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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/13 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source

  2. 2 points
    And here is a good example of why its a pain in the ass to get a co leaders vouch :l
  3. 2 points


    Going to Yale for an Art Degree is the same as going to McDonald's for a Salad. You just don't do it.
  4. 2 points

    Metal Thread

    Everyone has their preferences. I for one can't stand rap and country. I don't have a substantial reasoning for it, I just don't like the way either sound. Keep in mind though that there are varying types of metal, not all of it is screamo. Also, since I'm posting here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hDs6mCVAKs
  5. 2 points

    xG movie nights

  6. 1 point

    Good Web Comics

  7. 1 point

    SonicRainbow - Counter-Strike: Source

    iz diz how u maik pruhper vowch?
  8. 1 point

    Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source

    He only has 2 other bans on record. For such a minor offense if a ban was even warranted it should have only been a day. I wan't there and from the lack of information from Ganja here it could have warranted a ban. Camping on a free day is only a slay-able offense, moving a map gun is a slay-able offense. Even combined I don't see the reason to CT ban him. +1 for the immediate unban, unless some other information arises that we didn't know about.
  9. 1 point

    xG movie nights

    Cheech and Chong. that is all
  10. 1 point

    Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source

    LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS? You would keep his week ban over a couple of minor rules broken?
  11. 1 point

    Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source

    Would have been better to just slay for camping ganja, unless he was slain for stuff already that session. +1 for unban only if it's the only rule he broke that day.
  12. 1 point

    Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source

    And Im pretty sure Darkwolf was in game when all this happened but I could be mistaking
  13. 1 point


    Its a weird ass sport, girls at my school play it, you have sticks with nets on the end, and you throw/catch the ball, and try and throw it in the net I think.
  14. 1 point

    Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source

    Try reading the thread before posting, it might help solve problems like this. +1. It doesn't really make sense to teamban him for a week for the supposed "snowball" reason. The only reason that I see to even use the snowball is if a player continually shows little to no knowledge/acknowledgment of the motd, and also is seen breaking the same rules over and over. Since Fraggot only broke a minor rule, I see really no reason to even teamban him at all, especially for a week. Your reasons for both his teambans are pretty terrible, just saying "breaking server rules" or "read motd" with no other explanation makes it infinitely harder when a ban protest comes around to see what rules were actually being broken. It just leaves too much room for doubt as to what actually happened when the ban was handed out.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point

    Metal Thread

    By metal, I assume you mean screemo/heavy metal?
  17. 1 point

    Bring back Special Days

    teamkillday +2
  18. 1 point


    I was summoned?
  19. 1 point

    Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source

    If you think it's fine you're lazy. It's not hard to type in a simple reason. Not only that but the admin who bans for "read motd" would have to explain regardless if the ban is appealed or if the person asks in game. Your excuse for using that reason is pretty awful.
  20. 1 point


    my calender must be off, it says september instead of october!
  21. 1 point


    no one cares
  22. 1 point

    Bye bye

    bye twerk legend :)
  23. 1 point

    Never mind lol

    MrAwesome just shhhh. No one will miss you over one day.
  24. 0 points


    Canadians are better at lacrosse.
  25. 0 points

    Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source

    So am I un-banned? Or what? I'm still unclear.
  26. -1 points

    Leaving once again :(

    Hear that :D! I will go far!
  27. -1 points

    Astera xgm - Counter-Strike: Source

    I don't see why you tried to hide the fact you said something to actually get gagged for. How about next time, like HidingMaster said, take a screenshot of the whole console instead of making this sound entirely one sided. -1. And -5 points to Gryffindor for hiding your own words that got you gagged.
  28. -1 points
    I was banned from CT forces by Ganjamonster I was inside of medic, and I saw a gun inside of medic where a rebel had been killed. I was healing my self because I fell, and I had five health left. Anyway, I tried to shoot the gun away but then I was slayed, and banned for one week for shooting a gun in medic. With no specification of why I was banned.
  29. -1 points

    Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source

    It was probably because he had enough offenses to deserve a week ban (Just doing something under deserving of a day ban, then doing something that does deserve a day ban (or more), Instead of filling in that small little crack.) I won't fight it. But he could have waited a small bit (Thinking) before he really did CT ban him, Waiting for him to trip the wire that ganja needed to be able to CT ban him without MASS confusion.
  30. -1 points

    Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source

    That reason is used a lot, It's basically for rules that we don't want to explain but we know are bannable (It's not a big deal), Or the reason is too long. I'd assume either the rebel didn't pick the gun up (if it really was a map gun) and had his own, or it was for another reason in the past just before it. We still don't know exactly why he was banned. But i think it's fine.
  31. -1 points

    SexyPandaMan - Counter-Strike: Source

    +/-0 I've seen you in game but not enough to form a + or -1.
  32. -1 points

    Bye bye

    Hey everyone, I would just like to tell everyone I'm leaving for a couple reasons, 1: I'm really bored of steam in general. I might get on ts every once in a while when I'm playing league, but other than that I won't. 2: School just started so I'm going to need to focus on that. #Senior 3: My girlfriend and I are together all the time, so I would much rather be with her than spend my time here, no offence. So yeah, bye everyone. I've made great friends with everyone and there would be no point naming them all because it would take too long, yadda yadda. Deuces everyone.
  33. -1 points


    got lacrosse pratice like 3 nites a week so ye
  34. -2 points
    Also, OP edited original post to nevermind. -Closing
  35. -2 points
    I'm going get CS:S so i can be part of these threads :D!
  36. -2 points

    Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source

    No. We aren't as receptive to children.
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