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Remove #shitposting from discord

Remove #shitposting from discord?  

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  1. 1. Remove #shitposting from discord?

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It just promotes people to shout at each other or question whether the said image is against the Discord TOS and is just a hellhole. If people don't want to see it, they should mute it of course, but all this channel does is cause controversy and I don't particularly see a reason why we should have it if members are constantly questioning whether something is allowed or not, followed by the arguments and spam to 1up each other just makes this channel do more bad than good.

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1 minute ago, Dannypicacho said:

I like it because it keeps the weirdos away like the ones that post hentai and furry cocks they just stay in there.

That just means they won't be posted at all. Isn't that a good thing instead of grouping it into a channel like this?

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Honestly if people wanna shitpost then they should use 4chan or some place where furries, bronies and that all gather. I personally dislike the shitposting channel and only look in case people are breaking TOS. However I feel as though removing it could people off and I really don't wanna see MLP in the discord general. Sometimes the posts can be pretty funny. Leaning towards remove but gonna stay neutral because I think people need to learn what is shitposting, what is just not shitposting and is just annoying and finally that there are posts that go against the Terms of Service. If things do not improve from here, I will be voting to remove it.

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As long as there aren't little dweebs who bleed out into the other channels (ex: #general), then I'm totally fine with removing or archiving #shitposting. I'd like for shitposting to be initially archived, just long enough to see whether or not it causes any repercussions. If all goes well when we archive the channel, it would be nice to finally rid the server of NSFW channels.

I totally agree that the violation of TOS in NSFW channels is an incredibly big problem, I guess we kinda asked for it when we added those channels tbh.

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4 hours ago, Tekage said:

Honestly if people wanna shitpost then they should use 4chan or some place where furries, bronies and that all gather. I personally dislike the shitposting channel and only look in case people are breaking TOS. However I feel as though removing it could people off and I really don't wanna see MLP in the discord general. Sometimes the posts can be pretty funny. Leaning towards remove but gonna stay neutral because I think people need to learn what is shitposting, what is just not shitposting and is just annoying and finally that there are posts that go against the Terms of Service. If things do not improve from here, I will be voting to remove it.

Totally agree.


Also, from last year's thread:


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3 hours ago, Tatost said:

As long as there aren't little dweebs who bleed out into the other channels (ex: #general), then I'm totally fine with removing or archiving #shitposting. I'd like for shitposting to be initially archived, just long enough to see whether or not it causes any repercussions. If all goes well when we archive the channel, it would be nice to finally rid the server of NSFW channels.

I totally agree that the violation of TOS in NSFW channels is an incredibly big problem, I guess we kinda asked for it when we added those channels tbh.

Basically what I mean by this is that archiving is playing it safe, while just deleting it is more efficient. I'm 100% for removing the shitposting channel as long as we don't have our brony/furry/other fetish children bleeding their discussions into other chats. I don't specifically hate people who have fetishes (feet, furries, bronies, etc.), but I have some moral gripes with people who are interested in shit like actually fucking animals or children. There is a *huge* gray area when it comes to determining whether or not something/someone is too young in a pornographic picture, which then leads to incredibly long and pointless arguments.

In my honest opinion, I don't think we're half as mature as we should be when it comes to allowing NSFW channels. If people can't accept that their porn is against TOS / not favored among the rest of the populace, then we shouldn't have an NSFW channel in the first place. Just having this thread posted sparked an incredibly long argument that should not have to be discussed, thus proving that we're nowhere near where we should be on maturity regarding the subject. Now, I'm not saying those involved in the argument are immature, but rather it just shouldn't have happened at all. Evidence and claims were provided for at least one argument, which is pretty good for a gaming community.

tl;dr - Arguing over what is or what isn't against TOS is stupid. If something is constantly causing problems and breaking the rules of our platform, it should be extinguished, no questions asked.

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What's against discord tos is pretty obvious, and even if you aren't sure you should be erring on the safe side and not posting it. There's literally only three limitations on what kind of nsfw content one is able to post, and while any system of categorization has flaws and outliers, that should make it insanely easy to avoid ever encountering this issue. If what you're posting looks like it's part of a gray area or could be interpreted as breaking tos, even if you personally don't feel it is, you should be doing the rest of us a favor and not posting it. 

Ultimately we are not the final arbiters of what is and what isn't allowed, we aren't the final jury or the judge, so anytime anyone posts anything in a nsfw chat they should be considering whether whatever it is would look incriminating if discord staff had to make a call on whether to axe our server or not. 

I really like the idea of a channel where none of the rules apply because for the most part it contains all the sh:tposting and spam and questionable content to a single channel, and i think it's quite the jump from 0 to 100 to immediately try and delete the channel rather than just dealing with the offending individuals with our standard punishment system. What confuses me is that this is exactly what's been done with individuals who've posted hentai that breaks tos, but now that it's furry stuff it's no longer about "individual responsibility" or whatever, it's the collective fault of the whole channel and everyone participating in it. I've mentioned before that while we've been pretty good at immediately catching and removing some questionable content, and while that deserves commendation, there's been a load of questionable furry shit that's made it past either because nobody wants to look at most of those image dumps, or possibly some kind of implicit bias. 

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I'll leave this thread up for a bit more before making a decision, I'm happy to remove it though if that's the consensus as I personally never use the channel and hate getting notifications in it lol. 

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