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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Not to sound like a super asshole here but if people want to donate stuff thats awesome. It shouldn't matter on the value of the item. Someone wanted to give it to the bot to give to someone else. While giving crates is not cool just be happy with you get. Like I said it isn't on the value of the item, its the thought that counts. You are really the only person that is pissed the bot exists.

    Um...I don't think you know what you're talking about, no offense. Nearly every single person I'm in a discord with is against it. That's at least 15 people, and that doesn't include the masses of people I meet on the server that's against it.

  2. ai.imgur.com_1P4qKw8.png.326b5ce56563df047623b4957f27839f.png Yet another dumb giveaway.

    For those that don't understand, this shit is basically as worthless as a crate since it's uncraftable. I'm not joking when I say I'd rather have a crate.


    It would have been cool to win a specialized killstreak kit but an uncraftable already used specialized killstreak backburner? Honestly, what a joke. This bot is literally just something for people to donate random junk that they really don't want, not a super fun giveaway bot.

  3. Worst part is

    [xG:Giveaway] There is currently 7 linked players! The current tier is [Cool]. Invite your friends to raise the tier for better items!

    There is currently 7 linked players! The current tier is [Cool].

    There is currently 7 linked players!

    There is currently 7




  4. The new giveaway plugin is a mess. Firstly, sometimes the giveaway happens multiple times when there aren't enough people registered on the forums. Secondly, all we end up winning really are just crates and random crap as such.


    Steam Community Market :: Listings for Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #91

    It's literally worth 1p.

    Another thing is that it's incredibly unlikely that people are even going to donate in the first place since they're not getting anything good out of it, and I don't mean a silly badge or something.


    There have been multiple complaints on the servers, so I propose 3 ideas:

    1. Remove the plugin entirely.
    2. Change it to hub credits per hour
    3. Keep it

    I personally like the concept but believe it was executed poorly, so I would like to see it turned into hub credits instead so we don't get a crate every hour.

    @virr @Sesh @Vexx @Rhododendron @Bello @mrnutty12

  5. GameMe isn't on there and @Rhododendron does not want to add it, since there's [according to him] no point of tracking player statistics on a server with a gamemode like FF2.


    I agree that it's silly to track GameMe on FF2 but the problem is that GameMe should help contributing to promotions and demotions specifically like this one. I had no idea how active this person was until you told me because it doesn't track it on GameMe.

  6. This is a mod app guys, not a debate about drugs. What really matters is how Logic acts while he is high on the server. Like Goblins said weed affects everyone differently, so how do we know if his behavior on drugs is good or bad? I would want an opinion from @Mr.LogicToast himself so it could be even clearer on how fit he is for the position.

    Me and Supreme have already said that he acts pretty poorly and breaks server rules when he does get high. Otherwise he's alright.

  7. -snip-

    Literally just read exactly what I put in my last post.


    That is the literal definition of a gateway drug



    You're cherry picking about the whole Barrack Obama taking weed and stuff like that. Did he actively take weed when he was president?

    One of my friends started taking weed a while ago. He now does MDMA at college and is out of it to the point where he hardly even plays one note in band practice. Another one of my friends took weed before band rehearsal and they acted like a total doofus; spaced out, played badly and was being a total airhead.


    Dont slap people with ur swag @Bello cus u aint got none xoxo no offense ily

  8. Don't claim to know more about weed and then say it's a gateway drug, disproven AF.



    And as for the rest of your post those are valid reasons to -1. But they're lxgics personal issues, not a weed issue. Don't blame the drug if he isn't being mature. That's just called immaturity. We have stoners that can effectively do their job and some that can't, clearly weed isn't the deciding factor in that, it's personal responsibility and maturity.



    And miss me with gateway drug nonsense.

    What are you even talking about here

    Firstly I didn't claim to know more about it.

    Secondly it is a gateway drug. Cannabis: the facts - NHS Choices and this is coming from the best healthcare worldwide 2017



    I'm blaming the drug because it also specifically states how "it makes some people feel confused, anxious or paranoid, and some experience panic attacks and hallucinations." and I don't trust someone like that to moderate the servers. Why are you so defensive about it and being so passive aggressive about it in the first place? Weed is literally proven to be a factor, not just his personality when he isn't high.

  9. Why? Being high is different for each person. When I get high, I mellow out. I don't lose the ability to moderate properly or act upon things.

    You need to stop being ignorant about this stuff.

    Medicine that makes you drowsy could affect how you moderate in-game. You want to sit out for a day and not play games? While weed itself is "controversial" to many, it's not like he is doing harder drugs.

    Chill, Supreme.


    Other than that, I know there has been issues in the past about Logic. I haven't really seen him on the servers, so I can't really say much. When I do play, I'll catch you on and maybe make a vouch from there.

    Good luck on the application.

    Problem is that Lxgik is 15. People can say weed isn't harmful as much as they want but that's a lie when you're growing up, and I've seen Lxgik when he's high. He's fucking out of it, and I don't trust anyone who is that out of it on the servers, especially not to do staff jobs.

    I completely agree with you Supreme. I'm not comfortable at all when Lxgik is around and I know he's more susceptible to breaking rules by accident when he's high.


    Weed is illegal where I am and I know what people are like around my age when they're high. You hardly come on enough to know Lxgik when he's high in the first place so you shouldn't throw passive aggressive comments in the first place honestly. Also, just because Weed isn't as bad as alcohol doesn't mean that weed is any better. In my opinion it's as bad because it's a gateway drug to harder drugs, whereas alcohol is a drink that most drink in moderation.


    15 year olds smoking weed makes the community look really bad too. I definitely wouldn't want to come back to a server that had a young staff member actively getting high on servers, weed or not.

  10. @james8470 I have much, much more than 14 hours... and i've been sober for a month now.

    but thanks for the feedback I guess..

    You said a long long time ago to the point where you probably don't even remember that you take weed monthly. This was back when I was first mod.

  11. Steam Community :: Screenshot :: we don't allow nudity




    so does the PG 13 Rule apply if we allow it on our servers? I like to call this one "We're a strict PG-13 community that doesn't host nudity" because I'm petty. taken on Trade Gaming History, map is Cyberpunk 2_a

    Cyberpunk is an exception as it is artistic and part of the map. It's a bit like the book on hotel hell but a lot larger and more artistic.

  12. Now, this was pretty informal and unprofessional If you will.
    But Toxicity does not apply to me
    or my actions, I don't know If this reaction was caused because maybe he disliked the way I played the game? Or maybe I was killing him a lot?(though I don't recall him being killed by me, or playing at all, unless he/she has a different in-game name.) Whatever It may be I cannot help but feel that was the admin/mod feeling something personal against me. Which I understand can be hard for some people to set aside how the feel in place of responsibility, But from a website so organized I'd expect more properly behaved staff.

    As for "L' spam", I'm also very confused about this and feel It Is more of just the staff member being annoyed with me personally for some reason. For chat, I use It as regular as anyone does perhaps even less aside from commands. So It really makes me curious to why I was banned or rather, why I'm being suspected of spam?

    OK firstly the L' thing at the beginning is a bug. Not sure why it says that at all and it does creation some confusion and makes it seem like a personal vendetta and you're mocking them with that ban, so if it's possible can that be fixed @Bello @Vexx ?. Another thing is that I was in godmode as Pyro jumping around with the Detonator for the entire map on your team nonetheless.

    You were spamming the phrase "smfh" and throwing out insults literally every single time you died. The server was practically chanting to get you banned and @mrnutty12 raised the idea in admin chat although I did originally want to ban you before he brought it up.


    What I think, Is that whoever Kypari Is, I suspect they are a new staff member and most likely bored or looking for opportunities In their role, So they saw my spray and tried to take everything they could to ban someone. Now Spam and "Toxicity" Is all subjective, which Is why I stray away from using chat to speak to others or at all from that matter, Because anything can be toxic. However there Is not a grain of evidence for any of this, I'm saying myself that I sprayed the spray, Which Is wrong but for something that wasn't intentional and not done to harm others? To just flat out ban me I feel Is incorrect.


    Well that Is all I have to say on this matter,
    I feel correction of staff Is needed to prevent this In the future
    , though for right now I fear I will have to wait until my ban time Is over.




    I'm not new at all. I think I'm one of the few people who were staff in 2014 that are still staff now except for Bello and a few others. There is a lot of evidence and all you have to do is take a look at your chat logs and you'll understand why you were banned.


    You need to fix your actions and stop being so toxic to the point where the entire server keeps asking if I can ban you. It's not me that's the problem at all.

  13. https://i.gyazo.com/0e3a210b9e3b8549a9e83c7fb30b9390.png


    I didn't get that, with adblock off.


    If you want to argue that lolicon is child pornography, then you should do some of the research that I did, and you could see that on the federal level every case was thrown out pertaining to lolicon being child porn. (there are some cases that are kept, but that was because of legitimate child porn. the charges of child porn based on the lolicon images were thrown out.) and every state case with lolicon that did not include legitimate child pornography was either thrown out there and then, or was appealed to a higher court and then thrown out.

    It must be because I'm .uk or something.

    I stand by thinking that it's child porn but it might be different in the UK. I understand that's it's not 100% child porn per se but I still think it is because it's the exact same concept but anime instead, which is why I still think they should have a very long ban, especially combined with the trolling and toxic attitude on the server.