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Everything posted by Bone

  1. It's actually procedure to day ban for a troll report/misuse of !calladmin. +1 for unban, since it was a misunderstanding.
  2. You'll come back to TF2, they always come back to TF2.... Until then, have fun on PUBG and CSGO my dude!
  3. And thank you and @virr for helping me set up the stuff that I couldn't ;)
  4. Hey, at least you're stepping down to focus on helping out on a division. That's really commendable. Still hope to see you on DR every now and then though :D
  5. You mind if I add a link for the Gamemode Rotation server when I finish adding maps? It's just for Murder now, but I'll post more maps for the other gamemodes when they change and keep them updated
  6. You don't have to bump this thread every 5 minutes, you know? It's just a day ban, you're not in permanent trouble for it. Just don't break rules next time you're able to join our servers (y)
  7. I feel like the main issue is that people are hesitant to believe that someone with "toxic" behavior was able to make a significant change over a fairly short period of time. I'll remain neutral for now, as I'm not sure if I had played with you before any of the drama went down, and if I had I don't recall any issues. I also don't believe I've played with you since your return (you're a Pokemon Trade player right? That's probably why...) so I can't really say if you've made a change or not. Anything else I've heard has just been hearsay and rumors, so I'd much rather form my own opinion before deciding to vouch for or against you. Until then, good luck on your application @Tatost, hopefully we won't need to bring out the fire extinguishers later...
  8. Nope, it's its own separate entity. As @virr said, it's a good way for us to test the waters on a gamemode that could potentially be popular enough to warrant it's own full time server
  9. We already have a TF2ware server. And we used to have a Hidden server a while back, I'd love to see it return
  10. Hello fellow TF2 Division players. I'm proud to announce the opening of a new server, the Game Rotation server (IP: What is this server, you may ask? Simply put, it's a server to add new gamemodes to our community without having to dedicate one to it for an extended period of time. Votes will be held here every month to see what gamemode will be hosted on the server. Currently, the server is running Murder, a gamemode suggested by @Spoopy about 2 months ago. The first vote will be held in this thread in about 2 - 3 weeks to see if it remains, or gets replaced by a new gamemode. So be sure to keep an eye on this thread for updates! The votes will consist of 3 new gamemodes and a vote to keep the current running gamemode. You can also suggest your own gamemodes for this server. If it's popular enough it will be added to the vote for the next gamemode change. Maps, additional plugins, or specific settings can also be suggested in this thread. As long as you feel your suggestion would help supplement the current running gamemode. If there are issues or concerns about the server, or if something is broken, post it here or message me either here on the forums or on Steam (Steam Profile)
  11. @Ms.Spooks I keep forgetting about you, sorry :( Will do, Nit :emoji_skull::rip:
  12. But if you leave, I'll be the only Skeleton left :(
  13. It's a shame that the map's not too good. I loved EEnE when I was younger and still do. Although I really want to +1 since I don't play on TGH very often, but want people to suffer... Tough choice
  14. Bone

    Memory Lane

    I remember when JB was popular enough to require 2 servers, when FF2 was still VSH, when we had a Hidden server, and a Smash server, and a Dodgeball server... And of course when @Bach, @Forge, @kbraszzz, and @Rejects would join VSH and make it much much more entertaining
  15. I used to waste my life/time trying to get 99 Mining. Now I get to waste my life/time trying to get 99 Mining everywhere I go! Also, how many in the div play OSRS?
  16. Bone

    What is your Job?

    I hate to admit it, but I work overnight at Walmart. In fact, I'm posting this from work. Been here for over a year now. So what do I do? You ever go in and notice the shelves and everything on the shelves moved? That's me. It's kinda stressful since I'm basically an owl and am the only one on my team under 70... I don't plan on staying for much longer though, since I'm starting school soon to become an HVAC Technician.
  17. I mean sure, I guess, if the people are really close friends. Most of the time I've actually seen them used on the servers, it was in a malicious way. There are people who join to just spam binds that say some pretty awful stuff. But on the opposite side, even if you're not offended by the words, wouldn't it make you uncomfortable to be on the server if it were allowed? You see a dude spamming racial slurs into chat every 5 seconds and the Admins don't do anything because "They're just words", wouldn't you think to yourself "Wow, the Admins don't have a handle on anything here"? 2 seconds later... I dunno, I think that's a pretty broad and wide audience... You say that they scare away players, maybe by their words or actions or whatever, but wouldn't someone who's spamming racial slurs either in chat or mic have the same effect? I'm honestly not offended by slurs whatsoever. Doesn't mean I want players throwing those slurs at others though, either. Like I said in the last thread, there's a "Repect all players" rule. Throwing around slurs isn't very respectful. Ok, true. Things are a bit inconsistent. Maybe some servers word the rules differently than the others do, and that can be fixed. However, the inconsistency thing really can't for one reason: everyone's different. Yes, we have a Staff Handbook and a procedure we follow when enforcing rules/dishing out punishments. I agree that rules should be more clearly written, for example the Teleporter in Skybox rule, it shouldn't change depending on Staff, it should either be a rule or not. However, whether something is offensive or not is most likely gonna change from person to person...
  18. It's good that it blankets several things all at once, but it could also be too vague in it's definition. Since you know, uhh: I haven't seen the PG - 13 rule on the servers in a while (in the MOTD). At least a year or more. Although I wouldn't mind something like this implemented again since it makes things much simpler. Hell, maybe this whole thing became an issue due to this being changed, who knows? All I know is that we need something that is set and not just hearsay because players (and even staff members) are being told their sprays aren't allowed while others say it's fine. It's not even the sprays themselves I'm being bugged by, it's the disorganization and confusion among Staff members over a rule that should be relatively simple.
  19. Anything that would get you charged with Public Indecency here in the states. In seriousness, actual showing of genitals, either through clothing or not. A lot of players were talking about if whether or not "bulges" would be allowed, and honestly I feel like that's on the edge, since the character in the spray could be fully clothed at the time. As long as the clothes aren't see-through, then I guess it doesn't really count unless there's an extreme amount of detail put into it. Another addition to that could be anything considered "sexually explicit" or an image suggestion something sexually explicit. I've seen a lot of cliche "anime girl sucks on popsicle" type animated sprays. Although not technically anything explicit or involving nudity, it's suggesting something explicit, but I personally don't feel like it would break any rules (as long as there's no nudity or it's extremely suggestive...). Even then, would a spray like this be considered "extremely suggestive"?: (Click here for it since I don't want to run the risk of it being a no-no) As for what @Elcark brought up about bikinis or skimpy clothing. Most public beaches have rules to where bikinis cross a line to being not allowed. Pretty much anything that shows the genitals or areas around it, as long as it's technically a part of the genitals. So nothing like "Oh, the thighs are near the crotch so that's not allowed!". I feel like that could be used as well, since I've seen a lot of sprays like that. Someone else could add on to this, but I feel a good base is the "No nudity" rule and maybe a "No silhouettes/shapes resembling genitals or nudity". Since we get more sprays involving that than anything else.
  20. Agreed. Hell, even earlier today other staff members were saying "Well, ____ Staff Member said that ____ is allowed but ____ isn't". I don't care what ____ Staff Member said while in TS/Discord with 2 other people when the Higher-ups make the rules. Not saying we need any hard black/white rules here, just something we can use as a guideline when judging if a spray is appropriate or not. Especially since so many staff feel differently about certain subjects, having guidelines would keep players from getting misinformed on the rules because "Well, ____ said this was ok last night on the server".
  21. I wanted to say something, but it seems everyone else has already done that for me... Darn. I will address a few things though... I uhh... This is a server for a video game... How much influence do you think we have on society? Actually, you could totally go to the Admins about that. There's a rule that states (and it's different on every server... no idea why...) : Respect all players. If someone is deliberately being a dingus to you because you're a girl, then that's player disrespect which is actually against the rules. Sounds to me like whoever you play with don't do their job in that regard... Oh God... Oh God no... I really hope other people don't actually feel like that and that it's just a meme. This is a video game server. Where people go to have a bit of fun after a crappy day of work/school or whatever. The rules are just in place so people can play a game without someone calling them racially based insults or subject them to pictures of gore porn. Wait, what?... +1 for just this part. This part is true. Higher-ups are currently working on this, and we'll hopefully see a change soon. Other than that -1. It's considered a slur by uhh... a large majority of society... and therefore it's against the rules.
  22. The Mehrio map's coming along well https://puu.sh/x1x1p/7ed530515f.jpg
    1. james8470


      Oooo, looks sexy. I look forwards to playing on it! I'd offer my help, but I have no idea how to make maps.
    2. Tatost


      is it just a remake of the other mario map?
    3. Bone


      @[107973:@Tatost] Sorry for the late response, I just noticed it... Anyway, it's more of an updated re-port if anything. It's based off the CSS map and not off the TF2 one. The textures, music, some traps, and easter eggs will be changed. There will be a music room, a ton of secrets, and 2 new minigames. There might also be an extension of the map added later, though I'm not quite 100% on that just yet
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  23. Yeah, I'd figure it'd be fine unless you actually shot someone. A bit like how we're allowed to go into enemy spawns and it's fine, you're just not allowed hit/shoot anyone while you're there.
  24. It'd probably be better to just delete it. Especially since it would be better to add the FF2 plugin specific added attributes to an actual FF2 gamemode guide (like here), rather than making a separate one. Especially since it's a part of base FF2, and not an added plugin/setting. I'd do it myself, but I'm busy with 8 other projects currently.