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  1. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Thorax_ in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    I had too. No regrets.
    But after reading further responses, I have changed my mind, although the screenshots do show suspicious activity; it is not enough proof... as mentioned the chat log doesn't help their case but still...
    +1 for unban and a warning for the hack binds
  2. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Forest in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    Is there really that much to discuss here? While screenshots can provide context, by no means should they alone be substantiated enough to warrant a permanent ban for hacking, especially when the screenshots aren't even that credible provided the following facts:

    It's common to camp a corner
    Audio cues from behind the wall
    Tendency for a Player to be behind said-wall
    Facing the direction that the user will be shooting

    I'm sorry, but screenshots of someone facing a wall when it just so happens that someone is behind it does not equate to a permanent ban for wall-hacking. With that said, while not relevant, the accused even has 1,811 hours recorded for TF2 on top of 382/520 achievements which is something to consider; anyone hacking could just as easily create a new Steam account and play TF2 as it is F2P without worrying about their main account facing any sort of ban/suspension.
    Now I'm not saying that the Moderator wrongly accused the Player, nor am I saying that the Player 100% did not hack. All I'm saying is that there just is not enough given here to warrant a permanent ban for hacking, which is why I'm going to +1 for an unban.
    TL;DR - Players should be treated as innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around. Evidence is not clear enough to warrant a permanent ban for hacking.
  3. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Elcark in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    Stop tagging me, I don't do forum stuff D:
  4. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to CappyCappy in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    If someone can post the combat log as additional evidence it would be much appreciated.
  5. Disagree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Spoopy in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    When your a shit mod and other people have to clean up for you kek. were's my demote.
  6. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Kypari in Rhetorical - team fortress 2   
    No offense to anyone who +1 rejects for being "great staff" or whatever but I completely disagree. Rejects was not great staff. He abused on multiple occasions in different ways, such as the obvious stat changing, adding random plugins without consent and muting the entire server because he was sad (no vote either). I can hardly call that "the best staff in xg". We can't just push these aside either and say "other than that he was good" because that's like a crooked cop who deals getting called "the best officer" despite if he enforces the law better than anyone else.
    On the other hand Rejects has been around in the community for a long time and obviously worked up to DL in the past. I think it's fair to give him probationary mod if anything or maybe wait a bit longer since he does have experience.
    -1 for mod
    +1 for possible probationary mod
  7. Are You Insane
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Thorax_ in Forum Updates - REPORT GLITCHES HERE!   
    We can copy the rating images. You can drag the SVG file.
  8. Got It
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Tatost in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    yes yes, hello. These screenshots are worthless lol, he could have his cursor over the corner so he can check it, it's normal for someone to do that around a corner. As you can see in the screenshots, his cursor is never even on the guy. I mean, it's not 100% he's not cheating, but the screenshots aren't enough proof to say "yeah he's hacking, -1 xd." You guys are just saying "yeah to me it looks like he's hacking because his cursor is relatively near someone on the other side of the wall. I'm going to stay neutral at this point, as there is no way I can depict whether or not this guy is cheating from pictures.
  9. Disagree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Thorax_ in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 for unban
    Obvious wall-hacks.
  10. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from virr in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    On the one hand I see how this would prove that he has walls, on the other hand, this COULD be some coincedences, as we don't have anything that gives us a better insight on the context (you say he was walling, he says he wasnt - we have one person's word against another's). A demo should have been taken. Was other staff online that can support your statements @Spoopy?
  11. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Moosty in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    He's a fictional dog
  12. Thinking
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Spoopy in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    Don't got demo cuz im retarted but got a screenie of him looking at sir capsalot multiple times
  13. Are You Insane
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Thorax_ in New unban challenge   
    In order to be unbanned by completing this challenge you must.

    Dab while reciting Scootaloo’s 50 Shades of Oof.
    The reading of 50 Shades of Oof must be recited in 100% accuracy, must also make sound effects to match the situation in the story. Dabbing must not stop until the completion of the story.


    @Rejects @Vargas @Elcark @Frusty @Bone @Rhododendron
  14. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Aegean in Xg Merchandise   
    for merchandise, you have to think to yourselves like this. Would people wear this shirt in public without being embarrassed. If it's a no, then we won't do it lol.
    I'm still considering merch but only if it's right for our community.
  15. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from ZevoAnonReal in General Update Thread   
    Freak Fortress 2:
    >Added 6 new bosses:

    James Bond
    Servant Grunt
    Buzz Lightyear
    Corrupted Barney Calhounv
    Return of the famous MLG Sniper!

    While this may not seem like a lost, we spent over an hour making sure these actually work.
    I tried to add Walter White and 4chan sniper back, but both models seem to be broken.
    Huge thank you to @Donakonda and @ZevoAnonReal for assisting me!
  16. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Donakonda in General Update Thread   
    Freak Fortress 2:
    >Added 6 new bosses:

    James Bond
    Servant Grunt
    Buzz Lightyear
    Corrupted Barney Calhounv
    Return of the famous MLG Sniper!

    While this may not seem like a lost, we spent over an hour making sure these actually work.
    I tried to add Walter White and 4chan sniper back, but both models seem to be broken.
    Huge thank you to @Donakonda and @ZevoAnonReal for assisting me!
  17. Like
    realBelloWaldi reacted to LemonVolt in Literally the best mod in tf2   
    Ok, so last night, I spent 8 hours going through the scout files and revoiced most of the voice lines, some I couldn't find. But you need to see for yourself how great this mod is.
    Some of the files I couldn't find. But I might update it in the future, and see if I can find the other files, this will make your TF2 experience 20x better!
    Alright slots taken in this dumb mod,
    Pyro: Vac?
    Engineer: Bliz
    Demoman: Rejects
    k thanks
    LemonVolt(Matt) Scout voice lines.zip
  18. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from GayCommie in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    Why don't we we just use the one we have on TGH? It's set to something like five minutes before it kicks you. If you're AFK for more than five minutes, even as a staff member, you should be kicked. I personally really don't see why staff would be excluded from getting kicked. If someone's AFK, they're AFK and shouldn't take up a server slot. On a side note, when a staff member is online, the calladmin plugin does not send out messages for reports on that server anymore. If staff goes AFK, they're prettt much blocking the calladmin bot (don't get me wrong, everyone goes AFK for a few minutes every now and then, but if it's something like 5+ minutes and you're the only staff member, people can't report any wrongdoing anymore.)
  19. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from ZevoAnonReal in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    Adding these today:

    Walter White
    James Bond
    Servant Grunt

    Message me immediately if they are broken.
  20. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from ZevoAnonReal in [ff2] Request New Bosses   
    bump, gonna add new bosses in the future. feel free to suggest them here.
    right now im adding:

    Walter White
    James Bond
    Servant Grunt

  21. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from ZevoAnonReal in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    I'll add a few new bosses today.
  22. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Spray rules clarification/rework   
    Let's have it explicitly stated once we're finished with overhauling the current rule. I think it's important to have everything written down, so people can't say it's not stated anywhere when breaking rules. This way you would also not have to go to a staff member to ask about little details, as you can just read the General MOTD.
  23. Got It
    realBelloWaldi reacted to YeEternalTuna in The objector issue   
    Yeah we need a detailed rule about this stuff ESPECIALLY about the cropped butts n stuff cus I see way to many staff loop hole this but I never dared to question it but now I fully understand that it's not okay. (Btw I'm on my phone so I'm not going to give a gigantic paragraph of a response on this but I hope you get the idea).
  24. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Bone in The objector issue   
    Although it might just be my OCD, I'd prefer if it was a written rule. I hate the old "An Admin once said this was against the rules, I think"
    A rule being just hearsay that only a group of people might of heard or were present upon it's creation just bugs me.
  25. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from virr in Spray rules clarification/rework   
    Let's have it explicitly stated once we're finished with overhauling the current rule. I think it's important to have everything written down, so people can't say it's not stated anywhere when breaking rules. This way you would also not have to go to a staff member to ask about little details, as you can just read the General MOTD.