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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. 10 mans are becoming too mainstream when there are posts asking about "rule clarifications". They're "for fun" games but they are still a competitive 5v5 match. if you want to troll and do something out of the norm (insert gun here) only or troll strats make sure you talk to your team because if people end up not wanting to play with you because of how you act, don't expect to be picked if there are 10 or more people without you. as for having non main rotation maps, occasionally if the entire 10 man is cool with it we will just force map to something and then do team picks there. but usually the entire game has to be OK with it. we did abbey and zoo when they came out and we did biome and subzero when those did. we've done a few office, and an italy as well. 10 mans have always been 1st come 1st serve. (with the exception of the goldfish fat man days, but that was partly brought on by yourself and your way you had been acting then.) so it just depends on the way the 10 man is gotten together for fat man etc. if you have 4 people who start the rally of getting people, they play. generally speaking someone with experience will be there to guide you through it. but basically if a bunch of people join you get the guarantees in the game and the rest are fat man out. if the game is brought up and then suddenly 15 people are in then of course fat man out for everyone (except captains lmao) and every game is a fat man game if a lot of people join in the same timeframe. again it's just common sense, if you came in and were in the server and others join and are hesitant/wont play if there isn't a game about to start then you get the spot and they can be fat manned.
  2. if you want to play other maps, get good enough to be considered captain material and pick those maps :^)
  3. Chrono


    his name is E Z Kill.
  4. Chrono


    ill be here waiting. for my love
  5. Chrono


    hey babe i miss you. come on discord and hang out in scrims, they are way more often now. basically daily.
  6. Chrono


    -1 will drop it like he dropped portal 2 mp division.
  7. i think people thought this was a vote on what you want poll and not the way it was worded, because everyone has been complaining about wanting ttt. also jailbreak on gmod is cancerous.
  8. Chrono


    hey, thanks for playing the OG late night early am 10man. dont get baited by the e-girls scottni or shoxie. see you on the servers perhaps.
  9. Chrono

    xG Gamer Revival

    never forget doug. never forget snackbar before he went full retard. never forget neo before silence pissed him off. never forget papi
  10. Chrono

    xG Gamer Revival

    why not just throw away perfectly working servers too and rely on backups of them without any maps?
  11. Sup my dude! long time no see welcome back. ?
  12. you good fam we hashed it out on jb last night. You a good representation of our OG boy Ernie. may he RIP in JB history. but on the real incase it wasnt obvious. +1 this young fellow is a true fellow of fellowing.
  13. Since everyone and their mom is talking about it behind peoples backs and or just all over the place anywhere and everywhere, everybody already knows that pear is referencing me in this post/all the individuals he has messaged yesterday before he made this post. If for some reason you take our back and forth banter/shit talking each other to be anything other than what I just said it was then I apologize for that, and next time all you gotta do is let me know that you're not cool with the way every single one of both our interactions with eachother has been and that will stop. but that goes both ways, I have never once been offended or take any of your "insults" personally but if you are going to take them like that then you also need to realize that I am only dishing back what I consider to be friendly insults back to you because that's how I have been perceiving our internet friendship based solely on our interactions. That being said: I would never tell somebody to kill themselves or tell them they are worthless and nobody cares about them, especially having known numerous individuals in my life that have suffered with depression and thoughts of suicide and like they would never belong or be happy in the world. The extent of the "mean" or "harassing" things I have said to you would be phrases like "you're honestly the worst person rn" when talking about being in discord and using voice activity when we were chilling in a channel and you had come in or "you're a fucking monster who uses some non push to talk shit" of which I don't understand how you would construe it as me telling you that you're a waste of space and should kill yourself and it honestly has me baffled. If you ever feel like you want to kill yourself, there are help lines out there for that and they can be found here: Lifeline SUICIDEPREVENTIONLIFELINE.ORG and I would gladly link you to help or provide means of contacting actual professional help for it, and recommend taking your own personal counseling from a trained profession psychologist/therapist on it. That being said though the internet is not the place for you to vent your depression and potentially suicidal thoughts, xG has always encouraged those feeling like that to seek help and we have always taken a stance that after encouraging you to seek help about it to permanently ban because of liability and that it's not something that should be put on our servers/forums. Lastly since certain individuals feel like they need to take what pear messages them and try to "call me out" that I'm harassing him or that I have a "history of being toxic and making people feel like shit" when they themselves are what they are describing rather than me. other than the typical trash talking and raging (which I don't normally do, 10manners and most other staff can attest to that) while in game, the extent of my interaction with pear can be found here because I don't typically talk to people in discord save for a select few that I'm not actually playing a game with: Imgur IMGUR.COM Post with 0 views. Shared by Chrono42.
  14. +1 this dude is legit, he seems super chill and was down with the young midnight 10 mans
  15. +1 purely because you make genocide feel dumb.
  16. +1 doesn't warrant being fat manned out of 10 mans for being toxic anymore
  17. -1 toxic lil kid syndrome. Post proof of you and shoxie fighting if you want to be re-formed by his fists in public.
  18. nuen/bluez did it "without anyone knowing" but the higher ups could tell/there are some things that help higher ups tell... that said IMO the problem with that and the problem i see with him/her (nuen) doing that is that it just seems like you would be sweeping the old issues under the rug/running and or hiding from previous issues. I'm a believer in that if you want to change/be better, you should be able to show the progress that goes with it. All a new account would do is show a different person without the progression or story behind it. To relate: It's something others can look at you and say you accomplished something to overcome an alcohol addiction and be clean and a valuable member of your community as opposed to moving to a place nobody knows you or your problem that you overcame. We've had several old members reinvent themselves from their old ways with very negative reputations and they are very valued members of our community. never used new accts to "start fresh" they own up to the past and push forward. hopefully you can do the same.
  19. Now that he's gone it's my time to take over as the new (old-man/old-xg) CL.
  20. Chrono


    -1 does not fit the requirements of the division Not enough of an edgelord.
  21. Chrono

    I'm famous bois

    right now, dm_rust, scout only 360 no scopes off the top