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So. The Sniper class in Team Fortress 2. Everyone has a different opinion about this class and I want to here yours. Personally, I love playing sniper even though I'm pretty bad at snipping

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I’m pretty neutral, but I think that he should do less body shot damage, just saying, it’s pretty annoying to just get killed over and over again by some guy on the other side of the map. But it’s also fun to be that guy. So, he cool.

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31 minutes ago, cook said:

I'm amazed that no one has gone on a rant about how he can kill anyone from any distance

Insert obligatory rant from me on how the class is complete BS in general and needs to be nerfed into the ground.

Too tired to actually go on a long tirade or something.

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I think sniper is usually fine, but the one thing that bothers me is the fucking jarate + bushwacka combo. It is so stupid. Hey lets give a class that can insta kill long range one of the easiest close range insta kills in the game. hmmmm

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8 hours ago, Segal said:

I think sniper is usually fine, but the one thing that bothers me is the fucking jarate + bushwacka combo. It is so stupid. Hey lets give a class that can insta kill long range one of the easiest close range insta kills in the game. hmmmm

For one I never liked sniper, I enjoy playing him but dying across the map is never enjoyable, and being honest the jarate +bushwaka for me is easy to deal with because they lock onto you so hard that its not even funny, Ive gotten some really easy matadors and airblasts off cliffs because of how much tunnel vision they get. They can be annoying but if you learn what to do against that is gets pretty fun messing with snipers with tunnel vision, that's why I don't tend to chase after people with the bushwaka after the jarate. I just tend to go for scoped body shots because they do about 68 damage per hit when not charged so it works for me. Over all though sniper is something very annoying to beat at times.

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Fun to play as, worst class to play against. Especially on TGH where on most maps, Snipers can hang by their spawn and if they get hurt, they just replenish their health, come back and click on your head. Nightmare.

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1 hour ago, Tekage said:

Fun to play as, worst class to play against. Especially on TGH where on most maps, Snipers can hang by their spawn and if they get hurt, they just replenish their health, come back and click on your head. Nightmare.

I find medics more frustrating by far. You are essentially fighting 2 people if the medic is not actively healing them after giving them overheal, and it also negates a lot of what all of the classes give because of it. The regen as well as overheal that medic brings with his medi gun unbalances teams so much if the other team doesn't have one to the point I'd rather leave than play sometimes unless I'm in a mood where I'm just moping around

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1 hour ago, Tekage said:

Fun to play as, worst class to play against. Especially on TGH where on most maps, Snipers can hang by their spawn and if they get hurt, they just replenish their health, come back and click on your head. Nightmare.

You think TGH is bad? Check Pokémon. They can sit 5 feet away from spawn and see the other side of the map, the sight lines are awful, but that comes with with makin Pokémon city maps.

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