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sug.: "don't talk over people"

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this rule is absolutely and indubitably pathetic and retarded, especially when it occurs in a populous server (surf and tgh at this point). it disappoints me when everybody talks at once and many of staff go apepoop, and as time passes it gets crazier. it happens all of the time when a discussion is currently taking place. either everybody talking at once comes to the epiphany that they're all talking over each other and they all hesistate, which stops the talking, or the people will commence the talking, and in this case, it wreaks havoc. better to not have it as a server rule to give people more freedom while talking on the mic, which brings a more social and friendly atmosphere, and to further shun the staff from having such a hard time with the ongoing issue. it occurs almost every single day i come on surf, but i'm not sure about tgh regarding the issue. a rule where people are not allowed to talk over each other only makes things worse. let them talk, regardless of the amount of people talking. i don't want to hear "don't talk over people" every minute, which not only pisses people off, but it also delays most of the conversations that the server has, this delay being (x) admin giving a poop and talking in (y) tone that talking over people is not allowed.

imagine going to a huge party. you hear everybody around you talk, the music is loud, and everybody is having a fun time. you're hearing all of this noise, and if people are going to complain about people talking over each other, then maybe you should go outside. some others can view this controversial topic as a "lack of respect" for talking over somebody about to say something, but in a video game, latency exists, and it can't be compensated for when people are talking. this "lack of respect" can be intentional and non-intentional, and i'm sure the most of you guys can tell whether it was on purpose or completely on accident. otherwise, the victim is just being sarcastic.

i understand that servers have their own rules and it's equivalent to going to a night club or any other local area with a myriad of people, but i've never been to any other server that enforces that rule, and if i see any reason being because the server is more unique that way, i'm going to cry.

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18 minutes ago, maf427 said:

pisses people off

only pisses off the people who hog mic like dweebs

18 minutes ago, maf427 said:

better to not have it as a server rule to give people more freedom while talking on the mic

If this wasn't ever a rule, I would have gone completely deaf. I'm exaggerating here, and I'm sure you've already realized that.

It's incredibly annoying to have some dufus speak over you every time you try to speak. Without the rule, the annoyance of being spoken over will be multiplied until we've reached a clusterfudge on the mic.

I would also like to add that traders and staff can't get on the mic when you people won't let up for a split second, it's ridiculous. The staff members and traders have a much better reason to be on the mic than the ten others speaking on the mic in a mesh of ERP, slurs, and memes.

18 minutes ago, maf427 said:

imagine going to a huge party. you hear everybody around you talk, the music is loud, and everybody is having a fun time. you're hearing all of this noise, and if people are going to complain about people talking over each other, then maybe you should go outside.

There is a difference between being on a server and going to a party. At a party, there are plenty of side-conversations going on in different sections of the room, whereas on a server everything is right there in your ears. Much easier to overlook the much quieter conversation from the other side of the room compared to someone whispering sweet nothings in your ear.

18 minutes ago, maf427 said:

some others can view this controversial topic as a "lack of respect" for talking over somebody about to say something, but in a video game, latency exists, and it can't be compensated for when people are talking. this "lack of respect" can be intentional and non-intentional, and i'm sure the most of you guys can tell whether it was on purpose or completely on accident. otherwise, the victim is just being sarcastic.

This is where common courtesy comes into play. When you hear another person speaking, you stop. If they also stop, you either start back up again or you say "go ahead fam." Latency has nothing to do with two or more people speaking right on top of each other for a solid ten seconds.

I can see why some people might dislike the rule, but it's a pretty simple concept to grasp. Sorry, yellow hat glasses : (

Edited by Tatost (see edit history)

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8 minutes ago, Tatost said:

Latency has nothing to do with two or more people speaking right on top of each other for a solid ten seconds.

latency only takes place at the start of people talking. to somebody, they can say said person talked before the other, and to another person, they heard it as if they were both talking at the same time.

13 minutes ago, Tatost said:

This is where common courtesy comes into play. When you hear another person speaking, you stop. If they also stop, you either start back up again or you say "go ahead fam."

not everyone on the internet is respectful

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28 minutes ago, maf427 said:

not everyone on the internet is respectful

  • Disrespect, harassment or trolling is not tolerated and may result in a punishment.

Staff are there to try and make the experience on the server as pleasant as possible. If people want to not care for that regard then that is their own issue and hardly reason for everyone else to have to suffer.

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I was on when maf was complaining about this, and I feel it was completely unjustified. There were multiple people who continuously talked over others without adding to the conversation or topic. It got extremely annoying and started to sound like micspam, so I took action and muted those who repeatedly talked over others. Without this rule, there is nothing stopping the people on the server running 5 different conversations while 7 people talk on mic. 

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13 minutes ago, FrostyBoiGrim said:

I was on when maf was complaining about this, and I feel it was completely unjustified. There were multiple people who continuously talked over others without adding to the conversation or topic. It got extremely annoying and started to sound like micspam, so I took action and muted those who repeatedly talked over others. Without this rule, there is nothing stopping the people on the server running 5 different conversations while 7 people talk on mic. 

well obviously we wouldn’t want to hear it all of the time but don’t overexaggerate. not only that, micspam is usually individual. i’m sure that multiple people wouldn’t mean to do it with intention

Edited by maf427 (see edit history)

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I mean if there is a little overlap while 2 people are talking but you can make out what both are saying, often I'll allow a person to talk while another is talking. This rule is something that should be used when the active staff in-server feel it is needed. I will usually rarely pull it out, but i had to use it alot yesterday

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I think one of the key ideas that's being missed here is the voice channel in game (AFAIK) is more or less mono channeled. Because there is no depth of sound (aside from client side mic quality and positioning), every ones mic is leveled equally on output (unless I'm totally wrong, and there is a way to boost someone else's mic on the user side) meaning that its almost impossible to discern between two people talking. that means that both conversations get absolutely trashed. Also, from my experience, limiting the number of people on mic at a time is a key element in assuring our servers can be correctly monitored. When there are multiple people on mic its easier to camouflage yourself to be able to mic spam or harass others and go unidentified by staff which can cause tremendous issues and create an unsafe environment for some players (ex, slurs or threats)

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K I get that people have their opinions and I usually respect that, but  this is fudgeing stupid.

  1. Comparing servers and a party is about as effective as comparing an orange and a piano.
  2. When everybody is talking to each other at once on mic, you can't talk to one specific person like at a party because everybody is at the same volume
  3. It's annoying for everybody else to listen to. Even for me my ears want to die on a full server where half of em' have a mic
  4. Voice chat isn't the only way to talk about something as well.
  5. If there is an argument / debate, nobody else wants to hear that on the mic

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People don't have the social cues they normally have in an irl conversation, so I agree, it's really fudgeing annoying to have some higher up butt into the middle of a civil conversation and yell 'EXCUSE ME PLEASE ONLY ONE ON THE MIC" just because one of you didn't realize the other wasn't done yet. Like I've seen this enough times and it's honestly like "okay, what do you think annoys people more here, the fact that two people were briefly talking at the same time, or someone grinding the entire discourse to a halt to holler at them not to do something neither of them were intending to do?" 

Equally enough times I've seen people just not fudgeing caring what's going on or who's talking before them and it just devolves into noise, so while the first situation is annoying, the rule is a necessary evil imo.

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40 minutes ago, LAN_Megalodon said:

People don't have the social cues they normally have in an irl conversation, so I agree, it's really fudgeing annoying to have some higher up butt into the middle of a civil conversation and yell 'EXCUSE ME PLEASE ONLY ONE ON THE MIC" just because one of you didn't realize the other wasn't done yet. Like I've seen this enough times and it's honestly like "okay, what do you think annoys people more here, the fact that two people were briefly talking at the same time, or someone grinding the entire discourse to a halt to holler at them not to do something neither of them were intending to do?" 

Equally enough times I've seen people just not fudgeing caring what's going on or who's talking before them and it just devolves into noise, so while the first situation is annoying, the rule is a necessary evil imo.

thank you

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Can't understand why this thread was downvoted so much. Granted, I don't play on the servers anymore, but that was already a somewhat "controversial" rule when I was DL.

I've never been a fan of that rule since I actually think it's quite stupid. I had my best times in xG on Jailbreak, a server that is based on people using voice chat. Imagine if you were to strictly make sure only one person is talking on mic. That would ruin most of the fun, to be honest, since while the gamemode itself is pretty mediocre, the community part of it was fun. The interactions with 20+ people were what made it quite unique and of course it happens that people talk over each other.

I think this is more of a common sense thing (haha @Kypari ? ). If there's two people talking and they accidently interrupt each other, nobody needs a staff member saying "GUYS! ONLY ONE PERSON ON MIC!". If someone is talking to someone through voice chat and another person happens to join during that situation and is like "hey guys, what's up", there's no need to enforce that certain rule. Another scenario that is a bit more elaborate: If someone would tell the server a story of how we walked his dog and some other dog almost attacked him, and someone interrupts asking a question relevant to the topic, (i.e. "what breed was the dog that attacked you) on voice chat, then I don't think anyone needs to do anything about it.

If, however, someone is purposely disturbing a conversation to "troll/harass" someone, that's a different case where a staff member should take action.

That being said, I don't think you can make rules that cover every situation possible. There are several cases where that rule makes no sense at all, but there are also cases where it would make sense. Staff has to do some thinking sometimes.

Still kinda dumb to give @maf427, an active player on the servers last time I checked, so many bad ratings tbh. He made a very reasonable and constructive* thread imo, but at the end I'll just have to agree to disagree with these people.


* EDIT: Maybe not the way he worded it, but the point he's making.

Edited by Bello (see edit history)

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5 minutes ago, Bello said:

I think this is more of a common sense thing (haha @Kypari ? )



5 minutes ago, Bello said:

If there's two people talking and they accidentally interrupt each other, nobody needs a staff member saying "GUYS! ONLY ONE PERSON ON MIC!".


That's not what the rule is about, it's more so about when someone is speaking for like 5 seconds and then someone interrupts randomly, generally something entirely unrelated or to do with another conversation.

7 minutes ago, Bello said:

Can't understand why this thread was downvoted so much. Granted, I don't play on the servers anymore, but that was already a somewhat "controversial" rule when I was DL.

7 minutes ago, Bello said:

Still kinda dumb to give @maf427, an active player on the servers last time I checked, so many bad ratings tbh. He made a very reasonable and constructive* thread imo, but at the end I'll just have to agree to disagree with these people.

I agree. I completely understand where maf is coming from. In real life scenarios, you can have different people having different conversations in a group at the same time where they would be talking other each other and such, but unfortunately that doesn't translate 100% well to the servers since everyone is the same volume more or less alternatively to real life where if one person is facing a different person, it makes it harder to hear them compared to someone looking at you etc.

As Lan said, it's a necessary evil rule unfortunately for situations where people are speaking and get interrupted, but if 2 people come in at the same time or such then that's completely fine ^^

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6 hours ago, Kypari said:

As Lan said, it's a necessary evil rule unfortunately for situations where people are speaking and get interrupted, but if 2 people come in at the same time or such then that's completely fine ^^

well it's really funny because regardless of the fact that it was purely unintentional i still hear it be enforced

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44 minutes ago, maf427 said:

well it's really funny because regardless of the fact that it was purely unintentional i still hear it be enforced

That shouldn't be happening. If people do it by accident by starting at the same time then accidents happen

Edited by Kypari (see edit history)

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