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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/13 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    CTBanned for "button spamming..."??? <-- Ct Ban Gyazo - be1f6135de8718b9f68fdb948bbc5730.png <-- 6 hour ban GG kid? Grow the fuck up lol that's hardly every week... gg retarded. stay on topic and quite being a twat. Brian doesnt even play actively on CS:S He apps for CS:S because everyone in TF2 hates him and doesn't want him back. xG doesn't need him, a week ago he was blacklisting all the xG servers and now he wants to rejoin? He said he wants to help or frantically need to help. Some help is better than no help. xG CS:S is possibly going down to shit because of the staff not functionally cooperating. Brian has excellent leadership skills. It is greatly needed for our staff. We need to get shit together so we can actually run servers. You, let's talk about you. You are not helping at all. You're one of the reasons why the CS:S Division is going to shit. The constant arguments you've been in and your acts of selfishness are one of the reasons "people love you." You tend to always want to prove yourself right. Yes, everyone wants to be right but there are times you need to face you were wrong. Every single argument, like every single argument is you constantly continuing it. Other want to end but it's you who continues it because you want to be "right." Whenever I see you on servers, I just want to leave right away. When I see you on forums, I don't want to reply to you, cause I know you'll always stir up an argument and start to insult people, making yourself look all mighty and clever yet you just sound like a 10 year old kid. You literally have the weakest amount of support from others. Nobody cares about your opinions because everyone knows they are just straight insults. You're possibly one of the most disrespectful xG members ever. Sometimes I question how you got into xG. Grow up,your opinions are the most atrocious I've seen and they aren't needed. This is a member application, not a debate team. It would be best you shut up and take it somewhere else.
  2. 3 points

    FluffyDuck - Counter-Strike: Source

    Troll. hue
  3. 2 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    Normally I don't respond, but I feel I have to at this. You consistently mic-spam in Teamspeak, you get banned on the forums, you hacked (unbanned a few weeks later), then you have the nerve to call me a troll? Only one word can describe this: lel Your mic-spam has caused such as ruckus on teamspeak, I'm surprised you're not banned yet. Your shit-posting and constant lurking on the forums, even after you've been banned, show you're nothing more than an attention whore. You constantly seek approval, then pull shit like hacking, and expect not to be punished in the same way. You sat behind Duckii, only to be told you're annoying as shit, and that you have to leave her alone. And you've made four ban protests, with no avail, and keep crying to higher ups to unban you, even though those suicide threats were very real, and precaution was taken. This account just proves you don't want to leave, like a dog that been beaten, crawling back, hoping for love, only to be beaten again. You keep making new accounts, all which have been shortly banned later, proving you can't and will not change, no matter how much you claim to. So, I have 2 words for you. Fuck off. You have no reason to stay here, everybody pretty much agrees that the suicide threats were very real, and silence merely took action in what he believed was right, after all, he could be held accountable if you did follow through. Normally, a person would allow some restraint, thinking to themselves "Hmm, maybe they don't like me," and they'd quit. But hey, your stubbornness is your greatest asset. Maybe you should run for Congress.
  4. 2 points

    FluffyDuck - Counter-Strike: Source

    I agree with Gkoo, he might be overly-dramatic sometimes, but other than that he isn't that bad. I'm voicing my opinion, hate me. +1
  5. 2 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    I thought I posted this yesterday but apparently it never went through. I did originally just post a +1 but I would like to elaborate on my reasoning. Most of you who are -1ing are doing so because you saw him trolling and doing certain things that may not fit the role of a co-leader. My personal opinion is that the majority of these things are isolated instances and generally nonrecurring. I feel like so many of you take this clan so seriously and that any form of deviation from basically ANY rule is an incredibly bad offense. Most of the times you considered him to be trolling was him just having a bit of fun, though there are exceptions. Another thing is that throughout his time in xG, which honestly is a LOT longer than most of the people who -1'd, he has helped in tons of ways. From the rise of TF2 division to helping out the clan as coleader and sticking around when a ton of people jumped on the bandwagon and left. @@DarkWolf6052 I don't know the huge problem you have with him, other than the fact that he criticizes the clan. I'm not trying to attack you in any way, but if everybody has the same mindset no reform would ever be accomplished. Different opinions =/= trolling The main thing I disagree with Brian is saying that the clan is dying, or that "The community is dead". The Tf2 community is thriving under @@MuffinMonster and @@Rise. CSS is also doing a good job keeping a fast aging game populated. Disrespect is an issue that will always come up with new members, so we have to do a monthly review of disrespect. But that will always happen as new members join and don't bother looking up old threads.
  6. 2 points
    Like Gawd, I still feel the same way.
  7. 2 points

    @ rhododendron

    you have to use the "Forms" tab.
  8. 1 point

    Sh*t Girlfriends Say..

    This is SPOT on for a lot of females. ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y6dDQ129UM
  9. 1 point

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    Please tell me you aren't this stupid. This is a troll post, right?
  10. 1 point

    Hi, I'm Prius :D

    And mind I note, the I just noticed Hide n' Seek Gamemode is horrid when it comes to team setup. However I did fix it!
  11. 1 point

    FluffyDuck - Counter-Strike: Source

    If anybody doesnt realize he is already banned.
  12. 1 point

    Bringin the Noise.

    You are the only one who has even acknowledged im here and were also really nice to me too. I don't think I was wrong I just let you slide on by for the night lol ;)
  13. 1 point

    Sh*t Girlfriends Say..

    Fucking told!
  14. 1 point

    Sh*t Girlfriends Say..

    EDIT: Let the record state that I am older than you, kid. ;)
  15. 1 point

    GG community Update *please read*

    You could say that they are a Deviant group huehuehue.
  16. 1 point

    Lemons - Counter-Strike: Source

    I'm supprised this is still a legitimate post. Haha. +1 Always respectful and was not part of the GG flame thing.
  17. 1 point

    FluffyDuck - Counter-Strike: Source

    why would anyones opinions change in 2 weeks?
  18. 1 point

    FluffyDuck - Counter-Strike: Source

    It's a consequence to you that comes along with the action silence had to take, in order to keep a (mostly) clean and safe environment [forums] for the community as well as for his own protection. My decision still stands the same as in the other posts. @@Rhododendron
  19. 1 point

    Lemons - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1+1+1+1+!+!+1+1+1+1+1+!+!+!+1+1=1+1+!+1+1. Was a bystander in the whole xG vs GG mess and got perm'd for being associated with the GG group. #FreeCTF2013
  20. 1 point

    FluffyDuck - Counter-Strike: Source

    @@Rhododendron I'm going to have to stand by my previous answer. I'll try to be as detailed as possible as you are claiming this to be your last protest. Due to your past history of suicide threats, Silence had to make a decision based on your actions as well as "threats". Regardless of whether you were at a bad time in your life during the time, or were suffering from chronic depression, suicide isn't something to be taken lightly. Even if you state that you are mentally capable and are free of these suicidal tendencies today, there is no guarantee as you have already stated in the past that you have had those thoughts and have even publicly made them clear. The percent of people who are providing a negative vouch because they "don't like you" doesn't compare to the percent of people who don't want xG to be affected if (and when) something may happen related to this. You have become a liability for this community due to your past actions. If anything were to happen to you (in regards to this ugly topic of suicide) then xG may be held accountable and end up being shut down, or even worse that Silence may be brought into legal action. It's just not something that's worth risking when Silence can wash his hands clean by removing you from the community to prevent any possible negative outcomes. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to stay at a -1. To be quite honest, the only way I could see you being unbanned is to have a signed note stating that you are sound of mind or mentally stable (obviously from some sort of psychiatrist), and as drastic as that may be, it is possibly the only way for you to get unbanned. But hey, it's not All bad. At least you are able to play on the servers still, right? - Dat guy, Forest
  21. 1 point

    FluffyDuck - Counter-Strike: Source

    Sorry bud, my views haven't changed, and it's far too recent from the last one.
  22. 1 point

    @ rhododendron

    issues been resolved -sealed away in the last great time war
  23. 1 point

    @ rhododendron

    maybe we should rename the forms tab, to something less forumsy
  24. 1 point

    GG community Update *please read*

    wait you mean another group of people who broke away from xG and tried to make their own, better clan didnt work out.... hmm this is something new!
  25. 1 point

    I need some major help...

    i think hes saying it kicks him just as he logs on, almost instant, u gotta disable the anti cheat plugin or use console to change his cords
  26. 1 point

    Funny Videos about stuff

  27. 1 point
    i.... fucking..... LOVE.... you!!!!
  28. 1 point

    In Regards to LostCause

    Smartphones. HEARD OF EM'? I'm a poor Amish boy who lives in the rock country of Russia. What is this smart phone you speak of. My internet came back today they fixed it faster than i thought so
  29. 1 point

    In Regards to LostCause

    Smartphones. HEARD OF EM'? I'm a poor Amish boy who lives in the rock country of Russia. What is this smart phone you speak of.
  30. 1 point

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    Yeah you're right, Brian is the twat xG doesn't need more of, not you or anything. /endsarcasm At least I didnt have to apply to a different division because noone wanted me. You're right you only got banned almost every week or had a thread about you/from you on CS:S was because everyone loves you right? Please stfu. Your input is in comparison to a mass murderer voting for the death sentence on someone who did petty theft.
  31. 1 point

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    Yeah you're right, Brian is the twat xG doesn't need more of, not you or anything. /endsarcasm
  32. 1 point

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    populate payload?
  33. 1 point
    Go to Sleep!
  34. 1 point
    How about you stop acting like a child and stop giving bleed's personal info out. How about you stop being gay, a dick, and a retard. +1 to ban MagicalPurple for a month
  35. 1 point
    -1 Is a major troll. M: 1/10 A: 2/10 Regardless of whether or not he was a Co-Leader and a big part of the Team Fortress 2 division, he is a troll. Not getting my vouch for the CS:S division. Used powers on TF2 when he wasn't allowed to have these powers @@Rhododendron
  36. 1 point

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 gay
  37. 1 point

    Trading "Don't Starve"

    Eating food.
  38. 1 point

    Some new Last CT Songs.

    It's just music you would listen to personally. It doesn't even fit in with the last CT experience.
  39. 0 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    #Gawd4DM Seriously though, those people who -1'd honestly , have done next to nothing compared to what Brian has done . I'm not down-grading anyone especially muffin and rise because they have been working exceptionally hard with the tf2 servers . But I honestly see no reason why you guys shouldn't want Brian back . He's not what we want, he's what we need . I honestly can't see who could replace Brian other than Train .. Too soon still ? I've said it once, I'll say it again. +1. We need someone like Brian .
  40. 0 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    keep the thread about brian, dont sidetrack about other people please
  41. 0 points

    FluffyDuck - Counter-Strike: Source

    Still a +1. Hate me everyone. I still love DuckiiJr. This kid is always fun and it's the internet. I like rollercoasters!
  42. 0 points

    Funny Videos about stuff

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUqI0yrWzsQ m0ar stuff if u wanna check my videos click my username in youtube HUE!
  43. -1 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    you must have down syndrome.. He WAS banned. Not IS banned. I "WAS" banned too before I rejoined xG, hell, half the people who join xG or rejoin xG have been banned before. So stfu. +1, great asset to xG. He's what we need..
  44. -1 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 fuckign brian
  45. -1 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 M 10/10 A 7/10
  46. -1 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 real nigga
  47. -1 points

    GG community Update *please read*

    Whats GG? Gayer Gays?
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