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What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?

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Women who are convinced that all men are chauvinistic. Hence, feminazi. I joke, I just had a pretty bad time with a feminist back in University that has left a bad taste in my mouth for any/all feminists. Unfortunately I've seen far more radicals in terms of feminism and they tend to give feminists a bad name/stigma.


That being said, I'm all for equality and the like and I personally don't have anything against feminists. I just don't appreciate it when people proclaim their opinion to the point of sounding entitled (not that all of them are the same or anything).

Edited by Forest (see edit history)

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Women who are convinced that all men are chauvinistic. Hence, feminazi. I joke, I just had a pretty bad time with a feminist back in University that has left a bad taste in my mouth for any/all feminists. Unfortunately I've seen far more radicals in terms of feminism and they tend to give feminists a bad name/stigma.


That being said, I'm all for equality and the like and I personally don't have anything against feminists. I just don't appreciate it when people proclaim their opinion to the point of sounding entitled (not that all of them are the same or anything).

So wait, you're referring more to the appeals of a woman @SnowyMinion ? That is, masculinity vs. femininity? If so, my mistake.

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Idek. My teacher wants me to start on the definition of feminism, then lead to femininity and the idea of beauty associated to women.

I feel like your teacher could've put it in a more.. User-friendly way, for a lack of better words. Especially since there's so much controversial discussion over the opposite end of the spectrum regarding feminism.


Anyways, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That is, everyone has different concepts and/or perceptions of beauty. To most this is typically based on the appearance of someone, to others it could revolve around their personality. Sorry if this isn't very helpful, it's a very broad topic that requires a little more detail to answer what you're looking for exactly.

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Idek. My teacher wants me to start on the definition of feminism, then lead to femininity and the idea of beauty associated to women.


So you're being asked to discuss on your interpretation of feminism, then shift focus to your idea on femininity compared to the stigmata that are associated with beauty and femininity?

If this is an essay, I would just use your opinion on the matter. That is if you are asking this for a Gender Sociology class. If this is for philosophy, your teacher marking you down for an

incorrect answer is a logical fallacy because no one is right or wrong. At that point , you are filling a useless questionnaire. What was I talking about?

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I personally find the term "feminist" extremely dumb. It's a term that focuses on the "feminine rights" part of their "equal rights" campaign. This video shows basically my view on feminists, as a good majority of people who identify as feminists aren't incredibly smart. I support equal rights and I completely agree in some aspects, women have it worse. Just watch the video and you'll probably see exactly why I have a negative view on feminism in general.



This is equal rights:



This is not:


Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I personally find the term "feminist" extremely dumb. It's a term that focuses on the "feminine rights" part of their "equal rights" campaign. This video shows basically my view on feminists, as a good majority of people who identify as feminists aren't incredibly smart. I support equal rights and I completely agree in some aspects, women have it worse. Just watch the video and you'll probably see exactly why I have a negative view on feminism in general.



This is equal rights:



This is not:


Calling it egalitarianism ignores the fact that men have caused a vast majority of the social problems for other disenfranchised groups. It is fine to work towards men's rights and I am fine calling out sexism in the feminist community where criticism is due. However changing the name to egalitarianism ignores the fact that the movement is a general struggle for men and women to end sexism that promotes the traditionally masculine male dominated culture that currently exists.

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promotes the traditionally masculine male dominated culture that currently exists.

If you're actually convinced that this is the society we live in, I'm not sure what to say to you. Women can rise in power just as easily as men. Sex has nothing to do with it whatsoever.

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