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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from LostCause in Sup Kiddos   
    +1 would ban again given the opportunity.
  2. F!$k Off
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Hey,   
    Who turned out the lights?
  3. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Lithium in Suggestions Thread   
    there is a thing called recording demos. people say "this guy keeps mass freekilling!" but dont take a demo of any of the times he "keeps" freekilling... all you do is type record (insert name here) and post a ban request guarantee there will be a ban within 24 hours if you do.
  4. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in 12 Days Of Xgmas   
    can I add to the prize? but they have to do something similar.
    Another version of 12 days, but based on a game that you really enjoy. i.e. 12 days of Siege-mas for R6 Siege etc. and I will put $10 towards any steam game, or rito points for them.
  5. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Idek What To Title This   
    all yall need to chill out
  6. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Oden in Oden - Counter-strike   
    i mean technically under the rules that would be a perm CT ban, slay or not. there were 4 Ts killed by you and another T (Myself) killed by another CT. reason I only made it a week is because it was a mistake that anyone could make, and you genuinely do want to be a part of the community and acknowledge your mistakes. unfortunately the rules are there for a reason, and we cant just let people slide with less than minimal punishment for breaking them. IMO a week is a nice relaxed time to become a master rebel.
    @Lithium @Bleed @Snackbar
    I would personally close this but since I was the banning admin, I shouldn't be the one to do it. unless you guys deem it reasonable to unban.
  7. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from jaygoki in Idek What To Title This   
    all yall need to chill out
  8. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Lithium in Idek What To Title This   
    all yall need to chill out
  9. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from Snackbar in Idek What To Title This   
    all yall need to chill out
  10. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Charles in Cs:go Mapping [suggestions/help]   
    I'm not a great surfer but I can get through some medium stages. willing to learn how to surf better though to help.
  11. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Oden - Counter-strike   
    i mean technically under the rules that would be a perm CT ban, slay or not. there were 4 Ts killed by you and another T (Myself) killed by another CT. reason I only made it a week is because it was a mistake that anyone could make, and you genuinely do want to be a part of the community and acknowledge your mistakes. unfortunately the rules are there for a reason, and we cant just let people slide with less than minimal punishment for breaking them. IMO a week is a nice relaxed time to become a master rebel.
    @Lithium @Bleed @Snackbar
    I would personally close this but since I was the banning admin, I shouldn't be the one to do it. unless you guys deem it reasonable to unban.
  12. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Oden in Oden   
    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
    Want to get Moderator?
    There are a few ways to earn admin!
    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here.

  13. Agree
    Chrono reacted to Forest in [xg:m] The 7even (bonk) - Counter-strike   
    Planting a gun on a Terrorist or throwing the gun in the path of a Terrorist is.. Well, gunplanting (just to clarify though I'm sure we're all well aware). Regardless of how much ammo it has, the player is still technically "planting" a gun on a Terrorist. Only reason the rule is in place is to prevent any accidental deaths like Chrono mentioned since scenarios like the following can occur rather easily (assuming they have auto-switch on):

    >T is facing CTs
    >CT decides to throw empty gun onto the T
    >T [automatically] pulls out the gun while facing CTs
    >T is killed for aiming a gun at the CTs
    Don't mean to call out whoever it was who told you otherwise, but I don't think it should be permitted under any circumstances. Though this only applies to moments when it's intentional. Even though the CT(s) may be slain, it can really put people off [ especially when they're close to getting LR] if it becomes a common occurrence.
    Pertaining to the thread, if multiple warnings were given on top of multiple occasions in which the gunplanting/baiting occurred then I think the CT ban was justified. As previously mentioned, typing 'kill' in console is a far better choice as opposed to baiting which may likely result in the death of a T as Mega said.
  14. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Oden in [xg:m] The 7even (bonk) - Counter-strike   
    also even though it is empty, giving a T a gun is still gunplanting because if they have autoswitch etc. they will be considered rebels because what you did and can get them freekilled.
  15. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Lithium in [xg:m] The 7even (bonk) - Counter-strike   
    if you cant type kill in console because you dont have 2 hands, just a suggestion bind a key on your keyboard to kill, something out of the way like o, p, [, ] and press it. or just press f10 and then enter since you would quit the game anyway, when you leave the server it makes you entirely vanish. you dont bait, you dont gunplant, you dont give a T a kill.
  16. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Snackbar in [xg:m] The 7even (bonk) - Counter-strike   
    if you cant type kill in console because you dont have 2 hands, just a suggestion bind a key on your keyboard to kill, something out of the way like o, p, [, ] and press it. or just press f10 and then enter since you would quit the game anyway, when you leave the server it makes you entirely vanish. you dont bait, you dont gunplant, you dont give a T a kill.
  17. Boring
    Chrono got a reaction from Shadower in Cases   
    I really really really really want to unbox an awp, so if you have CS:GO weapon cases you dont want, I will gladly take them off your hands and open them over time/do a giant unboxing, dupe guns I have will probably go into future give-aways (already have given out like 6 m4a4 griffin MW)
    also if you want any of my tf2 crates from way back in the old days let me know. :)
    @Snackbar @Forest @Duke @Lithium @Bleed @BleedsBrother @jubens45
    @anyone else that might have cases they aren't going to open.
    none of this "you can have the case but if you open up (insert really nice/expensive gun here) then it's mine." no, i'm putting in the money for the keys so i'm going to keep whatever I open and potentially do giveaways/raffles.
  18. F!$k Off
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Cases   
    I really really really really want to unbox an awp, so if you have CS:GO weapon cases you dont want, I will gladly take them off your hands and open them over time/do a giant unboxing, dupe guns I have will probably go into future give-aways (already have given out like 6 m4a4 griffin MW)
    also if you want any of my tf2 crates from way back in the old days let me know. :)
    @Snackbar @Forest @Duke @Lithium @Bleed @BleedsBrother @jubens45
    @anyone else that might have cases they aren't going to open.
    none of this "you can have the case but if you open up (insert really nice/expensive gun here) then it's mine." no, i'm putting in the money for the keys so i'm going to keep whatever I open and potentially do giveaways/raffles.
  19. F!$k Off
    Chrono reacted to Rhododendron in Cases   
    No deal!
  20. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Vacation?   
    i'm house sitting at my brothers again, but when i did it last time i went to my homies for a lan after they got back, and he mistakenly packed up my 100ft ethernet cable, so I dont have it as of the moment and as such I can't set up my PC at his house, so i'm just gonna take it as a "vacation" message me on forums/steam if there are issues/questions, I should get them on my phone. thursday-saturday afternoon + work
  21. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Need To Sell Off Some Skins By 6pm Tuesday   
    skin sites dont instantly give you money, after a sale is made they hold it for a bit and take their fees out and then they will put the money on your account to withdraw at a later date, they are slightly more secure in that they back it incase someone does a chargeback, you get the money anyway and they will pursue the person.
    selling to someone you don't know personally/have a long standing trust outside of skin sites is always shady you never know what could happen, on either side as well since they could be iffy with you and how it all goes down between sending money/item first, chargeback etc.
  22. Dislike
    Chrono got a reaction from Egossi in Matsi   
    OK. let's get started.
    First and foremost, I do not condone this thread at all. My major reason for that is that almost every single person posting in here giving a +1 has instigated so many different issues with matsi and in fact almost all the instances you use as proof (not counting the countdown thread by vector) are all started by you guys posting something derogatory, demeaning, rude, and just plain un-necessary towards matsi. Exhibit A:
    Phoenix made a moderator submission, matsi simply posted a quote of the appropriately deemed requirements to create one and said that it should be closed due to not meeting the requirements, instantly owl, vector, and various other staff members of CS:GO posted rude and hateful things basically telling matsi to fuck off. Meanwhile you turn around to Diversion's mod submission and owl posts that and demands a close and literally throws a hissy fit about when I re-open it even going to the point of insulting my ability as a DM.
    Secondly, just going to get this out of the way before I forget it, but this is a semi-unrelated note: Snackbar, you're a great guy and all but you need to chill the fuck out. You're doing great trying to help and all and it really is appreciated by me, but you're taking things too fast. You banned him on teamspeak "for shits and giggles all in good fun" you don't do that to someone unless you are good friends with them. You push all these rule changes that are discussed by you and 2 others that agree with you at 3am in teamspeak, with no regard for a discussion prior to making it official without messaging the rest of the higher ups in the division as well as those rules push away from the unified set of rules that we tried very hard to make happen. yes game specific rules will be division specific but now you are making a steam name global rule a division specific thing, going so far as to try and control what people make their steam name "must be a name you are easily recognized as such as your forum name or a name you frequently use" if I decide I wanted to go by AlphaOmega tonight nobody would recognize me at first, as well as if asked I would present my forum name. Next, there is a blatant exclusion of communication the very opposite is happening in regards to that which @Rhododendron was all for trying to eliminate and then he too becomes guilty of his old habit of talking to one person about something and making a change: I have not once been messaged by snackbar with who he wants to promote/demote since he was given the opportunity as DM, nor has he responded to my private message I made with him and bleed specifically for discussing between us promo demo and other future changes we would be considering doing (obviously they would then be brought into a discussion on the csgo forums). even now going so far as to post promo/demo at 3am because he wants to do it when it is a CL job, and he creates his own promo/demo without consult. the reason it is a CL job is because they can then cross check it. when you post it, there is no going back on it. while I agree the whole set of CS:GO staff right now is good at their job, I can tell you for a god damn fact a couple people got promoted because they are your friends while you wouldnt consider some others because you aren't friends and always talking even though they are just as deserving of staff.
    Third, there was supposedly a discussion between tf2 higher ups, csgo higher ups, and silence. I was not included so it clearly did not include all csgo higher ups, bleed probably wasnt, and since when do we banish someone from a division? no. if you really dont like the guy, just fucking ignore him.
    Beastiality is not a federal law, it may be a state law, but we have to go by federal since that is the do all tell all for anyone in the US as a US based community if you want to bring "felonies" into it. tarin sexually idolized and sent dick pics to a 14 year old boy which has been presented proof of, that is a federal felony. Beastiality is not a felony according to federal law, and as such could not be used. infact if you wanted to use some state laws, there are some that limit what you can and cannot have sex with, as stated by matsi florida it has to be bigger than a porcupine. No he should not be saying these things in public but it is his life and his sexual interests, they dont do anything to you, I could see a abuse report for conduct unbecoming of a staff member as that is immature and not the "better" thing to be doing, and I would gladly give a + 1 to that, but a removal of member? no. wanting him to be permanently banned? absolutely not.
    Don't get me wrong, I am not friends with the guy, even if I was like with the vector case, I fought for iggy too and I am not afraid to turn around and ban a friend when they fuck up. See: rabid and vector having numerous bans from me. forum and game and teamspeak. But if you want to do something to this scale then there better be a legitimate reason, which is why when snackbar said he was thinking about posting one I told him I would give it a - 1 and that I believed it would be incorrect to post in the first place for some of the reasons listed above. after you get time to read over this and simmer, I will post a follow up to any questions/legitimate posts in response to this.
    I will also be closing the "Companion Thread" as this is not a "majority vote" kind of thing, this is a CL decision and they will make it by going over all the statements and evidence provided in the thread, I will not be deleting that thread like I should until after the resolution of this issue is met, If you cannot give a reason to your vouch, then you shouldn't be posting it anyway, as well as periodically as I fade in and out of being home because of my life and shit, I will be going through this and deleting useless/stupid posts. please refrain from posting multiple times because you are debating with multiple people as well as try to be as clear as possible in your posts.
    just to re-iterate, snackbar you need to chill out a bit and take a step back. everyone posting needs to make legitimate posts legitimately debating and give a reason behind a vouch. if you want to use laws as a form of back up, use federal and not state laws. and everyone should probably take a day away from this thread before they post anything else to give time for their minds to settle, psychologically you guys are too into the hype of a new thread getting so big and everyone should chill out.
  23. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from kbraszzz in Chrono, Lets Discuss This   
    you discussed promo demo in teamspeak with the mods/admins and silence, without instead consulting myself and bleed in the forum PM made for it? oh and those mods/admins you discussed it with are the very exact same ones you promoted? that can't possibly be biased. like I was telling you the first time you posted it without telling me anything about who you wanted to promo, we do it through forum PM for a reason. so higher ups can talk about them, and you said "ok" yet you turn and discuss with the same people you promoted about who to promote.
    not gonna fly with me. if you don't see any flaw in that then you're a blind man.
    again as stated numerous times, I don't hold things personal with anyone nor am I really out to get anyone, I'm here to make sure things are fair and everyone gets their side of the stories heard.
    So when you "discuss it with everyone" and blame it on my inactivity that I dont get included, I go ahead and call bullshit. I'm actually fairly active the last month or so, being typically the first in the server in the mornings pacific time, and staying populating it until I have to leave for work, which by the way is at odd hours being at a place like disney, and will go ahead and take my sleep at 3am after I get off a long shift instead of logging on to TS and seeing if you and your friends are discussing promo/demo. or changes you want to make.
    I also told you that I don't think this rule about names makes sense, yes it should globally be that tags are at the front of your name. yes you should be wearing M for mod and A for admin
    what you said I was doing wrong was my name has atleast for the last year or so been xG:D Lifter
    D standing for division and you want me to put an M at the end, sorry but that's just how my names always been, as well that DM/DL has always been IMO a stupid thing to make different tags for. infact I have brought it up numerous times and have never been told by a CL that I need to change it.
    To add, I could also tell you that the more recent members were allowed into xG with invalid vouches as well as not enough vouches, and that some the staff members you promoted find it OK to troll on the forums, as well as to say rather vulgar and sexual things, that if I didn't know this was the internet I would find them disgusting and gross to hear. But don't mind my opinion on that, I'm just a DM I shouldn't be included in any discussion going on. right? ;)
  24. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from Goblins in Matsi   
    OK. let's get started.
    First and foremost, I do not condone this thread at all. My major reason for that is that almost every single person posting in here giving a +1 has instigated so many different issues with matsi and in fact almost all the instances you use as proof (not counting the countdown thread by vector) are all started by you guys posting something derogatory, demeaning, rude, and just plain un-necessary towards matsi. Exhibit A:
    Phoenix made a moderator submission, matsi simply posted a quote of the appropriately deemed requirements to create one and said that it should be closed due to not meeting the requirements, instantly owl, vector, and various other staff members of CS:GO posted rude and hateful things basically telling matsi to fuck off. Meanwhile you turn around to Diversion's mod submission and owl posts that and demands a close and literally throws a hissy fit about when I re-open it even going to the point of insulting my ability as a DM.
    Secondly, just going to get this out of the way before I forget it, but this is a semi-unrelated note: Snackbar, you're a great guy and all but you need to chill the fuck out. You're doing great trying to help and all and it really is appreciated by me, but you're taking things too fast. You banned him on teamspeak "for shits and giggles all in good fun" you don't do that to someone unless you are good friends with them. You push all these rule changes that are discussed by you and 2 others that agree with you at 3am in teamspeak, with no regard for a discussion prior to making it official without messaging the rest of the higher ups in the division as well as those rules push away from the unified set of rules that we tried very hard to make happen. yes game specific rules will be division specific but now you are making a steam name global rule a division specific thing, going so far as to try and control what people make their steam name "must be a name you are easily recognized as such as your forum name or a name you frequently use" if I decide I wanted to go by AlphaOmega tonight nobody would recognize me at first, as well as if asked I would present my forum name. Next, there is a blatant exclusion of communication the very opposite is happening in regards to that which @Rhododendron was all for trying to eliminate and then he too becomes guilty of his old habit of talking to one person about something and making a change: I have not once been messaged by snackbar with who he wants to promote/demote since he was given the opportunity as DM, nor has he responded to my private message I made with him and bleed specifically for discussing between us promo demo and other future changes we would be considering doing (obviously they would then be brought into a discussion on the csgo forums). even now going so far as to post promo/demo at 3am because he wants to do it when it is a CL job, and he creates his own promo/demo without consult. the reason it is a CL job is because they can then cross check it. when you post it, there is no going back on it. while I agree the whole set of CS:GO staff right now is good at their job, I can tell you for a god damn fact a couple people got promoted because they are your friends while you wouldnt consider some others because you aren't friends and always talking even though they are just as deserving of staff.
    Third, there was supposedly a discussion between tf2 higher ups, csgo higher ups, and silence. I was not included so it clearly did not include all csgo higher ups, bleed probably wasnt, and since when do we banish someone from a division? no. if you really dont like the guy, just fucking ignore him.
    Beastiality is not a federal law, it may be a state law, but we have to go by federal since that is the do all tell all for anyone in the US as a US based community if you want to bring "felonies" into it. tarin sexually idolized and sent dick pics to a 14 year old boy which has been presented proof of, that is a federal felony. Beastiality is not a felony according to federal law, and as such could not be used. infact if you wanted to use some state laws, there are some that limit what you can and cannot have sex with, as stated by matsi florida it has to be bigger than a porcupine. No he should not be saying these things in public but it is his life and his sexual interests, they dont do anything to you, I could see a abuse report for conduct unbecoming of a staff member as that is immature and not the "better" thing to be doing, and I would gladly give a + 1 to that, but a removal of member? no. wanting him to be permanently banned? absolutely not.
    Don't get me wrong, I am not friends with the guy, even if I was like with the vector case, I fought for iggy too and I am not afraid to turn around and ban a friend when they fuck up. See: rabid and vector having numerous bans from me. forum and game and teamspeak. But if you want to do something to this scale then there better be a legitimate reason, which is why when snackbar said he was thinking about posting one I told him I would give it a - 1 and that I believed it would be incorrect to post in the first place for some of the reasons listed above. after you get time to read over this and simmer, I will post a follow up to any questions/legitimate posts in response to this.
    I will also be closing the "Companion Thread" as this is not a "majority vote" kind of thing, this is a CL decision and they will make it by going over all the statements and evidence provided in the thread, I will not be deleting that thread like I should until after the resolution of this issue is met, If you cannot give a reason to your vouch, then you shouldn't be posting it anyway, as well as periodically as I fade in and out of being home because of my life and shit, I will be going through this and deleting useless/stupid posts. please refrain from posting multiple times because you are debating with multiple people as well as try to be as clear as possible in your posts.
    just to re-iterate, snackbar you need to chill out a bit and take a step back. everyone posting needs to make legitimate posts legitimately debating and give a reason behind a vouch. if you want to use laws as a form of back up, use federal and not state laws. and everyone should probably take a day away from this thread before they post anything else to give time for their minds to settle, psychologically you guys are too into the hype of a new thread getting so big and everyone should chill out.
  25. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Liekos in Matsi   
    OK. let's get started.
    First and foremost, I do not condone this thread at all. My major reason for that is that almost every single person posting in here giving a +1 has instigated so many different issues with matsi and in fact almost all the instances you use as proof (not counting the countdown thread by vector) are all started by you guys posting something derogatory, demeaning, rude, and just plain un-necessary towards matsi. Exhibit A:
    Phoenix made a moderator submission, matsi simply posted a quote of the appropriately deemed requirements to create one and said that it should be closed due to not meeting the requirements, instantly owl, vector, and various other staff members of CS:GO posted rude and hateful things basically telling matsi to fuck off. Meanwhile you turn around to Diversion's mod submission and owl posts that and demands a close and literally throws a hissy fit about when I re-open it even going to the point of insulting my ability as a DM.
    Secondly, just going to get this out of the way before I forget it, but this is a semi-unrelated note: Snackbar, you're a great guy and all but you need to chill the fuck out. You're doing great trying to help and all and it really is appreciated by me, but you're taking things too fast. You banned him on teamspeak "for shits and giggles all in good fun" you don't do that to someone unless you are good friends with them. You push all these rule changes that are discussed by you and 2 others that agree with you at 3am in teamspeak, with no regard for a discussion prior to making it official without messaging the rest of the higher ups in the division as well as those rules push away from the unified set of rules that we tried very hard to make happen. yes game specific rules will be division specific but now you are making a steam name global rule a division specific thing, going so far as to try and control what people make their steam name "must be a name you are easily recognized as such as your forum name or a name you frequently use" if I decide I wanted to go by AlphaOmega tonight nobody would recognize me at first, as well as if asked I would present my forum name. Next, there is a blatant exclusion of communication the very opposite is happening in regards to that which @Rhododendron was all for trying to eliminate and then he too becomes guilty of his old habit of talking to one person about something and making a change: I have not once been messaged by snackbar with who he wants to promote/demote since he was given the opportunity as DM, nor has he responded to my private message I made with him and bleed specifically for discussing between us promo demo and other future changes we would be considering doing (obviously they would then be brought into a discussion on the csgo forums). even now going so far as to post promo/demo at 3am because he wants to do it when it is a CL job, and he creates his own promo/demo without consult. the reason it is a CL job is because they can then cross check it. when you post it, there is no going back on it. while I agree the whole set of CS:GO staff right now is good at their job, I can tell you for a god damn fact a couple people got promoted because they are your friends while you wouldnt consider some others because you aren't friends and always talking even though they are just as deserving of staff.
    Third, there was supposedly a discussion between tf2 higher ups, csgo higher ups, and silence. I was not included so it clearly did not include all csgo higher ups, bleed probably wasnt, and since when do we banish someone from a division? no. if you really dont like the guy, just fucking ignore him.
    Beastiality is not a federal law, it may be a state law, but we have to go by federal since that is the do all tell all for anyone in the US as a US based community if you want to bring "felonies" into it. tarin sexually idolized and sent dick pics to a 14 year old boy which has been presented proof of, that is a federal felony. Beastiality is not a felony according to federal law, and as such could not be used. infact if you wanted to use some state laws, there are some that limit what you can and cannot have sex with, as stated by matsi florida it has to be bigger than a porcupine. No he should not be saying these things in public but it is his life and his sexual interests, they dont do anything to you, I could see a abuse report for conduct unbecoming of a staff member as that is immature and not the "better" thing to be doing, and I would gladly give a + 1 to that, but a removal of member? no. wanting him to be permanently banned? absolutely not.
    Don't get me wrong, I am not friends with the guy, even if I was like with the vector case, I fought for iggy too and I am not afraid to turn around and ban a friend when they fuck up. See: rabid and vector having numerous bans from me. forum and game and teamspeak. But if you want to do something to this scale then there better be a legitimate reason, which is why when snackbar said he was thinking about posting one I told him I would give it a - 1 and that I believed it would be incorrect to post in the first place for some of the reasons listed above. after you get time to read over this and simmer, I will post a follow up to any questions/legitimate posts in response to this.
    I will also be closing the "Companion Thread" as this is not a "majority vote" kind of thing, this is a CL decision and they will make it by going over all the statements and evidence provided in the thread, I will not be deleting that thread like I should until after the resolution of this issue is met, If you cannot give a reason to your vouch, then you shouldn't be posting it anyway, as well as periodically as I fade in and out of being home because of my life and shit, I will be going through this and deleting useless/stupid posts. please refrain from posting multiple times because you are debating with multiple people as well as try to be as clear as possible in your posts.
    just to re-iterate, snackbar you need to chill out a bit and take a step back. everyone posting needs to make legitimate posts legitimately debating and give a reason behind a vouch. if you want to use laws as a form of back up, use federal and not state laws. and everyone should probably take a day away from this thread before they post anything else to give time for their minds to settle, psychologically you guys are too into the hype of a new thread getting so big and everyone should chill out.