with some members, one of the main ones being @ScottNi. There's been many times where goldfish has complained about scott for something that goldfish was wrong about, and tried to get him banned for a hypothetical HE made up. In this same incident, after being told by several members, mods, admins, the division leader, and even a community manager that he was wrong and he should drop it, he continued to INSIST that he was right, and only stopped after his mute. I can easily see goldfish's punishments being more severe and biased against the poor souls whom the almighty goldfish does not find pleasing. He would be insanely power hungry and most likely abuse the hell out of his powers. He seems to think anytime he dies is a freekill and there would be a lot of people getting falsely slayed. This is the exact kind of behavior I get from JohnGalt42. 
    Goldfish also has problems with common sense. There have been countless times where he makes a statement that is just plain wrong or debates on something while being hugely misinformed. He can never admit he is wrong and seems to not actually fully understand the rules of the server. He has issues with understanding basic things and has a bad grasp on reality. He has people issues and has a very hard time making relationships which is a problem and not something we want out of a moderator representing the clan. He whines about everything and in general has a thing for trouble.
    Goldfish, you yourself need to understand that there is always room for improvement but you need to actually act on it, because we're not just going to suddenly like you for no reason, you have to try and become a likeable person. Stop being a troll.
    Lastly, you're extremely annoying and immature, yet self aware. I'm not just saying this like some middle school girl or older sister who needs a reason to hate someone, I'm saying this because you are the definition of annoying. I don't care about your voice, there are people who have voices ten times worse than yours where I would rather stab myself than hear them, but you are something different. I don't want to stab myself hearing your voice, I want to stab myself hearing your arguments and accusations. You seem to purposely annoy people and also feed off of it. Everything we tell you not to do or how to improve, you take it and pull it inside out. The worst part of this is that you know full well that everybody finds you annoying and continue to annoy people as an attempt at a "funny" reaction. 
    The biggest factor of my -1 is that you don't try to improve and you are a huge troll. You made this app after being told you would get -1'd to hell and also being told your flaws, and you did it anyways. You knew you weren't going to get accepted, and just by looking at the description of your mod app I can easily tell you did this as another attempt to troll us. I don't even understand how you got MEMBER, probably because @Lithium did it out of pity. A colossal portion of the community doesn't seem to enjoy your presence, and you abuse this by making it worse. You're like a little cousin who knows he's annoying and just to be a little devil acts abnormally annoying to piss everyone off like if they fed off of anger.
    In conclusion, Goldfish is an absolutely terrible candidate for moderator due to his lack of reasoning, his immaturity, and his inbility to form solid relationships. he would abuse his powers and have a large amount of bias. I shouldn't even have to be saying this.
    By making this moderator application, I have now lost all respect for you. You should really catch a hint, bud. 
    To make a long story short, what @Genocide said is perfect.
    EDIT: Everyone posted while I was still typing this up, RIP.
  4. F!$k Off
    jaygoki got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Favorite thing about xG   
    none of my irl friends are le epic gamers and these people sorta tolerate me and that's enough for me
  5. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to BullseyeX in No Slaying as an LR rule?   
    The deal with this though is they made it through the entire round for lr not to just have people slay yeah i understand if people wanna slay but the whole don't slay during lr makes sense i wanna have a fun fight not lr then lose it to some cunt who doesn't want me to have it i think saying no slaying during lr is fair otherwise there is no point in an lr in the first place
  6. Bad Spelling
    jaygoki reacted to 0rr in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    Just wanted to make the post and ask any tips on how to play? I touched this game once on another account months ago and didn't even know you can do community servers. Still will play CS though like always. 
  7. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Aegean in Goldfish/lottamos   
    This is becoming extremely petty, regardless of what you think of Goldfish, being annoying isn't enough of a contributing factor to remove his membership. I also have been in discord multiple times where you all egg on Goldfish and when he says something back in frustration, you all gang up on him. 

    @Lottamos I'm telling you right now, you seriously also need to improve your attitude. I know you're young but you should seriously consider improving your attitude and not trying to make everything into an argument.

    Unless Lithium thinks this has any validity, I'm closing this thread for now.
  8. Winner
    jaygoki got a reaction from CT_Slay3R in Lottamos   
    As opposed to everyone here (except tope), I'm going to give legitimate reasons for dropping a -1 rather than just saying "hehe fuck goldfish -1."
    Even just from this application alone, it's clear that you can't take a staff position seriously. You're one of the least mature members I've ever encountered in all of my years active in this clan, which includes the likes of Snackbar and that one 14 year old tf2 girl that got permed (kittylicious I think?). You constantly harass people that you don't like (ScottNi, just for example), you tend to become very hostile and, while I hate using the word, toxic when you get upset. For fuck's sake, you still scream into your mic when something happens that you don't like. In addition, you like to pick arguments with not only other people, but other staff members, and you like to nit pick rules just to try to get other people in trouble. You have a tendency to hold grudges/not drop an argument that has already been resolved. Honestly, I'm still not convinced that you are knowledgeable on all the rules yet. 
    You have a lot of things to work on. 
  9. RIP
    jaygoki reacted to Lithium in Lottamos   
    Closed by OP's request
  10. Winner
    jaygoki got a reaction from Red in Lottamos   
    As opposed to everyone here (except tope), I'm going to give legitimate reasons for dropping a -1 rather than just saying "hehe fuck goldfish -1."
    Even just from this application alone, it's clear that you can't take a staff position seriously. You're one of the least mature members I've ever encountered in all of my years active in this clan, which includes the likes of Snackbar and that one 14 year old tf2 girl that got permed (kittylicious I think?). You constantly harass people that you don't like (ScottNi, just for example), you tend to become very hostile and, while I hate using the word, toxic when you get upset. For fuck's sake, you still scream into your mic when something happens that you don't like. In addition, you like to pick arguments with not only other people, but other staff members, and you like to nit pick rules just to try to get other people in trouble. You have a tendency to hold grudges/not drop an argument that has already been resolved. Honestly, I'm still not convinced that you are knowledgeable on all the rules yet. 
    You have a lot of things to work on. 
  11. Drunk
    jaygoki reacted to XpertMeleee in Lottamos   
    -rep (since i forgot to add this in the paragraph)
  12. Smelly
    jaygoki reacted to Jadow in Lottamos   
    can we promote @Lottamos to dl now
  13. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Topaz in Lottamos   

    Not to dogpile, but you lack the maturity and ability to be a moderator. The first is simply that you are a shit-disturber by your very nature. You like to cause issues, whether that be antagonizing people, baiting freekills, or just otherwise trying to cause problems. You latch on to something, to the point that when something does not go your way you will whine and complain about it incessantly. I am also pretty confident in saying that you will abuse any power that you would get. You argue with staff, and refute any evidence we provide as 'you are wrong and I am right'. This attitude makes you very unfit to be a moderator.

    In short, no on all accounts. Honestly, when you are not being toxic you are not bad to have around and can be fun to laugh with/at. But you just are not mature enough to handle any sort of server power.
  14. Agree
    jaygoki got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Lottamos   
    As opposed to everyone here (except tope), I'm going to give legitimate reasons for dropping a -1 rather than just saying "hehe fuck goldfish -1."
    Even just from this application alone, it's clear that you can't take a staff position seriously. You're one of the least mature members I've ever encountered in all of my years active in this clan, which includes the likes of Snackbar and that one 14 year old tf2 girl that got permed (kittylicious I think?). You constantly harass people that you don't like (ScottNi, just for example), you tend to become very hostile and, while I hate using the word, toxic when you get upset. For fuck's sake, you still scream into your mic when something happens that you don't like. In addition, you like to pick arguments with not only other people, but other staff members, and you like to nit pick rules just to try to get other people in trouble. You have a tendency to hold grudges/not drop an argument that has already been resolved. Honestly, I'm still not convinced that you are knowledgeable on all the rules yet. 
    You have a lot of things to work on. 
  15. Agree
    jaygoki got a reaction from Darrth in Lottamos   
    As opposed to everyone here (except tope), I'm going to give legitimate reasons for dropping a -1 rather than just saying "hehe fuck goldfish -1."
    Even just from this application alone, it's clear that you can't take a staff position seriously. You're one of the least mature members I've ever encountered in all of my years active in this clan, which includes the likes of Snackbar and that one 14 year old tf2 girl that got permed (kittylicious I think?). You constantly harass people that you don't like (ScottNi, just for example), you tend to become very hostile and, while I hate using the word, toxic when you get upset. For fuck's sake, you still scream into your mic when something happens that you don't like. In addition, you like to pick arguments with not only other people, but other staff members, and you like to nit pick rules just to try to get other people in trouble. You have a tendency to hold grudges/not drop an argument that has already been resolved. Honestly, I'm still not convinced that you are knowledgeable on all the rules yet. 
    You have a lot of things to work on. 
  16. Agree
    jaygoki got a reaction from Topaz in Lottamos   
    As opposed to everyone here (except tope), I'm going to give legitimate reasons for dropping a -1 rather than just saying "hehe fuck goldfish -1."
    Even just from this application alone, it's clear that you can't take a staff position seriously. You're one of the least mature members I've ever encountered in all of my years active in this clan, which includes the likes of Snackbar and that one 14 year old tf2 girl that got permed (kittylicious I think?). You constantly harass people that you don't like (ScottNi, just for example), you tend to become very hostile and, while I hate using the word, toxic when you get upset. For fuck's sake, you still scream into your mic when something happens that you don't like. In addition, you like to pick arguments with not only other people, but other staff members, and you like to nit pick rules just to try to get other people in trouble. You have a tendency to hold grudges/not drop an argument that has already been resolved. Honestly, I'm still not convinced that you are knowledgeable on all the rules yet. 
    You have a lot of things to work on. 
  17. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Brady1780 in No Slaying as an LR rule?   
    if it's a rule and the ct slays during the lr they get slayed the next round
  18. Got It
    jaygoki got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Official Skribbl.io Division   
    i want skribbl admin
  19. Informative
    jaygoki reacted to Lithium in Casual Boost   
    Reading is hard, I know
  20. Ding!
    jaygoki reacted to Dannypicacho in MTX_H3adshot   
    Hey what a coincidence I say that too when YOU get on!
  21. Funny
    jaygoki reacted to Jadow in Casual Boost   
    He just sucks and want to walk through people irl too
  22. Friendly
    jaygoki reacted to Dannypicacho in Remove #shitposting from discord   
    Okay let's be honest though every fucking anime bitch I see looks like she's in grade 4 with melon sized tits but the lore says she's a 400 year old elf so it's "okay".
    You shouldn't be posting your degenerate fucking lolicon. That's just common knowledge. As long as these people know their limits shit posting isn't a problem. At least #shitposting keeps the degens away from the real chat. There's some people that LIVE in that chat. I don't want anybody living in a shit hole to come into our land.
    Shit posting is supposed to be fun but you troglodytes are using it as a place for everyone to jack off together to fucking puppies. I don't want these kinds of people to roam the streets of xG. They should stay in their disgusting sewer.
    Anyways, I don't think it should be removed. I have it muted and like I said it keeps the weirdo degenerates away so I'm good.
  23. Funny
    jaygoki got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Camping But Not in Secrets   
    could be because what you think is delaying is probably not delaying but you're too impatient to know the difference
  24. Ding!
    jaygoki got a reaction from SegFault in Camping But Not in Secrets   
    could be because what you think is delaying is probably not delaying but you're too impatient to know the difference
  25. Winner
    jaygoki reacted to CJCasper in Camping But Not in Secrets   
    "Do not intentionally delay the round, especially on LR." Straight from the rules