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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. Stay strong to not listen to the propagander by the hillery administration! THEY WILL ATTEMPT TO IMPEACH THE DONALD AND REMOVE HIM FROM THE OVAL OFFICEE!!!!!



  2. apuu.sh_scPXM_a7afde1961.jpg.4e15955a3f3b41fdf1095485e37bff10.jpg







    Please contact local republecan represenitives in order to find locations of crying shill dogs.


    Online sourcies:

    #notmypresedent hashtag on Twitter

    https://twitter.com/search?q="Donald Trump"&src=tren




    and fuckk all the women that are brown labaling us white people as racists, misoginists like wtf? smh lol #trump

  3. Well, I want Hillary to win so we can fight a sock puppet war with Russia using all of the Europeans.


    Hate to break it to our friendly Europeans, but, you are just America's sock puppet.

    ars802_pbsrc_com_albums_yy308_kalaris001_sock_puppet_jpg_c200_.jpg.3f42cc4fa87e3a10f061ea765a7f1ce9.jpg <--------Europe

    We'll fight a proxy war with our fellow European puppets with Russia. I cannot disclose how this will actually go down as the American propaganda is actually very privatized and there is a mutual agreement by every citizen to no release vital information regarding this matter.


    In the event Trump wins, Russia and the United States will collaborate to use our European sock puppets for our mutual benefit (PROFIT).

    ars802_pbsrc_com_albums_yy308_kalaris001_sock_puppet_jpg_c200_.jpg.3f42cc4fa87e3a10f061ea765a7f1ce9.jpg <--------Europe

    Trump will move American businesses from Mexico to Europe. This will remove jobs from Mexico, making it even harder to make money there while having the new formed wall to prevent them from coming in. Not only that, but we will enslave Europe with low pay in our factories, essentially Trump and Russia will buy out European companies and replace them with American. This will weaken a formidable EUROPA. Honestly, our fellow European sock puppets can't do much at this point except watch. At least with Trump this will ensure you guys are not viciously slaughtered in war.

  4. I believe the largest reason is that the majority of our ND player-base are in Europe; so there's a large timezone difference. The London/Redstone Server tends to be borderline filled up during the night, at least from what I've seen (at this moment it's at 27/32).


    @MineCrack I also neglected to mention that the majority of my earlier post was intended to be directed at our Nuclear Dawn Division, not our Gmod Division. My bad, pretty tired :coffee:

    Ahh. Both divisions have been pretty distant from xG's community regardless.


    I believe the largest reason is that the majority of our ND player-base are in Europe; so there's a large timezone difference. The London/Redstone Server tends to be borderline filled up during the night, at least from what I've seen (at this moment it's at 27/32).

    The server is just filled with bots.




    Seems to be only 3 legitimate players.

  5. This is unrelated to the current thread, but I've been wondering; why is the entirety of our Gmod Division (Morbus included) incredibly reclusive? That is to say, I rarely/never see any Members/Players/Staff taking an active interest in the forums at all. Not to start an argument or anything of the sort, I'm just genuinely interested.


    Honestly I rewrote this response a few times because there are so many reasons as to why the Gmod division seems reclusive.


    If we look at previous Gmod divisions, such as Charrax's revision (the most popular), they had the crutch of a populated CS:S division. Members from CS:S played on Gmod which kept it populated and encouraged new players to get involved on the forums. Even the staff then were encouraging of using the forums.


    The current Gmod division is fairly inactive and ran by Stickz who also runs ND. From as far as I can recall the ND division has never been too active on the forums either. I don't even remember if they were ever popular either (I think they were a few years ago). These two divisions have three things in common:


    • Inactive servers
    • Reclusive members
    • Stickz

    Now, I don't want to point fingers at Stickz but he has been pretty adult about subjects regarding his division in the past and on prior threads. Maybe someone on steam can get @Stickz to give an official op to date response regarding all of this. It can be a number of things but none of us really play ND or on the morbus server enough to know solid reasons. All we can really do is speculate.


    However, it is very obvious morbus has fallen out of popularity. It use to be a very popular gamemode when youtubers jumped on the morbus train but that is long gone. I checked the server listing today and there were 11 servers running morbus, none of which had players on it. Maybe it is time to move on from morbus? Finally satisfy xG members from other divisions who enjoy playing TTT? Get a new division leader for Gmod? This seems like a discussion higher ups such as @Aegean should join in on.


    Adding on to the gmod division, I'm really curious to what's going on with the Minecraft division. When I look at the server population, the majority is usually nocturnal birds of prey, and additionally, there have been no posts created by MC users since Friday of last week. Also, I really think that the MC has a ton of potential. A suggestion I have is maybe a Terraria server. Those are extremely popular and they would be great for events.


    Not going to lie, when I was working on the minecraft division it was very time consuming while being boring. I lost interest and I would not be surprised if @Owl is pretty burnt out by now. There was so much time spent in setting up plugins while finding work arounds for any conflicting plugins. People suggested I make plugins (as the original reason I took up minecraft) but it takes such a long time and we did not even have a functional server running. Most plugins we had on the server have actually been developed for years by separate developers while being out of production stages for years.

  6. You should of posted this in the Garry's Mod division.

    Also, tagging @Stickz for comment as he is the leader of that division.


    No point in posting it in the gmod section as no one looks there.


    For the sake of exposure it should just be in general so more people who casually browse active sections of the forum can weigh in their ideas and opinions.

  7. I played morbus a few months ago and the population was fairly low (<15). xG is one of the few communities currently using that gamemode (might be the only lol). However, the non-legacy server list that shows gamemodes drowns out dead gamemodes such as morbus. Which means new player traffic xG's gmod server will get is near nil. The gamemode itself is kind of a shit show and not that fun (hence why the server is empty and no one else is running the gamemode).


    The morbus server should honestly get scratched for TTT or even DarkRP. Both are fun and popular gamemodes that will get way more new player traffic.


    Personally, I think TTT should get added as there are a lot of niche ways to get population on your server. Not only that but you don't have to invest time the same way you do as DarkRP. Lastly, TTT does not require many players to be on the server to start populating it compared to DarkRP (where few players means boring gameplay).


    If @Stickz or anyone else decides to revamp the GMOD community I think there should be a 24/7 TTT server and a small DarkRP server for community nights. At the very least a TTT server over morbus.

  8. sounds legit hahaha :D

    on a serious note i'd still be down for chess competition xG wide, how about we have a tournament? @Aegean


    This would actually be fun even though I don't think many people are good at chess (including me). When I played against Aegean/Rabid its more so reactive gameplay without any real strategy. This usually results in just people trading pieces and relying on mistakes where you don't see any obvious piece. In short, one person who knows basic strategy and good openings/baits/gambits(and how to play off them) can dominate anyone.

  9. A) an abusive leave should result in a permanent Server Ban with no appeal;

    B) an abusive leave should result in a permanent Server Ban with an appeal, but no access to Membership (Basic or otherwise);


    C) an abusive leave should result in a permanent demotion to Non-Member with no access to Membership (Basic or otherwise; dissolution of Permanent Server Ban)


    If mass freekilling then leaving the server is a permanent ban, then an abusive leave should be considered more severe. Especially if you consider the disruption difference between the two and the betrayal to the clan one of the two offences carry.

  10. was here. do remember. he had team swapped @all or anyone he didnt like several rounds in a row, slayed randomly and @all several times. would constantly evade ban, and when a previous protest was denied, was "playing for his friend while he got food" after admitting it was indeed him playing on the account at that time in question.


    further context than provided by scythian


    Yeah after reading the old protest he was definitely an asshole about abusing then decided to ban evade just to further be nuisance.



  11. I don't even remember what you did when you abused so that probably means it was not as serious compared to other members who abused before they left (darkwolf).


    0 for now. You should give people better insight on what you actually did. Abuse is pretty vague.

  12. I think, just my opinion, that we should get the server 100% before we do an event. Meaning an improved spawn and no lagging

    The "lag" was from me reloading permissions, which happened 3 or 4 times during the span of an hour and each time the lag lasted 15-20 seconds.


    Since you're mentioning it, I'm assuming you experienced it which implies you also read every broadcast prior to the reloads. Yet here we are, I still have to explain this again.

  13. Tbh I think we should have a cap of 20 community channels o_o


    hah hah well tbh like if I had 20 channels I would fill some with memes others with anime and maybe one or two with sarcastic statements of murder o_o I'm killing myself!!! :D


    At any given time my channels will have a maximum of two sub channels with people in it. :3 I want 30 channels actually more anime o_o