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Everything posted by Egossi

  1. Hello friend welcome to ghost town Population: 0
  2. Egossi

    Checking In

    Nothin much seems to be going on in this clan anymore, and when it is it's just on discord. I've just been lurking the forums once every week or so at this point, have fun at college bruv
  3. bitch. Bitch.

    1. Bumpy
    2. Precious


      is this a dunkey reference?

    3. Egossi


      Not even close babyyy

  4. MC NAME: egossi POSITION WANTED: DM WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE DIVISION TO HELP: good moderation and moderators COMMENTS: I love minecraft
  5. You dont even know that meme newfriend
  6. My vote is neutral and I definitely needed to make a post here saying that I'm not vouching for or against your member application +0
  7. yeah i found that out after I checked if he has nitro i retract my previous post i would have never guessed that's a coincidence
  8. Nevermind his tag is #1488 and after talking to him he seems to be a degenerate at heart, I change my vote to +1 Pretty much this
  9. Reminds me of myself a few years ago, but I'll go with a -1, honestly I dont think any amount of toxicity should warrant a direct ban, targetted harassment and bigotry would be different but he doesn't seem to be doing anything besides being a toxic edgy retard all the time Most you should do initially is warn him, doubt that'll do anything but at least you can say you warned him when you ban him after he doesn't stop being toxic
  10. Brand new selfie for the selfie friday thread
  11. I recognize that name You had like 10000 likes on the forums at one point for whatever reason
  12. Push me to the edge, all my friends are dead

    1. Bumpy


      Bumpy is still here

  13. Congrats on the marriage thanks for letting us know btw I wanted to crash your wedding Make sure you stop by the Aegean sea it's the best sea it was named after me
  14. You can say yiffas but not yiffers Later my n word with a hard r
  15. It probably shouldnt matter for you, but looking at it from a community leader perspective it should, due to the political climate in america and how much more sensitive the topic of racism is (compared to homophobia) it would look better for the community if we were very slightly more against racist slurs, as long as it's reasonably done so Also I dont think aegean means "my nigga" when he says racial slurs, he's probably talking about things like "nigger, spic, kike" etc. No?
  16. Nooo I'd agree if this was a real life community maybe, but these slurs are generally part of the gaming and internet culture, and while they may be indirectly slightly damaging towards the communities the slurs are for, I would say it's also not that big of a problem as long as, for example, the word "faggot" isnt coming out of the mouth of someone who clearly geniunely hates gay people We all have heated gaming moments people let's not act like we dont
  17. Any tf2 map is gaming history at this point since the game is ancient, add jailbreak maps to tgh and I'll join
  18. Stop gravedigging before i get upset
  19. I don't think people would be ok with voice chat being just micspam and no talking, except for very rare occasions maybe, and even then it's unlikely. When I say "if the server seems generally ok with it" i dont mean if 60% of the server is somewhat enjoying it and the 40% of the server fuckin hates it, i mean if literally everyone is enjoying it except for at most maybe like 1 or 2 people who are ass pained for no reason (because we know anti-fun people exist, even if rarely), which might not be the case most of the time, in which case you would mute the micspammer based on the reactions of the people who are on the server.
  20. That actually used to be the rule believe it or not My take would be to always keep voice changers and earrape banned (maybe potentially slightly more lax on earrape if its very rare and is timed well for comedic effect or something) Soundboards on the other hand, i would say allow them for as long as people on the server generally seem ok with it, judging it more with common sense An example of a good soundboard use would be if a warden on jailbreak (rip) had a good soundboard setup and wanted to play some background parkour music for obby, and the music and the quality of the spam was good, whereas a bad soundboard would be that but with shitty quality/earrape or things that have been mentioned as negative ways of using a soundboard in this thread so far (there are a lot of ways to make it obnoxious) I would personally go as far as allow spamming songs with good quality on TGH when there is no map song, since those can just be client side muted and could be nice Idk it really depends on who's micspamming, an interesing idea could be to only allow admins/trusted mature people to micspam
  21. shenmue 3 and chivalry 2, the new terraria update is also pretty exciting so far, we'll see what the rest of this E3 has to offer