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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/13 in all areas

  1. 5 points

    so this is fun and all

    but i think its time to stop making the forums look like darkwolfs closet
  2. 4 points


    +1 for permagag -1 for removal of membership
  3. 4 points

    so this is fun and all

    Well no your attitude is shit and probably wont change, unlike this background which will be switched soon.
  4. 3 points

    so this is fun and all

    WOW! I spent 15 minutes changing this. Unlike your downs syndrome infected ass, I can do tasks quickly. Go dance for the masses on YouTube, since that's the only thing you're good at.
  5. 2 points
    I say we should give all new players a 1 hour ct ban. Just so they know the rules. Eg: Must have played a certain amount of time before joining ct, That should limit MFKs IMO.
  6. 2 points

    so this is fun and all

    Never specified timezone. It's past 12 am somewhere in the world. That's a good point. My dad walked in on me and saw that pink shit and thought it was a porn website. lol...
  7. 2 points

    so this is fun and all

    1 step closer of me leaving this clan.
  8. 2 points

    ThePenguin - Counter-Strike: Source

    again, do you know what this post is for? it was not meant for a dm, hence why the 2 div leaders of csgo tagged silence. Actually, he mentioned he mass freekilled, and that was discussing about a CS:S server. So get it right and stop trying to say it isn't fucking meant for a DM. If he mass freekilled in CS:S, that would VERY MUCH involve CS:S Staff. You should never take anything M-town says seriously, Penguin couldn't have massed because his play time on CT is 0.
  9. 2 points

    How do you like the new website?

    Going inactive on the Forums for the next couple of years.
  10. 2 points


    Same goes for Ban Request and Ban Protest. Reason being, it's completely up to the Divison Manager(s) and Division Leader(s) of the respective Division it occurs in. For Member Protests, it's up to the Co-Leader(s) and Leader. The community gives their input on how they feel, but the Decision is up to the Managers/Leaders.
  11. 1 point

    Hub Updates & We need Suggestions!

    Hola Compadres, If you don't know me already, I am Prius (Pry-us). I am a New Member / Developer here at Xeno Gamers! I'm here to try and assist Silence (or whatever Jewish name he goes with, I think it's like Rhododendrondoren or some shit) when it comes to Servers, as I see there aren't many people who are too tech savvy. I've gone ahead and offered my Services to yet another project (while still working on Garry's Mod), which is the Hub / Store. I've been given access to both the Hub Test Server aswell as the all the Source Files to it - so that I can easily add in my 2 cents whenever a great idea comes to me. As I see you guys have been left in the dark when it comes to your precious Hub, so I decided to shed some light onto the situation - hopefully any questions can also be asked in this thread so that myself or Silence can answer, however BEFORE YOU POST read the FAQ. After the FAQ - you will find our progress & more bullet point updates. [ Frequently Asked Questions ] Q: When will the hub be released? A: We do not know, it still needs major work D; Q: Will it have all of our old items? A: Not likely, We've imported the old unused credits. To receive them, you must donate upon hub relaunch and all your credits will magically appear! Hue. Q: Will you be accepting suggestions? We want new things! A: Yes YES YES! We want new things too, check below on how to submit your suggestions for all to see! Q: Will you release more updates on progress of the almighty hub? A: Yes, we will. Just wait. [ Suggestions ] We'll be accepting suggestions as long as they are valid. Meaning if you're wanting a system that will explode everyone every time you say "Mom, Can I have a condom (@@Rhododendron)" not only will your suggestion be ignored, simple as that. However the way we will accept Suggestions in this thread - you can leave them at the bottom of your question or however - remember what I said about valid suggestions pls. [ We need trails, doe ] Title says it all, I won't even make this a bullet point doe. We need people who are wanting to make trails, which you can leave on this thread. But that's not all! Make a dope ass trail, and you will get a few thousand credits!! You'll definently be the coolest with a few thousand credits in the bank. You can also buy me a drink. Thanks Guys! ~ Prius
  12. 1 point


    Who's lighting off fireworks tonight? Post videos/pictures of your fireworks and other stuff you did today here!
  13. 1 point

    Community Knight

    If people were planning on doing this tonight, by all means go ahead, although I wont be on until later. I think it would be best to have it tomorrow night (I promise this wont change, Im off for once!). If nobody replies or yells at me, I will assume it will take place tomorrow, Saturday, at 11pm est
  14. 1 point

    so this is fun and all

    That's a good point. My dad walked in on me and saw that pink shit and thought it was a porn website. lol... My mother asked me if I was gay.
  15. 1 point

    so this is fun and all

    at 12am Never specified timezone. It's past 12 am somewhere in the world. That's a good point.
  16. 1 point

    so this is fun and all

    at 12am Never specified timezone. It's past 12 am somewhere in the world.
  17. 1 point

    ThePenguin - Counter-Strike: Source

    No it is not meant for a DM, and I will continue to say it. and quite frankly if you the DM in question, are going to be ignorant enough to not even read the thread in the first place, and only a final post by M-Town who you don't even know, I have no clue why the fuck you are even DM. Read the thread, or shut the fuck up. You are stupid. This is about CS:S not CS:GO so I don't see why you are even here/arguing. If Darkwolf made a mistake be the HIGHER PERSON and fucking help him instead of making this a fucking shit-fest. All posts from now on should stay on topic. GameME is causing the problem? Or what is? Actually it is about neither CS:S or CS:GO other than the fact that GameME is glitched and bans him on the jailbreak server only. I'm here because it is about a glitch causing one of the members not being able to play a game of ours, and because I am not incompetent to the point of being incapable of reading the thread. which if either of you had done, you would see a post by bleed with images showing it is glitched for him, and saying quite literally that. there's no reason to explain the same thing twice because someone is too lazy to read 5-7 posts above in the same thread. the posts are on topic, the wait is just for silence to figure out how to fix it.
  18. 1 point
    Actually, he mentioned he mass freekilled, and that was discussing about a CS:S server. So get it right and stop trying to say it isn't fucking meant for a DM. If he mass freekilled in CS:S, that would VERY MUCH involve CS:S Staff. No it is not meant for a DM, and I will continue to say it. and quite frankly if you the DM in question, are going to be ignorant enough to not even read the thread in the first place, and only a final post by M-Town who you don't even know, I have no clue why the fuck you are even DM. Read the thread, or shut the fuck up. You are stupid. This is about CS:S not CS:GO so I don't see why you are even here/arguing. If Darkwolf made a mistake be the HIGHER PERSON and fucking help him instead of making this a fucking shit-fest. All posts from now on should stay on topic. GameME is causing the problem? Or what is?
  19. 1 point

    DarkRP Weapon Suggestions

    Then we can also add that Battlefield 3 sound pack.
  20. 1 point

    Hub Updates & We need Suggestions!

    A while ago @@Flatline told me he could help out with making trails, not too sure if hes still up for it
  21. 1 point

    so this is fun and all

    Where's hub then
  22. 1 point

    so this is fun and all

    15 minutes that could have been spent on hub. :|
  23. 1 point

    so this is fun and all

    There you go making fun of mental disabilities again, some people never learn
  24. 1 point
    >People complain about me spending 15 minutes changing the website to ponies instead of coding hub. >Won't contribute any suggestions whatsoever. I was thinking a lottery system. 3 main lotteries Daily, Weekly, and Monthly, with each having a higher entry fee then the last.
  25. 1 point

    Hub Updates & We need Suggestions!

    We still need suggestions guise so we can make this Hub great, again!
  26. 1 point

    so this is fun and all

    Well no your attitude is shit and probably wont change, unlike this background which will be switched soon. #gotme
  27. 1 point

    so this is fun and all

    Totally worth the time and effort. I'd rather have this than donations and hub, anyday.
  28. 1 point

    I'm back :/

    Welcome back!
  29. 1 point


    I didn't think I was the shit. I used inb4s on welcome back thread. Thats the only time I've used them. And I do recall you being the first person to +1 me on my first app AND you shared it in game through admin chat so Hmm. I know I'm not higher up. I gave apologies to where its due. But If you disrespect me (and I'm not directly saying you its multiple members) I'm supposed to sit around and what? Play with my balls or? I disrespect as a joke. If a member doesn't get it he tells me and I apologize. (WITH THE EXCLUSION OF DARKWOLF AND OTHERS because I was dumb those 2 days) So get your shit straight before you try to call me out. Thank you.
  30. 1 point

    How do you like the new website?

    silences logic: could be doing shit like coding hub but Instead ima do shit like make the forums gay
  31. 1 point

    How do you like the new website?

  32. 1 point
    Upload and share please. again, do you know what this post is for? it was not meant for a dm, hence why the 2 div leaders of csgo tagged silence. Actually, he mentioned he mass freekilled, and that was discussing about a CS:S server. So get it right and stop trying to say it isn't fucking meant for a DM. If he mass freekilled in CS:S, that would VERY MUCH involve CS:S Staff.
  33. 1 point


    I sat in a pool drinking a bit of wine... I can;t get fireworks in New York, fucking illegal to buy or some shit and Pennsylvania is too damn far away for me. So yea. Wine is awesome
  34. 1 point

    Is there any admin handbook?

    Fucking forest.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point


    Ok, Heres my input on all this, (Not that it matters because half of you people that commented on this are game set. With the exlcusion being Forest). I'll admit,I went 110% overboard and decided to intrude into and disrespect a community that at the time I had been a member of for 3-4 weeks (Correct me If I am wrong) And decided to go ahead and disrespect members and the division manager of the xG division I love playing in. In retrospect I understand that I shouldn't have disrespected multiple members of the community and decide to spam the servers making the mods/admins job harder. I am a filthy plebian childfag who like I said, Has been in the community for barely a month and chose that I should disrespect DM-Mods and members. I apologize to every single person whose in-game time I have made shitty due to disrespect and constant spam. I'm not going to sit here and bullshit you about how I've changed in a time of 1 day but I am sorry for my actions and I can guarantee that nothing of this caliber will happen again. @@DarkWolf6052 I apologize for disrespecting you multiple times in game and constantly insulting you. I also apologize for the ruckus I've caused within the jailbreak server. @@Forest @@diabeetus @@DrPepperPhreak I apologize for the times of ruckus I've caused in game making your jobs and game time turn into a shit time. Like I said,I do apologize for everything and this will not happen again. I don't protest my ban or member protest since It is up to the community.
  37. 1 point
    I like colors. We will have a set system for donations if that is what you meant by Profit. ???? PROFIT!!!! | Know Your Meme
  38. 1 point

    HanYolo - Team Fortress 2

    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Han Yolo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34560453 Information: SMAC auto- banned me for Bunny Hop scripts. Which I don't own I didn't even know you could in TF2 I thought SMAC was removed Unban me, please.
  39. 1 point

    Hub Updates & We need Suggestions!

    I like colors. We will have a set system for donations if that is what you meant by Profit.
  40. 1 point


    MineCraft is boring, everyone should play me instead.
  41. 1 point

    Hub Updates & We need Suggestions!

    1. Theres a thread with trails somewhere floating around 2. Please don't use so many annoying colors when you write in big blocks like this. 3. ???? 4. Profit
  42. 1 point

    ThePenguin - Counter-Strike: Source

    he mass freekilled I have a demo.
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    Sigh... I missed when Unique, Chief and I used to play it.. That was the real fun stuff. As a former Division Leader, it's up to the staff to maintain the servers population, if they aren't doing that and focusing on other servers when JB was the primary server, then action needs to be taken accordingly, starting from the top. It's not a he say /she say thing, it's not if you go on and populate the servers then people will come, I've read that too many times in these forums from staff saying to other individuals that if you go on then people will go on. They aren't obligated to go on it, obligations should apply to the staff that has given permissions on said server. If the staff can't do its due diligence towards the server, then I believe they aren't viable candidates to be a staff member. Granted not every individual wants to put in most of their time towards JB as they have many other games, but they still are required to put in the effort of being in said server; players will come if regular staff members are on quite a bit. Stop with these stupid chain comments and focus on the real issue on hand. JB is really fun, but if I compare xG CS:GO JB with other servers, xG is crap, speaking as a former division leader. xG used to be #1 Globally, now look where it's at. You want a good server, fix the staff of the division, and try to ensure the staff that they can try to populate the server, also try to ensure the that outside the division(xG staff) can input a helping hand towards said server.
  45. 0 points


    Why was business banned before this was put up? He can't even state his case. But in a nutshell, there is irony all over this thread.
  46. -1 points
    Sir, I was under the influence of JEW.
  47. -1 points

    xG Pokemon Online Tournament.

    U dum
  48. -1 points
    +1 I'll write it later.
  49. -1 points

    zPlooChi - Counter-Strike: Source

    This. +1 that. +1
  50. -1 points

    zPlooChi - Counter-Strike: Source

    This. +1 that. +1 yes +1
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