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Squeezing last won the day on April 22 2018

Squeezing had the most liked content!

About Squeezing

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  1. I swear it was 2.500 credits...
  2. get a higher up to check his ip, if it matches moofi's
  3. Excommunicado

  4. Here are a couple maps I wish to be on freak fortress. https://gamebanana.com/maps/117112 < I don't know if Vexx or Nutty added it in even though I requested it a while ago... https://gamebanana.com/maps/192177 < I swear we used to have this map on the rotation not sure if we do since I barely remember any of the maps except the mainstream ones. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=854339968 < Funny map concept and the maker is a undertale fangirl.
  5. fortnite is the best game in the world. change my mind.

    1. Bone


      Barney's Hide and Seek on the Sega Genesis. I need to say no more...

    2. Thorax_




      You are wrong, this by far is the best game ever.

  6. +1 I'm down for a month ban honestly. Most of the things been stated above so i'll keep this short. I personally think he should get month ban and not permanent even though I'd like that we should at least give him time to reflect on all the fucked up / conversational stuff he's said on the server since he started playing on tgh. I'm surprise he has a short ban history but we shouldn't jump the gun on this, either way i'm all down for week - month ban.
  7. person below me is fking ugly as hell

  8. Congrats to everyone promoted. rip tekage
  9. epic games ign

  10. that comment offended me so much that, you'll never get staff in the tf2 div. ?