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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Damnit now im confused. Is it Kypari or someone else. Ive only seen Tekage a few times on the forums.

    Tekage is my identical twin and we were both moderators during 2014-2015. Tekage comes back every now and then. He plays every server - he doesn't really have a specific one he plays on.

  2. /proj definitely needs to be fixed. It's incredibly fun but weapons such as the Syringe Gun, Sandman and Crusaders Crossbow shouldn't be allowed as it can cause the server to crash due to how many cakes can fly. If you roll infinite ammo, the crossbow can cause a lot of lag for people with bad pc's which may crash them. I'd recommend taking them off.

    Also, it should go without saying but /rof shouldn't be allowed with /proj

  3. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:





    Time Active:

    Since 2013 Summer. Spent most of these years on tf




    Ex-Superadmin (GMOD jailbreak), 2014-2015 mod, currently mod and was admin





    Being as @Vargas was promoted to admin despite being involved in the whole


    incident, I believe that I am worthy of regaining my admin position as it has been nearly 2 months since I was admin on the servers. I think that most staff have seen I am very capable of being an admin as I administrate the servers extremely well and help other staff along the way.

    Thanks for reading :coffee:

  4. So how this is going to work is that you have to rate the user's name who has posted before you, give a rating out of 10 and then give a reason why. For example, say the person who posted before you uses the name "ShadowNightmare", then you would do this:

    "5/10 sounds cool but is extremely edgy"


  5. So something happened after I restarted my PC and it's working again! Thanks for helping!

    You should be able to disable thumbnail previews completely, restart your computer and turn them back on. See if that works?

    This probably worked? I'm not entirely sure. Thanks!

  6. Well, i'm honestly not sure. As long as you can access it that's good, normally with stuff like this it goes away by itself(from experience I've had). On my old computer I had it where everything I downloaded turned into a pdf, went away by itself, not too sure why, but never had icons just change out of nowhere. I guess my best explanation is that stuff like this happens on windows lol. Will try to do some more research, will get back to you when I get off work tonight or tomorrow morning. One more question, if you can't open it, can you provide a screenshot of the error it gives you? I'm guessing it's something to do with adobe or something like that.

    It opens up the normal picture. Thanks for helping!

  7. Is it just the icon that is messed up or did the actual file change into something else? I would just make sure you have thumbnail previews turned on, it may have changed at some point in time, which is why it's showing that generic icon. If it was converted into something else I would just use the Snipping Tool that comes with windows and then select everything you need ---> save as a jpg.


    Did a quick google search and found this..

    "Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options. then click on VIEW and Restore Default .....NOT RESET FOLDERS!!! RESTORE DEFAULT!! I had the same problem and fix it :D"


    If nothing else, I would just revert your computer back a little bit to before it started happening unless you just put stuff on it that you need to save, never had this happen so I'm not sure.


    Hope this helps.

    Tried them both but they didn't work :C