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Everything posted by Bone

  1. After recent discussions and a few threads/complaints on the FF2 server, I feel it's time we possibly part ways with using PlayPoints. What's PlayPoints? You may or may not be asking. Well, PlayPoints is our current player perk system in FF2, the one that gives the (sometimes working) extra powers to the players fighting the boss. Why do I think PP (PlayPoints) should be replaced? PP is an old, buggy plugin. How old? The last update was in 2013. The biggest issue being that a lot of the perks have been nerfed or removed, while a few that are still available are useless due to the plugin not being made specifically for this kind of gamemode. Even then, the ones actually usable can sometimes be considered "OP", "Annoying", or "Awful". Another major issue is that the bosses can sometimes use the powers meant for only the RED team, to the point where a few bosses' .cfg files have been changed to replace their class due to them getting "520 Scout" or "Hyper Heavy". I'm suggesting that we replace the current buggy and limited plugin to something similar or more complex, and have made a small list of suitable replacements while listing their pros and cons. TF2Items/TF2Attributes: This combination of plugins allows items with custom attributes to be made and automatically given to connected players who are using that specific weapon. Replace 520 Scout with a BFB that gives Scout 520 speed or replace Infinite Charge with a Chargin' Targe that refills it's meter quickly but does self damage. Pros: These plugins are already on our FF2 server Completely customizable Automatically gives perks to the player using that specific weapon Players can use their own items Cons: Limited to TF2's default attributes (list here) Players can't choose if they want the perk or not when using a weapon with a custom attribute Can't recreate all current perks Custom Weapons 3: This plugin allows for completely new weapons to be created, using existing TF2 models or even new models. Like the previous plugins, this plugin applies custom attributes to weapons, but isn't limited to TF2's default attributes. The difference with this plugin though, is that weapons will have to be equipped before they can be used, and don't use existing items like the previous option. Pros: Can easily remake all current perks and then some Players won't need to possess a specific item for a certain perk they want Customization isn't limited to just attributes Special weapons can be limited to only one team Cons: Players will have to open a menu to equip an item with the perk they want Players using their own weapons won't get any special perks Perks will be bound to weapons And finally War3 (second link): This plugin is completely different from the other 2. Players choose a race and they get special abilities and even Ults based off of the chosen race. Players level up as they play, which makes their abilities even stronger. There's even a mini shop which allows players to buy items with credits they earn to give them an extra boost for a round. Pros: Leveling system keeps players coming back Can change races and abilities at any time Passive abilities and Ults gives players more options and different ways to play Cons: Not even close to our current system Players will need to bind keys to +ability and +ult unless they want to type them in chat everytime This plugin uses individual plugins for each race And... that's all I got for now. Of course we can simply stick to what we have, but it really limits players to a few useful classes, especially if more perks in PP get nerfed/removed. If you have suggestions for replacements, questions for the listed plugins, or ideas on bettering what we currently have, post 'em here.
  2. It's once again time for another GR Gamemode vote! https://www.strawpoll.me/15558766
  3. If Machine Slapping is removed, we might as well remove the entire PlayPoints plugin. The majority of the powerups have either been removed or nerfed to a point where they're useless. If anything, we just need a replacement for what is an old, buggy, unsupported plugin
  4. About damn time @Krampus
  5. So I made a short video demonstrating how the plugin could work in game: *Note: I know it's not a 100% accurate representation due to not having a Death to operate the traps You may notice that it doesn't take much time at all to build up speed, which removes any concerns that not everyone can do it and that people will waste time building speed for 12 hours. If this is instead an issue, there's a cvar that causes speed only to be gained from more curved hops. The same cvar can be used to allow speed to be gained on straighter hops, but that would make it far too easy. I'd also like to point out that even at full acceleration, it still took 2 jumps to get across the spikes after the bridge. So building up speed to magically skip traps won't happen. Also, if speed is a concern, the cap can simply be set to 400. This allows Death's base speed to be unchanged and still give Runners an extra 100 Hammer units per second on successive hops. The plugin also makes air strafing easier (this can also be changed), so it makes juking much more accessible.
  6. Bone

    Music Suggestions?

    You may already listen to the bands I'm about to list, but I'm posting them here anyway since they're kinda related to a few you posted: Disturbed FFDP Red Pantera Trivium And like Bonk said Killswitch Engage
  7. So if someone doesn't use rage in FF2 when they know how, does it make it their fault if they lose or are the players just too good? If they choose not to use an advantage given to them, that's their choice. You hit the button when someone goes into the trap... It's not changing this gamemode's basic mechanics by adding an extra feature.
  8. In today's headlines: "Local Boston man marries wolf thing in illegitimate and illegal wedding"
  9. The speed players would be able to reach isn't comparable to that of Surf's, for example. I honestly don't see people being able to zoom so quick through traps that Death isn't able to see them. Hell, with the gamemode as slow as it is now, people can still rush Death if they aren't paying attention, but you would blame the Runner's "damn fast power walking" on that or the Death? Plus the majority of maps have boosters or other ways of getting Death to traps before Runners can, and boosting the Death's base speed would also remedy that pretty quickly. Players trying to build up a hop at a trap doesn't seem like a con to me. If anything it's equal to what we get now, people jumping in and out of range of a trap until Death caves and uses it. Plus Bhop wouldn't help on every trap. dr_horrors is a good example. Low ceilings, slim hallways, and even traps you have to crouch through, and dr_horrors is played a lot. The plugin is both, actually. The ability to autohop is enabled/disabled serverwide through a CVAR
  10. Earlier on the DR server, I brought up the subject of adding Bhop to our Deathrun server, like I did a months ago in this thread here: This thread here First, let's go over the Bhop Plugin in question, which is this plugin here: Fysics Control The plugin allows quite a bit of customizing, including a max speed cap. For more info, a Scout's normal speed is 400. Our Deathrun plugin also allows the Death's base walk speed to be altered (current I believe is 400). Secondly, I'd like to go over why I think adding Bhop would be a good idea: It adds another aspect to the gameplay other than "Run in/run out". It makes what would normally be impassable traps passable, traps that are originally unfair. It would also give the Runners a bit of a confidence boost, since they have more of a chance of bypassing a trap. This would speed up rounds quite a bit instead of Runners standing at a trap they're too scared to try and beat for 20 minutes. Finally, I'd like address issues that may cause people to feel strongly against Bhop being added: "Adding Bhop makes the Runners way too fast!". Simply add a speed cap either at, or slightly lower than Death's base speed. "Death's reaction time isn't good enough!". Most traps are instant, with a fairly large area of effect. Plus a lot of maps have choke points, curves, or uneven terrain which makes having a consistent hop a lot harder. "Bhoppers will jump the entire map in a single bound/will be moving at mach 5!". In order to keep up speed, you have to keep a consistent hop. The settings in the plugin can make it more or less forgiving on the timing as well as how much of a strafe is needed to even gain speed. Also, speed caps. I feel adding Bhop could help make our server more original when compared to other servers, and could help keep it populated/popular among players. We could also have a trial run for a short period of time to test it. If it's not fitting to the server, so be it, we simply remove it and move on. I'm not saying we absolutely need to add or lest our servers die a horrible and slow death, but it should at least considered. As always, post any of your concerns or how you'd feel about Bhop being added, whether you're for or against the idea.
  11. Bone

    Im out

    xG just got a little less Turkish ? You're always welcome back if you change your mind. Take it easy, man.
  12. Fortnite? more like Fartnite hahaha... ehhh... But yeah, I like Fortnight. Not many chances to use the term in everyday use though. What am I, Abraham Lincoln?
  13. Just a quick addition to the opening post, here's the current list of bosses on the server: Demopan Ninja Spy GentleSpy Saxton Hale Headless Horseless Horsemann Jr. Christian Brutal Sniper Vagineer Easter Bunny Gaara Captain Falcon Gabe Newell Hatsune Miku Adolf Hitler Handsome Jack Human Sentry Buster The Joker Luigi Mario 64 Pacman Phoenix Wright Skeleton-Mann Gray Alien Wario Waluigi Garfield Blitzkrieg Darth Vader Sonic.exe Chuck Norris Goofy Bowser Triceratops The Knight James Bond Sgt. Painis The Terminator Buzz Lightyear MLG Sniper One Punch Man Gangplank Ass Pancakes Zerstorer Micheal Rosen Sewer Medic Radigan Conagher The Administrator The Rocket Cuddly Heavy Heavydile Bloodrider Breadspy
  14. For the first time in GR history, we've ended with a tie: Due to this, I flipped a coin (well, a virtual one) to see which gamemode would be the victor. After assigning Bhop to Heads and MGE to tails, here were the results: 3 consecutive Tails. MGE will stay on GR for another month! Remember to suggest various gamemodes or specific map types for the next vote
  15. Since nobody else has posted here yet, I'll add mine since I recently discovered where to find it: SW-2098-8157-5120 I don't have any real multiplayer games yet, but I will... I think?
  16. All my fellow skeletons are leaving me ? But I hope it all turns out good for you, my dude. Just watch out for sharks with lasers on their heads
  17. Time now for a new GR Gamemode vote! (Note: #5 took place in Discord since the forums were down at the time) http://www.strawpoll.me/15357690
  18. God, this is giving me flashbacks of the mental scarring caused by Scootaloo's fanfics...
  19. These are on my personal wishlist: Joy-Con Grips Especially good if you have larger than small hands and use one Joy-Con to play multiplayer I have no specific links for this, but a screen protector should be like the first thing you buy for it
  20. I was just about to post something about this in Discord. If you have a somewhat decent GPU, enable hardware acceleration and it'll run perfectly smooth. It worked for me at least.
  21. GR vote link until forums are fixled: https://www.strawpoll.me/15153818
    1. SnowyMinion


      Uh Slender Fortress herro

    2. Bone


      But.. We had Slender on the server for all of October...

  22. Joke's on you, you've already revealed yourself as a pirate!
  23. Alright then, how about this? DM/DL ____ says "I don't see you on servers very often", so the appropriate response is "Oh, well then screw it, I quit"? How about instead you find that higher up in a game on our servers and join it and maybe play with them a bit? You know, show them you're alive? Do this a few times and "I don't see you" becomes "Hey, you're pretty active!" Standing out doesn't mean wearing a lime green Scout set and hitting people with a pan, it means showing a lot of initiative and potential with being staff. When the time comes for promo/demo, staff would be able to say "Hey, you know Mod ____? They do a really good job, they're active, and they're super mature, we should promote them" Ok, I feel I need to squash this attitude, because people keep thinking this is how it works. If one person -1'd her, that doesn't mean she was barred forever from being promoted. That person had a reason to -1 her. Even if all the others +1'd, if the one who -1'd gave a really valid reason why they shouldn't be promoted, then obviously that reason was good enough for the other higher ups to agree or even change their mind. As @Bello said, "majority rules" is fairly flawed. If we had 15 higher ups +1 a guy, but one person -1'd them because they constantly abused, then that -1'er had a good reason for doing so. Hell, the others may not have known that, and that one guys -1 could turn the 15 +1s into -1s. However, one person -1'ing doesn't automatically mean a "no" either. I've seen instances where one higher up would -1, but all the others would +1. If they have a good reason to strongly suggest that player, they could still be promoted. You getting a +1, a -1, and a neutral does not seem like a yes to me. That means only 1 of 3 dentists approve, and don't think you're ready. Like I said before, Probationary Mod is for making sure someone is ready for staff, not to go "Hey, let's throw powers at this guy and see what happens!". They still have to feel you'd be responsible with those powers, as limited as they may be. Final Note: While I don't condone bias against a player, the higher up(s) who -1'd Spooks had a good reason for it. They genuinely thought they weren't ready for the position (again). And from the way she stepped down, they may have been right to do so the whole time. Spooky, huh?
  24. Hey look, it's another reply you probably won't read, but I feel it's necessary. But it isn't some "mystical, magical, special role". If anything it's basically "Veteran Moderator". Someone who's more than trusted enough to handle the extra responsibilities as well as being a trusted source of information for not only players but for Moderators who may not feel as confident in their authoritative abilities. Plus, becoming Admin is basically stepping down the importance ladder. Let me explain, the ladder goes like so: Randoms/regulars/members > Mods > Admins > DM > DLs. Why? Because members/randoms/regulars are the most important part of the servers. They make up like 95% of our population. Without them servers would be barren. Next are Mods, these guys basically work for the former. They make sure they enforce rules to keep the servers enjoyable for everyone and keeping the non-staff player base happy. Admins help out Mods and Players by enforcing rules, but by also teaching and helping newer Mods (and maybe even old) to be better at their job. DMs are next, these guys help to choose who gets promoted, basically who they think would be the best choice to keep the player base happy and on the servers, as well as the aforementioned duties. Finally, there's DLs. They do all of the above, but also make sure the servers have the maps, plugins, and settings the community wants to keep people on the servers. TLDR: The "higher" you get on the ladder, the more you have to humble yourself because you basically get more bosses and more people who depend on you. I'm gonna stop you there. No, it isn't. It's to make sure the candidate is able to handle the job, not only in a responsibility way, but in various personal ways. For example: I've been a Mod 3 times, Admin once, and DM once, if I reapplied for staff right now I'd probably get Probationary Mod for the sole reason that my work requires a weird schedule so activity is tough for me. Would I care? No, because even I know that's something I'd have to work on and improve. While I agree this is an issue, and staff should be versed in all servers, some may feel like they're not as experienced with a certain server's rules to enforce them (or they don't like the gamemode). It was like that with me and Jailbreak. I didn't feel like I knew the rules as well, so I'd ask someone who was more knowledgeable in that area to take care of it, you know, to do the job correctly. Also, I don't feel it's just server based, but more uhh, clique based. There are cliques within the TF2 div, I know, shocking right? Point is, these people may not be groups who regular one server but stick with just their buddies. Anything their friends do is totally fine, but if someone outside of their group does the same thing, then oh boy, here comes the member protest/abuse report. This goes hand in hand with the previous topic. While I feel, yes, witnesses are important, especially since Staff can't see everything, just someone saying they saw something happen doesn't make it true. Allow me to give a ridiculous exaggeration to prove my point. A group of buddies in the TF2 div don't like a player. He's a big meanie and they don't like that kind of thing. 5 come forward and say "Admin ____ abused! 5 of us saw it!" and bam, guy gets in trouble and buddy group removes their nemesis from the ranks. Though that's a far reach, this could happen by "just taking their word for it" Another thing is, you're telling me, that 15 people saw this happen, and none of them took a screenshot or could type "record demo" in console? Ehhh... To be honest, letting people condemn someone without evidence promotes sucky, bandwagony mentality... Agreed. We're all humans here (as far as we know..), so treat each other like one. Again, agreed. But this whole thread was made due to you not getting your much anticipated promotion. Was the promotion anticipated because you wanted to serve the community more, or because you wanted a higher rank? If you enjoy serving your community, you'd be content with Mod, since you still get to enforce rules and (try to be) somewhat of a role model for others. This is coming from someone who's been Mod 3 times, and all 3 times was happy to make the servers I could call my TF2 home a little bit of a better place with what little I could. For the most part, I agreed with you until I read this: It was then I decided to go back, read everything again, and make a response here. You've said like 8 times that this is a volunteer job, which it is, so how thankful of a job did you think this would be? Whether you like it or not, this is a volunteer job which requires a lot of work, energy, and dedication (well, at least if you want to do it right). Plus the fact you said you wouldn't try to justify anything you said or even "bother" responding, and that's an awful mentality to have. "You proved me wrong, but I'm still right and I don't have to prove it, I'm right!", which sounds pretty immature... If you truly felt there was a huge amount of bias against you then, you know... Talk to the Higher ups, find out why they may not feel you're ready for promotion or why you aren't promoted yet, and if the reason is "Ehh, I just don't like you". Then work to change their mind and prove them wrong. If you felt it was more extreme than that, then contact someone even higher than them, tell them you feel biased against by DL ___ or DM ____. And final note: You coulda posted all of this without stepping down, or by talking to the higher ups to bring these points to their attention. They'll listen, they aren't gonna bite. Worded the way it is, your post sounds more like the ramblings of a disgruntled employee rather than a concerned community member, but do whatever you feel is necessary. If you ever decide to come back, you're always welcome.