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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Honestly, the abuse evidence is still there alongside the confession, which @Amylicious has already been warned for. The rest of the evidence (specifically the kick) is entirely irrelevant for this abuse thread. I think this should just be closed personally because Amy has already been talked to about the exact evidence provided and I feel like this is kind of spiraling right now.


    As for the instigating and issues on the server involving @grap_grop , Amy had already kicked grape so he suffered the punishment. Making a thread using that evidence was pretty silly.

  2. I will say that Virr and I found out about her spawning stuff in creative (the smoothstone from what I remember) and also building by flying (or in creative mode). I have already warned her about these 2 matters as it is, she apologized and stated she would not do it again as she is on her last straw. It is towny, and building up your wall without putting dirt blocks under you (in my opinion) is a minor abuse but abuse nonetheless which is why we gave her a final warning.


    The kicking for telling her to do her job is unwarranted depending on how much she got spammed or how rude people were, and I would like her side of it first. Also, linking 2 messages of her saying you are literally pathetic and grow up without ANY context is also a little fishy as I know how easy it is to bait staff to reacting negatively if you do things enough.


    Virr already tagged her so now we wait on her side of the story, and if you do play minecraft and see these issues, please speak up in this thread so we can resolve it as a community.

    When were the warnings given out if I may ask? Just want to make sure these events happened before/after the warnings.

  3. Now I understand what you're getting at, and think we should remove daytime, I just want more accuracy in the list, it's clear one is unlike the others. When you say Goldenrod (updated) do you mean b3, aka Frewie's edition? Because that was actually created first, just by a different mapper (day and night are cold endeavour) we had the same confusion in the previous thread, I just want clarification before this one continues.

    Updated is the ColdEndeavour one.

  4. Since the last poll that Wyverness did was invalid due to having no "don't remove" vote option, I'll make this again.


    We have the following maps on Pokemon Trade Center:

    • Goldenrod (Day)
    • Goldenrod (Night)
    • Goldenrod (Updated)
    • Ecruteak
    • Kogane
    • Enju

    Obviously we have way too many goldenrods so here is the vote:

    Should we get rid of the goldenrods? If so, which one?

  5. -1 because of a serious issue with prioritizing offensive words/phrases. If I remember correctly, there were more than "a few" times when several people used racial slurs and you were unfazed about it until they screamed it down the microphone, and only then did you take action. Also the only staff member I know that is extremely critical about his personal policy of not allowing people to use the word retard/autist, which I'm pretty sure is allowed and nobody else enforces it. Could definitely get admin if you tried to fix this.


    Honestly the whole slur rule needs to be revisited because last time I checked the word "faggot" was allowed but some staff don't allow it. Needs clarification honestly because it's really confusing to players and staff.

  6. 0 Has random moments of major inactivity. Is pretty good at staff but I have noticed in the past that your activity drops below 14 hours, not to mention some of the inactivity posts that you have made being very questionable to back you up. Finally, I have seen you idle a few times in the past and reported it to staff such as @Bello .

    Love you man but I really feel like those things are holding you back. A few weeks or being active despite the past means I feel like you definitely deserve it a bit later so that those incidents in the past aren't as prevalent, so that's why I'm neutral for now. May change to +1 in the near future. :emoji_hearts:

  7. Why are you just assuming hes lying? Anyways +1 I've seen you around on FF2 and you've never caused any problems nor have you broke any rules (from what i've seen) and that shows great marks that you could be a great xG member :D

    Tuna come on. 46? Secondly he's hiding his age on his profile. Even a non-gamer can deduce that he's more than likely lying :coffee:

  8. Well I guess now would be a time to apologize to @Kypari and say that I too try to go hard during debates and looking back now I did go a little far and immature in my posts.m, and am sorry. Its just the way you worded it you sounded like a greedy bitch but now you seem pretty chill now. So now I apologize for sounding like an ass.


    In regards to the bot, my final thoughts are that we should:

    • Have an option to opt out of of giveaways
    • Reduce the size of announcement to maybe !msay or !tsay etc.
    • Have a minimum amount of value you can add to the bot

    I think this is it. Once again @Kypari sorry for sounding like an ass to you.

    Back at you and to everyone else if I upset them, that wasn't my intention :coffee:

  9. I totally agree that people shouldn't be mud slinging, but it's not a first time thing with kypari. There are many threads that we have had to lock in the past due to how he likes to debate, and this is just a prime example. It is a gaming community, and if you're going to be disrespectful to someone whose intentions were nothing but good, (Rhodo's in this case) people will be defensive and respond to him accordingly.

    As I said they aren't my intentions at all. I'm just very direct and serious when it comes to it and I'm not going to dance around the topic to make someone feel better about it. Responding with immature comments such as Septik did for example is the problem. Everyone just takes what I say out of context and takes it as if I'm being rude to them when I'm not at all. My twin Tekage can confirm this is how I'm like in real life too and I upset a lot of people which is just not the reaction I expect at all.

  10. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated as this is a discussion, the reason @Kypari got flack was not because he voiced something for a greater group of people, it's HOW he voiced it. He does not need to come off as an entitled jerk without trying to understand our reasoning behind what we are doing, or being condescending/rude to others because he plays TF2 to the point where low quality items no matter how free they are, are just annoying for him and the only things he wants if they are free, are if they are of value or can be sold.

    Man I really don't see how I voiced it badly. I feel like I got attacked personally but I don't mind it.

  11. Then maybe ask if someone else on the server wants it? To be frank its rude coming to the forums complaining about a FREE item that you didn't want because you can't make money off of it, make someones day who actually wants it instead of being unappreciative. I'm sure there's plenty of people out there who would appreciate the items the bot gives away. And let's be honest here,we both know you wouldn't crafted it even if it was craftable,

    Again man, you're not reading what I've said previously.

    And I 100% would have used it on a pro killstreak fabricator.

  12. I have close to 500 hours of TF2 lol, I know exactly what uncraftable means. The whole point of the bot as well is a nice gesture for playing on our servers and being connected to our forums, you can get better items, it's not limited to the bottom of the barrel stuff. We have put 10 TF2 keys and 5 CS:GO keys on the bot, and will constantly be adding things onto it. Yes every hour we don't give a key away or an unusual, but that doesn't mean it's not appreciated by others. As mentioned earlier, the bot will get worked on.


    I also understand you don't like free things unless they are worth something, but you can think of this exactly as an extra "drop" that TF2 or CS:GO already gives you just from playing the game, except you get more opportunities for them just from playing in our servers. You don't lose out on anything for wininng these items, and once again, you can do whatever you like with them including deleting them from your inventory if they bother you so much.




    Legit no idea what you're even trying to say here, they have a chance to earn something good from the bot by chance, if not it's something they can use / giveaway / discard. In minecraft we give keys that have a chance to give you something really good, or crap such as dirt. How is this any different? We aren't charging people, it's a free extra item for their inventory. Not everyone is entitled dude.

    What I'm trying to say is that I don't care about the item. It's other people that care about what they get by signing up on the forums.

    Usually when I find an item that I won't use, I either sell it or delete it. Any sensible person would simply sell an item like this, and you're wrong by saying it's worthless. As of looking up a Specialized Killstreak Backburner on the SCM right now, here are the sell prices:


    It's worth half a key at the least, a lot more than a scrap.

    It's uncraftable. People won't buy it.


    @Goblins managed to put it in words for me so he's officially my dad

  13. I can understand not wanting crates and such, but like people have said, it's not like you're paying anything to get these items, its literally just for playing on the server, I guess no one can be pleased these days lol. And if its an uncraftable spec ks then maybe USE it like it's meant to be instead of instantly trying to flip a profit, eh? Oh well, I like the idea personally of the plugin.

    It is literally worthless though since backburner is next to useless and I can't use it in crafting.

    And allow me to demonstrate what you sound like right now.



    How is it like that at all? I don't think you're reading my messages properly.

  14. @Kypari I really don't know what your issue is lol, you're getting an extra drop from the bot that someone else didn't want for absolutely free just for being on the server, why are you having such a mental breakdown? You can literally scrap the items if you don't want them or delete them from your inventory or just don't accept them, like am I reading your posts right?


    The bot is a work in progress, we are not outright removing it as @Rhododendron has spent a lot of time coding it from scratch, and we are happy to take feedback to help improve it. That being said, your rage towards us taking people's items that they don't want, and redistributing it back to our community instead of profiting off of it is very odd.

    Sigh. Once again I'm the person who voices it despite so much confusion on the servers and in discord servers and I get bashed down for it.

    Firstly, why would I have a mental breakdown other this? I'm just annoyed because this is a pretty neat idea which isn't executed well. Obviously it deserves credit but it's still frustrating.

    Secondly, I can't craft it since it's uncraftable, otherwise I'd be OK with the prize. I know you probably don't understand since as far as I know you don't play a lot of TF2, but uncraftable specialized killstreak weapons are dogshit and as worthless as a crate. Why would anyone be interested in joining the forums over a giveaway where all you win is something as bad as this?


    That's the main issue here. People are interested in winning things that are cool and worth winning, even if it's something like a hat in game or as much as an unusual (which is like a knife), not something like this. We won't gain much from winning items such as this. I could just go out and buy something like this right now because I have the in-game money so it's not that big of a deal that I won something like this and I'm annoyed I didn't get something worth it, but doesn't it defeat the purpose of trying to attract people to the forums if you're shooting yourself in the foot with items like this?

  15. Honestly at the end of the day this is probably the most first world thread I have ever seen. People complaining that the virtual items they are receiving for free aren't worth enough. My god.

    It's not even worth winning anything at this point. That's the problem. Why should I bother signing up for the forums to enter a giveaway where you win crap?

    I honestly don't mind about winning this item in the first place since I would have just given it away in the first place since I have no use for it at all.

    it's honestly hurtful people saying to scrap it all together.

    Apologies if I'm coming off that way. I like the idea but I feel it was executed without as much in depth thought as it needed. I still believe that it should give out hub credits instead, which makes the suggestion you added a definitive idea.


    Apparently also this plugin was just added randomly with no one else discussing it, same with the BHOP plugin on the trade servers.