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Egossi - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:



Already in sourcebans



Time Active:

Around 1000+ hours in total




Ran as a manager of the tf2 division for a while, still an active moderator of the steam group




You all know me and I havent gone too inactive on our TF2 servers since I stepped down anyway, so I believe I don't need to say much here, other than the fact that I wish to run for TF2 staff again seeing that jailbreak is regaining it's population and some of it's old regulars along with new ones.


And yes this is a direct application for the Administrator position, I know that some might argue that I should "work my way up again" which I find to be a pointless argument, since staff membership is not based on taking turns, but certainly is based on reliability and trustability of our regular members.


Other than that, feel free to let me know what you think down below.

Edited by virr (see edit history)

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+1 for his application, one of the most active members not only in terms of forums, but also our teamspeak which I find very refreshing. Always gives me suggestions on how to improve forums or our community in general with ideas for events.


I don't think he needs to be a moderator first, but of course the decision will be from the TF2 higher ups.


Best of luck little Ege!

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@Amylicious from Member to Division Leader

@XHina_sanX from Member to Division Manager



There are many things wrong eith yhis application. First, I'd like to point out while you were staff before that doesn't mean you deserve special treatment and skip moderator. Also, saying that anyone who disagrees with your logic if unfit for admin is very immature. -1


You don't have to be a moderator first, it's just the norm because most people that get promoted from member have never been staff here before. I could go back and find all the promo demos if you want, but to list a few:


Duckii from non member to Co Leader

(all of Vintage JB from non member to admin/dm/dl when we mergarood)

Trollface/Syn from member to Admin to DL

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Ya boi egossi coming back? Hell yes to this. Amazing dm before. Kept up the most popular servers in the summer running smoothly, great at improving and helping out this community, funny, mature guy, and active guy and most of all he's got that mom's spaghetti fresh and ready to go. +1

#mom's spaghetti

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Ayyy +1 deserves it and will do a fine job, but real talk if Bach and I had to be mod when we reapplied (except that one really, really stupid time) you gotta be mod or I'm specifically going to whine to @Bello a moderate amount, and probably start conspiracy theories of flavoritism.



Only half jk ;)

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but real talk if Bach and I had to be mod when we reapplied (except that one really, really stupid time) you gotta be mod or I'm specifically going to whine to @Bello a moderate amount
This really should be addressed before we go much farther.


Anyway egossi is a pretty cool guy, knows the rules (obviously) and is starting to get his activity up, he definitely should get a staff position. +1

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This really should be addressed before we go much farther.


Anyway egossi is a pretty cool guy, knows the rules (obviously) and is starting to get his activity up, he definitely should get a staff position. +1


You don't have to be a moderator first, it's just the norm because most people that get promoted from member have never been staff here before. I could go back and find all the promo demos if you want, but to list a few:


Duckii from non member to Co Leader

(all of Vintage JB from non member to admin/dm/dl when we mergarood)

Trollface/Syn from member to Admin to DL

which was rated agree by Aegean, a Co-Leader

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I think in order to be fair we'd have to consider also giving any other admin+ who stepped down or such respectfully or for certain reasons a chance to come back as an admin again too if we do so for Egossi. In that case I wouldn't really have anything against Egossi being admin again as long as we make sure to give other people the same treatment should they come back and are mature enough or fit for the position still and weren't demoted for something heinous. By the sounds of it that's how it should be anyways, so there shouldn't be a problem then.


Though, after reconsidering, I personally wouldn't jump someone ahead to admin so I should be more honest in my thoughts about it.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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which was rated agree by Aegean, a Co-Leader

He also said he would leave it to the tf2 higher ups. I have no problem with him skipping to admin if the community likes him enough, but it is kinda unfair to those who tried before to skip past moderator. If the tf2 highers ups say that he can skip past moderator then others should have been given that chance aswell. Anyway as I've said egossi definitely deserves the position but we need the tf2 higher ups to chime in.

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He also said he would leave it to the tf2 higher ups. I have no problem with him skipping to admin if the community likes him enough, but it is kinda unfair to those who tried before to skip past moderator. If the tf2 highers ups say that he can skip past moderator then others should have been given that chance aswell. Anyway as I've said egossi definitely deserves the position but we need the tf2 higher ups to chime in.


Stuff like this should always be a case by case basis, I have no issue if he does start as mod and works his way up, but since he stepped down from DM, I think it would be fine due to his previous experience. Once again, I am indifferent either way, and am fine with letting the TF2 staff decide, it's just my two cents.

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He also said he would leave it to the tf2 higher ups. I have no problem with him skipping to admin if the community likes him enough, but it is kinda unfair to those who tried before to skip past moderator. If the tf2 highers ups say that he can skip past moderator then others should have been given that chance aswell. Anyway as I've said egossi definitely deserves the position but we need the tf2 higher ups to chime in.

I suppose ^ already spoke, with it being a case-by-case basis with this sort of context, and I don't mean to drag it on, but to add an extra voice: Skipping mod just means you're capable, trusted, and in most cases already well experienced. Which he is.

As far as I know, and in my opinion, it does not, and should not involve a case of 'fairness' when you've already done the same job (or more) for the same group that you're re-applying to unless there's a strict nonmember->member->mod->admin->etc rule*, or if you've had some nasty interactions which got you... 'out of the job' in the first place.

...I guess that was just another way of putting what other people said. Why do i write this stuff?


*This would probably have torn this place apart already.

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Ayyy +1 deserves it and will do a fine job, but real talk if Bach and I had to be mod when we reapplied (except that one really, really stupid time) you gotta be mod or I'm specifically going to whine to @Bello a moderate amount, and probably start conspiracy theories of flavoritism.



Only half jk ;)

My opinion on that still hasn't changed. I think egossi would be a good staff member, but giving him admin immediately is unfair to all the mods that have been trying to work their way up for quite a while already.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Also, saying that anyone who disagrees with your logic if unfit for admin is very immature.-1

Apologies for that part, I asked @virr to remove it before you made this post because I thought I sounded a bit hostile towards people who I thought may have -1'd this thread, I beg to differ that it was an immature action though.


giving him admin immediately is unfair to all the mods that have been trying to work their way up for quite a while already.

Though, after reconsidering, I personally wouldn't jump someone ahead to admin so I should be more honest in my thoughts about it.

I'd like to point out while you were staff before that doesn't mean you deserve special treatment and skip moderator.

I understand that there are people who have been waiting to get re-promoted to admin, that are currently moderators or have been moderators for a long time, but even if I get promoted directly to admin now, that doesn't mean I haven't done the same thing they are/were doing.

I have been a moderator 3 times, in total of the time I've been staff, I've been a moderator the most, then I have (I believe) proven my way up to the position of Division Manager and after a short while, I have stepped down to member, simply because I lost the courage at the time to manage the division, along with my school and the lack of jailbreak population.

And like I mensioned in the initial thread, staff membership positions should not be based on taking turns, making people wait in a line, et cetera. If our TF2 higher ups will disagree with what I think should be in place however, then there is not much else I can say.

Edited by Bello (see edit history)

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