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Everything posted by hongkongatron

  1. not as bad as cringe rating bait thread
  2. why is masscc even on trade gaming in the first place The only 2 valid arguments to keep the map would be: "It has a minecraft section" "It has a mario kart section" FIRSTLY, we have both of those as actual maps and not tiny sections, secondly, the mario kart section looks like it was made in roblox, and thricely, the minecraft section isn't actually accessible without noclip, and even then it's tiny. screenshots of mario kart and minecraft sections:
  3. The one major aspect of the map I want to see is, if there even is a music room, PLEASE design it similarly to the way the first cyberpunk (hallway one) works in that it can be optionally turned off in settings, as in the TF2 music option. The regular music rooms are agreed amongst poketrade regulars as a plague, as there are constantly people playing songs and you can only turn the current song off using snd_restart, which lags your game.
  4. From what I've personally seen, tgh has a lot of maps, but we usually only play on a minority of them. In terms of which server, tgh or poketrade, should get the map, I think that poketrade should get it, as it has a lot smaller choice of maps than trade gaming history does, and the community has explored the ideas of adding quite a few new pokemon maps. So far, nearly all of the pokemon maps have been very unbalanced, one-sided, made only to be accurate to the games they're from instead of incorporating balance into them. TGH can always get more gaming history maps, since lots have been churned out. tl;dr - poketrade because most of the maps we tried have sucked
  5. can anyone recommend to me a quick way to kill myself
  6. Despite how many times this topic has been brought up, it's been voted on way less, the topic being: should we enable objectives? Although we have several trade servers, which are real trade servers, it's usually agreed upon by a large amount of the community that trading isn't their primary focus. Another point is that we don't even have many objective maps (8 out of them, a majority of which don't see the light of day), so there likely wouldn't be any harm in enabling objectives on maps that are meant to be played for the objectives. An argument often used is, "Enabling objectives makes it so you can't trade" or "It disrupts trading." In what way is the objective distracting on a map like ctf_lava_giant where people aren't doing anything and sitting as engie in their base? Even though the maps are centered around the objectives, that's not the only thing you can do.
  7. hi there Since it's been 4 months or so since the last Overwatch Community Night, a group of people including myself have wanted another one to happen. Since I've been hounding @virr to do something about it (love u daddy), I asked @Lithium about it and we need some new gamemode ideas, which is why I'm making this thread. So with our combined brainpower we can come up with some pretty mediocre-at-worst(/best) gamemodes. To make sure we don't repeat any gamemodes, here are the ones we already have: One Shot Hanzos D.VA Mech Fights Paintball Reinhardt Bumper Cars Tiny Torblets Goomba Stomp Monkeys Necromancer Mercy (courtesy tag to regular participants and overwatch players @Shadower @Egossi @bagel @Tatost @Healix @Kypari @BonfireCentipede definitely missed some)
  8. @Tekage for CM when??? congrats better kypari Also congrats to @Atamo and @Tatost get fucked @bagel
  9. not staff but just sayin maybe one of these days somebody won't have to ask if xG has a discord anymore TS is unrealistically ugly looking, plus it feels really old and clunky.
  10. you didnt tag ME DAD you've killed *sniff* my feelings. ill kill u
  11. wow happy birthgrape to me
    1. Aegean


      Happy birthday dude!
    2. james8470


      happy birthday
    3. Egossi


      not as cool as it would have been 4 days ago but happy birthday regardless
    4. Show next comments  72 more
  12. I'd like to first apologize to you personally for the assumptions based around the argument this thread, and apologize to the other responses in this thread to make it seem like you were plagiarizing the map, and secondly clear some stuff up. This started when a poketrade regular had the initiative to want to make his own pokemon map for the server, and was browsing the workshop. They discovered the past workshop link and then brought it to me which I then pointed it out to higherups. I was also trying to base this thread more so around the like-dislike ratio of the map than the "look at this guy he STOLE a MAP" scummy callout sort of thing. It came off as responses being +1's because of the callout rather than a formed opinion around the map. I agree that this thread was based upon assumptions that hadn't been researched before being said, and I also agree that the thread could've been more competently made. I agree completely. To clear up why I removed you, the word choice you used were pretty aggressive and I'd have loved it if you pointed out that what I was saying was incorrect in a decently respectful manner rather than calling me an autistic dumbass. My last point is that the place where (I assume) the "textures from HK" sign is stated is unreadable, as seen below, which is why I, again, simply only made assumptions off of what I thought was reasonable evidence.
  13. I was told this recently and talked to Sylux about it briefly but he feels that he "doesn't need to prove shit."
  14. courtesy tag to @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @Bello @virr as the poll has been closed.
  15. -1 because of the amount of toxicity and disregard for the rules that comes from him. @Spoopy, you say that he's learned the rules when even just recently he was bodyblocking repeatedly after being told not to. Not to mention the spam of binds.
  16. -1 Has an issue with either authority or listening, hard to tell which, because when staff tell him to stop singing over mic/breaking map specific rules, he starts doing them as soon as the staff leave. A:6 M:3