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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. In my personal opinion, I think that you would make a good staff member since you have the experience and time in the community with standard maturity and friendliness. There is no doubt in my mind that you would get staff - had your activity been not a strikingly problematic concern. You seem to have moments where you appear for a few weeks or so with exceedingly high numbers of hours, but then you suddenly disappear and don't play for months. This simply cannot happen as staff, and let me just reiterate again how you have a very high chance of getting staff if your activity was to a good standard. As it stands, you lack the hours and commitment, which makes it appear like you don't particularly care enough for staff. If you get your activity up ASAP, I will definitely look towards you getting staff, but for now it's a -1 unfortunately, as much as I don't want to do it.

    Good luck, and don't let this dishearten you. Get your hours up bud.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Shadower said:


    uh oh, my self aware humor has been acknowledged, but seems that it was disregarded.

    unfortunately if I checked everyone else's backpack, it would show that they have A LOT more kills without the crits, also shields exist too baby.

    when I see someone complain about crits this is usually the scenario-

    its me shadower throwing myself into the opposing team and dying multiple times bc its fun for me

    enemy team: *kills rarded demobird*

    its me shadower, lemme fly into this crowd and maybe get a pick lol

    *jumps into it*

    *does it*

    *crits a scout*

    Scout: grrr random crits are fair and balanced grrr

    notice how I died like 8 times before I actually killed someone?

    thats usually what happens to everyone who uses the weps that have the crittos.

    don't want random crits ever? play comp or join a server without rando crits so you can have fun and play like a real gamer, I understand how crap crits are, but that what makes the game fun for me, if it doesn't make you happy, well we all don't get our way do we?


    an epic story by shadower age 10

    please like, comment and subscribe!


    I think the worst thing about your scotsman is the fact it doesn't have the strange part crit kills 0/10

  3. +1 We make mistakes and we learn from them. Though you had the hiccups on the server regarding the evidence that tatost provided in your staff submission, I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt since you did contribute a lot to the community and got very involved in the forums

    A: 4

    M: 7

  4. 2 hours ago, Tatost said:
    Even if the vote isn't 75% in favor, could we at least try it out for a week or so? @Elcark @mrnutty12 @Kypari @Caleb956

    It would have to be 70% and I don't really think that would apply to things that aren't removal threads, but I'm not entirely certain. There's not really a huge problem in adding it since it's a much smaller thing so

  5. 59 minutes ago, Arnude said:

    I give my take on this cause I recall being yelled at in the past when I was getting extra time for membership. I would always be yelled at for going AFK.

    If it isn't a problem anymore, then I'll remove my claim.

    I don't see why you would be yelled at for AFK'ing if you weren't a member or if you are a member not interested in staff. If it was because you were interested in staff that's a different story

  6. 3 hours ago, Elcark said:

    Farming hours? For member.....?

    I mean technically you could but I'm not about to not let someone become a member because they were AFK on the server nor am I going to look out for random people screaming "AFK!!!" at them

    Neutral since I have never seen them as far as I know, but @Arnude I think you should reconsider your vouch since farming hours for member isn't really a thing. People have lives and there's nothing wrong with random people going AFK - staff is a different story

  7. 4 minutes ago, Elcark said:

    Redundant. It is not something to do with preference of play (ie accepting lower fps) but the exclusion of playing at all due to it kicking or not loading for a notable number of people. A vote would be unfair to include anyone who isn't these people since from their perspective everything is fine.

    Then we keep it. Map is far too popular and the FPS was manageable back when I accidentally used a chip on my pc as a graphics card instead of my 960. It not loading I have never ever seen anyone complain about in the first place nor with it crashing. Do we know what exactly was causing them not to load because if it's something like missing map I'm going to pull out tekage's hair because I need mine

  8. 13 minutes ago, LemonVolt said:

    -1 how about dont get hit, or just leave the base game the way it's supposed to be

    Don't get me wrong, I completely understand where you're coming from (though there are things like rtd and goomba that completely contradict you) and I'm mostly indifferent in the first place, but imo adding RNG elements into a skill based game is never a good idea anyway. Even if TF2 is meant to be a funny joke game with cool hats and fun mechanics like jumping across the map, exploding someone and yourself and then doing it again, it can be a funny game without the RNG that so many people complain about. Besides, TF2 is still a skill-based game, otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell the good people from those who are bad

  9. 5 minutes ago, Caleb956 said:

    When it's a game breaking problem like we've been seeing as of late, it definitely SHOULDN'T be a public vote, regardless of who votes or not.  Pretty sure we've never done community votes for maps that are literally broken like this, an ancient example of this would be legojail, plenty of people liked it but we still removed it because it caused fps problems, and I don't think a vote was ever called for it.

    It's not game breaking. People have low fps and it apparently crashes sometimes, but hey we kept old clocktown on for the longest time despite it crashing. We also kept the new clocktown for the longest time in the worst state we've probably ever had any map in:

    • Projectile weapons (like the sandman ball, pomson, dragon's fury etc) literally didn't work
    • Having to type /overlay @all to stop the black and white effect when doing the song of time
    • FPS drops to 30 randomly for everyone
    5 minutes ago, Caleb956 said:

    My big problem with this is that no matter how much we "clarify" the rules, people will always find ways to loophole them and argue about them, I definitely agree we should do SOMETHING with them, but as to WHAT we do with them, I'm not too sure..  because on one hand, people want things clarified with examples, etc. but on the other hand, they also don't want the motd to be as long as it is now, so we need to find some sort of in between.

    Why are people under the misconception that adding literally 3 examples or something will make the motd unbearably long ?

  10. 12 minutes ago, Elcark said:

    There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with it, but don't wave it off yourself or draw presumptuous conclusions. It's not a statement of dismissing a group of people out of spite, but not believing that there is any real merit to the complaints about the rules that have been put forth.

    How is there no merit? That makes no sense. The whole point is to merit those who are unfamiliar with what exactly the rules are interpreting. Literally three examples. They clearly felt like there would be merit in just adding examples and we should do that because of what they believe as confused members on the server.


    11 minutes ago, mrnutty12 said:

    As much as I would love to be able to telepathically transmit what we mean with every rule and eliminate the need for clarifications I doubt that will ever happen. My bigger concerns are two main things...

    A) People will pull dumb poop like "Well it wasn't specifically stated so I thought it was ok". I have to believe that you know it will happen and will be a headache further down the line.
    B) If we leave clarifications in the staff manual stuff we could end up giving the hammer to oblivious people who never saw that stuff, but if we include it in the actual rules page it would get (considerably) longer and discourage even more people from looking at it in the first place

    That's why we still leave it up to staff discretion but provide more examples so that those situations happen less, and if they do that's fine you can deal with them with the staff discretion idea

  11. 29 minutes ago, Elcark said:

    quoted himself again

    I saw what you said (that was kinda rude ? ). I don't agree with it at all and my point stands that we're waving things off just because a specific group of people said that it was a problem. How is that fair?

    29 minutes ago, Elcark said:

    People leaving the server is their choice. Rogueport has the issue of not giving people that choice in the first place and forceably preventing them from playing. This isn't a matter of preference and opinion, it's one of a map making the server entirely unplayable for more than a few people at this point. 

    I know of people that have FPS problems on the map to a playable degree and people who have godawful pcs who can run tf2 consistently at 30fps complaining about it, no others. We should still do a public vote to see if the public would rather keep the map or not because of the FPS problems.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Caleb956 said:

    We can probably leave the rules how they are, but just tear apart the current motds and separate them into actual rules, and then a server guide.. JB being a prime example, it has the rules, but it's the size of a full length essay since there is also guide stuff in there.

    People have clearly complained about the lack of detail in the rules, why are we just dismissing that? People are clearly unsatisfied with the lack of detail and what things more elaborated, so why are we still holding back and refusing to just give examples?

    5 minutes ago, Caleb956 said:

    I talked about this on discord already with what I thought but I will here too.  +1 to remove rogueport from the server, even though its a fan favorite we shouldn't be separating people from the server, especially since so many people have said that the map crashes them, and we can tell it's the map that does it judging by the nature of the crash logs they get.

    We should do a vote for this, just like the other maps. It's not fair to just get rid of the map behind the scenes. So many maps make people leave, so even if it is something that causes issues such as FPS, why are we doing a private vote to get rid of it when there are other maps like hazy maze that can literally kill the server?

    8 minutes ago, Caleb956 said:

    Do you mean it just gets disabled when you switch weapon? Or do you have to repeatedly switch your weapons?  If it's the first one, its probably a setting that got messed up and can be found in the rtd effects cfg more than likely. Otherwise I don't see much of a problem with it. 

    You have to spam switching it

    8 minutes ago, Caleb956 said:

    Not too sure how exactly /disguise works.. can you elaborate on it for me?

    /disguise, choose item from the menu, crouch BOOM WOW YOU'RE A TREE ?

  13. 26 minutes ago, Elcark said:

    This is something I've been working on practically everyday. It's not all so simple to complete as you may think (especially for me at least). That being said, I did finally update it a bit over the last few days.

    nononononono I completely understand and I knew that when I said it, it's just things have piled up, that's all. I know how hard it is!

    26 minutes ago, Elcark said:

    What nutty said for the most part. A lot of the issues with people getting "confused" lately has been more revolving around people trying to poke holes at the rules as grounds for petty arguments. The consistency aspect is of course being worked on and since there's been no feedback about it, is likely complete sans jailbreak. A few others things though, such as the staff have final say rule and immature voices could be addressed to staff through discord if you think that needs more clarification for some people right now. I actually don't (for the most part, it's not necessarily harmful to do anyways afterall) and think again these examples became far over-exaggerated from unnecessary aggression.  

    We don't need to go into extreme detail, and it has been advised to add extra detail into the rules just to make things more clarified. This doesn't mean flooding it with far too many lines and pages of text, it's literally just adding a few examples, just like adding brackets at the end with 3 words or something


    26 minutes ago, Elcark said:

    About rougeport, there's never been a point where the map itself has caused crashing and even though there was a crash on the map last night, that does not mean at all it was the map that caused it. There is no other version and peoples performance issues with it stem from the map simply being made very poorly. Now the fact that it is such a popular map should be testament that the number of people not having issues with the map far outweighs those that are, but I don't think we should just dismiss those people since this map is notorious for causing such issues for a reason. I do think it is too common place this map makes the game worse off for people or in cases even unplayable and we shouldn't keep it if it means people are going to be excluded from playing on the server. As much as I don't want to be, i'm in favor of removing the map for this reason.

    A lot of maps cause issues for people. such as aquatic being quite demanding leaves people like Classicgamer to just beg for everyone to rtv. I don't think this should necessarily mean we remove it solely because a lot of people do actually like it and can run it maybe not fine, but to a degree where they like playing on it

    26 minutes ago, Elcark said:

    Then about people needing three higher ups to vouche for them to receive member after having lost it, i'm very much in favor of keeping these as is but because of the concept hinted at by virr will through out the idea of replacing this rule with a combination of higher up and member vouches. As some arbitrary starting point, perhaps letting up to two of those higher up vouches be replaced by four member vouches a piece. Again i'd much rather keep it as is, but if someone has a better concept for us to go with definitely want to hear it (and certainly not exactly what I just stated as an example, unless that is a system you'd want to see in some form).  

    I would rather just see it bumped down to 2+ higherups. 3 is high if you consider that not everyone leaves xG on a bad note or because they got kicked out. This would mean to get back in they have to get the approval of 3 higherups, which is very high considering that means you have to know each of them to a degree where they would want to +1 even though you haven't done anything wrong. You could get to know them of course, but that seems like they would be putting in far too much effort to get the position of member that they had before but left because they wanted to move on with their life or something.

    Examples include (and are certainly not limited to)

    • Tekage
    • Spoopy
    • Semper
    • Rainycake
    • Akatsuki

    All of which left xG at one point on a positive note, yet they would have to go through a harsh system to just get member