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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Literally got stuck for 5 minutes freefalling. If a map has a bug like this, that of which is so common to happen, it's clearly not worth having it on the rotation. Yes I did strafe, I was there, I was talking about it on the server for a good 5 minutes. Of course you can just type "kill" in console or change classes, but we have to consider the less experienced people firstly who don't know how to escape these situations, and secondly we need to reconsider we have map that forces you to kill yourself so often. Map is poop and unfun regardless of this glaring problem. +1

  2. 38 minutes ago, Vexx said:

    Map is from Phantasy Star Online, an old MMO from the Dreamcast.

    It was one of the better ported maps on the server imo, not that many glaring bugs outside of one spot that you can go behind a wall. It does have the same hallway problem that bunker has but if we're honestly going to keep bunker you might as well just keep this one too. If people don't like it they'll just RTV.

    If the majority of people don't like it then why would we keep it? Yeah you can just type rtv but if a majority of people don't want the map then we shouldn't have it. This isn't specific to this situation either, I stand by this for all maps. If the majority of people want to keep this map then that's fine by me and the people who don't like it can rtv, but we shouldn't just dismiss it as "just rtv" if a larger portion of players dislike the map in the first place

  3. 1 hour ago, Dannypicacho said:

    Dead Ringer was nerfed too hard. It was also nerfed because people sucked at the game and couldn't track, but also because poop spies used it as an easy escape. It needed a rebalance, not a nerf. The amby should stay where it was.

    It made Spy a tank. It was awfully designed and was less of an escape and more of a fudge you

  4. 1 minute ago, Jacklyn said:

    That was just to prove the point that kypari's past bans were kinda bull. @Tatost

    TIL You can't punish people on the servers for breaking rules if you don't like them because you get called biased. Secondly you can't prove that those screenshots were before or after those bans, and even if you could that wouldn't change much other than just demonstrate how you're trying to turn this on me because you don't like me yourself.

  5. Warn -> (gag/mute) -> kick -> 1 hour ban -> 1 day ban -> 1 week ban -> 1 month ban

    https://bans.xenogamers.com/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:70818115 &advType=steamid

    It's not entirely a flowchart and we have to be flexible, but I hardly see a reason to be flexible considering how toxic you can be and were. -1

    17 minutes ago, Jacklyn said:

    I know that it's a month because of my previous bans from Kypari, but I think even those bans are debatable. Everyone knows he hates my guts and just jumps at the chance to punish me for any minute reason he can find at the time. (He's even wrongly banned me for a month in the past and it got instantly repealed because it was unfair)

    It wasn't a wrongful ban as there was no actual donator system in place at the time other than "ride the ban wave", which I did. I stand by saying that you should have lost your donator powers back then. Secondly, ban decay makes that ban entirely irrelevant and you're just poking at me for literally no reason. This is meant to be YOUR ban protest, so leave me out of it lol. If you have issues with me then you can make a member protest.


    5 minutes ago, Jacklyn said:

    unknown.png                                                 ?

    This is misleading as this was far over a year ago. Irrelevant from the ban protest and is just to poke at me. It's not a crime to dislike someone and you can't claim bias because I was not the only person to vouch against you neither did I bring it up in the first place.

    17 minutes ago, Jacklyn said:

    And also the admins decided that my ban didn't even need a formal request on the forums, Moo moo just brought it straight to them and they decided to ban me without considering the thoughts of the players??? what the fudge is up with that???

    In actual ban requests, it's not really down to to people who reply to it. They can have a say and provide useful and actual relevant information which can shift the judgement of the higherups overall. Doesn't really make a difference.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Tatost said:

    There's nothing wrong with it either, it's not done to trigger people. The "exploit" has been around for a while, this isn't new. IMO it's kind of funny to have a Demoman screaming and running into a wall. The only argument you have for removing AIA is "I want to speak in these first 30 seconds even though half of the server hasn't even joined in yet"

    "there's nothing wrong with it except this problem"

    I find it funny too but if people are getting annoyed about it, clearly something needs to be done about it. The spawns on surf are next to each other and everyone who has connected (which from what I've seen is quite a portion of people) can't talk on mic because of something really pointless and small. Not even just being unable to talk, clearly people find it annoying as well

  7. 6 minutes ago, grap_grop said:

    -1 I don't think this even needed to be a thread.


    6 minutes ago, grap_grop said:

    a proximity-based noise. I highly doubt that that many people can't stand something so small, when hardly anyone complains about it at all. It's not that deep.

    On surf, the spawns are almost always right next to each other (linear maps), so it definitely makes more sense to disable aia on just surf only. Despite being a proximity-based noise, the entire server would hear it that have loaded in.


    As I said I don't really mind overall, it's a small issue but I have heard a few people getting flustered about it. Now I've thought about it I would just make it surf based only.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Krampus said:

    Huh well the original account that I had permed was definitely hacking, which you can see in the file (plus the fact that he was also vac banned), so if they really do have the same ip then it's a -1 for now since they have the same ip and you can't really deny that. But it still is a bit strange to me that a member of all people would create an alt and clearly hack in front of staff even as a joke which makes me question this being his alt a bit, but still unless for some reason sleuth messed up, the ban should stick.


    We have had incidents like this in the past, such as venom. I wouldn't say it's totally out of the ordinary anymore

  9. On 7/5/2018 at 9:25 AM, Kypari said:

    +1 to cap heavy and we are not capping sniper either. It's not black and white so that if we cap heavy we cap sniper either. We can talk about that when i get home from Portugal in ff2chat because phone typing and timezones if we really have to.

    alternatively -1 to all

  10. I am not going to be the deciding vote on this. @mrnutty12

    Me and you have definitely had issues. Sometimes if I'm honest, I can't stand you because you can complain so much and become very rude and toxic. On the other hand, you have also shown and can be friendly and look towards the betterment of the server. I'm going to -1 for the sake of not being the final vouch, though it's nothing personal and I would stay neutral if elcark wasn't a butt

    Good luck on your application

  11. 1 hour ago, Elcark said:

    I do get your point on the sniper's knockback and stopping capability, I just don't really think it's as likely to suffer the same stacking issue as these other classes. What it boils down to though is with what you're saying, do you agree that heavy should have a cap, and if not, should we still keep the cap on sniper at that point?

    It's not much of an issue anyway. Sniper lacks in mobility and sure enough in a firing squad environment it's annoying but you can deal with it very easily.

  12. 8 hours ago, mrnutty12 said:

    Excuse me, but I always tend hesitate jumping a (group of) sniper(s)* because my momentum can very easily take a 180 because of the ridiculous knockback on them. Sniper can just reverse boss speed if he isn't planted on the ground, but heavies generally one can strafe around in the air to make consistent tracking a lot harder or just walk up to and give a good ol pat on the back. I don't know what you do to get launched by heavies, but I almost never experience that much trouble with the class alone.

    Ideally though, yes we should not be capping anything I am simply saying that if the heavy is getting a limit for knockback that sniper should as well on the same grounds as he can be just as problematic with flinging bosses away.


    *assuming it isn't a completely incompetent player.

    You don't play hale, you wouldn't know. We can talk about it later in ff2chat because this is beyond silly. Sniper's knockback is incomparable to heavy's and treating it as such will make us cap classes for literally no reason, when really we should be completely avoiding capping in the first place.

  13. 5 hours ago, mrnutty12 said:

    Because sniper has a ridiculous amount of knockback in the first place with his rifle, given he always does at least 150 (but often ~450) he is flinging you way far away if your feet are not firmly planted on the ground, but then heavy doesn't really send you flying back either on the ground so I'd say it is fairly comparable.
    The easier bit is that sniper doesn't have to track-aim the hale like a heavy does doing all his damage and knockback in burst. The best part is that he isn't handicapped by large spread so he can fudge up a hale jump going after someone else far easier than a heavy ever could.

    I don't understand how on earth you would get to that conclusion. The knockback that sniper provides happens so rarely and it's almost ineffective to a point where it's more of an inconvenience than a big deal. When have you ever approached a group of people as hale and thought "oh no these snipers are knocking me back so far i cant get to them"?

    You can't compare the two AT ALL and there is literally no reason to add a cap where it is not needed. We should be disencouraging caps, not adding them for the sake of it or because some class has a bit of knockback in their kit (being almost insignificant in comparison to other classes). 

    Sniper stops the boss. Heavy launches the boss.

  14. 23 minutes ago, mrnutty12 said:

    The sniper can knock the hale back far easier than the heavy can


    I don't know how you came to that conclusion at all, sniper not only has 1 bullet that will stop the hales mobility for that specific shot, but heavy crits minigun is consistently better at knocking back entirely. Not sure what you mean at all dude...