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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Bone in Bhop now in every server.   
    Wait, what? When did this happen?
    Honestly, FF2 shouldn't really have Bhop... Even though it could be fun, I can just forsee Hales jumping around at Mach 5...
  2. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Bhop now in every server.   
    We have a bop plugin of all TF2 servers now???
    Good to know, lol. It would be much more convenient if we, especially the higher ups, would have been told about that.
  3. Winner
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Moosty in Bhop now in every server.   
    We have a bop plugin of all TF2 servers now???
    Good to know, lol. It would be much more convenient if we, especially the higher ups, would have been told about that.
  4. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Elcark in Bhop now in every server.   
  5. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Spoopy in Bhop now in every server.   
    This is just a thread to point on opinion on the new bhop plug in thats in every server now. Now the bhop plugin is different than the one we have in surf as in which can't continuously bhop and gain momentum, but still have the bhop for like 3-4 jumps. It was first in Surf, but now it's in every server. In my opinion I really don't like it especially in FF2 and Pokemon trade. In Pokemon the bhop doesn't really effect that much, but in its so annoying to see sniper bhop away when I launch them and try to hit them with my rollers. Also the Bhopping pyro. god just go away... ;w; Now in FF2 added theres a problem becuase I abused this bhop in a way so that I would just go in high cliffs or buildings, and when hale rages, I would bhop away as a freaken heavy. Not cool man making it harder for hale to catch people now. Idk this is my opinion and I would like to hear your guy's and gal's opinion. Keep it or Remove it? (Should have given us a vote before adding in the plug in tbh)
  6. Friendly
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Rejects in General Update Thread   
    Freak Fortress 2 (so far):
    >New bosses:

    Ass Pancakes
    Michael Rosen
    Sewer Medic
    One Punch Man

    >Bosses reworked:

    Hatsune Miku: Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore
    Bowser: Nerfed, can't play as a Hyper Heavy anymore
    GabeN: Nefed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    MLG Sniper: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ninja Spy: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ass Pancakes, Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore

    >Bosses removed:

    White Face

    >Maps added:

    arena_desertbase by @KSPlayer1337
    VSH_Jungle beach

    >RTD effects removed:

    Instant Kills (too OP)
    Tiny Player (broken)
    Big Head (broken)

    (to be continued)
    Special thanks to @bagel, @grap_grop, @Thunder, @Matteomax @Tatost, @Rejects and @Bone for helping.
  7. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from hongkongatron in General Update Thread   
    Freak Fortress 2 (so far):
    >New bosses:

    Ass Pancakes
    Michael Rosen
    Sewer Medic
    One Punch Man

    >Bosses reworked:

    Hatsune Miku: Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore
    Bowser: Nerfed, can't play as a Hyper Heavy anymore
    GabeN: Nefed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    MLG Sniper: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ninja Spy: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ass Pancakes, Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore

    >Bosses removed:

    White Face

    >Maps added:

    arena_desertbase by @KSPlayer1337
    VSH_Jungle beach

    >RTD effects removed:

    Instant Kills (too OP)
    Tiny Player (broken)
    Big Head (broken)

    (to be continued)
    Special thanks to @bagel, @grap_grop, @Thunder, @Matteomax @Tatost, @Rejects and @Bone for helping.
  8. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Tatost in General Update Thread   
    Freak Fortress 2 (so far):
    >New bosses:

    Ass Pancakes
    Michael Rosen
    Sewer Medic
    One Punch Man

    >Bosses reworked:

    Hatsune Miku: Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore
    Bowser: Nerfed, can't play as a Hyper Heavy anymore
    GabeN: Nefed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    MLG Sniper: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ninja Spy: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ass Pancakes, Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore

    >Bosses removed:

    White Face

    >Maps added:

    arena_desertbase by @KSPlayer1337
    VSH_Jungle beach

    >RTD effects removed:

    Instant Kills (too OP)
    Tiny Player (broken)
    Big Head (broken)

    (to be continued)
    Special thanks to @bagel, @grap_grop, @Thunder, @Matteomax @Tatost, @Rejects and @Bone for helping.
  9. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from ZevoAnonReal in General Update Thread   
    Freak Fortress 2 (so far):
    >New bosses:

    Ass Pancakes
    Michael Rosen
    Sewer Medic
    One Punch Man

    >Bosses reworked:

    Hatsune Miku: Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore
    Bowser: Nerfed, can't play as a Hyper Heavy anymore
    GabeN: Nefed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    MLG Sniper: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ninja Spy: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ass Pancakes, Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore

    >Bosses removed:

    White Face

    >Maps added:

    arena_desertbase by @KSPlayer1337
    VSH_Jungle beach

    >RTD effects removed:

    Instant Kills (too OP)
    Tiny Player (broken)
    Big Head (broken)

    (to be continued)
    Special thanks to @bagel, @grap_grop, @Thunder, @Matteomax @Tatost, @Rejects and @Bone for helping.
  10. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from bagggel in General Update Thread   
    Freak Fortress 2 (so far):
    >New bosses:

    Ass Pancakes
    Michael Rosen
    Sewer Medic
    One Punch Man

    >Bosses reworked:

    Hatsune Miku: Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore
    Bowser: Nerfed, can't play as a Hyper Heavy anymore
    GabeN: Nefed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    MLG Sniper: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ninja Spy: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ass Pancakes, Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore

    >Bosses removed:

    White Face

    >Maps added:

    arena_desertbase by @KSPlayer1337
    VSH_Jungle beach

    >RTD effects removed:

    Instant Kills (too OP)
    Tiny Player (broken)
    Big Head (broken)

    (to be continued)
    Special thanks to @bagel, @grap_grop, @Thunder, @Matteomax @Tatost, @Rejects and @Bone for helping.
  11. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Bone in General Update Thread   
    Freak Fortress 2 (so far):
    >New bosses:

    Ass Pancakes
    Michael Rosen
    Sewer Medic
    One Punch Man

    >Bosses reworked:

    Hatsune Miku: Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore
    Bowser: Nerfed, can't play as a Hyper Heavy anymore
    GabeN: Nefed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    MLG Sniper: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ninja Spy: Nerfed, Rage lasts shorter and isn't as OP anymore
    Ass Pancakes, Nerfed, can't play as a 420 scout anymore

    >Bosses removed:

    White Face

    >Maps added:

    arena_desertbase by @KSPlayer1337
    VSH_Jungle beach

    >RTD effects removed:

    Instant Kills (too OP)
    Tiny Player (broken)
    Big Head (broken)

    (to be continued)
    Special thanks to @bagel, @grap_grop, @Thunder, @Matteomax @Tatost, @Rejects and @Bone for helping.
  12. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from mrnutty12 in [xG]Zevo - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 for probationary mod as well, seems quite active and fun to play with. He is also mature and has a good understanding of the rules as far as I have seen.
  13. Sad
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from TBOHB in Rhetorical - team fortress 2   
    Sadly the majority of our leadership believes that at this point in time Rejects is unfit for staff.
    - closed
  14. RIP
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Krampus in Rhetorical - team fortress 2   
    Sadly the majority of our leadership believes that at this point in time Rejects is unfit for staff.
    - closed
  15. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Rhododendron in [xG]Zevo - Team Fortress 2   
    Fixed FF2 wasn't on GameME.
  16. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from TBOHB in [xG]Zevo - Team Fortress 2   
    GameMe isn't on there and @Rhododendron does not want to add it, since there's [according to him] no point of tracking player statistics on a server with a gamemode like FF2.
    edit: never mind apprently, lol
  17. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Kypari in [xG]Zevo - Team Fortress 2   
    It's not showing up on rank.xenogamers.com.
  18. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from TBOHB in [xG]Zevo - Team Fortress 2   
    Uhhh, he plays a LOT on vsh. I see him everytime I'm on there and I'm fairly sure hes played for more than 16 hours.
  19. Sad
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Rhetorical - team fortress 2   
    Sadly the majority of our leadership believes that at this point in time Rejects is unfit for staff.
    - closed
  20. Like
    realBelloWaldi reacted to ZevoAnonReal in [xG]Zevo - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2
    In-Game Name:



    Time Active:

    14 - 16 hours


    Currently have none.


    I applied for a moderator position, because I always make sure the rules are enforced and such when an admin or a mod is not on or does not respond. I also try to help out whenever there's a situation going on. So in all I'll apply for a position or so to be part of the staff so that I could help out whenever. xG is such a great community (and i mean out of all the communities) that I don't want to see it go away because of rule violations and such.
  21. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Vector in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    In the months the map has been on the server maybe once or twice question the drawing and you know what happened? when we answered that it was artistic and nothing about it was inherently sexual. Their response? "Ohhhh okay" I mean I don't see how it's so hard to just tell them and they eventually understand it. We don't need to keep getting more and more and more specific with rules when you can quite honestly just tell them the opinion of the upperstaff and use discretion. This is seriously a non issue.
  22. Got It
    realBelloWaldi reacted to hongkongatron in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    It was a little hard for me to tell if this thread was actually serious because of the removal reason in question.
    The "pornography" is literally just an artistic sketch, the maker of the map is an artist and dumped a lot of their art on the map, that just happened to be one of them.
    -1 for the thread right now because this is the hotelhell thread all over again.
  23. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    Honestly, why can't we just keep it? It's not sexualized whatsoever and if someone gets seriously upset by this then we can't help them.
    We can have exceptions every once in a while if all TF2 higher ups agree. Additionally, given what @Vector said I see no point in removing or even trying to edit the map.
  24. Disagree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Moosty in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    So basically we have a map on TF2's Trade Gaming history that has a full body image of a nude woman, tits, bush, minge and all, and our staff has been allowing it because "it's artistic" well I looked at the rules and they said no nudity and to keep it PG-13, So I'm confused as to where I can find this "If it's artistic nudity is allowed" clause in our rules. I won't post an uncensored image, since nudity on forums is banned artistic or not(LOL it's almost like that's the rule), but here's one with the naughty bits covered by sprays, though it's clear what's happening under said sprays.
    Steam Community :: Screenshot :: we don't allow nudity
    I honestly Don't care about the decision either way as I like the map, I just don't want to see special treatment behind the communities back just because a map is well made and fun. If we allow it to stay I'd like a clause added to our rules that we host maps with nudity as long as DM+ find them artistic enough, because otherwise we're just breaking our own rules and confusing new players by randomly spawning them in front of a naked woman 10+ scout models tall while simultaneously telling them through motd that we're a pg-13 community that doesn't allow nudity. I just want consistency with our rules, or just transparency in cases we aren't consistent. that's my reason for making this thread.
    tagging relevant staff @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @Bello @Aegean @Rhododendron @virr @whoever I forgot I'm sorry fam
  25. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Vexx in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    I'm telling you, the image is not anywhere close to how bad you're describing it is. There are no "flaps" nor is there anything sexual about the image. The pose the woman is taking is a common pose used in art like this. PG - 13 is entirely subjective, as the idea of PG - 13 as drastically changed over time.
    Here is an excerpt I found someone had written when comparing Art to Pornography:
    "...while both art and pornography utilize nude figures, the purpose/motives for portraying the naked body are definitively distinct. Pornography utilizes nude figures for the pure purpose of stimulating the baser instincts of individuals; instincts that will not be satisfied by that alone. Art, on the other hand, utilizes nude figures for the purpose of highlighting the beauty of man. While pornography engenders lust, art engenders admiration for the glory and beauty of the human body, and thus the glory of its Maker."
    You can find the full article here: Art vs. Pornography: What’s the Difference?
    Honestly, if you find this image at all erotic, I would seriously be concerned for you if you walked through an art gallery.
    Edit: Also, the map is on GameBanana: CYBERPUNK 2 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Death Match) - GAMEBANANA
    GameBanana does not allow any pornographic images in the maps on their website.