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Everything posted by LAN_Megalodon

  1. oh good so a certain someone can't just mute me for saying "engineer is bad" anymore this is nice
  2. Executive decision has determined that we are never touching CTF ever, it's like a disease-ridden corpse. As a replacement I made a vote about cp_process. Same rules as the previous thread, I encourage you to check that out first. Favorite Attack/Defend Maps? - Poll on strawpoll.com Favorite Payload Race Maps? - Poll on strawpoll.com Do you like CP Process? - Poll on strawpoll.com
  3. Attack and defense is like second most flawed game mode next to ctf, aside from like steel, which is the only well-balanced attack/defend map.
  4. Also I forgot to mention; most people will probably know this but sometimes existing maps are developed into different gamemodes. For instance, 5cp Badlands will be different than KOTH badlands, KOTH Sawmill will be different from CTF sawmill, etc. Pretty simple stuff, but players who've never played vanilla tf2 might get maps screwed up.
  5. Just for data. The situation is you join a server looking to play an actual game of Team Fortress 2. What map did you search for? Sorry, I'm not including meme, flawed or stalemate-y game modes like Attack/Defense, Payload Race, Capture the Flag, or Medieval Mode, we'll get to those later. You can vote as many maps as you want per poll, but please try to keep your answers limited to maps you genuinely like in order to keep vote inflation low. Maps are listed alphabetically, if you don't know what a map is, I've provided the actual name of the map in game so you can load it up on your own and check it out. Best Five Control Point Maps? - Poll on strawpoll.com Best Payload Maps? - Poll on strawpoll.com Best King of the Hill Maps? - Poll on strawpoll.com (Edit): I'm an idiot and I forgot cp process but I'll just assume that most people like it. The polls are more to find out which maps nobody likes than to find out each map everyone likes, and process is a pretty bread-and-butter map.
  6. never mind ignore this I didn't understand what bello meant I have a pea brain
  7. Haha yeah Lan's crazy right? Yeah no, what I said is pretty reasonable. I'm not saying that nobody likes Sylux, I'm just saying I don't think he's actively a member of any of the main cliques that seem to plague this clan. Furthermore he alluded to someone telling him stuff through steam messages rather than say cough cough Discord, so idk, that seems to allude to the fact he doesn't have a group of people to support him at the drop of a pin.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-tggRh__SE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8euJOK-KWXQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ItRSs983ws http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhVrX6a2LNs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SthfjxYXTA Black/White 1-2 and Hoenn had some of the most laid back melancholic tunes.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV_3Dpw-BRY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlcywgEMuGI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVqAdIMQZlk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vu-aAH66u8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_cJ5fvVhiI
  10. citations would be nice if you can/are allowed to provide them.
  11. I'm sorry, I don't like getting into arguments here, but I can't with a good conscience support the idea of someone getting a month ban for using binds that some other player didn't like. Especially so in the case of Zack, like I have no problem with the dude, but he doesn't even try to be non-confrontational. He is by one of the most toxic and most dramatic of our semi-regular players, and most of the shit he gives people is almost always completely unprovoked. Additionally calling direct quotes harassment is a real fucking stretch even if the player being quoted in question doesn't like it. Wikipedia pointing out that Michael Richards was in fact an idiot who shouted racially charged slurs via a direct quote isn't "harassment", it's not up to other people to forgive and forget your idiocy and move on. If you said something stupid, you have to correct the record yourself, not just expect other people to drop it. On an unrelated note, I think one of the main reasons other people aren't protesting against Sylux's ban is because he isn't part of any real "in" group. He doesn't have 9 to 13 people in a discord to back him up regardless of what happens, and I do think that people who don't like him (rightly or wrongly) are going to try and use it against him. The best part is, I personally have witnessed other people within in groups trying to target Zack in order to set him off, and I myself was guilty of the same when I didn't really know much about him, which really leaves me no choice but to assume there's some form of bias here. Sylux's supposed previous infractions are months old, and I doubt his intentions in this case were to do anything but swing back. Justifiably so in my opinion. If each party was given a day ban for bickering, whatever, but a month is too much to throw on a single individual regardless of past bans. +1
  12. +1 there's spots that are clippy but the bigger issue imo is that the spawns are such absolute shite that you might as well just leave as soon as you join
  13. I can't burp anymore because that's apparently a running Rick and Morty joke and I don't want to be associated with that.
    1. Thorax_


      No bone, I breathed AND shoved mega seeds up my butt.
    2. realBelloWaldi


      What they say: We don't like Rick and Morty. What they mean: We don't understand Rick and Morty. @[106807:@Bone] @[51525:@Egossi]
    3. Egossi


      I fathom that my vitriol may betide as a bit too astringent, but of course a quintessential ignoramus like yourself wouldn't be conscious of how scintillating us Rick & Morty fans staunchly are!
    4. Show next comments  24 more
  14. Is pretty toxic to other players when angry. Like it's fine to be angry just don't take it out on other players, they're just here to do the same thing as you. -1
  15. they grow up so fast, he's already leaving the nest :'(
  16. I doodled this out real quick. Red/Blue lines are sniper sight-lines Assuming spawns are placed on the far left/right, each team would have way too easy a time camping the choke just outside each spawn, as there are no alternative routes or flanks. This could be easily solved by converting each of the buildings by each spawn into a sort of "teleport station", for an alternate route to the middle of the map. Even if you don't want a teleporter because it gets people there too fast, consider making maybe underground tunnels or something, because the camping situation would be really bad with only 3/9 classes being able to make it over the trees and avoiding the choke easily. The casino would be a great place to hide secrets and whatnot, as it's close to the middle of the map, and therefore people would naturally fight for it. Anyway, this is just a basic idea of what I was thinking, tell me what you think etc.
  17. Ahh I'm not sure how I feel about that. Fresh starts are cool and all but I know I personally have dumped a lot of time and effort into bridgeland (although it is minecraft, literally nothing you do matters). I'll think it over and abstain from voting until then I guess.
  18. Blasphemy, who doesn't love 'sand'?! I can already hear the "doo doo, doo doo, doooo doooo doot doot doot" in my head. kill the infidel! Also as a side note I have never been in favor of just plain old forced music. I even mentioned in one of my posts that only people near the music room should hear it. "sand" definitely needs to be a secret somewhere though.
  19. I considered reporting this for a good while
  20. Use good music lmao, we should have a music thread. Obviously it needs to have fucking "sand", but other than that do we think it should have actual music or pokemon music? (sand should be in a secret fucking spot seperate from the other music and have like a half-hour wait time before you can play it again.)