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  1. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Krampus in My Application!   
    +1 There's no one more sandy than him that could do the job 
  2. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Frusty in My Application!   
    Hello caleb I hear you are very dedicated to sand and I would love to +1 you for the position!!!!!
    But always remember the sacred video:
  3. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to LAN_Megalodon in My Application!   
  4. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Caleb956 in My Application!   
    Haha yes!!!!! Especially on sand!!!!!!!!!
  5. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Vargas in My Application!   
    +5 Uses the !friendly command
  6. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to SegFault in My Application!   
    +1, cleb told me he would waterboard me otherwise
  7. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Caleb956 in My Application!   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    Caleb956 Identity
    you have it Position
    Sand Leader Time Active on Servers
    Too long Information Hello yes, it is I, Caleb956! I am here to apply for Sand Leader of the xG TF2 Division! I know I am very new to community but I like server!  Please consider me to become this very prestigious rank! Sand means a lot to me personally, and I want to show that appreciation by taking it a step further... it would mean a lot!! Thank you everybody!!!! :DD

  8. Ding!
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in 4pplez x Theoneglove   
    what is this, and how can we purge it?
  9. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Do you like fortnite?   
    You misspelled no by the way.
  10. Bad Spelling
    Tatost reacted to Squeezing in Do you like fortnite?   
  11. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to CodeRed in May I make a sugesstion?   
  12. Gross
    Tatost reacted to SeraZero in 4pplez x Theoneglove   
    4pplez x Theoneglove “glovie”  
    Glovie and 4pplez sat at the end of the surf in meister, they sat in the corner and was cptele camping Dfgck.
     “HEY” Df yelled as he tele’d before he was killed my two backburners.
    “This guy just keeps coming back” said 4pplez
    “Ya, he must be a masochist or something” replied Glovie.
     As they continued to fire their backburners, Brunche came in through the surf and looked at the two.
    “Oh sup faggolas, what are you two doing here?” Brunche asked
     “Well we were just cptel-“
    “FUCK YOU” Df yelled as he was killed again
    “-camping, we were camping” glovie replied to brunche.
    “Ah well have fun with that” Brunche said as he input the code to the end door and left the two.
     4pplez and glovie continued to kill Df for 10 minutes until Df decided to go friendly mode and to give up on trying. Happy with their victory, 4pplez and glovie cheered and threw their hands up into the air as they sat down to take a rest. They sat and talked about how their days were going and how they were looking forward to dinner at the best mexican restaurant (Don Ramon’s). 4pplez looked over at glovie and stared at his face, he became transfixed by how glovie looked. He couldn’t help but stare and when glovie took notice, 4pplez face became flushed with redness. Glovie chuckled to himself and sat up.
    “You sure have been staring at me a lot lately” glovie exclaimed to the flustered 4pplez
    “Wh-what? No no I’m not!” 4pplez stammered
    “Oh come on, you don’t think that I didn’t notice did you?” Glovie asked
    4pplez hid his face in his hands and began to tear up a little just when glovie grabbed his hands and pulled 4pplez into a passionate kiss. Initially 4pplez was taken back and didn’t know how to respond, but soon he melted into glovies arms and kisses him back with as much passion.
     After what seemed like hours, they broke the kiss and looked into eachothers eyes, without a word glovie pushed 4pplez onto his back and began to kiss and nibble at his neck. 4pplez bit down onto his bottom lip as his neck was being laced with hickies. As glovie continued to mark 4pplez neck, he unzipped his pants and let out his 12” love stick. 4pplez took notice of this and nodded to glovie, with that approval, glovie undid 4pples pants and lifted 4pplez legs onto his shoulders. He began to slowly push into him, making sure not to hurt 4pplez. He had pushed the head in and 4pplez looked him in the eyes before saying to him,
    “Give me all of it”
    Without hesitation, glovie did just that. He pushed all 12” into 4pplez. At first, 4pplez hand to cover his mouth from screaming from the sudden pain of being stretched out so much. But quickly that pain faded into pleasure as they began to make love like they were just married. In this moment they were connected, they were one. 4pplez took in all the pleasure and he couldn’t tell where he ended and glovie began.  They continued to make love at the end of meister for hours on end, each time leaving 4pplez filled with glovies love. In this, they knew happiness, they knew what it meant to be completed.
    The End.
  13. Smelly
    Tatost got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Cock and Ball Torture   
    I am embarrassed to have been a part of this clan if this is what goes on here
  14. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from Elcark in Returning the MC server to towny   
    As much as I get your attraction to the current map, you should probably look at what happened with old towny. They swapped maps, but kept the download to the old one available for those who wanted to keep going on their own. IMO it would be better to just start over again.
    I do think in honor of @james8470 wasting a lot of time working to get the spawn down instead of spending time with family and friends, we should keep it. I would consider it incredibly rude to throw away what he spent on the server. So if it's possible to cut out the spawn area and paste it into a special area would be really nice.
  15. Disagree
    Tatost got a reaction from Vaporeon in Returning the MC server to towny   
    As much as I get your attraction to the current map, you should probably look at what happened with old towny. They swapped maps, but kept the download to the old one available for those who wanted to keep going on their own. IMO it would be better to just start over again.
    I do think in honor of @james8470 wasting a lot of time working to get the spawn down instead of spending time with family and friends, we should keep it. I would consider it incredibly rude to throw away what he spent on the server. So if it's possible to cut out the spawn area and paste it into a special area would be really nice.
  16. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from LAN_Megalodon in Returning the MC server to towny   
    As much as I get your attraction to the current map, you should probably look at what happened with old towny. They swapped maps, but kept the download to the old one available for those who wanted to keep going on their own. IMO it would be better to just start over again.
    I do think in honor of @james8470 wasting a lot of time working to get the spawn down instead of spending time with family and friends, we should keep it. I would consider it incredibly rude to throw away what he spent on the server. So if it's possible to cut out the spawn area and paste it into a special area would be really nice.
  17. Agree
    Tatost reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Returning the MC server to towny   
    The spawn is amazing I definitely think we should keep it whatever we end up doing. I think the current world is really boring though personally, a lot of it is just ocean. I'd love large biomes or amplified as stated before because I think large biomes is just the size biomes should be, and amplified looks cool and is loads of fun.
  18. Disagree
    Tatost reacted to Vaporeon in Returning the MC server to towny   
    I do, however, suggest that we keep the current map and expand upon it (placing the spawn far from where it is, perhaps expand the map and put it at x: 75k or so) instead of completely resetting what we have currently. There's a lot of cool shit in the current world, and I don't want to see it disappear.
    Also, wait until 1.13 or switch to the latest snapshot so we can see cool ocean shit
  19. Ding!
    Tatost reacted to Egossi in Goodbye xG.   
    Now while this thread seems to have left the impression on some of you guys that it's not much more than a rant for not being promoted, I strongly disagree for the fact that she actually provided what she thought was wrong within this community in detail, which I genuinely find to be admirable, and while there are certain points I respectfully disagree with, there are some I actually actually agree with as opposed to some people here, which I'll now leave my response to, without getting into too much detail, from not any up-to-date experiences but rather experiences I've had when i was active in the TF2 division.

    I think this is what is needed to be accomplished, I've always felt like there is something that just doesnt work with our current system of staff ranking, one major problem imo which creates a lot of bitter feelings (as shown in the quote below) in especially mods and pmods is HOW the pmod/mod/admin system is being used.

    One solution i've always had in mind for this and still support is that pmod and mod should be used as what they were intended initially to be used as, which is where the Mod and in this case Probationary Mod ranks are purely to observe someone's qualifications for being a staff member before making them an admin.
    Which would mean that there should be more admins than mods, and while I feel like long-time mods really have no reason to stay as mods, I'm still uncertain as to whether or not this would possibly cause problems, and how so.
    And another solution which could be deemed a bit too excessive would be to have official sub-divisions as in having a DL for a certain server for example, and while this may sound like it'd be unnecessary, I feel like it could show some real positive outcomes. As people have already mentioned in this thread, one problem with the TF2 division is that there are higher ups who don't get on each and every server and know everyone in those servers, or at least nowhere nearly as well as they do on the servers they actually are regulars on. But of course this is just an idea, and I think it'd be both fun to implement this and it could potentially solve a bunch of core problems some people face within our community.

    Also, this I completely agree with in every aspect, and feel that more people in the staff rankings need to have a better understanding of.

    I personally don't consider this a punishment role, but rather another rank in the system that is once again imo counter-productive, im talking about the sort of "Staff Class" usage of the ranks pmod, mod and admin, which once again should be replaced with a much more productive way of using the ranks, as I stated in the previous paragraph.

    This I strongly disagree with, for the simple fact that from all my experience in the TF2 community I've seen again and again how most people don't know what they really want when they demand something, it's just a fact that whenever something that majority wants is implemented, the new majority becomes the people who complain about said implementation.

    I mostly agree with this, although along with the point bello brought up, it has become apparent that this issue just isnt that simple as to how it can be resolved, and at the end of the day what it boils down to is the quality of staff members and higher ups. Other than that my personal opinion is that staff should indeed be treated as witnesses themselves, and a staff member should always have more credibility than a witness and shouldnt always require proof when they take action against something.
    And the rest of the topics seem a bit more subjective and more case-by-case scenarios as to what they apply to and what they imply, and since I havent been in touch with the TF2 Division as of late, I won't touch on those subjects.

    This last part I will assume you didn't write with a clear piece of mind, I feel a debate about things like this is the most important thing to have. And regardless of what you say here you still will be welcomed back if you do change your mind, either way, take care & peace.
  20. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from Tekk in Goodbye xG.   
    *Any underlined text is personal opinion*
    Not what she meant. Pretty good point on the second part, though.

    I think she was more pissed off that she got probationary moderator for zero reason at all. She did a great job as staff the first time, but she stepped down because personal reasons/TF2 was getting boring. She feels like she was being unfairly treated and rewarded for amount of work she put into the servers.
    She was given a fairly large amount of recommendations and thinks that they were disregarded completely. She feels like she was pushed aside even though she was doing just as much as the others who were jumping ranks for sucking more higher up chode than she was.
    Now, I'm only trying to break down a few of her points, I'm trying to leave this as unbiased as possible as an attempt to not cause a shit storm. Hopefully this might better explain what she means, @Goblins : )
  21. Boring
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Goodbye xG.   
    *Any underlined text is personal opinion*
    Not what she meant. Pretty good point on the second part, though.

    I think she was more pissed off that she got probationary moderator for zero reason at all. She did a great job as staff the first time, but she stepped down because personal reasons/TF2 was getting boring. She feels like she was being unfairly treated and rewarded for amount of work she put into the servers.
    She was given a fairly large amount of recommendations and thinks that they were disregarded completely. She feels like she was pushed aside even though she was doing just as much as the others who were jumping ranks for sucking more higher up chode than she was.
    Now, I'm only trying to break down a few of her points, I'm trying to leave this as unbiased as possible as an attempt to not cause a shit storm. Hopefully this might better explain what she means, @Goblins : )
  22. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Caleb956 in What's your type of music?   
    As of now these are a few of my favorite songs
    but my favorite song of all time is:
  23. Like
    Tatost reacted to Aegean in Just checking in   
    Details very soon!!!
  24. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Kypari in Goodbye xG.   
    The thing is, she did talk to the higherups about it and I personally believe she was very qualified for admin, especially considering that she was admin before. From what I heard, she didn't really get anything to improve on other than things like "you need to stand out more", but why should you stand out? If you're not doing anything to stand out, couldn't that be a good thing since that means there's not really much negative going on? And why does it matter if someone doesn't stand out? If they do their job well, then that should be good enough to get a position.
    Also the thing about the whole magical position thing is how it feels to her, not how it's actually meant to be. I agree that it's meant to be a position that you earn and that it's for more experienced staff and whatnot, but how I think she's trying to say that that's not how it is
  25. Got It
    Tatost reacted to Bone in Goodbye xG.   
    Hey look, it's another reply you probably won't read, but I feel it's necessary.

    But it isn't some "mystical, magical, special role". If anything it's basically "Veteran Moderator". Someone who's more than trusted enough to handle the extra responsibilities as well as being a trusted source of information for not only players but for Moderators who may not feel as confident in their authoritative abilities.
    Plus, becoming Admin is basically stepping down the importance ladder. Let me explain, the ladder goes like so: Randoms/regulars/members > Mods > Admins > DM > DLs. Why? Because members/randoms/regulars are the most important part of the servers. They make up like 95% of our population. Without them servers would be barren. Next are Mods, these guys basically work for the former. They make sure they enforce rules to keep the servers enjoyable for everyone and keeping the non-staff player base happy. Admins help out Mods and Players by enforcing rules, but by also teaching and helping newer Mods (and maybe even old) to be better at their job. DMs are next, these guys help to choose who gets promoted, basically who they think would be the best choice to keep the player base happy and on the servers, as well as the aforementioned duties. Finally, there's DLs. They do all of the above, but also make sure the servers have the maps, plugins, and settings the community wants to keep people on the servers.
    TLDR: The "higher" you get on the ladder, the more you have to humble yourself because you basically get more bosses and more people who depend on you.

    I'm gonna stop you there. No, it isn't. It's to make sure the candidate is able to handle the job, not only in a responsibility way, but in various personal ways. For example: I've been a Mod 3 times, Admin once, and DM once, if I reapplied for staff right now I'd probably get Probationary Mod for the sole reason that my work requires a weird schedule so activity is tough for me. Would I care? No, because even I know that's something I'd have to work on and improve.

    While I agree this is an issue, and staff should be versed in all servers, some may feel like they're not as experienced with a certain server's rules to enforce them (or they don't like the gamemode). It was like that with me and Jailbreak. I didn't feel like I knew the rules as well, so I'd ask someone who was more knowledgeable in that area to take care of it, you know, to do the job correctly.
    Also, I don't feel it's just server based, but more uhh, clique based. There are cliques within the TF2 div, I know, shocking right? Point is, these people may not be groups who regular one server but stick with just their buddies. Anything their friends do is totally fine, but if someone outside of their group does the same thing, then oh boy, here comes the member protest/abuse report.

    This goes hand in hand with the previous topic. While I feel, yes, witnesses are important, especially since Staff can't see everything, just someone saying they saw something happen doesn't make it true. Allow me to give a ridiculous exaggeration to prove my point. A group of buddies in the TF2 div don't like a player. He's a big meanie and they don't like that kind of thing. 5 come forward and say "Admin ____ abused! 5 of us saw it!" and bam, guy gets in trouble and buddy group removes their nemesis from the ranks. Though that's a far reach, this could happen by "just taking their word for it"
    Another thing is, you're telling me, that 15 people saw this happen, and none of them took a screenshot or could type "record demo" in console? Ehhh...

    To be honest, letting people condemn someone without evidence promotes sucky, bandwagony mentality...

    Agreed. We're all humans here (as far as we know..), so treat each other like one.

    Again, agreed. But this whole thread was made due to you not getting your much anticipated promotion. Was the promotion anticipated because you wanted to serve the community more, or because you wanted a higher rank? If you enjoy serving your community, you'd be content with Mod, since you still get to enforce rules and (try to be) somewhat of a role model for others. This is coming from someone who's been Mod 3 times, and all 3 times was happy to make the servers I could call my TF2 home a little bit of a better place with what little I could.

    For the most part, I agreed with you until I read this:

    It was then I decided to go back, read everything again, and make a response here. You've said like 8 times that this is a volunteer job, which it is, so how thankful of a job did you think this would be? Whether you like it or not, this is a volunteer job which requires a lot of work, energy, and dedication (well, at least if you want to do it right). Plus the fact you said you wouldn't try to justify anything you said or even "bother" responding, and that's an awful mentality to have.
    "You proved me wrong, but I'm still right and I don't have to prove it, I'm right!", which sounds pretty immature...
    If you truly felt there was a huge amount of bias against you then, you know...

    Talk to the Higher ups, find out why they may not feel you're ready for promotion or why you aren't promoted yet, and if the reason is "Ehh, I just don't like you". Then work to change their mind and prove them wrong. If you felt it was more extreme than that, then contact someone even higher than them, tell them you feel biased against by DL ___ or DM ____.
    And final note: You coulda posted all of this without stepping down, or by talking to the higher ups to bring these points to their attention. They'll listen, they aren't gonna bite. Worded the way it is, your post sounds more like the ramblings of a disgruntled employee rather than a concerned community member, but do whatever you feel is necessary. If you ever decide to come back, you're always welcome.