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Iwanttodie - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

I want to die



Ban Type:

Server Ban


I apparently got banned along with 2 other people for the same reason: "trolling, toxicity." Hm.


1. We werent trolling, we were just having debatable topics amongst ourselves, and those who didn't like it did have the choice not to say anything


2. We weren't being toxic in any way, and anything said to other players were jokes. Im sorry you couldn't handle jokes but there's no need to go off of the term "toxic"


I do have a couple witnesses who can explain what happened, and also there was staff online at the time that did not see us as troublesome. This was cleary a report made by someone who couldn't handle a bit of fun being had by a few players.

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I'd hardly consider half of the things you were doing or saying 'having fun' especially when a good bit of it was racist, in poor taste, or just outright ridiculing people along with those two others. You've also had a day ban in the past for trolling around before by Vexx and such. Now, I came to Pokemon because I heard from Dethman people were being particularly rowdy there and saying some really nasty things, and I managed to hear quite a bit during my time there. I even have a demo of some of it so I'll post that at the bottom here. There was more before this including stuff like "how is talking about bombing china or japan racist" or the occasional n-bomb from Fred and more according to Dethman as well, but after I showed this demo to Vexx and talked about it it was decided Fred would get a month ban and the other two a week. Some people didn't really have much of a choice since every time I see Fred on with his friends they're usually always picking people out to have fun at the expense of or creating a rather uncomfortable atmosphere.




Would also like to tag @Vexx and @Dethman to give input if desired.

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A few things:

- "In poor taste" is based on opinion

- Once again it was all in fun, and there were VERY fee complaints from others, even in terms of staff

- Should people even care if we are ridiculing other groups? At most we joked with ONE GUY for having a pony profile pic and he seemed okay with it

- Once again nobody complained, and even so why should it matter if a very small percentage of the people on at the time weren't agreeing with us?

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A few things:

- "In poor taste" is based on opinion

- Once again it was all in fun, and there were VERY fee complaints from others, even in terms of staff

- Should people even care if we are ridiculing other groups? At most we joked with ONE GUY for having a pony profile pic and he seemed okay with it

- Once again nobody complained, and even so why should it matter if a very small percentage of the people on at the time weren't agreeing with us?


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Using 'all in fun' as a way to cover up acting the way you all did is a really poor excuse, and regardless of who was complaining or not I saw enough while there to know that it wasn't the sort of thing that would be wanted on the servers. You don't need a lot of people complaining for something to be breaking rules and very person's feelings matter whether a small percentage or a large percentage. Even if nobody complained it still wouldn't be right to just let things slip by because of that or else we'd have a lot of people running around doing whatever they want.

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So youre getting offended FOR people, which is not right. Again we only had very minor complaints and even so most of the people werent minding it. If YOU personally got offended thats your problem, but lets say multiple people who were on got offended thats a different story. Sadly that's not the case. Again there were staff on who didn't mind at all, so I don't see why it just became a problem.

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Who said I was offended? Breaking the rules is breaking the rules. It doesn't matter if no one speaks up- I saw toxic behavior and talked it over with another DM as well as an admin and it was pretty much agreed upon that this behavior was unacceptable.

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Then explain why the 1 or 2 staff online didn't do anything. At this point Id prefer to hear what Vexx has to say on this topic, I think youve had your stage time.

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