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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. if any thing make it a rule where you must be in the server and in the Scrim lobby to show that you want to play. Use the ts logs to see who are the first 10 in ts then the first 10 in game.


    I don't always join teamspeak before a scrim. It's not even necessary nor a viable solution to solving first come first serve.


    Fuck, I don't even recall first come first serve ever having an issue. Anybody that joined past 10 players typically gets called out or not picked by captains because they know they joined late.

  2. What would stop the T's !firing a warden while the other CT has no mic or doesn't want to warden, wouldn't they just make it freedays constantly if staff is off? What would be your ways to combat the abuse when there is 8ish people on? Or is this going to be something implemented only if server has 12+?


    Read my other posts, thank you.

  3. Or staff should be on top of the wardens and keep pushing days along/getting rid of a warden when he is worse than cancer and will literally do FRLR every round even though there has to be variety. you could make it so !fire is only allowed if no staff on/staff with tags.

    I mean the !fire command would give all the T's a more unified decision. I don't think any staff member wants to make the decision on whether or not someone should warden or not.

  4. Well, with the jump pad pluggin you no longer need to worry about redstone mechanisms and blocks around it. The blocks around a slime block needs to be unmovable(aka crafting tables, obby, etc) or they will be brought up with the block.

    The redstone mechanisms for the slime jumppads are rather simple and already done, so there won't be any worrying. The only issue I personally have with slime block jumppads is with the aesthetics due to the necessity of having to surround it with bedrock/obsidian. That's something that can be looked past being that super designed the pvp arena to look hellish.


    All of this is pretty trivial as to why it is more convenient being as the slime jumppads are already created (which you kind of saw already and commented on?). I was expecting a response more along the lines of the issues with clipping. Or even the issue of the slime jumppads only boosting if you hit certain parts of the pressure plate.


    I will look into adding jump pads if it only interferes with minor movement checks with nc+.


    Also, the jump pad doesnt need to be only in the pvp arena


    As of right now, we do not have any other areas that would actually utilize jump pads.


    and with a few commands it can work.


  5. Just saying that jumppads are more convenient(y) But if you dont use it its ok

    How? Give a good reason as to why it's convenient if you want it to be added. So far, you have provided none.


    I'll give you one reason why it's inconvenient: Nocheatplus is going to give us issues which will ultimately result in either removing the jumppad plugin or tinkering with the nocheat config to be extremely lenient with certain types of movements. This would ultimately allow cheaters to use more features in their modded client.

  6. Super IMO I think your better off with a jump pad pluggin


    P.S : It would be great if you add me on steam, we can talk about minecraft and such.


    Why use a jump pad plugin when he can use intended minecraft features for the same effect? Only thing a jump pad plugin will do is faster following onto the pads and possibly nocheat issues.


    Just because there's a plugin for something doesn't mean it should be used.

  7. I like this idea, but the !fire command could end up getting abused I feel.

    I could see it being abused at its simplest form but limitations can be put in place to prevent or discourage players from abusing it.


    Maybe make it so it costs credit to fire a warden, a warden can only be fired every other round or once a map, etc. With such a command I'm sure players will try to fire a warden whenever they can or when there is only one person wardening. Not sure if warden is called by !warden of first person to talk but if only one person attempts to call warden then !fire will not be available.


    There will be no way to completely prevent abuse of the command even if it's minor but the pros outweigh the cons.

  8. JB has a lot of bad wardens.


    Give players extra credits for being warden. Add a !fire command to vote off the current warden (obvs with T ratios) if it is before 9:00 or whatever you see fit.


    Will incentivize anybody calling warden to be more creative and fun.

  9. Hey, I just want to let everyone know @Aegean is nt having a good day because he's anxious about his rank but can't play csgo right now.

  10. [MEDIA=imgur]a/gK8kt[/MEDIA]

    This is the game you got DMG from.


    Show the other match histories retard, don't link one game and pretend that what got my rank up.


    You're below me, I rest my feet on your brown back.

  11. I played CS:S on a friend's vac banned account to see if it was any good and tried a jailbreak server with like 5 people and found the gamemode extremely fun. Unfortunately, being that the account was vac banned, my selection consisted of 3-4 servers with <5 pop most of which I got banned from for breaking rules or freekilling. I decided to actually purchase the game once I ran out of vac-insecure servers so I could have a larger selection to play and freekill on.


    Once I purchased CS:S I stumbled upon xG thanks to player count and joined while on the map leoben. Got hooked onto CS:S thanks to the xG community servers which resulted in me spending way more time than I should of playing jailbreak and minigames. Still surprised I'm still around this community after nearly 5 years despite at least two occasions I should have been permanently banned.

  12. Out of all the games I purchased today, cluster truck was well worth the money.




    Its basically a level based parkour game without all the bullshit and annoying features to prevent you from enjoying consistent gameplay. There's a lot of levels and the developers provide seasonal levels on top of the steam workshop content. Highly recommend this game.