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Reputation Activity

  1. Friendly
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in And there was much rejoicing!   
    fr*** you id*ot
  2. Salty
    Tatost got a reaction from james8470 in And there was much rejoicing!   
    fr*** you id*ot
  3. Eggplant
    Tatost got a reaction from shwash in And there was much rejoicing!   
    fr*** you id*ot
  4. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from james8470 in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   
    I would kill to have these mob hunting prizes back to where they were. Although they gave a shit ton of credits it is balanced out by the extreme amounts of time you have to put in to reach the milestones.
    I believe the longer something takes, the more it should pay. There is a reason that the saying "time is money" exists. If you make us put a whole shit load of our time for very little outcome other than mob drops (half of them, like flesh, are useless.)
    I don't know much of what has been going on with the server since I am a bit distracted atm, but has there been/ will there be any sort of compensation for those who piled on hours of their time racking up mcmmo levels or building?
  5. Make xG Great Again
    Tatost got a reaction from Vaporeon in Staff PSA/Rules refinement   
  6. Informative
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Staff PSA/Rules refinement   
  7. Sad
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in And there was much rejoicing!   
    From this point onward my activity on the servers will probably decrease to all but the rare occasions when I join friends. I will still periodically check the forums and possibly make a few posts from time to time. For the curious, I had started losing my interest in the servers since I was kicked out of the clan for reasons many of you should know. After that, the amount of people I truly enjoyed being around dwindled to numbers in the single digits. Most of which are rarely active on the servers nowadays.
    I might come back in a while.
    @bagel @Bello @Kypari @Spoopy @LAN_Megalodon the rest of the people I can think of don't check the forums
    cya xg
  8. RIP
    Tatost got a reaction from Kypari in And there was much rejoicing!   
    From this point onward my activity on the servers will probably decrease to all but the rare occasions when I join friends. I will still periodically check the forums and possibly make a few posts from time to time. For the curious, I had started losing my interest in the servers since I was kicked out of the clan for reasons many of you should know. After that, the amount of people I truly enjoyed being around dwindled to numbers in the single digits. Most of which are rarely active on the servers nowadays.
    I might come back in a while.
    @bagel @Bello @Kypari @Spoopy @LAN_Megalodon the rest of the people I can think of don't check the forums
    cya xg
  9. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in And there was much rejoicing!   
    From this point onward my activity on the servers will probably decrease to all but the rare occasions when I join friends. I will still periodically check the forums and possibly make a few posts from time to time. For the curious, I had started losing my interest in the servers since I was kicked out of the clan for reasons many of you should know. After that, the amount of people I truly enjoyed being around dwindled to numbers in the single digits. Most of which are rarely active on the servers nowadays.
    I might come back in a while.
    @bagel @Bello @Kypari @Spoopy @LAN_Megalodon the rest of the people I can think of don't check the forums
    cya xg
  10. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from ael_fjordling in Xeno Gamers Trailer | The Community Project   
    ask people on server for them, a lot of people play and don't look at forums.
  11. Useful
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Xeno Gamers Trailer | The Community Project   
    ask people on server for them, a lot of people play and don't look at forums.
  12. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2   
    Going to point out that saying "he uses vore" is at least a semi-valid reason to -1 someone. I believe staff should have a decent grasp on the rules themselves, otherwise there should be no reason they should have staff. Something about the idea of having a staff member breaking rules seems out of place to me, I see there has been some warnings given out over this exact subject but I felt the need to elaborate further.
    Vaporeon should read up on the rules of the servers and make sure he is not violating any of them before applying. Him having to be warned for inappropriate sprays/profile pictures makes me question the idea of giving him staff. It makes me think that he may be a bit too lenient with other players on rule-breaking (but sprays/avatars is the main one). He has said something in the post above about him having trouble controlling his anger towards other players which also gets me a bit nervous about the idea of giving him staff.
    I will remain neutral only for the reason that I do not believe I have encountered him enough to get an idea of what he is like on the servers.
  13. Bad Spelling
    Tatost reacted to Thorax_ in Where have I been?   
    Hello Everyone,
    You may be wondering...where have I been for the past few months? Well... I’ve been resting and dealing with wrapping up college and getting stuff prepped for my Externship to CSP Technician at the Hospital (not sure when that will start though) as well as dealing with Peak Season at Amazon Logistics (which is coming to a close very soon!)
    My shifts have been going back and fourth in time so my sleep schedule was pretty messed up for the past few months.
    When will I be back?
    At the moment; I am going to estimate around the middle of January 2018.
    Now this isn’t saying my activity will be immediately back to a normal “20+ hour” rate but it will definitely increase over-time.
    I still wish to moderate for the TF2 servers so I will definitely be doing my best to get my activity up to hopefully be able to regain my staff position when the opportunity is available.
    I have missed you all and look forward to hanging out with you guys in the very near future.
    Tags @Vacindak @mrnutty12 @Bello @Parasect @bubblebee @Vexx
    (Tagging just a few people :3 dont be offended if I didnt tag you, I made this post when I was half asleep.)
  14. Friendly
    Tatost reacted to Hopps in Happy Holidays~<3   
    To all you lovely xenogamers out there, I miss and love you all! I hope i can rejoin you again on the server very soon! I hope you all have a lovely Holiday, I'm meeting with family for a nice get together~ If you feel like sharing go ahead! what are you doing for The Holiday's? Lets keep it positive lovelies!

  15. Sad
    Tatost got a reaction from mrnutty12 in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    If we cannot get 18 people to play by the 30th I will cancel the event. Invite people.
  16. RIP
    Tatost got a reaction from TBOHB in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    If we cannot get 18 people to play by the 30th I will cancel the event. Invite people.
  17. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Squeezing in Squeezing   
    In-Game Name:

    Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2
    Previously a Member in xG:


    Steam Community :: squeezy

    Discord Account Synced:

    Time Active on Servers:

    new acc so 2days server time

    Reasons for Joining:

    hi my name is bob and i want to join xenogamers cause @virr is cool and a great community manager which made me want to join.
    im qualify as member casue im a nice person. i know people but im not taggings.
    member is cool & great.
    community is cool & great.
    certain people are not so great but okay.
    boo hellsgamers are not great at all.
    xenogamers are okay.
  18. Winner
    Tatost reacted to Aegean in The roles of staff in our servers and community   
    This stems from the 2 disputes that happened last week from the TF2 community but is still a good piece of discussion even by itself.
    First of all, our servers are meant to be a place for everyone in our community and people who visit our servers to have fun. I'm going to try to break down what we used to do and what I feel is sometimes not reflected in our community anymore.
    Whenever we were on CSS, CS:GO or TF2, (even before I was Co-leader) issues obviously occurred. Sometimes we had a free-killer on the server, or a guard + prisoner arguing etc. The role of the staff should be right away to fix the problem WHILE keeping the servers interests in mind.
    If someone got freekilled, we would also message them after slaying; if we know it was a freekill (either via voice, all chat, or pm)
    "Hey man, you got slayed cuz you freekilled X during this game. If you get too close to them, they are allowed to knife since you are baiting, so you freekilled. You're not getting banned, just wanted to let you know to be careful and read the rules"
    This lets you not only resolve the problem and let the server know you are doing right by punishing them, but the person who broke the rules understands exactly what happens, and lets them have another go at our server without feeling alienated.
    There are PLENTY of situations that you (as staff) are not there for, but still need to resolve to help out the server. You should always be willing to communicate with BOTH parties, and get a good compromise or to punish them fairly if you don't feel there's anything more you can do to resolve this in an easy manner. Ask them one at a time what the issue is, gag/mute one of them if they aren't letting the other talk, after hearing both their stories, ask witnesses or look at chat logs and see what's going on.
    The whole point of us punishing a person in our servers (Not perm punishments) is for the SOLE reason that we want to reform them. We don't week ban people first offense, just so they never come back again. That's not the point of our mutes,gags,bans. It's to teach people that their (repeated) offenses aren't okay here, and that we want everyone to enjoy their time here.
    TL;DR for people who want a simple explanation, staff are not ban-bots programmed to ban anyone and everyone out of line, it's to fix any issues that people are having, and even if someone has previous offenses, if you can resolve a problem without banning, and the server is happy, then you are doing the right thing. You are there to ensure people (including you) have fun in our servers, and that no one is trying to ruin it for others.
  19. Useful
    Tatost reacted to MineCrack in The roles of staff in our servers and community   
    So slaying someone for an obscure rule, not telling them what they did wrong when they asked, then banning them for a month after they called me stupid is not the right thing to do? Oh, okay.

  20. Informative
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Doki Doki Literature Club   
    I don't like you anymore
  21. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Krampus in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    To be honest I honestly don't care too much as it is a game server and you can't expect everyone to not have some kind of lewd sprays (including me), so I'm pretty lenient unless it directly shows the like the nipples or something of the sort where then I will yell at the person. Smelly
  22. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Elcark in Zack the Shark - Team Fortress 2   
    Ban request rejected, no action will be taken on user.
    Note: Zack will not be given a ban at this time, and instead will receive a direct warning for his behavior on the server and that it will result in an immediate ban should it occur again in the future.
  23. Drunk
    Tatost reacted to Kypari in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    First point still applies then. He's still been a known issue on the server for some time now and he eventually got banned for it and the last ban was a day.
  24. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Jadow in Xeno Gamers Facebook Changes 2018 (Community Polls)   
    Winner gets all of @Nomulous Credits c:
  25. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Caleb956 in Music Ideas for Our Potential New Map   