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Everything posted by LAN_Megalodon

  1. I'm very tempted to ask for claims to be substantiated. At the same time I'd like the monthly pooppost thread about drama that's not grounded in any verifiable claims or evidence to stop, you know, being at least a monthly thing. Decisions decisions...
  2. Damage Resistance is a bad concept anyway I'm not surprised they nuked it. The soda popper's nerf was 100% justified and even now after the nerf it's still situationally better than scattergun. The dead ringer nerf is one I'm kind of 50/50 on. They completely reworked it during gunmettle and I thought that the reworked version was more manageable than the previous while not being awful. But then they basically just re added all the damage resistance it had in a later update in addition to fire resistance and whatnot, which was a real head scratcher. I feel like people who complain about the dead ringer are excessively whiney and don't realize that it's the only equip that makes spy viable full time in pubs/highlander, because it allows him to get a kill and not instantly die for doing what every other class can. It's comparable to what the gunslinger does for engie. But at the same time, speed and damage resistance/health are two things you should never combo. Wish they fixed one of those aspects rather than ammo.
  3. I haven't ever really had any negative interactions with tuna. I know skelly didn't get along with you the best, but from my personal experience I don't really have much of a reason to think that you shouldn't be staff. Albeit I don't play much on surf and think most of the rules on that server (if any) are stupid and overly complicated, my prior experiences with tuna on pokemon and tgh, from what I remember, have not been negative ones. I personally have no real objection, so +1.
  4. "furry group" everyone in xg is either a furry or can be vaguely connected to a furry, what?
  5. جوجل المترجم
  6. I don't want to be contrarian but air-strafing withing normal tf2 requires you to also move your mouse in the direction of your "a" and "d" presses. It doesn't really look like you're doing this (at least in the video). Other than that we can't really tell what keys you're pressing so I won't pull a tatost and say you're holding w. I don't know if surf or cs handles air control differently where you don't need to move your mouse like that.
  7. BWHud https://huds.tf/forum/showthread.php?tid=224 I've manually removed hud_playerclass icon and enabled a custom crosshair though. If you want to know how to do either of those raysfire has a good series of videos on editing huds.
  8. I've never seen anyone get stuck or experience getting stuck and I stay on this map nearly every time it's rtv'd to, that's not me saying that kypari is wrong, that's just me saying with only anecdotal evidence we have no way to figure out what the problem is if there actually is one, whether it's a problem with the map or a weapon or etc. otherwise this: As a side note I tried falling all around the map and I did not find any places where I got stuck. Obviously it's impossible for me to cover every square inch of a map but I checked the corners especially pretty thoroughly. Finally, I quite like this map. The low grav and infini-fall kind of makes it feel like the smash mod, except not really because you can still just kill people without a hazard. Still though.
  9. Yeah, poorly optimized too at that. Although with my new rig I can handle pretty much any map the server throws at me, I remember on my old laptop I'd frequently drop to like 40fps from an otherwise relatively consistent 130. I've never played touhou so I realize aspects of a mansion from a bullet-hell might be hard to translate to a 3d enviroment, but there's a section of the roof made of purple missing texture, and most of the other textures are just stock tf2/hl2, which shows, most textures used really clash with the TF2 aesthetic (look at the repeating texture on the skybox for instance). The water's also bugged, you literally just sink into it and have to suicide/drown because there's no way back up some of the slopes in the ocean. +1 for removing it. It's a nice thought and I know the niche popularity of the game might make it feel like it's worth keeping the map around, but the quality is just fudgeing painful.
  10. Ok great, convince people of that then, that's what the forums are for, don't just mark every +1 with "are you insane"? We're not really proposing something radical here considering the vocal majority of the server's opinion on the map, and spamming random vaguely negative reactions is much less effective at convincing any fence-sitters that the map shouldn't be removed compared to an actual argument.
  11. Ya wanna say a thing blue? Because that's what these threads are for. Probably more effective than just marking every +1 with "are you insane?" The map legitimately has some problems. Minor ones since unless you go completely out of your way to find them it's unlikely you'll have to deal with them, but still, there's a few sections on a wall that aren't even solid and let you clip outside the map. It's also just bunker but really long, so like, the saving grace bunker has in funneling team-fights into a few areas isn't present in a map that's basically a maze, where even if you know the way to the other teams' spawn it takes 10 years to find anyone on the opposite team.
  12. the update that made pyro do 140+ dps without actually being required to see another player on his screen
  13. eh, on one hand I think it's pretty funny and I like the aesthetic, but on the other hand it really is just a worse longer bunker. +1 but I don't really care all that much, we hardly seem to rtv to it anyway.
  14. LAN_Megalodon


    "Kypari does not want to be around me and my toxic persona therefore every punitive action taken against me by them is invalid." Yeah ok, no. I didn't even want to make a serious post here because the argument made for why your ban is invalid is so challenging to take seriously that I don't know if anybody can even attempt it. I do not like mau, I do not particularly know moo, but mocking two people you don't know for what you sarcastically assume their sexuality is isn't really what I'd consider a joke made in good faith. You also went far and beyond just calling them "boyfriends" or whatever too, so that's off the table. Furthermore it's not an issue of "Kypari doesn't like me". From what I remember historically you've had some pretty major issues with following basic rules on the server; a couple cases of donator abuse, constant trolling, etc. I don't think I'm a perfect person, in fact I think I lose my chill pretty fast, but I do not for one minute believe that it's Kypari stalking you around waiting for you to make any misstep so much as you constantly pushing boundaries with people until you take one step two far and Kypari ends up being called in because he's an active mod/admin/whatever. Additionally I personally have witnessed you attacking some staff when (you assume) nobody's on, so I also think you're anything but the impartial buddy-buddy you claim to be. I don't even really care about whether you're punished or not, I just want to voice how I think almost no claim of yours in the entire thread makes sense. About the only thing I can agree with is that there's a small section of brainlets on our servers who want to cheese the game and start poop with players far above their level, which I guess welcome to xg, can't really punish people for being egotistical, and it's definitely not a valid reason to harass them.
  15. Ambassador and Tide Turner are the only undeserved nerfs
  16. Idk, it makes a vaguely boring time period more interesting and there's no real complaint other than "it's loud". There's not even really an exploit unless you're also willing to count people equipping the pan on scout and making as much noise as humanly possible an "exploit". If we really stretch the limits of believability you might be able to beat a short surf map in the 20 seconds if you giga-trimp the entire way, but even then it's a moot point because everything resets and you lose any bonus for doing so.
  17. I'd like to also bring up that if it really bugs you that much you can manually find the demoknight sound files and lower/edit them. I know the obvious retort to this is that "but that puts me at a disadvantage against enemy demoknights", and my counter to that is lmao dude ur playing on surf a spy can backwards bhop at lightspeed into your face and backstab you, you've already forsaken playing the game in any serious manner. Also this happens on each trade server at the beginning of the round and it's never really been that bothersome imo. It's pointless having infinite ammo for the 30 seconds before round, but every kill within those 30 seconds is pointless, so idk, it makes an otherwise pointless time period on the server more interesting I guess? -1
  18. If you're having that kind of problem, collect evidence and create abuse reports. It doesn't matter if we write 350+ words on two golden tablets about a certain rule, issues with interpretation are always going to occur because words cannot completely explain intention in full. Personally I find the rule useful because we do have those cavemen who come on and try to do their best impression of Peter from family guy or whatever else for two hours straight. Rules are generally enforced through precedence, so if you are having problems with staff picking on you for having a small bit of fun, make reports and bring attention to your issue, but generally there's always going to be some amount of subjective interpretation involved with rule enforcement regardless of how well it's worded. In fact I'd argue the more wordy and lengthier the more likely players just skip reading it, which doesn't solve anything.
  19. There was some dude who came on poketrade and just talked in a sub-par impersonation of the soldier's voice 24/7. Trust me, it's a useful rule to keep around.
  20. "No immature voices" is no longer related to the actual age of the persons on mic and is now used as more of a method of dealing with people who intentionally use an exaggerated voice to irritate people.
  21. The issue with running a really niche kind of gamemode is that you only attract a niche audience if any at all. While B-Ball is a cool gamemode there's not really reason to run it when some mge modes just have bball as an arena, so you simultaneously are attracting people who want to play bball and people who just want to mge. I think the idea of having the server be some kind of specific new gamemode, while commendable, is a bit of wishful thinking when we basically need daily callouts to keep ff2 populated, and when even the rotation server was on mge it was hardly visited.
  22. F i g h t. M e. S p i r e. Y o u. E l o. B i t c h
  23. this map is fudgeing awful lmao idk what you mean, it doesn't take more than five minutes to realize the issues with this map. -It's just a bunch of flat ground -Spawns can see each other with nothing covering the sight-line -I've spawned multiple times and just had one health, I get that that's probably supposed to be like an afk manager or something, but we already have one of those and I've killed myself like twice trying to jump somewhere after spawn protection wore off because I had assumed that I had full health because I just fudgeing respawned Beyond that there's my subjective opinion of there just not being a ton to the map, and it also doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing imo, being from like sonic adventure I think? The grass looks like goddamn banana land I mean holy cow.
  24. People don't have the social cues they normally have in an irl conversation, so I agree, it's really fudgeing annoying to have some higher up butt into the middle of a civil conversation and yell 'EXCUSE ME PLEASE ONLY ONE ON THE MIC" just because one of you didn't realize the other wasn't done yet. Like I've seen this enough times and it's honestly like "okay, what do you think annoys people more here, the fact that two people were briefly talking at the same time, or someone grinding the entire discourse to a halt to holler at them not to do something neither of them were intending to do?" Equally enough times I've seen people just not fudgeing caring what's going on or who's talking before them and it just devolves into noise, so while the first situation is annoying, the rule is a necessary evil imo.