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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. At the end of the day, he didn't really do anything serious enough to get banned. He didn't target anyone specific and it wasn't a personal attack against anyone (no idea about the context of the whole situation but still). Honestly the ban should just be removed and we move on from this since I don't like the idea of people banning others simply for poking fun at xG. It makes us look like a community that wants to censor people which we shouldn't ever become.

    The guy literally comes on just to insult people and it's not just poking. He's in trouble for a reason.

  2. He should have at least been kicked first.

    If I recall correctly, his last ban was for abusing calladmin - the argument that he "hasn't changed after two years" doesn't make any sense since an "instigating" name and calladmin abuse isn't the same. I feel like a month is way too much, lol.

    He was kicked yesterday and has a major history of toxicity according to most TGH specific staff. Clearly shows no improvement so why should he be kicked so he can come back and do it again tomorrow?

  3. I do appreciate the fact that you have logs showing that you did in fact warn him to change his name, however the fact he didn't respond to you at all means he might not have seen it so try to keep that in mind in the future. Regardless, his name was to trigger the staff which is why I do believe he should have got punished in some sort if people did get offended which apparently they did.


    The issue I have was he had a name that upset staff, so you decided a month ban was the right decision? He got a week ban 2 years ago about call admin, and the previous day ban before that was something he got pardoned for. If you're going to go off his history, please try to use some discretion and understand that although we have a system for how we ban, I feel like it should be common sense that someone who didn't get punished for years shouldn't automatically get a more severe punishment their next offense, regardless of when it occurred or the level of offense.


    Context matters a lot for staff, and I would prefer you guys think about issues critically before blindly following a guide that is meant to give you a foundation when trying to uphold the rules instead of it being the golden guide that should be followed to a T.

    I warned him twice just to check if he was paying attention. He clearly wasn't so I just banned him.


    Is blatantly false, unless you are referring to the bans that occurred two and three years ago, in which case is even more ridiculous.


    If someone hasn't changed in the last few years then the punishment system clearly needs to continue. They haven't reformed as a person so myself and the TF2 higheurps believe that the system should continue, regardless of how long ago the bans were.

  4. Okay let's get started. I apologize if it seems I'm rambling, but I'm genuinely upset.

    I mean I'm surprised you didn't see this coming. You've been in a lot of trouble pretty recently with multiple staff members with toxicity.

    The Facts

    • I was playing on the server for nearly 5 hours before I was banned with no prior requests by admins to change my name.


    • I did not receive a message prior to this ban that my behavior or name was in anyway shape or form offensive.

    • I did not receive a kick, short ban or personal message requesting my name be changed (to which I would have happily obliged) and if I did, I didn't see it as I was engrossed in a tale about ants.

    I'll do bullet points to follow up corresponding to your bullet points.

    • Each staff is different in how they manage things. Some staff members are more lenient and some are far stricter. There's not much you can do about it really since it mainly comes down to upbringing and personality.
    • [MEDIA=imgur]a/XxtVJ[/MEDIA]
    • [MEDIA=imgur]a/XxtVJ[/MEDIA] You should have been paying attention to the chat as well. Unfortunately there's not many ways that staff members can warn you outside of chat so that you can see it easier. It was around 1am BST when I warned you so I can't tell you on mic, though chat is deemed enough by the higherups.



    I disagree that the length of this ban should be so long. I did not receive a formal talking to about my behavior or even a temporary day ban. So why go from zero to one hundred so quickly, especially when I was never punished before it got so out of control. I think it's because the admins have some personal qualm with me. Now, I have never personally met most of these admins, and to be frank I don't care to, as I am no longer an active member of the Team Fortress 2 Division. What I do care about though, is that these admins do their jobs correctly. Even if I was informed to change my name, the length of the ban needs to be discussed.


    When I was a member of the staff, we had a simple procedure. It went like this.

    1. Verbal Warning

    2. Kick from server with reason

    3. If they rejoin within the hour and haven't changed, ban them for a day.

    4. If it persists, ban them for a week/permanently.

    Now, why do I get banned nearly instantaneously for such an extended period? My last ban before this was a server mute, but that was only on one server, and I left immediately after it was issued, and even before then the last ban was back in 2015.


    The only logical option is to assume the admins have some sort of personal vendetta against me, which was never stated out loud, evidence by the fact that the ban was for such a long time, there was no recent member protest/ ban request, and the fact that I am posting this thread in shock. I thought we were getting along well in fact. I'll be the first to admit I'm no angel, but if you have issues with me, let's talk it out.


    Which brings me to my main issue with the current administration.

    The length of the ban is as long as it is because of your ban history and your history of toxicity.

    Most recent ban before the month was a week.

    You have been punished a lot recently, including warnings and kicks as informed by @Elcark

    Usually the procedure goes warn ->kick -> day ban -> week ban -> month ban -> perm. As you had already gone past the week ban stage, it's a month.

    I promise I try to be as unbiased as possible. Obviously I'm not perfect and no-one is, but in this situation I tried to be as unbiased as possible including asking other staff in a private discord if it was OK to ban you just in case.

    Problems with Authority


    The Xeno Gamers TF2 Division has become too secretive, and excels in poor communication skills. I am genuinely upset that I was not contacted by any staff member, either by on the forums, or added on steam, or even kicked with a message that says relax. There was zero effort of communication, and the communication that was given was particularly half assed, as not seeing a message in a trade chat results in a one month ban. The only communication the admins appear to have, with a select few who have stood out, particularly Clark and Egossi, is with each other.


    Read my ban message here.




    Now, what history do I have of major toxicity? I have received one mute in the past 6 months, and I still stand by that reasoning that the child was being immature and kept talking. Other than that, there are very few, if any, records of this behavior. Now, if there are records with all of my behavior incidents that was collected but I wasn't punished, shouldn't they have been handled then, instead of making one large folder in case an incident of this nature ever occurred?


    Also, why was I banned by a different admin rather than the one who made the claims?

    There was communication as included in the screenshots. [MEDIA=imgur]a/XxtVJ[/MEDIA] There was also a discussion with @Natsu and @Elcark at the time in the admin chat.

    As stated previously, word is that you've been in a lot of trouble with passive aggressive comments, warnings and kicks with multiple staff members. That's why I requested that to be the reason as well as the name.

    Chatlogs provided by @Vexx :



    Of course having an opinion isn't the problem here. If someone has criticism I will try to hear them out and see if there's any way I can improve if I agree that I'm lacking in a certain area. However, your comments are clearly to instigate with staff.


    Hopefully this ban has been cleared up to you.

  5. who the fuck cares if people get offended. Boo hoo

    As staff members, it's our duty to stop people from disrespecting other people and make sure everyone has a good time to as far as a degree as possible. People getting offended would make them want to leave the servers.

    I never said allowing slurs would help make the server reach a bigger audience, I just dont agree with it on a personal level

    If you don't agree with it that's fine. I disagree with some rules myself, such as the old teleport-spawncamping rule. You just have to work with it though sadly.

  6. Does anyone care to explain why you gave this post a disagree rating? I don't think supreme is too wrong here and I'd like to hear what makes you think otherwise.

    He's been banned in the past and has had issues in the future with me and @ThunderLimes for the same reasons as described in this new incident.

  7. Once again the Xenogamers community has disappointed me with players who get offended when they come across straight up absurdity. You really shouldn't take such an obnoxious name that seriously, I don't know if you're genuinely offended or just mad at the player and want to get back at him in some sort of way but either way you should probably stop playing Rated M video games online until you're 17.

    If someone is getting offended by insults on the server, then the person who is insulting the other person has to stop or it becomes under the disrespect rule, regardless of how silly it sounds (specifically if you are intentionally aggravating them).

    It is not up to us how old people have to be to play on the servers, that's up to the parent's discretion in my opinion.

  8. @ThunderLimes and myself have encountered this person on the server. Used the alias along the lines of "Muslim Rapist" and we had to kick him for the name, especially since it was offending a user since they are Muslim themselves. Though if you look at the ban history, it was probably necessary to do a day ban then:


    In total 4 bans, messy at that. The two bans that Floppy did are void since he was unbanned on both per moderator's request and invalid reason. @shwash apparently messed up somehow, which is unclear how. The valid ban is ChickenPanda for an hour.

    User is obviously toxic but I'm going to hold back my vouch as of now as I believe the person in question is registered on the forums, so I would like to hear their side.

  9. Also; that is not a part of Kontknat because the area was not claimed yet.

    However, despite knowing this, you still lied saying that you didn't plan to grief anything when you literally told me you were going to grief part of Kontknat that wasn't claimed.

  10. Yooo some of these are bleugh with samey ideas such as how it drops and comes back in for some of the songs, but some of the songs sound really cool. Losing You is something special: catchy, a LOT better of an ending and has really good texture fills.

    Nice work (y)

  11. Agreed. Hell, even earlier today other staff members were saying "Well, ____ Staff Member said that ____ is allowed but ____ isn't". I don't care what ____ Staff Member said while in TS/Discord with 2 other people when the Higher-ups make the rules. Not saying we need any hard black/white rules here, just something we can use as a guideline when judging if a spray is appropriate or not. Especially since so many staff feel differently about certain subjects, having guidelines would keep players from getting misinformed on the rules because "Well, ____ said this was ok last night on the server".

    I did originally ask for clarification and an explanation of what is allowed and what isn't since it was all coming down to which staff member wasn't on, similarly to the slur rule. I remember talking to Vexx and he said that things like butts and nipples (as long as not exposed or visible with see-through clothing) are allowed now. I also had to talk to Nutty to clarify what was classified as gore since it doesn't explain that well enough either.

    Though it does mostly come down to common sense, this common sense is more opinion-based than actual common sense.