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Bhop now in every server.

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This is just a thread to point on opinion on the new bhop plug in thats in every server now. Now the bhop plugin is different than the one we have in surf as in which can't continuously bhop and gain momentum, but still have the bhop for like 3-4 jumps. It was first in Surf, but now it's in every server. In my opinion I really don't like it especially in FF2 and Pokemon trade. In Pokemon the bhop doesn't really effect that much, but in its so annoying to see sniper bhop away when I launch them and try to hit them with my rollers. Also the Bhopping pyro. god just go away... ;w; Now in FF2 added theres a problem becuase I abused this bhop in a way so that I would just go in high cliffs or buildings, and when hale rages, I would bhop away as a freaken heavy. Not cool man making it harder for hale to catch people now. Idk this is my opinion and I would like to hear your guy's and gal's opinion. Keep it or Remove it? (Should have given us a vote before adding in the plug in tbh)

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This is just a thread to point on opinion on the new bhop plug in thats in every server now. Now the bhop plugin is different than the one we have in surf as in which can't continuously bhop and gain momentum, but still have the bhop for like 3-4 jumps. It was first in Surf, but now it's in every server. In my opinion I really don't like it especially in FF2 and Pokemon trade. In Pokemon the bhop doesn't really effect that much, but in its so annoying to see sniper bhop away when I launch them and try to hit them with my rollers. Also the Bhopping pyro. god just go away... ;w; Now in FF2 added theres a problem becuase I abused this bhop in a way so that I would just go in high cliffs or buildings, and when hale rages, I would bhop away as a freaken heavy. Not cool man making it harder for hale to catch people now. Idk this is my opinion and I would like to hear your guy's and gal's opinion. Keep it or Remove it? (Should have given us a vote before adding in the plug in tbh)


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We have a bop plugin of all TF2 servers now???

Good to know, lol. It would be much more convenient if we, especially the higher ups, would have been told about that.

No plz but whole separate issue.

Bhop is a mistake.

+1 I was wondering why I could also "abuse" (not actual abuse if it's a plugin but using to gain advantage) on ff2 and jump off a cliff and get bhop speed at hyper heavys as hale and get em, and as stated, just dip whenever hale got near.


Haven't played it on trade servers but I'd assume it's less of a gameplay issue. I mean, getting backstabbed by bhop spies and lit by bhop pyros sucks, but it's more fair when one side has an "equal" opportunity to just turn or bhop away without OP stats.

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Closing this thread, plugin was removed from the servers. Adding this plugin was a huge decision that was not made by any of the TF2 higher ups, and we were never talked to about adding it. This plugin completely breaks class balance, and would make most gamemodes unplayable in terms of balance.

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