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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. 52 minutes ago, Tekage said:

    You can get annoyed about a situation, but at the end of the day, it's how you handle that annoyance which proves that you are a good staff member.

    After a few nights sleep, I think that really the best option here would be to possibly give Tuna another chance. Give him PM and see what happens; I see no harm in that. Who knows; maybe giving Tuna staff could be the best decision the higherups could ever make for TF2.

    I apologise @YeEternalTuna if I have offended you or if anything I have said in this thread has been out of line in any way.

    +1 for PM

    PM is specifically for those who have abused, which is why we give them less commands. It would likely just be straight up mod.

  2. I came up Kypari (without the !) because one time after I'd watched sword art online there was a widget that I downloaded for my phone that displayed your phone's battery in SAO health bar form, but I needed a name for it, so while I was having a poop thinking of names for it I just randomly typed stuff until I came up with Kypari. Truly inspirational.

    I ended up adding the ! to make it Kypari! because I used to do a lot of trading years ago and I took inspiration from many higher-tier traders, one of which being someone called Mattie! I thought the ! looked cool so I added it in


  3. 34 minutes ago, NitNat said:

    You're making it sound like it was our intention to come here and cause chaos




    DDWKP2y.png(this one is literally targeting me for my mental health and anxiety, see the rating)



    If this is your personal idea of "not causing chaos" I might need to throw a dictionary at your face. Blatantly disrespecting members, staff and such because you didn't get your way. All of these silly passive aggressive comments and massive posts on the forums in which you try to make something that's not even that big of a deal into a huge deal could be dealt with SO much better, and in fact are causing chaos. You can contact your local higherup alternatively to making passive aggressive comments and trying to cause a poopstorm. We can prevent this together just so long as everyone tries to be civil and friendly!


    34 minutes ago, NitNat said:

    Caribou I don't know what you meant by our personal friend group defending Jackie and coming in to rescue her with +1's.  You're making assumptions there because if you actually looked, none of us said anything at all for that thread.  One person reacted to some post, and that's it.


    Not even going to paste picture after picture anymore because this post is getting very long >.> , but it's pretty evident that you guys weren't happy with the overall decision people were coming to. Just because you didn't vouch doesn't mean you didn't have an opinion regardless. Had I been doing what Jackie was doing on the server, I'm preeeetty sure you guys would have been all over that. Though I'm assuming that entirely, I think plenty of us are genuinely confused why you guys thought that was justified. You're entitled to your opinions of course, but it doesn't always come across very well if you guys just rate things instead of actually saying anything, it just looks like you guys know that she should be in trouble but want to deny it with ratings (of course, that may not have been your intention, but that is how it definitely comes across to me personally).

  4. On 7/13/2018 at 10:08 PM, LemonVolt said:

    This is actually starting to bother me. Right now xG is split into two groups, the Furry friends, then the Tuna group.

    There are far more groups than just the furry group. That specification is so broad that I don't think I can even place who you mean by it. There's groups of Wyverness' discord, Krampus', Healix's, Hachi's, and many of us are in multiple of them. Just labeling everyone as furries despite how surprisingly enough a lot of people aren't actually furries doesn't exactly come across very well at all.

    On 7/13/2018 at 10:08 PM, LemonVolt said:

    The furry group despises the entirety of the Tuna group because of one person, who imo never did anything to deserve it. They're taking it to the extreme and banishing friends to the shadow realm because they have friends in that group. Then what friends they have left after that try to convince them that Tuna's group is the devils house and never talk to anyone there.

    I'm really unsure why you're pinning this all on Tuna, I don't have problems with any of you solely because of tuna because that's completely unfair. Many people in your friendship group I have had problems with in the past and currently, and since most of the people in that group go around sort of in packs and often do things together, I don't think it's unsurprising personally to say that a lot of us aren't a fan at all of how many of you have acted. Hopefully we can all put a change to that!

    On 7/13/2018 at 10:08 PM, LemonVolt said:

    Then the Tuna group, obviously is poop on the most, it isn't perfect, (I do think that some things could have been handled a little better, but they did what they needed to get the message across) but I think they're much better than the other.

    It's just fudgeing nonsense and shouldn't be a thing. As a part of the tuna group, the furry group can chill tfo.

    I don't even know if I would have called it the tuna group in the first place to be honest Things could definitely have been handled better to a degree where (I mean this with the upmost respect) it just makes you guys look rude, snarky and I hate to say it but kind of childish. As virr said, we're a gaming community and there's no need for drama and I just want everyone to get along, but when I see passive aggression (from both sides too) it just makes me feel like we've lost something.

    You're saying you're much better than the other and that's obviously entirely biased and pretty unfair to say, but obviously you see your group from a different standpoint to what many of us do. In my personal opinion I would think the total opposite, no offense of course.


    I feel a lot of drama stems from private discord ranting and people disagreeing with opinions. Why is it so bad if someone disagrees with your opinion? We are all human (surprisingly considering the current state of the tf2 division) and we all have feelings and opinions, and no one should be shamed or insulted for that. If someone disagrees with you, ask why, try to change their mind, and if all else fails that's OK!


    This leads me to another problem that I've been having, which is in regards to people on TGH essentially tryharding and playing "as if it was competitive". This came up in an issue recently when many maps had votes to be removed and people were making comments such as "24/7 Aquatic Ruin". Complaining how people play in the first place is the problem, and I don't even play competitively - I just kill people because that's my way of fun and I prefer maps that are more balanced and are fun to fight on, I would join a comp team if I played competitively, not hang around on xG. Hanging out with you guys and killing is great and why I love playing on xG servers, so if people would stop judging other people for playing they way they do that would be nice, and I'm directing this at the people who play it competitively and call people idiots for liking to explore maps too (that really bothers me), not just the people making snarky comments towards those who do play it competitively. People play in their own way and as long as we're not breaking rules or hurting anyone is it really such an issue?

    I hear things like "why are we voting for this fudgeing map lol" (specifically from the competitive people since I'm often with them in a call) way too often and I also hear others complain like "lol competitive tf2", but I just don't understand why people can just vote for the maps they like, try to rile people up to go to the map you like and just get along, not argue over something so silly.


  5. 3 minutes ago, YeEternalTuna said:

    That was over a year ago. He had some real issues with me and he was absolutely obsessed with getting me demoted, going as so far as to try and provoke me to use it as ''evidence''. Bello eventually had to step between us because he did not want to stop bothering me and we had agreed on a truce but he continued either way. He berated me and slandered me so lets please drop this already because this is old poop that I'd rather not have to continue.

    You talked to me in a condescending tone and I didn't particularly enjoy that so of course I was going to be upset. Recently we had a problem with that spawn issue on the very same map where staff had told me that it was not part of spawn so that whole argument was really silly. 

    Some of these points are already done and dealt with (2 and 3)

    Yeah, just stating things that have definitely tilted my opinion since yeah of course people change but if there are hints of what happened in the past still here today, it shouldn't be dismissed unfortunately. You definitely dealt with Skelly VS Tuna well, so that's a good thing to come from that frustrating ordeal >.> In regards to the other thing about surf spawns I agree with you now! ^^

    5 minutes ago, YeEternalTuna said:

    This was right after the demo spam thread and it looked like you guys had literally dismissed all of the -1s that were there and I didn't like the end result of that thread and thought it was super ridiculous. 

    Unfortunately it still does look bad. We didn't negate what people thought, it definitely went into mind, but we felt that the best option was to just disable it solely for charging since we can't negate the people who do find it annoying for the people that do find it fun, especially since it's such a pointless feature (though it was very funny). I know exactly how you feel about when you want something to go your way; it doesn't and then you get really angry with the overall decision and you want to complain to someone and make snarky comments (literally me over a year ago). It's completely understandable and I know exactly how you feel, but unfortunately you just have to respect the decision made, maybe rant a bit to your friends if you need to, but making public and passive aggressive statements just make you look immature ?

    16 minutes ago, YeEternalTuna said:

    It wouldn't have to had turned into an argument if the staff's logic in that situation wasn't so poor. I admit that it could've been dealt with better than it was but I also think the staff member in question could've also done the same. Also I only had commented once when he was talking so I don't see how that could've been too much of a problem, its not like I was talking over them with the intent to disrupt. 

    I can personally see where Krampus was coming from but I can also see where you were coming from and I'm glad we have adjusted to be more fitting towards your side. Regardless, this is mostly about you, and even then it's probably a smaller thing than the others

    17 minutes ago, YeEternalTuna said:

    Some of these points are already done and dealt with (2 and 3) while the rest are recent and are actually good examples and I thank you for pointing them out to me. The passive aggressiveness is a product of me bottling up my anger and frustrations (which come from xG specifically) and I'm not talking about it on the forums so if you really want to talk to me to sort things out then just pm me in discord or set up a time where we can converse in the xG vc. I wish people would just stop clinging to the past so much because its starting to actually make me upset because I'm trying to improve but oh well ?‍♀️

    It's nice to see that you are putting the effort in, and trust me, I have seen it. It's a pleasure to talk with you on discord when you talk about your baking or just normal chatting!

    On the contrary however, I know how frustrating it can be because I was in a similar situation to you for a very long time a bit ago, but as long as you keep the hostility up, however much you improve does often get overshadowed by the negatives sadly, no matter how hard you try. Keep on improving and try to be less hostile overall and I'm sure you will really shine

  6. 23 minutes ago, YeEternalTuna said:

    But something is bothering me... I haven't seen you on the servers at all and this is the first time I've seen you in months so what brings you around these parts of town?

    Beats me, I haven't seen him in a while since he's been at his gfs house for a while now

    23 minutes ago, YeEternalTuna said:

    Yeah something I've notice so far is that people have been -1ing me haven't really been providing any examples.The thing with me ''arguing'' was literally brought up in the thread I made not too long ago, where it literally talks about how staff call my criticism/corrections ''arguing'' and ''instigating'' even though that isn't my goal. If no one provides me with actual examples of any of my recent issues then how am I supposed to improve.

    OK then, I'll give you some examples.

    1. Bagel slays you and you make passive aggressive comments in the xG general discord instead of contacting a higherup and being civil (excluding nutty, could have been virr?)
    2. Skelly VS Tuna situation
    3. Arguing with me in particular on surf, such as what spawn is classified as (which I admit I was in the wrong too for arguing and have since improved)
    4. g0nLjYU.png passive aggressive statuses
    5. https://youtu.be/9cpFkVa14o0 Arguing with staff on the server/talking over staff (situation was awkward overall but should have been dealt with less hostility. Good for you for bringing it up but I don't like how it was handled at all)

    There has also been an attitude problem that a lot of people, new and old, have been mentioning. The thing is, though examples would be preferable, it would be very hard to remember every single slay/mute/gag just to specifically pinpoint where you have been as people have described. Clearly it can't be dismissed as multiple people have to have gotten this vibe from somewhere. I know in my experience you sort of have an issue like maf does where it comes down to being very blunt about rules and can come across as argumentative and rude. Hopefully this clears things up on where you need to improve, but all I've seen so far is just more passive aggression really. Hoping to see a change soon. ^^

  7. 6 hours ago, Kypari said:

    There's a lot of stuff that's piled up on trello, so we should get onto that.

    1. Let's make rules more consistent and clarified! which is what i wanted all along reee We need to clarify a lot of the rules clearly as people and staff are getting confused. We could add examples of exploiting, specify what links are allowed and not allowed in the actual rules section (such as backpack.tf vs a gambling site) and examples of what an immature voice actually is (impressions, put-on high voices or such like that), that kind of thing. Otherwise we can work on making all of the rules consistent when we have sorted out clarifying them. This also means revisiting the JB rules and rewriting them if we could.
    2. We have a bunch of bugs that are happening on the server, examples being:
    • Credits deleting themselves when gifting credits or items such as a title
    • Fix /disguise from turning people into objects when crouching without consent
    • People being locked out of death on deathrun
    • Being able to negate the effects of Snail RTD by switching weapon

    In my personal opinion, I think if we can't fix /disguise we should remove it. Snail is a lesser issue than /disguise but I don't see a huge problem in disabling it either, but these are not optimal solutions.



    Oh and on the line of revisiting rules, about the "staff have final say" I don't think this should be a way to shut-down someone but I would much rather it be a rule still because I would rather not have to argue with someone on the server about why the rules I enforced are wrong which would either intimidate the server or cause an uproar. It is much more suitable if they discuss it in steam chat or something similar.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Johny3Tears said:

    your total playtime between TGH, Pokemon, and Surf that I was able to find was aprox 10 days total. I didn't go into others b/c this in its self is more than enough to meed the minimum requirement. https://xenogamers.com/rank/playerinfo/428436

    That being said, i'm going to go with a -1 because while i only vaguely recognize your name as sunny, i recognize some of your old aliases in which you refused to follow rules or listen to staff A:8 (according to gamme)? M:4 



    Really not much in there...if you have personal experience yourself then that's fine but this does feel like a shaky -1, no offense ?

  9. There's a lot of stuff that's piled up on trello, so we should get onto that.

    1. Let's make rules more consistent and clarified! which is what i wanted all along reee We need to clarify a lot of the rules clearly as people and staff are getting confused. We could add examples of exploiting, specify what links are allowed and not allowed in the actual rules section (such as backpack.tf vs a gambling site) and examples of what an immature voice actually is (impressions, put-on high voices or such like that), that kind of thing. Otherwise we can work on making all of the rules consistent when we have sorted out clarifying them. This also means revisiting the JB rules and rewriting them if we could.
    2. We have a bunch of bugs that are happening on the server, examples being:
    • Credits deleting themselves when gifting credits or items such as a title
    • Fix /disguise from turning people into objects when crouching without consent
    • People being locked out of death on deathrun
    • Being able to negate the effects of Snail RTD by switching weapon

    In my personal opinion, I think if we can't fix /disguise we should remove it. Snail is a lesser issue than /disguise but I don't see a huge problem in disabling it either, but these are not optimal solutions.



  10. I miss my favs Ice Climbers so hecking much. I'm going to miss not being able to wobble disabled kids at comic-con but it's probably for the best

    Otherwise Ike and Wolf are characters I'm really hoping are good. I'm a bit of a tier whore so diemBless that they're high tier (doubt Ike will be)

  11. 9 minutes ago, Tatost said:

    Some people don't like the other servers, or maybe the groups that play on them. I don't like TGH because I find the maps boring. I don't play on the surf server because it's not a skill surf server. 

    Staff members do not have to play on all the servers, that's stupid lmao. I rarely played on anything but Pokemon and JB when I was staff because the other servers did not appeal to me. Plenty of the current staff members do not play on all of the servers.

    It's not mandatory to play on every server but it's definitely recommended if you want to climb is how I think of it personally. Plus afaik, not 100% but I think tuna used to play deathrun? Could be mistaken but even then it's not exactly very populated at the moment but regardless *shrug*

  12. 23 minutes ago, LAN_Megalodon said:

    I don't want to be contrarian but air-strafing withing normal tf2 requires you to also move your mouse in the direction of your "a" and "d" presses. It doesn't really look like you're doing this (at least in the video). Other than that we can't really tell what keys you're pressing so I won't pull a tatost and say you're holding w. I don't know if surf or cs handles air control differently where you don't need to move your mouse like that.

    I know what I did djhgfidsnhgjkdfsngioksfdjgiojrsdf

  13. 10 minutes ago, Tatost said:


    I guess holding W would be the closest to what new players would do, but you're definitely holding W. You're not strafing at all, if you were I would see you moving your mouse left and right (while hitting A & D) to gain momentum. You're making it look harder than it really is.


    I did both?

  14. 10 hours ago, LAN_Megalodon said:

    I've never seen anyone get stuck or experience getting stuck and I stay on this map nearly every time it's rtv'd to, that's not me saying that kypari is wrong, that's just me saying with only anecdotal evidence we have no way to figure out what the problem is if there actually is one, whether it's a problem with the map or a weapon or etc.  

    otherwise this:

    As a side note I tried falling all around the map and I did not find any places where I got stuck. Obviously it's impossible for me to cover every square inch of a map but I checked the corners especially pretty thoroughly. 

    Finally, I quite like this map. The low grav and infini-fall kind of makes it feel like the smash mod, except not really because you can still just kill people without a hazard. Still though.

    I actually have a demo, and I've found out I was airblasted, though that shouldn't mean any less because you often see pyros on that map trying to airblast you off the edge.

    People probably still won't change their minds though *shrug*

  15. 55 minutes ago, Vexx said:

    Because your idea of "majority of people" are just the people most vocal about it. I'm sure a lot more people on the server like the map, just don't have member to vote/don't want to speak up about it. 

    Not up to us. This is the best we can do and we have made as much of an effort as we can to make it more vocal on the server, such as the message in chat and it seems to have worked too