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Everything posted by hongkongatron

  1. Wow all of this and yet I STILL haven't been promoted to non-member. Disappointing!
  2. t00t t00t happy birthgrape 2 me (on the 27th)
    1. james8470


      I just came here for the profile music
    2. hongkongatron
    3. Thorax_


      Happy (early) Birthday you raisin
  3. @[107591:@ThunderLimes] @[108366:@Kyuubey] go look at the sun stinky
    1. YeEternalTuna


      WITHOUT eye protection uwu
  4. +1 Because of not only how incredibly active he is, but how extensive his knowledge of the game is. A: 10 M: 8.5
  5. Staying neutral because of the almost immediate 180 turn in attitude, basically making it look like "stepping down because of 1 guy, wait can i have staff back." From what I've seen, he's a good admin but it feels too soon.
  6. +1 Because the map shouldn't have even been re-added in the first place.
  7. Due to the majority of poketrade saying I should make this thread after not being able to switch off of it for a prolonged period of time, here I am. Firstly, I'd like to bring up the fact that this map isn't even made @Sylux as seen here, a map from 2014. Secondly, the map is by no means finished. There are "placeholders" in quite a few spots around the map, and you're allowed to go outside the boundary, which I'm not sure the mapmaker intended, as trying to get up the slopes is painfully strenuous to do. A map isn't very fun when all there is is engies sitting around in the intel and snipers far out of anyone's reach on the sides of the map.
  8. +1 From an unbiased point of view, I'd say that he's exhibited far more maturity and growth from when he even was staff. I can't see a single reason why he doesn't deserve staff.
  9. +1 hes ok i guess, not the best but still good. (the worst soldier main in xG) ((i beat him in a duel hes bad))
  10. you're the only furry here
    1. TBOHB


      Thats where ur wrong boi-o
  11. https://www.mediafire.com/file/fra4x14492ntn3p/killsound.wav download this killsound i made of @[107371:@LAN_Megalodon] screaming
  12. Name: grape Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:181855199 (Steam64 ID: 76561198323976126) Classes: Sniper, Engineer, Demo, Heavy, Pyro, Spy
  13. -1 Makes a lot of members really uncomfortable with erotic roleplay and the sorts, I've also seen quite a bit of toxicity on the servers.
  14. +1 It doesn't make sense to keep two servers that nobody ever is online on, one of which is broken, and a refreshing change in gamemodes would be great.
  15. im saying this in the nicest way possible, jackie please actually fucking go outside for once
  16. The "grow up" comment is irrelevant because the previous statement in question was along the lines of "a player is constantly asking for help, you should help them". Nobody else had said anything and I invite you to show chat logs. Only when the person who you were arguing with about you being in godmode said "this guy has a question for you" did you respond, and your response was "I don't know" when it was regarding the shop. Let me also remind you that your attitude outside of the towny server has been extremely toxic, the most recent situation being you saying "fuck off" when someone unnamed suggested you should reply to this thread.
  17. im actually the best fisher in xG so yeah
    1. Segal


      Are you really?
    2. hongkongatron


      @[111366:@Segal] absolutely
  18. hey hey hey thanks for 1. not tagging me 2. not providing any sustaining evidence 3. not properly dealing with the issue in PM's in a responsible way great job :emoji_ok_hand:
  19. -1 because of a serious issue with prioritizing offensive words/phrases. If I remember correctly, there were more than "a few" times when several people used racial slurs and you were unfazed about it until they screamed it down the microphone, and only then did you take action. Also the only staff member I know that is extremely critical about his personal policy of not allowing people to use the word retard/autist, which I'm pretty sure is allowed and nobody else enforces it. Could definitely get admin if you tried to fix this. :thinking:
  20. overwatch community night when
  21. Did you plan this too, JoJo?!
    1. KSPlayer1337


      "Yes I did! From the very beginning!"
  22. It was a little hard for me to tell if this thread was actually serious because of the removal reason in question. The "pornography" is literally just an artistic sketch, the maker of the map is an artist and dumped a lot of their art on the map, that just happened to be one of them. -1 for the thread right now because this is the hotelhell thread all over again.
  23. @Aegean wonderful choice of an image for the shoutbox look