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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. As much as I love DarkRP it has to have a consistent population to be any fun at all, that would mean about 20 AT LEAST. I think if we were to open a DarkRP server we would need a very popular community in another gamemode so we could advertise it there.

    Agreed, TTT is a gamemode that doesn't require immense population to be fun. 4-6~ players is all you need to start populating.

  2. Just had an idea, with all these people talking about trying to revive the Garry's Mod division, why not add a DarkRP server?


    DarkRP is boring without population. Probably won't last long.

  3. And in order to fix this either the current DL for gmod has to try and actually fix this problem or we just need to get a DL that would do that job because this clearly isnt working out with the current one.


    Spoiler alert this has been a problem and discussed many times in the past. The DL's are simply too busy, change won't come unless people outside the division step in.

  4. Not guaranteed we actually get a Rust div going, but it's a good idea. My one question is why we never hear anything from the gmod div.


    Still not sure why people refer to gmod as an xG division. The staff/members are distant from xG and there is never any updates or information on that division regarding staff. The gmod server and gamemode its hosting is also dead.

  5. Nuclear Dawn is not fine. 99% of the players on that server are bots Servers | Xeno Gamers. Hell, the game is basically dead. I do agree that gmod should be the next division we should invest in though.


    You're right ND is a dead game.


    Why work on gmod over Rust? Gmod pretty much needs new servers, Morbus is only hindering the division. Might as well move onto Rust unless xG can get a dev for gmod (still think rust is a better option though since so many communities are established in gmod).

  6. >drives home with cup of coffee

    >just closed the coffee shop super tired

    >scored another fat chick to add on steam thanks to fallout music

    >looks in rear view mirror to see fucked up crooked face

    >gets flashbacks of shitty graphic design on xenogamers.com

    >gets into car accident while flashing back

    >almost unconscious

    >more flashbacks of looking into mirror at work

    >face crooked as fuck

    >passes out wakes up at hospital

    >turns to side to see flowers and mirror


    >my face is still crooked



  7. in all honesty, we should consider working on our current divisions before we expand them anymore. (ironic coming from me, the least active staff member of all [personal/work reasons]) but before we go into making new one hit/one month divisions, we should make our current ones thrive. not to sound like "that old dude" but back in the day on CS:S alone, our JB server hit 64/64 every weekend (f/sat/sun) for the majority of the day no matter the time of year. yeah, during school activity dropped low, but you could still hop on css and see atleast 10 people at any point in the day. hell the whole "late night jailbreak" that is on CS:GO with "more lax rules, and different lastCT/LR options" is a thing because that's how it was back in CS:S late at night when myself, a few other staff members, and several regulars used to play with a few randoms who would join at that time (roughly between the hours of 11pm - 5am at which point some euro/east coasters would start playing and start out the "regular day"). (a lot of the randoms that joined from "late night jailbreak" went on to be very well respected members (tree, deathgod, to name a few) and we have some xG legends that were a part of that fun time (smoker is the first to pop into mind for old fags).


    our TF2 servers used to be close to server cap, and TF2 JB didn't even exist at the time. it was things like trade, payload, death run, vsh. not just 1 server, but all of them.


    You used to be able to hop on to CS:S or TF2 at any time in the day, sort by players, and you would see us right up there with HG on CS:S, and No Heroes and all the other majorly populated/funded TF2 communities.


    IMO we should spend more time/effort focusing into actively populating our current server base, and learning to have fun with everyone and not be rule/ban whores on the servers so we get people who want to come back because they had fun while still maintaining a mostly civil place. We also should work on properly advertising our MC server with potentially paid ads on the MC voting sites and increasing the unique traits all our servers have over others (our own custom jailbreak plugin on CS:S that we could work on getting going better for TF2?)

    Minecraft is dead and will more than likely stay dead unfortunately. The current trend is minigames and multi worlds (that typically have minigames and other things like factions). xG is far from that. IMO minecraft needs a lot of work.


    Anyways, idk about tf2 but the csgo division is pretty dead, would need a huge revamp.


    xG is also lacking on trends. For example the trending gamemode on csgo is TTT. I'm not saying xG should get a TTT server bease that world require a lot of work, but it's an example. A new division such as rust would be nice. As of right now rust is fluroishing as a game and constantly growing. xG should hop onto it now rather than later when there's already established names. Because xG is not really an established name anymore.


    EDIT: Did not really go into advertising. Might work for csgo/tf2, minecraft might be a little too expensive. Also csgo has that hourly reward trade bot which is good incentive.

  8. Who cares if the other gaming communities don't have successful facebook/twitter presences, that isn't a reason to just not work on Facebook/Twitter. It's also not counter intuitive because it reaches another audience of people that might not know of our community, thus why Silence has paid for ads in the past. Finding people to join xG simply from voice of mouth or from people inviting their friends isn't the 100% fool proof plan. I told you Hannah and Supreme both volunteered to work on our social media, this isn't taking time away from Silence, Bleed or anyone who does anything to benefit the servers backend wise, and they didn't volunteer because they HAD to do something, they wanted to work on those specific platforms.




    We never said we wouldn't work on youtube, but you're implying that Hannah + Supreme must do one or the other, you're not understanding that this is a volunteer position and that they started working on these platforms (from literally nothing) less than 6 months ago, Hannah less than 2 months.




    You don't know the value of a strong social media following, or you think it's hopeless to try. I already told you, we are not losing "time" or "efforts" from people who are willing to work on these platforms for free, because they personally want to experiment and learn things themselves. What are we losing by letting them give suggestions and try to work on these platforms? Aside from your comments that suggest they should not bother, there's nothing negative. If our social media follows the lead of the other gaming communities and never gets popular, then so be it.




    Do you not read what's previously in the conversation? Look at previous posts, where you can see I agreed with Goblins about not adding the feed onto the forums unless we start having content on our social media that is different then that on the forums.


    You're so dense I'm done responding thanks for your wall of text lmfao. Facebook/twitter is dumb for a gaming community with forums.


    P.s. idc what you said with goblins

  9. What resources are we putting into our social media websites? Nothing. We have 2 volunteers on both platforms who not only offered to work on them but want to work on them, and see if they can learn anything while doing so, which is a win/win on both ends because they had 0 activity on them beforehand anyways. Your "waste of time" implies the time spent could be used to better servers another way, but the people working on the social media platforms aren't also making plugins for us so your logic is flawed. Why would we deny people on trying to help us out on social media which as you said are dead? I don't even care if it doesn't get major progress for a year, things don't automatically have to be a success for it to be worth it.


    Yeah but twitter/facebook is simply not a good avenue to promote. Take a few minutes to research and look at other major gaming communities from cs:go/gmod. None of their facebooks/twitters are successful, why would you use fb/twitter for interacting with a gaming community when there's forums? It's just counter-intuitive when there is a centralized place for everything xG. Have you ever asked yourself why would you go to xG facebook/twitter when you can just head over to the forums?


    There's also the xG youtube channel which hasn't been touched in years. Youtube would actually make sense because it can provide entertainment value. Not only that, youtube compared to facebook/twitter have a bigger presence in the gaming community.


    Last thing, Silence has put thousands of dollars into this community to try to constantly improve it, if he had your mindset, xG wouldn't even be up because "what's the point?".


    My mindset? I don't see why you're trying to make personal attacks on me implicating I have some sort of *mind set* where if I don't see any immediate value in something I just put it down. Because that is simply not true. If that were the case I would not have recommended the curator group/game reviews for xG. I am simply putting down xG's facebook/twitter because it would not make sense for it to be successful in the long run (even if xG became extremely popular once again).


    Adding feeds from the twitter/facebook on the forums would not make sense.

    Ease of access? Yeah you might make xG social media more visible.

    Announcements? Announcements should already be visible on the forums so that would be pointless.

    Interesting content? Don't really see it.


    The only point of making the xG facebook/twitter more visible on the forums would be for advertisement purposes (HURR HURR). If you really wanted to advertise xG media why wouldn't you just heed my suggestions from a few months ago? I suggested using gleam for giveaways which has a system of giving people votes towards the giveaway if they follow facebook/twitter/youtube accounts. Or maybe providing credits to people who have followed the facebook/twitter. This "ease of access" incentive will do nothing but clutter the forums. Even if you can turn off the feeds through the options, why would you have a facebook/twitter feed repeating what is already on the forums?

  10. @MineCrack I don't care if it's been dead lmao, the whole point of working on it is trying to learn how to increase traffic which comes from experimenting. If we took your way of thinking into account, why bother try anything? You always tend to shut down anything from the start with nothing valuable to add in the process.


    How's that going? Oh wait it's still dead. It looks like the experimenting is not working out at all.


    My way of thinking? Yeah I tend to shoot down ideas that I don't feel will workout(aka a waste of time). Feel free to prove me wrong on this though, what's one thing that I've put down that actually ended up working out?

  11. It would give incentive



    Gyazo - b293dc49240e37f1b1e07240c8b12af2.png This is the most recent post on our FB, it's getting worked on and clearly suggesting changes to help increase traffic does not warrant a "something nobody is gonna use anyways". Everything starts somewhere, and you're just being negative for the sake of being negative.


    Yeah look at all the other ones though lmfao.


    Also @Aegean maybe you should get over the idea of having a fb/twitter for xG. It's been dead and you won't be able to prove me wrong, all this wishful thinking and saying OH JUST YOU WAIT XD or EVERYTHING STARTS SOMEWHERE is a shitty excuse for dead media.

  12. I guarantee you that people little to never click those.


    A feed would allow people to SEE what is posted instead of seeing a little button that easily gets overlooked.

    Hey maybe it's because nobody is interested in interacting with xG's social media? It is right above the shoutbox and clear as day. Maybe a bit small but that's beside the point. xG media has always been dead. Feeds won't change much when people can just interact with teh epik forums.

  13. I myself find that plenty of us like to use social media (this includes Twitter and Facebook.) But only a certain few people actually see that button at the bottom of the screen; not to mention the tiny button that you attached.

    [ATTACH=full]27940[/ATTACH] this is the thing I'm talking about.

    Looking through the social media pages they're both pretty dead, as in no one is interacting with them. Just because people use social media doesn't mean they use xG's pages. I'm sure anyone interested would have already followed the fb/twitter page, it's not a big thing people are over looking.