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Reputation Activity

  1. Furry
    Red got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Forest   
  2. Furry
    Red got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Forest   
  3. Furry
    Red reacted to Dannypicacho in Forest   
  4. Furry
    Red reacted to Kypari in Forest   
  5. Furry
    Red reacted to mrnutty12 in Forest   
  6. Furry
    Red reacted to Semper in Forest   
  7. Furry
    Red reacted to Thorax_ in Forest   
  8. Furry
    Red reacted to Donakonda in Forest   
  9. Losing It
    Red reacted to Elcark in ReverseMJP   
    To explain what happened a bit since this isn't the most clear;
    Mjp was gagged for spamming on the discord, after which he began to spam people in the discord individually through dm's, so he was banned.
    Admitting to and apologizing for fucking up post punishment doesn't undo it, and you should still receive your punishment. That being said, it has been a fair amount of time (a month or so I believe?) and I'd probably lean towards an unban for now, though with the next case being a more permenant ban.
  10. Losing It
    Red reacted to Elcark in ReverseMJP   
    @virr anything to add? Otherwise should be good enough to unban him I'd wager.
  11. Losing It
    Red reacted to Elcark in ReverseMJP   
    First off, could you prove that? Otherwise there's not much reason to assume it's true. 
    Secondly then he'll just get banned again, simple as that. This is about giving a second chance and if he chooses to fuck it up again that's his choice, but since he already spent a fair amount of time banned he should be able to have that choice. 
  12. Winner
    Red got a reaction from Tekk in ReverseMJP   
    He was once on pkmn trade and said that he'll just troll the xg discord again.
    don't be fools.
  13. Salty
    Red reacted to Arnude in How do you say DannyPastacio   
    Other: Cunt.
    I like to call him that.
  14. Furry
    Red reacted to Faceme in How do you say DannyPastacio   
    A: DannyPissTaco
    B: DannyPastacio
    C : DannyPacito
    D : Other "If other please give me the name."
  15. Losing It
    Red reacted to pokechu13 in Ban request on RIP X   
    Team Fortress 2 Offenders In-Game Name
    RIP X Offender's Identity Steam Community :: HITLER
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM let your soul define your body Ban Type
    Server Ban Explanation and Evidence Saying jews are not people and hopping onto the server with a different name and picture saying the same things.

  16. Funny
    Red reacted to Dannypicacho in Goodbye, again.   
    don't become the new depressedneonnep please
  17. Losing It
    Red reacted to CodeRed in Goodbye, again.   
    Still, none of you care at all. 
  18. Like
    Red got a reaction from hongkongatron in CS:GO 10 man with only TF2 Players   
    When is this going to start
    @hongkongatron wcartel training time
    Can i be on my habibi team if possible?
  19. Random
    Red reacted to DepressedNeonNepp in acryingzebra   
    This should've been responded to what yesterday? +1. Pretty sure I ran into him once. Pretty cool. 
  20. Like
    Red reacted to Jadow in CS:GO 10 man with only TF2 Players   
    @Dannypicacho if you play in this 10man please step down thx
  21. Like
    Red reacted to Aegean in MJP   
    I fucking love our unban system.

    Your one get out of jail free card has officially been accepted! Please don't cheat and follow the rules on our servers to avoid getting banned again ?

  22. Like
    Red reacted to MJP in MJP   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    MJP Identity
    https://steamcommunity.co Ban Type
    Server Ban Information
    I TRIED my hardest to do ALL Dance moves but i couldnt ?
    I have a thing where my hands shake constantly so i cant hold the camera. My B B
  23. Informative
    Red reacted to Topaz in I'm back, forever   
    The issue we had was that he did not learn from his mistake, like at all. He quite literally repeated the same thing when reapplying for member. Let me put it like this:

    1. Applies for something (member in this case)
    2. Makes a mistake (in this case it was reapplying too early after his childish forum tantrum.)
    3. Get's upset and believes himself to be the victim.
    4. Get's called out for what he did wrong, almost all the time in a pretty respectable and productive manner.
    5. Throws another fit because he can not get what he wants.
    6. Leaves in a ridiculous manner.
    Now I realize two times does not exactly establish a trend, but it was like watching the remake of a shitty movie. I don't mind you making the argument that some people were rude and their input was not exactly productive, but that does not seem to be the point you are making. So let me emphasize this.

    He brought all of this onto himself and learned nothing from it.
    That is my take on this, and frankly I hope this is the end to this sad, salty story.
  24. Make xG Great Again
    Red reacted to Dannypicacho in CS:GO 10 man with only TF2 Players   
    Okay so here's who is participating (I think):
    @Dannypicacho, @mrnutty12, @hongkongatron, @Segal, @Semper, @SegFault, @FrostyBoiGrim, @Red, @Caleb956, @BonfireCentipede  (it's 10 but subs are always good, and who said it had to only be one lol) 
    If you were tagged here react with eggplant if you don't wanna participate so we can all make fun of you
    People who might come (make sure to peer pressure them):
    @Kypari, @YeEternalTuna, @TheSupremePatriot
    make sure to @ other TF2 boyos with CS:GO, this is gonna be great
    I only said the 500 hour rule thing to keep bonk out you nerd I know you have more than 500
    Also proof I am indeed a TF2 player:

  25. Feels Bad Man
    Red reacted to DepressedNeonNepp in DepressedNeonNepp   
    you act like I am wanted. people give me shit for no reason. once 7 bad spelling reactions to a post that had nothing misspelled. if any thing, im putting up with you immaturity. I hope kypari sees this and closes it, because I clearly never should have come back. even people I thought were friends aren't supportive. goodbye.