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Everything posted by LAN_Megalodon

  1. So actually speaking of skial, I'd like to bring something up. Server Rules WWW.SKIAL.COM Rules These actions may result in bans, silences, or other punishments. Examples are listed. But just because you don't see something here does not... Their rules almost exactly mirror ours except for: And I guess this is my whole hangup with the whole debacle, part of the reason I stepped down from moderator was not wanting to split hairs with people I was acquainted with over just a casual general use of the "soft a" so to speak. And like, I'm not the kind of person who's really gung-ho about using words that might make others feel uncomfortable, but I also don't think it's my place to word police anyone. People exist in environments different than mine, and I would find it insane if I was in a position where I had to tell a black person they couldn't use the n bomb, or a gay person that they couldn't call themselves a fag. But for consistency's sake, it should probably really be "all" or "none", and if we decide it's "all", harassment of players should have a zero tolerance policy and our rules should be edited to reflect that. Because I know one of the first problems we're going to encounter is people targeting other people based on sexuality or race or something and then play it off as a joke.
  2. Twitter's pretty lax in terms of rules, the people on it might not be in terms of what they themselves think is acceptable. People also not wanting to be around certain language is not equivalent to them being hyper sensitive or whatever you're implying. We've seemingly collectively decided that we'd rather have our servers be an environment without the use of racial slurs. Does that make us hyper-sensitive? The slippery slope is a fallacy, one type of word being banned does not inherently mean all other less offensive words follow, but as I've pointed out, if we ban racial slurs because they're slurs and in general we think they will not have a positive impact, it's not odd for people to think that it's inconsistent that we allow all the other ones. I do not think our servers are strict at all comparative to other ones. If you look up the rules for skial or jump academy, or any other large group, they tend to be relatively close to ours. Our servers aren't lawless dumps, I like that. I feel it elevates the discussion and enjoyment for most everyone involved. People trying to purposely antagonize people by toeing the line has always annoyed me and the less damage they can do by trying that, the better.
  4. It can't actually, the thriller taunt shouldn't ever occur on weapons with taunt kills. It only interrupts taunts like the best taunt in the game from bazooka/dh
  5. Also just to point out, I'm pretty sure faggot at one point was a banned word, and I'm fairly certain I've seen people punished for "Dyke", so saying "Yeah but no racial slurs and everything else on a subjective basis is how we do things and have always done things" isn't even correct. We don't even follow that consistently.
  6. Yes, but what I'm saying is that, by making this push for moderation with less "subjectivity", which is a sentiment we've all seen echoed in the whole spray debacle multiple times, they've collectively screwed any stance where you want a moderator to make a subjective choice. What's the difference between calling someone a faggot and the big ol n bomb? Nothing really, they're both slurs, so if you've purported this goddamn binary where either something is allowed or it isn't, you can't be fůcking upset when people end up comparing like to like and wanting more slurs banned.
  7. Thriller taunt blows every time I try to beat my chest to show dominance I just have a weak little spasm
  8. My stance usually would be that we shouldn't even need a list of banned words and like nearly every other platform, rather should try to figure out on a case by case basis whether something constitutes as harassment or not. With that said, I think multiple users, multiple times, have demonstrated that they get some kind of enjoyment out of doing literally anything just to get under other users' skin, and will play anything they've done in bad faith off as a "joke" when confronted about it. It also doesn't really help our community or servers to have someone shouting the n word over and over again because it amuses their Cro Magnon brain (and we do have those users), I don't think that would make our servers feel very inviting or cast the rest of our community in a very intelligent light. So idk. It seems like the easiest work around would be to just have a ban on racial slurs, if anything, and then evaluate anything else on a case-by-case basis. But everyone thought rules were too loose and moderators too subjective and wanted everything to be iron clad, so yall really fůcked yourselves here, there's not really a case that can be made anymore that's logically coherent you goddamn fools.
  9. Kotaku did, and at least one other article of his was basically lifted entirely from Wikipedia. Additionally his resume is a copy/paste of a hypothetical example resume on some resume-builder site. He recently took photos of himself holding cardboard signs that read, "will work for food" as if he's in as dire straits as someone who's actually homeless.
  10. halloween ones i like all the bats personally
  11. the only argument you make is implying we shouldn't have additional staff with the reasoning being we already have staff: but this doesn't really make sense, because if tatost would make good staff, or even passable staff, there's no real harm in having him. It's not like we pay anyone here, might as well have him or any other capable person as an extra set of eyes. There's no real negative to "more staff" as a general concept, only negatives if the bar is lowered or if an individual makes for poor staff. Yeah, that's the point of an application. This is akin to me saying "man these map requests threads seem like people are just throwing maps at a wall and seeing if people will add it to rotation lol." I know dissecting what you say is a pointless endeavor but like, why? Anyway +1 tatost discord mod.
  12. Is your complaint here that you have no real complaint?
  13. Dead Cells is a great game
  14. this is indeed a good game, although it is by no means "recent"
  15. No, what you look like absolutely shouldn't because as I said, there are very good players who don't care about anything premium offers whatsoever, and there are also high level players with decent shit and traders who've amassed fortunes who cheated for years before eventually getting vac'd and nobody suspected a thing. Evidence > petty assumption based on fallible associations. The demo I was shown, by the looks of it, he definitely wasn't cheating. Every time I've played against Jo it also isn't like playing against a cheater at all. He may hit some nutty shots but it isn't 100% consistent, and he isn't unstoppable.
  16. What you look like shouldn't factor into whether someone thinks you're hacking or not. There are prem snipers who have nothing but an achievement razorback because they never actually coughed up any money in this game. If you want to accuse someone who's actually cheating of cheating, getting legitimate evidence isn't insanely hard. I'm mostly just disappointed.
  17. This shouldn't matter. It's pretty easy to tell when someone's hacking and someone's just playing the game well. It's a trade server, we don't even get people who know how to toggle most of the time lol.
  18. This isn't really the norm. Only with Valve's recent complete swearing-off of quality control on Steam have people been this brazen about violating tos. I'd bet this game won't live long lmao. Here's an example for yous wondering Also the dev admitting to literally using the game to mine crypto.
  19. People joke but we have more than a few capable sniper mains lol. Idk, generally with teams what you do is look for people who are good at filling a role rather than trying to fit someone into one. Depending on who does what you can end up with people playing classes they're not great at just because everyone on the team being from xg was the qualifier rather than everyone on the team being good at their respective class. That's not even mentioning the people who are going to be looking to fill the same role. This becomes much less of an issue with sixes because there's less people and it tends to be a little more flexible in terms of who can play what when, but it's much more competitive than highlander and both the skill floor and ceiling are much higher up. It's novel but in practice I don't know how well it'd pan out.
  20. My favorite thing to do used to be non-stop spawncamp with my best friend pocket medic but now actually I think people are trying too hard to get kills ?

    1. Tatost


      I couldn't think of anything more passive-aggressive than that except for ??????????????????

    2. Kypari



    3. Tatost


      Wow, Kypari, I can't believe the DM of the TF2 div is so damn TOXIC

      Just to make sure that you know, I'm referring to Lan's post, not Sesh's.