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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Duke in The_prophet - Counter-strike   
    No, you're not getting unbanned. Mona Pizza or bust.
  2. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Matsi in The_prophet - Counter-strike   
    No, you're not getting unbanned. Mona Pizza or bust.
  3. Boring
    Chrono got a reaction from Owl in The_prophet - Counter-strike   
    @jubens45 can we get this man a large pizza pie?
  4. RIP
    Chrono reacted to The_Prophet in The_prophet - Counter-strike   
    Yeah I dont think im eating pizza anytime soon.
  5. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from jaygoki in Klure - Counter-strike   
    -1 home schooled
    also needs to fix his sinus congestion issues
    if given staff before those are fixed people won't be able to tell what he is trying to say it will either be lost in the congestion, or too poorly written to understand.
  6. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Jadow in Klure - Counter-strike   
    -1 home schooled
    also needs to fix his sinus congestion issues
    if given staff before those are fixed people won't be able to tell what he is trying to say it will either be lost in the congestion, or too poorly written to understand.
  7. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Klure - Counter-strike   
    -1 home schooled
    also needs to fix his sinus congestion issues
    if given staff before those are fixed people won't be able to tell what he is trying to say it will either be lost in the congestion, or too poorly written to understand.
  8. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Hello!... Aaaaaaaaand Goodbye!........   
    to create a protest, you click applications at the top of the site.
  9. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Tomahawk in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    To give a very very very very very very very very very short and easy description of what happened, you commited a felony of cyber crime, which could have landed you in jail if silence pressed charges since you were 18+ at the original time of the act.
    why in the fuck would any sane person allow you around the community after? to restate what i said last time people who were perm'd for abuse of power they weren't supposed to have because of demotion stayed perm'd throughout ban protests, and you did something much worse (literally a federal offense) why would you get unbanned instead of them?
    -1 x 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999repeating
  10. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from kbraszzz in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    To give a very very very very very very very very very short and easy description of what happened, you commited a felony of cyber crime, which could have landed you in jail if silence pressed charges since you were 18+ at the original time of the act.
    why in the fuck would any sane person allow you around the community after? to restate what i said last time people who were perm'd for abuse of power they weren't supposed to have because of demotion stayed perm'd throughout ban protests, and you did something much worse (literally a federal offense) why would you get unbanned instead of them?
    -1 x 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999repeating
  11. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from lilbleed in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    To give a very very very very very very very very very short and easy description of what happened, you commited a felony of cyber crime, which could have landed you in jail if silence pressed charges since you were 18+ at the original time of the act.
    why in the fuck would any sane person allow you around the community after? to restate what i said last time people who were perm'd for abuse of power they weren't supposed to have because of demotion stayed perm'd throughout ban protests, and you did something much worse (literally a federal offense) why would you get unbanned instead of them?
    -1 x 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999repeating
  12. Drunk
    Chrono reacted to SnowyMinion in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    Sorry if it comes off as if I just disagree with everything you say BUT you have to consider this. Every time you post a thread, whether it's a ban protest or staff submission, you tend to attack and bash on other people, even though they're trying to help OR expressing their thoughts and opinions WHICH IS ALLOWED and you've been rating everyone's reply Salty as well... sooo.
    The previous replies I made were from the Ban Protest rules which I suggest you reading here --> Ban Appeal Format/Rules. (READ)
    To add on to your comment about me rating everything that has to do about you NEGATIVELY... if they are ABOUT you, does that mean I rated bad things about you negatively too?!?! First of all, ratings are meant for people to express their opinions on one thing and you should respect it and not bash out on people who rate negatively. Second of all, WHY ARE RATINGS TREATED SERIOUSLY?! -Bello

    Third, we don't really have to play with you to know your personality. Just from the way you act on the forums, we can already express our thoughts about you... and I can honestly say, it's not good either.
    I would continue but I'm really hungry right now and I really want to eat my breakfast, so I guess I'll stop here.
  13. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Charles in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    To give a very very very very very very very very very short and easy description of what happened, you commited a felony of cyber crime, which could have landed you in jail if silence pressed charges since you were 18+ at the original time of the act.
    why in the fuck would any sane person allow you around the community after? to restate what i said last time people who were perm'd for abuse of power they weren't supposed to have because of demotion stayed perm'd throughout ban protests, and you did something much worse (literally a federal offense) why would you get unbanned instead of them?
    -1 x 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999repeating
  14. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Kyoko in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    To give a very very very very very very very very very short and easy description of what happened, you commited a felony of cyber crime, which could have landed you in jail if silence pressed charges since you were 18+ at the original time of the act.
    why in the fuck would any sane person allow you around the community after? to restate what i said last time people who were perm'd for abuse of power they weren't supposed to have because of demotion stayed perm'd throughout ban protests, and you did something much worse (literally a federal offense) why would you get unbanned instead of them?
    -1 x 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999repeating
  15. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from gryfons in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    To give a very very very very very very very very very short and easy description of what happened, you commited a felony of cyber crime, which could have landed you in jail if silence pressed charges since you were 18+ at the original time of the act.
    why in the fuck would any sane person allow you around the community after? to restate what i said last time people who were perm'd for abuse of power they weren't supposed to have because of demotion stayed perm'd throughout ban protests, and you did something much worse (literally a federal offense) why would you get unbanned instead of them?
    -1 x 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999repeating
  16. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from BullseyeX in X_ar   
    -1 can be salty and yell, also rather rude to anyone and everyone. also membership is a person to person thing. not an account to account thing.
  17. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from SnowyMinion in X_ar   
    -1 can be salty and yell, also rather rude to anyone and everyone. also membership is a person to person thing. not an account to account thing.
  18. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from lilbleed in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    to add to yours
    daaaaaamn daniel, at it again with them salty defensive arguing. doesn't look great when you literally just call someone salty.
    my experience: you think you know everything and argue a lot. you try to find loopholes in the rules you supposedly know, but if you did know them you would also see the rule that states: "Do not argue with admins" (yes it's an actual rule) yet you make it your goal to argue with any and all staff members
  19. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    to add to yours
    daaaaaamn daniel, at it again with them salty defensive arguing. doesn't look great when you literally just call someone salty.
    my experience: you think you know everything and argue a lot. you try to find loopholes in the rules you supposedly know, but if you did know them you would also see the rule that states: "Do not argue with admins" (yes it's an actual rule) yet you make it your goal to argue with any and all staff members
  20. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Thetrueunlocated - Counter-strike   
    To go further on Lithium's "not a chance"
    There is a 0 tolerance policy in xg regarding cheating and scamming. i.e. the only way to be unbanned is the ridiculous challenge of mona pizza or whatever, and donating. but if your scam site is still up/you still scam you will literally be wasting money as if it is still there you will be re-banned.
  21. Disagree
    Chrono got a reaction from kbraszzz in Overwatch?   
    this thread has now developed into something worse than cancer. continue this idiotic arguing and you get forum bans.
  22. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Giraffes in xG|Matsi = xG|M Matsi? :(   
    type in teamchat this exactly please
    "@You mods/admins are stupid fucks. my name is Matsi in game and that is what it will be. and as such there is no issue with my name being xG|Matsi any issues please take it up with a higher up who is much better at everything than you, like Chrono on the forums"
    and then link them to this post.
  23. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from NitNat in Overwatch?   
    pharah is also like #2 main
  24. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in New Mini Game Server?   
    we had a le epic fun mg server, i probably still have a lot of older maps/updates from other mg servers
  25. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from BullseyeX in [csgo-kings] [trade Bot #2] - Counter-strike   
    There was literally 1 freekill because he didn't repeat orders. let this serve as his warning, and to be honest you broke vents 2 times in your own demo as CT which is a minimally larger offense.
    There also seemed to be a lot of hate towards the player from grunkle and presumably you (i couldn't hear your voice in demo because it doesnt record, but based on what others were saying it can be assumed) dont hate on people it gets you nowhere.