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    Howdy Doody Gamers,

    I have been admin before for xG twice and I would like to join the staff team again.

    The first time I stepped down was because of drama and the second time was because I lost all interest in tf2, but for the last months I have found new interest in playing tf2.

    I think I should be promoted straight to admin instead of moderator because I have already worked my way up to admin twice already, and I've helped alot of staff with server issues as a member.


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+1 for admin. Always a pleasure on and off the servers. Considering he has worked his way up to admin twice shows that he has the ability and drive to do well. I think he would make a great addition to the current staff team.

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+1 Has been quite active on TGH and afaik, has been on practically every day for a while now. I'm in for bonfire going straight to admin, too. He's helped out in pointing out things to me personally on several different occasions when I was a bit too preoccupied to notice otherwise. Very helpful! I would love to see him on our staff team again. 

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10 hours ago, BonfireCentiped said:

the second time was because I lost all interest in tf2, but for the last months I have found new interest in playing tf2.

The only thing that worries me is losing interest in the game again. Why jump you up to an admin when your interest could be really short?
I'd say give him moderator and wait a couple weeks before deciding on if Bonfire should be admin.

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1 minute ago, Goblins said:

The only thing that worries me is losing interest in the game again. Why jump you up to an admin when your interest could be really short?
I'd say give him moderator and wait a couple weeks before deciding on if Bonfire should be admin.

I won't say my opinion for now, but he has pretty much been playing ever since he stepped down. He lost interest temporarily and soon after started playing it again and has been doing so for maybe over half a year. Just to clarify ^^

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-1, to both aspects.

I'll start with admin, as there are very few situations where i'd be ok with promoting someone straight to a higher position like that. Namely the only case I could think of would be if someone had to step down due to not being capable of being active enough and return not too long afterwards. This is neither of those cases as you stepped down, regardless of reason, of your own choosing and have refrained from being staff for a substantial amount of time. It is entirely unfair to other staff members who have had to consistently work and put in effort to reach a position for someone else to come up from nowhere to receive it based on merit and not on actual effort put forward. Staff positions are not something that should be treated as a welcome basket for people to receive as they come and go at their pleasing. The concept of someone leaving their position whenever they just don't feel like being active again and returning back into it whenever they change their mind is ridiculous (Not to say that is the case, but it's a matter of upholding the principle). 

Now if someone is suitable for a position, then really there is no reason that person shouldn't be  able to rise to that spot in short order. If they aren't capable of doing that, then that should be telling of if they were actually suitable still. Not only is this the most direct way to actually show this, but it's also the most direct way for you to show that you're wanting staff because you're putting the servers first, not because you want a position. I hold it in high regard that not only upcoming or returning ones but all staff members should be more then willing to do their work regardless of what position and powers they hold, because the first and foremost thing on their concern should be helping the server which can be done just as equally regardless of rank. 

Now when it comes to you getting staff, this is the much less hard -1. The first thing I usually tell most people who come to me and ask about getting staff is to try and act like staff when on, and you haven't been. The most you usually do in regards to this is calling out people of breaking rules frankly somewhat rudely most the time, which anyone can do. The goal is not to police the server, but to moderate them so they can be as enjoyable of a place for everyone. When punishing people for something going wrong it's also about helping them to understand exactly how things should be, and just in general being a helpful person to everyone on the server and someone that is viewed as reliable, friendly,  and people can come to with their issues if need be. Now I really probably didn't need to tell you much on that but honestly i'm making this all more of an address to about the whole concept. When it comes to you personally, a big thing is that you are plenty talkative with your friends, but not nearly as much to the rest of the server. That's definitely a direct thing that could be worked on that would be toned to the whole concept. 

To put it all a bit shorter, you were a good staff in the past, but the past doesn't tell us about now, it only allows us to make assumptions on what could be. I'm concerned about the here and now and what is. Show me that you can do well now, and everything will be great. 


Edited by Elcark (see edit history)

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Elcark did bring up some good points. If that's the reason that you stepped down from your position for the second time and then held off all this time on becoming staff again, I don't think that you should be promoted to admin right away. Also from what I've seen your attitude, while not terrible, could use some improvements. However, all this being said, I do think it would be appropriate for you to become a moderator on the server.

-1 to admin

+1 to mod

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